peace-maker e5342afe2a
Add PostgreSQL database driver ()
* Add PostgreSQL DBI extension

This adds a postgresql database driver called "pgsql".
The ambuild script changes could be very wrong ;)

* Add pgsql support to clientprefs

This was originally made by Lyfe in bug 3849! Thanks for that.
PostgreSQL supports the 'IF NOT EXISTS' clause when creating tables
since version 9.1, so i've switched to use that.

* Added pgsql support to sql-admin-manager

* Add --pgsql-path to ambuild configure

* More ambuild fixes

* Compile libpq with ambuild

* Try to generate postgres configs

* Add dummy config file

* More ambuild fixes

* Get errorcode and readable error in preparequery

No need to stop getting the errorCode, if the error string should be
retrieved. Just return both!

* Fix indentation in AMBuilderPGSQL

* Try to patch and configure postgres through ambuild

* Revert "Try to patch and configure postgres through ambuild"

This reverts commit 68dfc82b8eb0ce11f621af67ec247b5f47e4a189.

* Update to use PostgreSQL 9.4

* Move postgres preparation into seperate script

Fetching, preparing and configuring of the postgresql sourcecode
is done in a seperate script now.

People can use this script for their manual builds,
if they don't want to use

* Add patch to again

Remove the version check for autoconf in postgres 9.4 too.

* Nit: Support older objdirs for hasPgSql ambuild option

* Update to use PostgreSQL 9.4.6

* Use newer AMTL and PGSQL 9.6

* Fix threaded queries

When running the thread part of a query, it already gets the atomic
lock. Don't try to get it twice in that case.

Use a seperate lock to protect access to the lastInsertID and
lastAffectedRows variables.

* Fix SetCharacterSet racing with threaded queries

Same fix like in the mysql driver.

* Use ke::AutoLock for lastInsertID mutex

* Fix fetching one more row than available

Don't try to access a row that doesn't exist when iterating rows.

* Improve sanity checks on column access

Don't call libpq functions with out of bounds column indices.

* Let QuoteString return false if quoting failed

* Fix build for x64 support changes and update to PGSQL 9.6.9

* Fix linux build

* Fix building of connection options string

snprintf doesn't support overlapping buffers.

* Update to PostgreSQL 9.6.15

* Fix crash after freeing first IQuery object

* Fix code crunch

* Fix memory leak, cleanup

* Nuke MSVC project and Makefile

* Remove unsupported numeric error codes

* Use STL threads

* Add prebuilt libpq for Linux and Windows

* Restore and fix version.rc file

* Add PostgreSQL build instructions

* Add prebuilt libpq for Mac

* Add win64 libpq build

This is version 9.6.15 since that's what I still had laying around.

* Fix buildscript

* Fix x64 build on linux and mac

Co-authored-by: Erik Minekus <>
2021-03-11 11:21:51 +01:00

123 lines
4.2 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod PostgreSQL Extension
* Copyright (C) 2013 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
* @file extension.h
* @brief Sample extension code header.
#include "smsdk_ext.h"
* @brief Sample implementation of the SDK Extension.
* Note: Uncomment one of the pre-defined virtual functions in order to use it.
class DBI_PgSQL : public SDKExtension
* @brief This is called after the initial loading sequence has been processed.
* @param error Error message buffer.
* @param maxlength Size of error message buffer.
* @param late Whether or not the module was loaded after map load.
* @return True to succeed loading, false to fail.
virtual bool SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late);
* @brief This is called right before the extension is unloaded.
virtual void SDK_OnUnload();
* @brief This is called once all known extensions have been loaded.
* Note: It is is a good idea to add natives here, if any are provided.
//virtual void SDK_OnAllLoaded();
* @brief Called when the pause state is changed.
//virtual void SDK_OnPauseChange(bool paused);
* @brief this is called when Core wants to know if your extension is working.
* @param error Error message buffer.
* @param maxlength Size of error message buffer.
* @return True if working, false otherwise.
//virtual bool QueryRunning(char *error, size_t maxlength);
const char *GetExtensionVerString();
const char *GetExtensionDateString();
* @brief Called when Metamod is attached, before the extension version is called.
* @param error Error buffer.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of error buffer.
* @param late Whether or not Metamod considers this a late load.
* @return True to succeed, false to fail.
//virtual bool SDK_OnMetamodLoad(ISmmAPI *ismm, char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late);
* @brief Called when Metamod is detaching, after the extension version is called.
* NOTE: By default this is blocked unless sent from SourceMod.
* @param error Error buffer.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of error buffer.
* @return True to succeed, false to fail.
//virtual bool SDK_OnMetamodUnload(char *error, size_t maxlength);
* @brief Called when Metamod's pause state is changing.
* NOTE: By default this is blocked unless sent from SourceMod.
* @param paused Pause state being set.
* @param error Error buffer.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of error buffer.
* @return True to succeed, false to fail.
//virtual bool SDK_OnMetamodPauseChange(bool paused, char *error, size_t maxlength);