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* ===============================================================
* SourceMod, Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* ===============================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK. This file may only be
* used or modified under the Terms and Conditions of its License Agreement,
* which is found in public/licenses/LICENSE.txt. As of this notice, derivative
* works must be licensed under the GNU General Public License (version 2 or
* greater). A copy of the GPL is included under public/licenses/GPL.txt.
* To view the latest information, see: http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php
* Version: $Id$
#include <IShareSys.h>
#include <IHandleSys.h>
* @file IMenuManager.h
* @brief Abstracts on-screen menus for clients.
namespace SourceMod
* @brief Used to determine how an item selection is interpreted.
enum ItemSelection
ItemSel_None, /**< Invalid selection */
ItemSel_Back, /**< Go back one page */
ItemSel_Next, /**< Go forward one page */
ItemSel_Exit, /**< Menu was exited */
ItemSel_Item, /**< Valid item selection */
* @brief Used to determine which order to search for items in.
enum ItemOrder
ItemOrder_Ascending, /**< Items should be drawn ascendingly */
ItemOrder_Descending, /**< Items should be drawn descendingly */
* @brief Pairs an item type with an item menu position.
struct menu_slots_t
ItemSelection type; /**< Item selection type */
unsigned int item; /**< Item position, if applicable */
class IBaseMenu;
class IMenuPanel;
class IMenuHandler;
* @brief Describes menu display information.
struct menu_states_t
unsigned int apiVers; /**< Must be filled with the API version */
IBaseMenu *menu; /**< Menu pointer, or NULL if there is only a display */
IMenuHandler *mh; /**< Menu callbacks handler */
unsigned int firstItem; /**< MENU ONLY: First item displayed on the last page */
unsigned int lastItem; /**< MENU ONLY: Last item displayed on the last page */
menu_slots_t slots[11]; /**< MENU ONLY: Item selection table (first index is 1) */
#define ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT (0) /**< Item should be drawn normally */
#define ITEMDRAW_DISABLED (1<<0) /**< Item is drawn but not selectable */
#define ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE (1<<1) /**< Item should be a raw line, without a slot */
#define ITEMDRAW_NOTEXT (1<<2) /**< No text should be drawn */
#define ITEMDRAW_SPACER (1<<3) /**< Item should be drawn as a spacer, if possible */
#define ITEMDRAW_IGNORE ((1<<1)|(1<<2)) /**< Item should be completely ignored (rawline + notext) */
#define ITEMDRAW_CONTROL (1<<4) /**< Item is control text (back/next/exit) */
* @brief Information about item drawing.
struct ItemDrawInfo
style = 0;
display = NULL;
ItemDrawInfo(const char *DISPLAY, unsigned int STYLE=ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT)
: display(DISPLAY), style(STYLE)
const char *display; /**< Display text (NULL for none) */
unsigned int style; /**< ITEMDRAW style flags */
* @brief Reasons for a menu dying.
enum MenuCancelReason
MenuCancel_Disconnect = -1, /**< Client dropped from the server */
MenuCancel_Interrupt = -2, /**< Client was interrupted with another menu */
MenuCancel_Exit = -3, /**< Client selected "exit" on a paginated menu */
MenuCancel_NoDisplay = -4, /**< Menu could not be displayed to the client */
* @brief Reasons a menu ended.
enum MenuEndReason
MenuEnd_Cancelled = -1, /**< Menu was cancelled, reason was passed in MenuAction_Cancel */
MenuEnd_Exit = -2, /**< Menu was cleanly exited (but cancelled) */
MenuEnd_Selected = -3, /**< Menu item was selected and thus the menu is finished */
MenuEnd_VotingDone = -4, /**< Voting finished */
MenuEnd_VotingCancelled = -5, /**< Voting was cancelled */
#define MENU_NO_PAGINATION 0 /**< Menu should not be paginated (10 items max) */
#define MENU_TIME_FOREVER 0 /**< Menu should be displayed as long as possible */
* @brief Extended menu options.
enum MenuOption
MenuOption_IntroMessage, /**< CONST CHAR *: Valve menus only; defaults to:
"You have a menu, hit ESC"
MenuOption_IntroColor, /**< INT[4]: Valve menus only; specifies the intro message colour
using R,G,B,A (defaults to 255,0,0,255)
MenuOption_Priority, /**< INT *: Valve menus only; priority (less is higher) */
* @brief Describes the menu a player is viewing.
enum MenuSource
MenuSource_None = 0, /**< No menu is being displayed */
MenuSource_External = 1, /**< External menu, no pointer */
MenuSource_BaseMenu = 2, /**< An IBaseMenu pointer. */
MenuSource_Display = 3, /**< IMenuPanel source, no pointer */
class IMenuStyle;
* @brief Sets how a raw menu should be drawn.
class IMenuPanel
* @brief Returns the parent IMenuStyle pointer.
