David Anderson 2e7b6b5ba5 jit refactoring branch
branch : refac-jit
extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/branches/refac-jit%402369
2008-07-06 04:49:55 +00:00

580 lines
15 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include "sm_globals.h"
#include <IHandleSys.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "HandleSys.h"
#include "CellArray.h"
* About the double array hack *
Double arrays in Pawn are vectors offset by the current offset. For example:
new array[2][2]
In this array, index 0 contains the offset from the current offset which
results in the final vector [2] (at [0][2]). Meaning, to dereference [1][2],
it is equivalent to:
address = &array[1] + array[1] + 2 * sizeof(cell)
The fact that each offset is from the _current_ position rather than the _base_
position is very important. It means that if you to try to swap vector positions,
the offsets will no longer match, because their current position has changed. A
simple and ingenious way around this is to back up the positions in a separate array,
then to overwrite each position in the old array with absolute indices. Pseudo C++ code:
cell *array; //assumed to be set to the 2+D array
cell *old_offsets = new cell[2];
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
old_offsets = array[i];
array[i] = i;
Now, you can swap the array indices with no problem, and do a reverse-lookup to find the original addresses.
After sorting/modification is done, you must relocate the new indices. For example, if the two vectors in our
demo array were swapped, array[0] would be 1 and array[1] would be 0. This is invalid to the virtual machine.
Luckily, this is also simple -- all the information is there.
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
//get the # of the vector we want to relocate in
cell vector_index = array[i];
//get the real address of this vector
char *real_address = (char *)array + (vector_index * sizeof(cell)) + old_offsets[vector_index];
//calc and store the new distance offset
array[i] = real_address - ( (char *)array + (vector_index + sizeof(cell)) )
Note that the inner expression can be heavily reduced; it is expanded for readability.
enum SortOrder
Sort_Ascending = 0,
Sort_Descending = 1,
Sort_Random = 2,
void sort_random(cell_t *array, cell_t size)
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
for (int i = size-1; i > 0; i--)
int n = (rand() % i) + 1;
if (array[i] != array[n])
array[i] ^= array[n];
array[n] ^= array[i];
array[i] ^= array[n];
int sort_ints_asc(const void *int1, const void *int2)
return (*(int *)int1) - (*(int *)int2);
int sort_ints_desc(const void *int1, const void *int2)
return (*(int *)int2) - (*(int *)int1);
static cell_t sm_SortIntegers(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
cell_t *array;
cell_t array_size = params[2];
cell_t type = params[3];
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &array);
if (type == Sort_Ascending)
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort_ints_asc);
else if (type == Sort_Descending)
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort_ints_desc);
sort_random(array, array_size);
return 1;
int sort_floats_asc(const void *float1, const void *float2)
float r1 = *(float *)float1;
float r2 = *(float *)float2;
if (r1 < r2)
return -1;
} else if (r2 < r1) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int sort_floats_desc(const void *float1, const void *float2)
float r1 = *(float *)float1;
float r2 = *(float *)float2;
if (r1 < r2)
return 1;
} else if (r2 < r1) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
static cell_t sm_SortFloats(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
cell_t *array;
cell_t array_size = params[2];
cell_t type = params[3];
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &array);
if (type == Sort_Ascending)
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort_floats_asc);
else if (type == Sort_Descending)
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort_floats_desc);
sort_random(array, array_size);
return 1;
static cell_t *g_CurStringArray = NULL;
static cell_t *g_CurRebaseMap = NULL;
int sort_strings_asc(const void *blk1, const void *blk2)
cell_t reloc1 = *(cell_t *)blk1;
cell_t reloc2 = *(cell_t *)blk2;
char *str1 = ((char *)(&g_CurStringArray[reloc1]) + g_CurRebaseMap[reloc1]);
char *str2 = ((char *)(&g_CurStringArray[reloc2]) + g_CurRebaseMap[reloc2]);
return strcmp(str1, str2);
