David Anderson 3b4c800baa (merging from branch) fixed amb1583 - MySQL string fetch from prepared queries returned corrupted data.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/trunk%402217
2008-05-29 04:47:42 +00:00

687 lines
16 KiB

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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod MySQL Extension
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include "MyBoundResults.h"
/* :IDEA: When we have to refetch a buffer to do type changes, should we rebind
* the buffer so the next fetch will predict the proper cast? Probably yes since
* these things are done in standard iterations, but maybe users should be punished
* for not using the API as it was intended? Maybe it should be an option set to
* on by default to catch the bad users?
enum_field_types GetTheirType(DBType type)
switch (type)
case DBType_Float:
case DBType_Integer:
case DBType_String:
case DBType_Blob:
case DBType_Unknown:
MyBoundResults::MyBoundResults(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_RES *res)
: m_stmt(stmt), m_pRes(res), m_Initialized(false), m_RowCount(0), m_CurRow(0)
* Important things to note here:
* 1) We're guaranteed at least one field.
* 2) The field information should never change, and thus we
* never rebuild it. If someone ALTERs the table during
* a prepared query's lifetime, it's their own death.
m_ColCount = (unsigned int)mysql_num_fields(m_pRes);
/* Allocate buffers */
m_bind = (MYSQL_BIND *)malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) * m_ColCount);
m_pull = (ResultBind *)malloc(sizeof(ResultBind) * m_ColCount);
/* Zero data */
memset(m_bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) * m_ColCount);
memset(m_pull, 0, sizeof(ResultBind) * m_ColCount);
m_bUpdatedBinds = false;
if (m_Initialized)
/* Make sure we free our internal buffers */
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_ColCount; i++)
delete [] m_pull[i].blob;
void MyBoundResults::Update()
m_RowCount = (unsigned int)mysql_stmt_num_rows(m_stmt);
m_CurRow = 0;
bool MyBoundResults::Initialize()
/* Check if we need to build our result binding information */
if (!m_Initialized)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_ColCount; i++)
MYSQL_FIELD *field = mysql_fetch_field_direct(m_pRes, i);
DBType type = GetOurType(field->type);
m_bind[i].length = &(m_pull[i].my_length);
m_bind[i].is_null = &(m_pull[i].my_null);
if (type == DBType_Integer)
m_bind[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
m_bind[i].buffer = &(m_pull[i].data.ival);
} else if (type == DBType_Float) {
m_bind[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT;
m_bind[i].buffer = &(m_pull[i].data.ival);
} else if (type == DBType_String || type == DBType_Blob) {
m_bind[i].buffer_type = GetTheirType(type);
/* We bound this to 2048 bytes. Otherwise a MEDIUMBLOB
* or something could allocate horrible amounts of memory
* because MySQL is incompetent.
size_t creat_length = (size_t)field->length;
if (!creat_length || creat_length > DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
creat_length = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
m_pull[i].blob = new unsigned char[creat_length];
m_pull[i].length = creat_length;
m_bind[i].buffer = m_pull[i].blob;
m_bind[i].buffer_length = (unsigned long)creat_length;
} else {
return false;
m_Initialized = true;
/* Do the actual bind */
return (mysql_stmt_bind_result(m_stmt, m_bind) == 0);
unsigned int MyBoundResults::GetRowCount()
return m_RowCount;
unsigned int MyBoundResults::GetFieldCount()
return m_ColCount;
const char *MyBoundResults::FieldNumToName(unsigned int columnId)
if (columnId >= m_ColCount)
return NULL;
MYSQL_FIELD *field = mysql_fetch_field_direct(m_pRes, columnId);
return field ? (field->name ? field->name : "") : "";
bool MyBoundResults::FieldNameToNum(const char *name, unsigned int *columnId)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_ColCount; i++)
if (strcmp(name, FieldNumToName(i)) == 0)
*columnId = i;
return true;
return false;
bool MyBoundResults::MoreRows()
return (m_CurRow < m_RowCount);
IResultRow *MyBoundResults::FetchRow()
if (!MoreRows())
m_CurRow = m_RowCount + 1;
return NULL;
if (m_bUpdatedBinds)
if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(m_stmt, m_bind) != 0)
return false;
m_bUpdatedBinds = false;
/* We should be able to get another row */
int err = mysql_stmt_fetch(m_stmt);
if (err == 0 || err == MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED)
return this;
if (err == MYSQL_NO_DATA && m_CurRow == m_RowCount)
return this;
/* Some sort of error occurred */