* @return IMenuStyle pointer which created
* this object.
virtual IMenuStyle *GetParentStyle() =0;
* @brief Resets/clears the cached display text.
virtual void Reset() =0;
* @brief Sets how the title should be drawn.
* @param text Text string to display for the title.
* @param onlyIfEmpty Only sets the title if one does not already
* exist.
virtual void DrawTitle(const char *text, bool onlyIfEmpty=false) =0;
* @brief Adds an item to the menu and returns the position (1-10).
* Note: Item will fail to draw if there are too many items,
* or the item is not drawable (for example, invisible).
* @return Item draw position, or 0 on failure.
virtual unsigned int DrawItem(const ItemDrawInfo &item) =0;
* @brief Draws a raw line of text, if supported. The line does not
* need to be newline terminated.
* @return True on success, false if not supported.
virtual bool DrawRawLine(const char *rawline) =0;
* @brief Sets an extended menu option.
* @param option Option type.
* @param valuePtr Pointer of the type expected by the option.
* @return True on success, false if option or value is not supported.
virtual bool SetExtOption(MenuOption option, const void *valuePtr) =0;
* @brief Returns whether the display is capable of rendering an item
* with the given flags.
* @param flags ITEMDRAW flags.
* @return True if renderable, false otherwise.
virtual bool CanDrawItem(unsigned int drawFlags) =0;
* @brief Sends the menu display to a client.
* @param client Client index to display to.
* @param handler Menu handler to use.
* @param time Time to hold menu for.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool SendDisplay(int client, IMenuHandler *handler, unsigned int time) =0;
* @brief Destroys the display object.
virtual void DeleteThis() =0;
* @brief Sets the selectable key map. Returns false if the function
* is not supported.
* @param keys A bit string where each bit N-1 specifies
* that key N is selectable (key 0 is bit 9).
* If the selectable key map is 0, it will be
* automatically set to allow 0.
* @return True on success, false if not supported.
virtual bool SetSelectableKeys(unsigned int keymap) =0;
* @brief Returns the current key position.
* @return Current key position starting at 1.
virtual unsigned int GetCurrentKey() =0;
* @brief Sets the next key position. This cannot be used
* to traverse backwards.
* @param key Key that is greater or equal to
* GetCurrentKey().
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetCurrentKey(unsigned int key) =0;
* @brief Describes a "MenuStyle" system which manages
* menu drawing and construction.
class IMenuStyle
* @brief Returns the style API version.
* @return API version.
virtual unsigned int GetStyleAPIVersion()
* @brief Returns the name of the menu style.
* @return String containing the style name.
virtual const char *GetStyleName() =0;
* @brief Creates an IMenuPanel object.
* Note: the object should be freed using ::DeleteThis.
* @return IMenuPanel object.
virtual IMenuPanel *CreatePanel() =0;
* @brief Creates an IBaseMenu object of this style.
* Note: the object should be freed using IBaseMenu::Destroy.
* @param handler IMenuHandler pointer.
* @param pOwner Optional IdentityToken_t owner for handle
* creation.
* @return An IBaseMenu pointer.
virtual IBaseMenu *CreateMenu(IMenuHandler *handler, IdentityToken_t *pOwner=NULL) =0;
* @brief Returns the maximum number of items per page.
* @return Number of items per page.
virtual unsigned int GetMaxPageItems() =0;
* @brief Returns whether or not a client is viewing a menu.
* @param client Client index.
* @param object Optional pointer to retrieve menu object,
* if any.
* @return MenuSource value.
virtual MenuSource GetClientMenu(int client, void **object) =0;
* @brief Cancels a client's menu.
* @param client Client index.
* @param autoIgnore If true, no menus can be created during
* the cancellation process.
* @return True if a menu was cancelled, false otherwise.
virtual bool CancelClientMenu(int client, bool autoIgnore=false) =0;
* @brief Returns a Handle the IMenuStyle object.
* @return Handle_t pointing to this object.
virtual Handle_t GetHandle() =0;
* @brief High-level interface for building menus.
class IBaseMenu
* @brief Appends an item to the end of a menu.
* @param info Item information string.
* @param draw Default drawing information.
* @return True on success, false on item limit reached.
virtual bool AppendItem(const char *info, const ItemDrawInfo &draw) =0;
* @brief Inserts an item into the menu before a certain position;
* the new item will be at the given position and all next items
* pushed forward.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @param info Item information string.