int sort_strings_desc(const void *blk1, const void *blk2)
cell_t reloc1 = *(cell_t *)blk1;
cell_t reloc2 = *(cell_t *)blk2;
char *str1 = ((char *)(&g_CurStringArray[reloc1]) + g_CurRebaseMap[reloc1]);
char *str2 = ((char *)(&g_CurStringArray[reloc2]) + g_CurRebaseMap[reloc2]);
return strcmp(str2, str1);
static cell_t sm_SortStrings(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
cell_t *array;
cell_t array_size = params[2];
cell_t type = params[3];
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &array);
/** HACKHACK - back up the old indices, replace the indices with something easier */
cell_t amx_addr, *phys_addr;
int err;
if ((err=pContext->HeapAlloc(array_size, &amx_addr, &phys_addr)) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
pContext->ThrowNativeErrorEx(err, "Ran out of memory to sort");
g_CurStringArray = array;
g_CurRebaseMap = phys_addr;
for (int i=0; i<array_size; i++)
phys_addr[i] = array[i];
array[i] = i;
if (type == Sort_Ascending)
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort_strings_asc);
else if (type == Sort_Descending)
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort_strings_desc);
sort_random(array, array_size);
/* END HACKHACK - restore what we damaged so Pawn doesn't throw up.
* We'll browse through each index of the array and patch up the distance.
for (int i=0; i<array_size; i++)
/* Compute the final address of the old array and subtract the new location.
* This is the fixed up distance.
array[i] = ((char *)&array[array[i]] + phys_addr[array[i]]) - (char *)&array[i];
g_CurStringArray = NULL;
g_CurRebaseMap = NULL;
return 1;
struct sort_info
IPluginFunction *pFunc;
Handle_t hndl;
cell_t array_addr;
cell_t *array_base;
cell_t *array_remap;
sort_info g_SortInfo;
int sort1d_amx_custom(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
cell_t c1 = *(cell_t *)elem1;
cell_t c2 = *(cell_t *)elem2;
cell_t result = 0;
IPluginFunction *pf = g_SortInfo.pFunc;
return result;
static cell_t sm_SortCustom1D(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
cell_t *array;
cell_t array_size = params[2];
IPluginFunction *pFunction = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[3]);
if (!pFunction)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Function %x is not a valid function", params[3]);
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &array);
sort_info oldinfo = g_SortInfo;
g_SortInfo.hndl = params[4];
g_SortInfo.array_addr = params[1];
g_SortInfo.array_remap = NULL;
g_SortInfo.array_base = NULL;
g_SortInfo.pFunc = pFunction;
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort1d_amx_custom);
g_SortInfo = oldinfo;
return 1;
int sort2d_amx_custom(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
cell_t c1 = *(cell_t *)elem1;
cell_t c2 = *(cell_t *)elem2;
cell_t c1_addr = g_SortInfo.array_addr + (c1 * sizeof(cell_t)) + g_SortInfo.array_remap[c1];
cell_t c2_addr = g_SortInfo.array_addr + (c2 * sizeof(cell_t)) + g_SortInfo.array_remap[c2];
IPluginContext *pContext = g_SortInfo.pFunc->GetParentContext();
cell_t *c1_r, *c2_r;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(c1_addr, &c1_r);
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(c2_addr, &c2_r);
cell_t result = 0;
return result;
static cell_t sm_SortCustom2D(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
cell_t *array;
cell_t array_size = params[2];
IPluginFunction *pFunction;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &array);
if ((pFunction=pContext->GetFunctionById(params[3])) == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Function %x is not a valid function", params[3]);
/** back up the old indices, replace the indices with something easier */
cell_t amx_addr, *phys_addr;
int err;
if ((err=pContext->HeapAlloc(array_size, &amx_addr, &phys_addr)) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
pContext->ThrowNativeErrorEx(err, "Ran out of memory to sort");
return 0;
sort_info oldinfo = g_SortInfo;
g_SortInfo.pFunc = pFunction;
g_SortInfo.hndl = params[4];
g_SortInfo.array_addr = params[1];
/** Same process as in strings, back up the old indices for later fixup */
g_SortInfo.array_base = array;
g_SortInfo.array_remap = phys_addr;
for (int i=0; i<array_size; i++)
phys_addr[i] = array[i];
array[i] = i;
qsort(array, array_size, sizeof(cell_t), sort2d_amx_custom);
/** Fixup process! */
for (int i=0; i<array_size; i++)
/* Compute the final address of the old array and subtract the new location.
