404 lines
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404 lines
11 KiB
* ===============================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* ===============================================================
* This file is not open source and may not be copied without explicit
* written permission of AlliedModders LLC. This file may not be redistributed
* in whole or significant part.
* For information, see LICENSE.txt or http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php
* Version: $Id$
#include "ConVarManager.h"
#include "PluginSys.h"
#include "ForwardSys.h"
#include "HandleSys.h"
#include "sm_srvcmds.h"
#include "sm_stringutil.h"
#include <sh_vector.h>
ConVarManager g_ConVarManager;
const ParamType CONVARCHANGE_PARAMS[] = {Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_String};
typedef List<const ConVar *> ConVarList;
ConVarManager::ConVarManager() : m_ConVarType(0)
/* Create a convar lookup trie */
m_ConVarCache = sm_trie_create();
List<ConVarInfo *>::iterator iter;
/* Destroy our convar lookup trie */
/* Destroy all the ConVarInfo structures */
for (iter = m_ConVars.begin(); iter != m_ConVars.end(); iter++)
delete (*iter);
void ConVarManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized()
HandleAccess sec;
/* Set up access rights for the 'ConVar' handle type */
sec.access[HandleAccess_Read] = 0;
/* Create the 'ConVar' handle type */
m_ConVarType = g_HandleSys.CreateType("ConVar", this, 0, NULL, &sec, g_pCoreIdent, NULL);
/* Add the 'convars' option to the 'sm' console command */
g_RootMenu.AddRootConsoleCommand("convars", "View convars created by a plugin", this);
void ConVarManager::OnSourceModShutdown()
IChangeableForward *fwd;
List<ConVarInfo *>::iterator i;
/* Iterate list of ConVarInfo structures */
for (i = m_ConVars.begin(); i != m_ConVars.end(); i++)
fwd = (*i)->changeForward;
/* Free any convar-change forwards that still exist */
if (fwd)
/* Remove the 'convars' option from the 'sm' console command */
g_RootMenu.RemoveRootConsoleCommand("convars", this);
/* Remove the 'ConVar' handle type */
g_HandleSys.RemoveType(m_ConVarType, g_pCoreIdent);
void ConVarManager::OnPluginUnloaded(IPlugin *plugin)
ConVarList *pConVarList;
/* If plugin has a convar list, free its memory */
if (plugin->GetProperty("ConVarList", (void **)&pConVarList, true))
delete pConVarList;
void ConVarManager::OnHandleDestroy(HandleType_t type, void *object)
ConVarInfo *info;
ConVar *pConVar = static_cast<ConVar *>(object);
/* Find convar in lookup trie */
sm_trie_retrieve(m_ConVarCache, pConVar->GetName(), reinterpret_cast<void **>(&info));
/* If convar was created by SourceMod plugin... */
if (info->sourceMod)
/* Delete string allocations */
delete [] pConVar->GetName();
delete [] pConVar->GetDefault();
delete [] pConVar->GetHelpText();
/* Then unlink it from SourceMM */
g_SMAPI->UnregisterConCmdBase(g_PLAPI, pConVar);
void ConVarManager::OnRootConsoleCommand(const char *command, unsigned int argcount)
if (argcount >= 3)
/* Get plugin index that was passed */
int id = atoi(g_RootMenu.GetArgument(2));
/* Get plugin object */
CPlugin *plugin = g_PluginSys.GetPluginByOrder(id);
if (!plugin)
g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin index %d not found.", id);
/* Get plugin name */
const sm_plugininfo_t *plinfo = plugin->GetPublicInfo();
const char *plname = IS_STR_FILLED(plinfo->name) ? plinfo->name : plugin->GetFilename();
ConVarList *pConVarList;
ConVarList::iterator iter;
/* If no convar list... */
if (!plugin->GetProperty("ConVarList", (void **)&pConVarList))
g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] No convars found for: %s", plname);
g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] Listing %d convars for: %s", pConVarList->size(), plname);
g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint(" %-32.31s %s", "[Name]", "[Value]");
/* Iterate convar list and display each one */
for (iter = pConVarList->begin(); iter != pConVarList->end(); iter++)
const ConVar *pConVar = (*iter);
g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint(" %-32.31s %s", pConVar->GetName(), pConVar->GetString());
/* Display usage of subcommand */
g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm convars <plugin #>");
Handle_t ConVarManager::CreateConVar(IPluginContext *pContext, const char *name, const char *defaultVal, const char *description, int flags, bool hasMin, float min, bool hasMax, float max)
ConVar *pConVar = NULL;
ConVarInfo *pInfo = NULL;
Handle_t hndl = 0;
/* Find out if the convar exists already */
pConVar = icvar->FindVar(name);
/* If the convar already exists... */
if (pConVar)
/* First find out if we already have a handle to it */
if (sm_trie_retrieve(m_ConVarCache, name, (void **)&pInfo))
return pInfo->handle;
} else {
/* If we don't, then create a new handle from the convar */
