Scott Ehlert 97c26eee3c Updated copyright year
extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/trunk%401964
2008-03-27 04:54:56 +00:00

652 lines
16 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod BinTools Extension
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <sm_platform.h>
#include "extension.h"
#include <jit_helpers.h>
#include <x86_macros.h>
#include "jit_call.h"
jit_uint32_t g_StackUsage = 0;
jit_uint32_t g_StackAlign = 0;
jit_uint32_t g_RegDecoder = 0;
* Assembly Helpers *
inline jit_uint8_t _DecodeRegister3(jit_uint32_t val)
switch (val % 3)
case 0:
return REG_EAX;
case 1:
return REG_EDX;
case 2:
return REG_ECX;
/* Should never happen */
return 0xFF;
* Assembly Opcodes *
inline void Write_Execution_Prologue(JitWriter *jit, bool is_void, bool has_params)
//push ebp
//mov ebp, esp
//if !is_void
// push edi
// mov edi, [ebp+12]
//if has_params
// push ebx
// mov ebx, [ebp+8]
//push esi
//mov esi, esp
//and esp, 0xFFFFFFF0
//sub esp, <alignment>
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EBP);
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_EBP, REG_ESP, MOD_REG);
if (!is_void)
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EDI);
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, REG_EDI, REG_EBP, 12);
if (has_params)
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EBX);
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, REG_EBX, REG_EBP, 8);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_ESI);
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_ESI, REG_ESP, MOD_REG);
IA32_And_Rm_Imm8(jit, REG_ESP, MOD_REG, -16);
if (!jit->outbase)
/* Alloc this instruction before knowing the real stack usage */
IA32_Sub_Rm_Imm32(jit, REG_ESP, 1337, MOD_REG);
} else {
if (g_StackAlign)
IA32_Sub_Rm_Imm32(jit, REG_ESP, g_StackAlign, MOD_REG);
inline void Write_Function_Epilogue(JitWriter *jit, bool is_void, bool has_params)
//mov esp, esi
//pop esi
//if has_params
// pop ebx
//if !is_void
// pop edi
//mov esp, ebp
//pop ebp
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_ESP, REG_ESI, MOD_REG);
IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_ESI);
if (has_params)
IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_EBX);
if (!is_void)
IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_EDI);
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_ESP, REG_EBP, MOD_REG);
IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_EBP);
inline void Write_PushPOD(JitWriter *jit, const PassEncode *pEnc)
jit_uint8_t reg = _DecodeRegister3(g_RegDecoder++);
if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_BYVAL)
switch (pEnc->info.size)
case 1:
//movzx reg, BYTE PTR [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Movzx_Reg32_Rm8_Disp8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Movzx_Reg32_Rm8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
} else {
IA32_Movzx_Reg32_Rm8_Disp32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
case 2:
//movzx reg, WORD PTR [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Movzx_Reg32_Rm16_Disp8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Movzx_Reg32_Rm16(jit, reg, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
} else {
IA32_Movzx_Reg32_Rm16_Disp32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
case 4:
//mov reg, DWORD PTR [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, reg, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
} else {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
case 8:
//mov reg, DWORD PTR [ebx+<offset>+4]
//mov reg2, DWORD PTR [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
//push reg2
jit_uint8_t reg2 = _DecodeRegister3(g_RegDecoder++);
if (pEnc->offset+4 < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)(pEnc->offset+4));
} else {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset+4);
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, reg2, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, reg2, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
} else {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp32(jit, reg2, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg2);
g_StackUsage += 8;
} else if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_BYREF) {
//lea reg, [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
if (!pEnc->offset)
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EBX);
g_StackUsage += 4;
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else {