return NULL;
IResultRow *MyBoundResults::CurrentRow()
if (!m_CurRow || m_CurRow > m_RowCount)
return NULL;
return this;
bool MyBoundResults::Rewind()
mysql_stmt_data_seek(m_stmt, 0);
m_CurRow = 0;
return true;
DBType MyBoundResults::GetFieldType(unsigned int field)
if (field >= m_ColCount)
return DBType_Unknown;
MYSQL_FIELD *fld = mysql_fetch_field_direct(m_pRes, field);
return GetOurType(fld->type);
DBType MyBoundResults::GetFieldDataType(unsigned int field)
return GetFieldType(field);
void ResizeBuffer(ResultBind *bind, size_t len)
if (!bind->blob)
bind->blob = new unsigned char[len];
bind->length = len;
else if (bind->length < len)
delete [] bind->blob;
bind->blob = new unsigned char[len];
bind->length = len;
bool MyBoundResults::RefetchField(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
unsigned int id,
size_t initSize,
enum_field_types type)
ResultBind *rbind = &m_pull[id];
/* Make sure there is a buffer to pull into */
ResizeBuffer(rbind, initSize);
/* Update the bind with the buffer size */
m_bind[id].buffer_length = (unsigned long)rbind->length;
m_bUpdatedBinds = true;
/* Initialize bind info */
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind.buffer = rbind->blob;
bind.buffer_type = type;
bind.buffer_length = (unsigned long)rbind->length;
bind.length = &(rbind->my_length);
bind.is_null = &(rbind->my_null);
/* Attempt to fetch */
return (mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, &bind, id, 0) == 0);
DBResult RefetchSize4Field(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
unsigned int id,
void *buffer,
enum_field_types type)
my_bool is_null;
/* Initialize bind info */
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind.buffer = buffer;
bind.buffer_type = type;
bind.is_null = &is_null;
/* Attempt to fetch */
if (mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, &bind, id, 0) != 0)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
return is_null ? DBVal_Null : DBVal_Data;
bool RefetchUserField(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
unsigned int id,
void *userbuf,
size_t userlen,
enum_field_types type,
my_bool &is_null,
size_t *written)
unsigned long length;
/* Initialize bind info */
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind.buffer = userbuf;
bind.buffer_type = type;
bind.length = &length;
bind.is_null = &is_null;
bind.buffer_length = (unsigned long)userlen;
if (mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, &bind, id, 0) != 0)
return false;
if (is_null)
return true;
if (type == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING && (size_t)length == userlen)
/* Enforce null termination in case MySQL forgot.
* Note we subtract one from the length (which must be >= 1)
* so we can pass the number of bytes written below.
char *data = (char *)userbuf;
data[--userlen] = '\0';
if (written)
/* In the case of strings, they will never be equal */
*written = (userlen < length) ? userlen : length;
return true;
#define BAD_COL_CHECK() \
if (id >= m_ColCount) \
return DBVal_Error;
#define STR_NULL_CHECK_0(var) \
if (var) { \
*pString = NULL; \
if (length) \
*length = 0; \
return DBVal_Null; \
DBResult MyBoundResults::GetString(unsigned int id, const char **pString, size_t *length)
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_STRING)
/* Ugh, we have to re-get this as a string. Sigh, stupid user.
* We're going to disallow conversions from blobs.
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
/* Attempt to refetch the string */
if (!RefetchField(m_stmt, id, 128, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING))
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
/* Check if we have a new null */
/* Okay, we should now have a blob type whether we originally wanted one or not. */
/* Check if the size is too small. Note that MySQL will not null terminate small buffers,
* and it returns the size without the null terminator. This means we need to add an extra
* byte onto the end to accept the terminator until there is a workaround.
* Note that we do an >= check because MySQL appears to want the null terminator included,
* so just to be safe and avoid its inconsistencies, we make sure we'll always have room.
if ((size_t)(m_pull[id].my_length) >= m_pull[id].length)
/* Yes, we need to refetch. */
if (!RefetchField(m_stmt, id, m_pull[id].my_length + 1, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING))
return DBVal_Error;
/* Finally, we can return. We're guaranteed to have a properly NULL-terminated string
* here because we have refetched the string to a bigger length.