* @param draw Default item draw info.
* @return True on success, false on invalid menu position
virtual bool InsertItem(unsigned int position, const char *info, const ItemDrawInfo &draw) =0;
* @brief Removes an item from the menu.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @return True on success, false on invalid menu position.
virtual bool RemoveItem(unsigned int position) =0;
* @brief Removes all items from the menu.
virtual void RemoveAllItems() =0;
* @brief Returns an item's info.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @param draw Optional pointer to store a draw information.
* @return Info string pointer, or NULL if position was invalid.
virtual const char *GetItemInfo(unsigned int position, ItemDrawInfo *draw) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of items.
* @return Number of items in the menu.
virtual unsigned int GetItemCount() =0;
* @brief Sets the menu's pagination,.
* @param itemsPerPage Number of items per page, or MENU_NO_PAGINATION.
* @return True on success, false if itemsPerPage is too large.
virtual bool SetPagination(unsigned int itemsPerPage) =0;
* @brief Returns an item's pagination.
* @return Pagination setting.
virtual unsigned int GetPagination() =0;
* @brief Returns the menu style.
* @return Menu style.
virtual IMenuStyle *GetDrawStyle() =0;
* @brief Sets the menu's display title/message.
* @param message Message (format options allowed).
virtual void SetDefaultTitle(const char *message) =0;
* @brief Returns the menu's display/title message.
* @return Message string.
virtual const char *GetDefaultTitle() =0;
* @brief Sets an extended menu option.
* @param option Option type.
* @param valuePtr Pointer of the type expected by the option.
* @return True on success, false if option or value is not supported.
virtual bool SetExtOption(MenuOption option, const void *valuePtr) =0;
* @brief Creates a new IMenuPanel object using extended options specific
* to the IMenuStyle parent. Titles, items, etc, are not copied.
* Note: The object should be freed with IMenuPanel::DeleteThis.
* @return IMenuPanel pointer.
virtual IMenuPanel *CreatePanel() =0;
* @brief Returns whether or not the menu should have an "Exit" button for
* paginated menus.
* @return True to have an exit button, false otherwise.
virtual bool GetExitButton() =0;
* @brief Sets whether or not the menu should have an "Exit" button for
* paginated menus.
* @param set True to enable, false to disable the exit button.
* @return True on success, false if the exit button is
* non-optional.
virtual bool SetExitButton(bool set) =0;
* @brief Sends the menu to a client.
* @param client Client index to display to.
* @param time Time to hold menu for.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Display(int client, unsigned int time) =0;
* @brief Destroys the menu and frees all associated resources.
* @param releaseHandle If true, the Handle will be released
* in the destructor. This should be set
* to true except for IHandleTypeDispatch
* destructors.
virtual void Destroy(bool releaseHandle=true) =0;
* @brief Cancels the menu on all client's displays. While the menu is
* being cancelled, the menu may not be re-displayed to any clients.
* If a vote menu is currently active, it will be cancelled as well.
* @return Number of menus cancelled.
virtual void Cancel() =0;
* @brief Returns the menu's Handle. The Handle is automatically
* removed when the menu is destroyed.
* @return Handle_t handle value.
virtual Handle_t GetHandle() =0;
* @brief Sends a menu to multiple clients as a vote menu. All callbacks
* will be sent as normal, except two extras, OnMenuVoteStart and
* OnMenuVoteEnd, will be called.
* @param clients Array of client indexes.
* @param numClients Number of client indexes in the array.
* @param maxTime Maximum amount of time to hold the vote.
* @param flags Optional voting flags (currently unused).
* @return True on success, false if a vote is already in
* progress (the menu must be cancelled first).
virtual bool BroadcastVote(int clients[],
unsigned int numClients,
unsigned int maxTime,
unsigned int flags=0) =0;
* @brief Returns whether a vote menu is active.
* @return True if a vote menu is active, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsVoteInProgress() =0;
* @brief Contains callbacks for menu actions.
class IMenuHandler
* @brief Returns the menu api verison.
* @return Menu API version.
virtual unsigned int GetMenuAPIVersion2()
* @brief A display/selection cycle has started.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
virtual void OnMenuStart(IBaseMenu *menu)
* @brief Called before a menu is being displayed. This is where
* you can set an alternate title on the menu.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
* @param client Client index.
* @param display IMenuPanel pointer.
virtual void OnMenuDisplay(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, IMenuPanel *display)
* @brief Called when an item is selected.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
* @param client Client that selected the item.