* This is the fixed up distance.
array[i] = ((char *)&array[array[i]] + phys_addr[array[i]]) - (char *)&array[i];
g_SortInfo = oldinfo;
return 1;
enum SortType
Sort_Integer = 0,
int sort_adtarray_strings_asc(const void *str1, const void *str2)
return strcmp((char *) str1, (char *) str2);
int sort_adtarray_strings_desc(const void *str1, const void *str2)
return strcmp((char *) str2, (char *) str1);
void sort_adt_random(CellArray *cArray)
size_t arraysize = cArray->size();
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
for (int i = arraysize-1; i > 0; i--)
int n = (rand() % i) + 1;
cArray->swap(i, n);
static cell_t sm_SortADTArray(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
CellArray *cArray;
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec(pContext->GetIdentity(), g_pCoreIdent);
if ((err = g_HandleSys.ReadHandle(params[1], htCellArray, &sec, (void **)&cArray))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error: %d)", params[1], err);
cell_t order = params[2];
if (order == Sort_Random)
return 1;
cell_t type = params[3];
size_t arraysize = cArray->size();
size_t blocksize = cArray->blocksize();
cell_t *array = cArray->base();
if (type == Sort_Integer)
if (order == Sort_Ascending)
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_ints_asc);
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_ints_desc);
else if (type == Sort_Float)
if (order == Sort_Ascending)
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_floats_asc);
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_floats_desc);
else if (type == Sort_String)
if (order == Sort_Ascending)
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_adtarray_strings_asc);
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_adtarray_strings_desc);
return 1;
struct sort_infoADT
IPluginFunction *pFunc;
cell_t *array_base;
cell_t array_bsize;
Handle_t array_hndl;
Handle_t hndl;
sort_infoADT g_SortInfoADT;
int sort_adtarray_custom(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
cell_t result = 0;
IPluginFunction *pf = g_SortInfoADT.pFunc;
pf->PushCell(((cell_t) ((cell_t *) elem1 - g_SortInfoADT.array_base)) / g_SortInfoADT.array_bsize);
pf->PushCell(((cell_t) ((cell_t *) elem2 - g_SortInfoADT.array_base)) / g_SortInfoADT.array_bsize);
return result;
static cell_t sm_SortADTArrayCustom(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
CellArray *cArray;
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec(pContext->GetIdentity(), g_pCoreIdent);
if ((err = g_HandleSys.ReadHandle(params[1], htCellArray, &sec, (void **)&cArray))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error: %d)", params[1], err);
IPluginFunction *pFunction = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[2]);
if (!pFunction)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Function %x is not a valid function", params[2]);
size_t arraysize = cArray->size();
size_t blocksize = cArray->blocksize();
cell_t *array = cArray->base();
sort_infoADT oldinfo = g_SortInfoADT;
g_SortInfoADT.pFunc = pFunction;
g_SortInfoADT.array_base = array;
g_SortInfoADT.array_bsize = (cell_t) blocksize;
g_SortInfoADT.array_hndl = params[1];
g_SortInfoADT.hndl = params[3];
qsort(array, arraysize, blocksize * sizeof(cell_t), sort_adtarray_custom);
g_SortInfoADT = oldinfo;
return 1;
{"SortIntegers", sm_SortIntegers},
{"SortFloats", sm_SortFloats},
{"SortStrings", sm_SortStrings},
{"SortCustom1D", sm_SortCustom1D},
{"SortCustom2D", sm_SortCustom2D},
{"SortADTArray", sm_SortADTArray},
{"SortADTArrayCustom", sm_SortADTArrayCustom},