*pString = (const char *)m_pull[id].blob;
if (length)
*length = (size_t)m_pull[id].my_length;
return DBVal_Data;
#define STR_NULL_CHECK_1(var) \
if (var) { \
buffer[0] = '\0'; \
if (written) \
*written = 0; \
return DBVal_Null; \
DBResult MyBoundResults::CopyString(unsigned int id, char *buffer, size_t maxlength, size_t *written)
if (!buffer || !maxlength)
return DBVal_Error;
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_STRING)
/* We're going to disallow conversions from blobs. */
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
/* Re-fetch this for the user. This call will guarantee NULL termination. */
my_bool is_null;
if (!RefetchUserField(m_stmt, id, buffer, maxlength, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, is_null, written))
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
return DBVal_Data;
size_t pull_length = (size_t)m_pull[id].my_length;
size_t orig_length = m_pull[id].length;
/* If there's more data in the buffer, we have to look at two cases. */
if (pull_length >= orig_length)
/* If the user supplied a bigger buffer, just refetch for them. */
if (maxlength > orig_length)
my_bool is_null;
RefetchUserField(m_stmt, id, buffer, maxlength, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, is_null, written);
return DBVal_Data;
/* Otherwise, we should enforce null termination from MySQL. */
else if (pull_length == orig_length)
char *data = (char *)m_pull[id].blob;
data[pull_length] = '\0';
/* If we got here, we need to copy the resultant string to the user and be done with it.
* Null termination is guaranteed from the pulled string.
size_t wr = strncopy(buffer, (const char *)m_pull[id].blob, maxlength);
if (written)
*written = wr;
return DBVal_Data;
DBResult MyBoundResults::GetFloat(unsigned int id, float *pFloat)
if (m_pull[id].my_null)
*pFloat = 0.0f;
return DBVal_Null;
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT)
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
/* We have to convert... */
return RefetchSize4Field(m_stmt, id, pFloat, MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT);
*pFloat = m_pull[id].data.fval;
return DBVal_Data;
DBResult MyBoundResults::GetInt(unsigned int id, int *pInt)
if (m_pull[id].my_null)
*pInt = 0;
return DBVal_Null;
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_LONG)
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
/* We have to convert... */
return RefetchSize4Field(m_stmt, id, pInt, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG);
*pInt = m_pull[id].data.ival;
return DBVal_Data;
bool MyBoundResults::IsNull(unsigned int id)
if (id >= m_ColCount)
return true;
return m_pull[id].my_null ? true : false;
#define BLOB_CHECK_NULL_0() \
if (m_pull[id].my_null) { \
*pData = NULL; \
if (length) \
*length = 0; \
return DBVal_Null; \
DBResult MyBoundResults::GetBlob(unsigned int id, const void **pData, size_t *length)
/* We only want blobs to be read as blobs */
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
if ((size_t)m_pull[id].my_length > m_pull[id].length)
if (!RefetchField(m_stmt, id, m_pull[id].my_length, MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB))
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
*pData = m_pull[id].blob;
if (length)
*length = (size_t)m_pull[id].my_length;
return DBVal_Data;
#define BLOB_CHECK_NULL_1(var) \
if (var) { \
if (written) \
*written = 0; \
return DBVal_Null; \
DBResult MyBoundResults::CopyBlob(unsigned int id, void *buffer, size_t maxlength, size_t *written)
/* We only want blobs to be read as blobs */
if (m_bind[id].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
size_t pull_size = (size_t)m_pull[id].my_length;
size_t push_size = m_pull[id].length;
/* Check if we can do a resize and copy in one step */
if (pull_size > push_size
&& maxlength > push_size)
my_bool is_null;
if (!RefetchUserField(m_stmt, id, buffer, maxlength, MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, is_null, written))
return DBVal_TypeMismatch;
return DBVal_Data;
/* If we got here, either there is no more data to refetch,
* or our buffer is too small to receive the refetched data.
size_t buf_bytes = pull_size > push_size ? push_size : pull_size;
size_t to_copy = buf_bytes > maxlength ? maxlength : buf_bytes;
memcpy(buffer, m_pull[id].blob, to_copy);
if (written)
*written = to_copy;
return DBVal_Data;
size_t MyBoundResults::GetDataSize(unsigned int id)
if (id >= m_ColCount)
return 0;
return (size_t)m_pull[id].my_length;