* @param item Item number.
virtual void OnMenuSelect(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item)
* @brief An active menu display was dropped from a client.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
* @param client Client that had the menu.
* @param reason Menu cancellation reason.
virtual void OnMenuCancel(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, MenuCancelReason reason)
* @brief A display/selection cycle has ended.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
virtual void OnMenuEnd(IBaseMenu *menu, MenuEndReason reason)
* @brief Called when the menu object is destroyed.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
virtual void OnMenuDestroy(IBaseMenu *menu)
* @brief Called when requesting how to render an item.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
* @param client Client index receiving the menu.
* @param item Item number in the menu.
* @param style ITEMSTYLE flags, by reference for modification.
virtual void OnMenuDrawItem(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item, unsigned int &style)
* @brief Called when requesting how to draw an item's text.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
* @param client Client index receiving the menu.
* @param item Item number in the menu.
* @param display Pointer to the display text string (changeable).
virtual void OnMenuDisplayItem(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item, const char **display)
* @brief Called when a vote has been started and displayed to
* clients. This is called after OnMenuStart() and OnMenuDisplay(),
* but before OnMenuSelect().
* @param menu Menu pointer.
virtual void OnMenuVoteStart(IBaseMenu *menu)
* @brief Called when a vote ends. This is automatically called by the
* wrapper, and never needs to called from a style implementation.
* This function does not replace OnMenuEnd(), nor does it have the
* same meaning as OnMenuEnd(), meaning you should not destroy a menu
* while it is in this function.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
* @param item Item position that was chosen by a majority.
* @param winningVotes Number of votes from the winning item.
* @param totalVotes Number of votes total.
virtual void OnMenuVoteEnd(IBaseMenu *menu,
unsigned int item,
unsigned int winningVotes,
unsigned int totalVotes)
* @brief Called when a vote is cancelled. If this is called, then
* OnMenuVoteEnd() will not be called. In both cases, OnMenuEnd will
* always be called.
* @param menu Menu pointer.
virtual void OnMenuVoteCancel(IBaseMenu *menu)
* @brief Contains functions for managing a vote handler.
class IVoteMenuHandler : public IMenuHandler
* @brief Returns whether or not a vote is in progress.
* @return True if a vote is in progress, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsVoteInProgress() =0;
* @brief Use this to mark the vote as in progress (start).
* @param menu Menu pointer.
virtual void InitializeVoting(IBaseMenu *menu) =0;
* @brief Use this to notify that all clients' displays have been
* processed (i.e., there are no more clients to display to).
virtual void StartVoting() =0;
* @brief Notifies the vote handler that the voting should be
* cancelled.
* Cancellation is not immediate and will only occur once every menu
* has been cancelled from clients. Thus this should only be called
* from the beginning of IBaseMenu::Cancel.
virtual void CancelVoting() =0;
* @brief Manages menu creation and displaying.
class IMenuManager : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName()
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion()
virtual bool IsVersionCompatible(unsigned int version)
if (version < 5 || version > GetInterfaceVersion())
return false;
return true;
* @brief Finds a style by name.
* @param name Name of the style (case insensitive).
* @return IMenuStyle pointer, or NULL if not found.
virtual IMenuStyle *FindStyleByName(const char *name) =0;
* @brief Returns the default draw style Core is using.
* @return Menu style pointer.
virtual IMenuStyle *GetDefaultStyle() =0;
* @brief Given a set of menu states, converts it to an IDisplay object.
* The state parameter is both INPUT and OUTPUT.
* INPUT: menu, mh, firstItem, lastItem
* OUTPUT: display, firstItem, lastItem, slots
* @param client Client index.
* @param states Menu states.
* @return IDisplay pointer, or NULL if no items could be
* found in the IBaseMenu pointer, or NULL if any
* other error occurred. Any valid pointer must
* be freed using IMenuPanel::DeleteThis.
virtual IMenuPanel *RenderMenu(int client, menu_states_t &states, ItemOrder order) =0;
* @brief Creates a standard voting wrapper. The wrapper is not
* re-entrant; a second menu cannot be displayed on the same handler
* at the same time.
* @param mh Menu handler to wrap around.
* @return An IMenuHandler pointer that is a wrapper
* around IMenuHandler callbacks to invoke
* voting related callbacks.
virtual IVoteMenuHandler *CreateVoteWrapper(IMenuHandler *mh) =0;
* @brief Frees a standard voting wrapper.
* @param mh Menu handler pointer created by
* CreateVoteWrapper(). NULL values will be
* safely ignored.
virtual void ReleaseVoteWrapper(IVoteMenuHandler *mh) =0;