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
inline void Write_PushFloat(JitWriter *jit, const PassEncode *pEnc)
if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_BYVAL)
switch (pEnc->info.size)
case 4:
//fld DWORD PTR [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
//fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Fld_Mem32_Disp8(jit, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Fld_Mem32(jit, REG_EBX);
} else {
IA32_Fld_Mem32_Disp32(jit, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, _DecodeRegister3(g_RegDecoder++));
g_StackUsage += 4;
case 8:
//fld QWORD PTR [ebx+<offset>]
//sub esp, 8
//fstp QWORD PTR [esp]
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Fld_Mem64_Disp8(jit, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Fld_Mem64(jit, REG_EBX);
} else {
IA32_Fld_Mem64_Disp32(jit, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Sub_Rm_Imm8(jit, REG_ESP, 8, MOD_REG);
g_StackUsage += 8;
} else if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_BYREF) {
//lea reg, [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
if (!pEnc->offset)
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EBX);
g_StackUsage += 4;
jit_uint8_t reg = _DecodeRegister3(g_RegDecoder++);
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else {
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
inline void Write_PushObject(JitWriter *jit, const PassEncode *pEnc)
if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_BYVAL)
if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_ODTOR)
goto push_byref;
jit_uint32_t dwords = pEnc->info.size >> 2;
jit_uint32_t bytes = pEnc->info.size & 0x3;
//sub esp, <size>
//push edi
//push esi
//lea edi, [esp+8]
//lea esi, [ebx+<offs>]
//if dwords
// mov ecx, <dwords>
// rep movsd
//if bytes
// mov ecx, <bytes>
// rep movsb
//pop esi
//pop edi
if (pEnc->info.size < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Sub_Rm_Imm8(jit, REG_ESP, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->info.size, MOD_REG);
} else {
IA32_Sub_Rm_Imm32(jit, REG_ESP, pEnc->info.size, MOD_REG);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EDI);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_ESI);
IA32_Lea_Reg_DispRegMultImm8(jit, REG_EDI, REG_NOIDX, REG_ESP, NOSCALE, 8);
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm8(jit, REG_ESI, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else if (!pEnc->offset) {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_ESI, REG_EBX, MOD_REG);
} else {
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm32(jit, REG_ESI, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
if (dwords)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, REG_ECX, dwords);
if (bytes)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, REG_ECX, bytes);
IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_ESI);
IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_EDI);
g_StackUsage += pEnc->info.size;
} else if (pEnc->info.flags & PASSFLAG_BYREF) {
if (!pEnc->offset)
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EBX);
g_StackUsage += 4;
//lea reg, [ebx+<offset>]
//push reg
jit_uint8_t reg = _DecodeRegister3(g_RegDecoder++);
if (pEnc->offset < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm8(jit, reg, REG_EBX, (jit_int8_t)pEnc->offset);
} else {
IA32_Lea_DispRegImm32(jit, reg, REG_EBX, pEnc->offset);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
inline void Write_PushThisPtr(JitWriter *jit)
//mov reg, [ebx]
//push reg
jit_uint8_t reg = _DecodeRegister3(g_RegDecoder++);
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, reg, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, reg);
g_StackUsage += 4;
#elif defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS
//mov ecx, [ebx]
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_ECX, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
inline void Write_PushRetBuffer(JitWriter *jit)
//push edi
IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EDI);
inline void Write_CallFunction(JitWriter *jit, FuncAddrMethod method, CallWrapper *pWrapper)
if (method == FuncAddr_Direct)
//call <addr>
jitoffs_t call = IA32_Call_Imm32(jit, 0);
IA32_Write_Jump32_Abs(jit, call, pWrapper->m_Addrs[ADDR_CALLEE]);
} else if (method == FuncAddr_VTable) {
//*(this + thisOffs + vtblOffs)[vtblIdx]
//mov edx, [ebx]
//mov eax, [edx+<thisOffs>+<vtblOffs>]
//mov edx, [eax+<vtblIdx>*4]
//call edx
jit_uint32_t total_offs = pWrapper->m_VtInfo.thisOffs + pWrapper->m_VtInfo.vtblOffs;
jit_uint32_t vfunc_pos = pWrapper->m_VtInfo.vtblIdx * 4;
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_EDX, REG_EBX, MOD_MEM_REG);
if (total_offs < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, REG_EAX, REG_EDX, (jit_int8_t)total_offs);
} else if (!total_offs) {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_EAX, REG_EDX, MOD_MEM_REG);
} else {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp32(jit, REG_EAX, REG_EDX, total_offs);
if (vfunc_pos < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, REG_EDX, REG_EAX, (jit_int8_t)vfunc_pos);
} else if (!vfunc_pos) {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, REG_EDX, REG_EAX, MOD_MEM_REG);
} else {
IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp32(jit, REG_EDX, REG_EAX, vfunc_pos);
IA32_Call_Reg(jit, REG_EDX);
inline void Write_RectifyStack(JitWriter *jit, jit_uint32_t value)
//add esp, <value>
if (value < SCHAR_MAX)
IA32_Add_Rm_Imm8(jit, REG_ESP, (jit_int8_t)value, MOD_REG);
} else {
IA32_Add_Rm_Imm32(jit, REG_ESP, value, MOD_REG);
inline void Write_MovRet2Buf(JitWriter *jit, const PassInfo *pRet)
if (pRet->type == PassType_Float)
switch (pRet->size)
case 4:
//fstp DWORD PTR [edi]
IA32_Fstp_Mem32(jit, REG_EDI);
case 8:
//fstp QWORD PTR [edi]
IA32_Fstp_Mem64(jit, REG_EDI);
switch (pRet->size)
case 1:
//mov BYTE PTR [edi], al
IA32_Mov_Rm8_Reg8(jit, REG_EDI, REG_EAX, MOD_MEM_REG);
case 2:
//mov WORD PTR [edi], ax
IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg(jit, REG_EDI, REG_EAX, MOD_MEM_REG);
case 4:
//mov DWORD PTR [edi], eax
IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg(jit, REG_EDI, REG_EAX, MOD_MEM_REG);
case 8:
//mov DWORD PTR [edi], eax
//mov DWORD PTR [edi+4], edx
IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg(jit, REG_EDI, REG_EAX, MOD_MEM_REG);
IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg_Disp8(jit, REG_EDI, REG_EDX, 4);
* Assembly Compiler Function *
void JIT_Compile(CallWrapper *pWrapper, FuncAddrMethod method)
JitWriter writer;
JitWriter *jit = &writer;
jit_uint32_t CodeSize = 0;
bool Needs_Retbuf = false;
CallConvention Convention = pWrapper->GetCallConvention();
jit_uint32_t ParamCount = pWrapper->GetParamCount();
const PassInfo *pRet = pWrapper->GetReturnInfo();
bool hasParams = (ParamCount || Convention == CallConv_ThisCall);
g_StackUsage = 0;
writer.outbase = NULL;
writer.outptr = NULL;
/* Write function prologue */
Write_Execution_Prologue(jit, (pRet) ? false : true, hasParams);
/* Write parameter push code */
for (jit_int32_t i=ParamCount-1; i>=0; i--)
const PassEncode *pEnc = pWrapper->GetParamInfo(i);
switch (pEnc->info.type)
case PassType_Basic:
Write_PushPOD(jit, pEnc);
case PassType_Float:
Write_PushFloat(jit, pEnc);
case PassType_Object:
Write_PushObject(jit, pEnc);
/* Prepare the this ptr if applicable */
if (Convention == CallConv_ThisCall)
/* Skip the return buffer stuff if this is a void function */
if (!pRet)
goto skip_retbuffer;
if ((pRet->type == PassType_Object) && (pRet->flags & PASSFLAG_BYVAL))
Needs_Retbuf = true;
#elif defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS
if ((Convention == CallConv_ThisCall) ||
((Convention == CallConv_Cdecl) &&
Needs_Retbuf = true;
/* Prepare the return buffer in case we are returning objects by value. */
if (Needs_Retbuf)
/* Write the calling code */
Write_CallFunction(jit, method, pWrapper);
/* Clean up the calling stack */
if ((ParamCount || Needs_Retbuf) && (Convention == CallConv_Cdecl))
/* Pop all parameters from the stack + hidden return pointer */
jit_uint32_t total = (Needs_Retbuf) ? g_StackUsage + sizeof(void *) : g_StackUsage;
Write_RectifyStack(jit, total);
#elif defined PLATFORM_POSIX
if (hasParams)
/* Pop all parameters from the stack */
Write_RectifyStack(jit, g_StackUsage);
/* Copy the return type to the return buffer if the function is not void */
if (pRet && !Needs_Retbuf)
Write_MovRet2Buf(jit, pRet);
/* Write Function Epilogue */
Write_Function_Epilogue(jit, (pRet) ? false : true, hasParams);
if (writer.outbase == NULL)
CodeSize = writer.get_outputpos();
writer.outbase = (jitcode_t)g_SPEngine->AllocatePageMemory(CodeSize);
writer.outptr = writer.outbase;
pWrapper->m_Addrs[ADDR_CODEBASE] = writer.outbase;
g_StackAlign = (g_StackUsage) ? ((g_StackUsage & 0xFFFFFFF0) + 16) - g_StackUsage : 0;
g_StackUsage = 0;
g_RegDecoder = 0;
Needs_Retbuf = false;
goto jit_rewind;