hndl = g_HandleSys.CreateHandle(m_ConVarType, pConVar, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL);
/* Create and initialize ConVarInfo structure */
pInfo = new ConVarInfo();
pInfo->handle = hndl;
pInfo->sourceMod = false;
pInfo->changeForward = NULL;
pInfo->origCallback = pConVar->GetCallback();
/* Insert struct into caches */
sm_trie_insert(m_ConVarCache, name, pInfo);
return hndl;
// To prevent creating a convar that has the same name as a console command... ugh
ConCommandBase *pBase = icvar->GetCommands();
while (pBase)
if (pBase->IsCommand() && strcmp(pBase->GetName(), name) == 0)
return BAD_HANDLE;
pBase = const_cast<ConCommandBase *>(pBase->GetNext());
/* Since an existing convar (or concmd with the same name) was not found , now we can finally create it */
pConVar = new ConVar(sm_strdup(name), sm_strdup(defaultVal), flags, sm_strdup(description), hasMin, min, hasMax, max);
/* Add convar to plugin's list */
AddConVarToPluginList(pContext, pConVar);
/* Create a handle from the new convar */
hndl = g_HandleSys.CreateHandle(m_ConVarType, pConVar, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL);
/* Create and initialize ConVarInfo structure */
pInfo = new ConVarInfo();
pInfo->handle = hndl;
pInfo->sourceMod = true;
pInfo->changeForward = NULL;
pInfo->origCallback = NULL;
/* Insert struct into caches */
sm_trie_insert(m_ConVarCache, name, pInfo);
return hndl;
Handle_t ConVarManager::FindConVar(const char *name)
ConVar *pConVar = NULL;
ConVarInfo *pInfo;
Handle_t hndl;
/* Search for convar */
pConVar = icvar->FindVar(name);
/* If it doesn't exist, then return an invalid handle */
if (!pConVar)
return BAD_HANDLE;
/* At this point, the convar exists. So, find out if we already have a handle */
if (sm_trie_retrieve(m_ConVarCache, name, (void **)&pInfo))
return pInfo->handle;
/* If we don't have a handle, then create a new one */
hndl = g_HandleSys.CreateHandle(m_ConVarType, pConVar, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL);
/* Create and initilize ConVarInfo structure */
pInfo = new ConVarInfo();
pInfo->handle = hndl;
pInfo->sourceMod = false;
pInfo->changeForward = NULL;
pInfo->origCallback = pConVar->GetCallback();
/* Insert struct into our caches */
sm_trie_insert(m_ConVarCache, name, pInfo);
return hndl;
void ConVarManager::HookConVarChange(ConVar *pConVar, IPluginFunction *pFunction)
ConVarInfo *pInfo;
IChangeableForward *pForward;
/* Find the convar in the lookup trie */
if (sm_trie_retrieve(m_ConVarCache, pConVar->GetName(), (void **)&pInfo))
/* Get the forward */
pForward = pInfo->changeForward;
/* If forward does not exist, create it */
if (!pForward)
pForward = g_Forwards.CreateForwardEx(NULL, ET_Ignore, 3, CONVARCHANGE_PARAMS);
pInfo->changeForward = pForward;
/* Install our own callback */
/* Add function to forward's list */
void ConVarManager::UnhookConVarChange(ConVar *pConVar, IPluginFunction *pFunction)
ConVarInfo *pInfo;
IChangeableForward *pForward;
IPluginContext *pContext = pFunction->GetParentContext();
/* Find the convar in the lookup trie */
if (sm_trie_retrieve(m_ConVarCache, pConVar->GetName(), (void **)&pInfo))
/* Get the forward */
pForward = pInfo->changeForward;
/* If the forward doesn't exist, we can't unhook anything */
if (!pForward)
pContext->ThrowNativeError("Convar \"%s\" has no active hook", pConVar->GetName());
/* Remove the function from the forward's list */
if (!pForward->RemoveFunction(pFunction))
pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid hook callback specified for convar \"%s\"", pConVar->GetName());
/* If the forward now has 0 functions in it... */
if (pForward->GetFunctionCount() == 0)
/* Free this forward */
pInfo->changeForward = NULL;
/* Put back the original convar callback */
void ConVarManager::AddConVarToPluginList(IPluginContext *pContext, const ConVar *pConVar)
ConVarList *pConVarList;
ConVarList::iterator iter;
bool inserted = false;
const char *orig = pConVar->GetName();
IPlugin *plugin = g_PluginSys.FindPluginByContext(pContext->GetContext());
/* Check plugin for an existing convar list */
if (!plugin->GetProperty("ConVarList", (void **)&pConVarList))
pConVarList = new ConVarList();
plugin->SetProperty("ConVarList", pConVarList);
/* Insert convar into list which is sorted alphabetically */
for (iter = pConVarList->begin(); iter != pConVarList->end(); iter++)
if (strcmp(orig, (*iter)->GetName()) < 0)
pConVarList->insert(iter, pConVar);
inserted = true;
if (!inserted)
void ConVarManager::OnConVarChanged(ConVar *pConVar, const char *oldValue)
/* If the values are the same, exit early in order to not trigger callbacks */
if (strcmp(pConVar->GetString(), oldValue) == 0)
Trie *pCache = g_ConVarManager.GetConVarCache();
ConVarInfo *pInfo;
/* Find the convar in the lookup trie */
sm_trie_retrieve(pCache, pConVar->GetName(), (void **)&pInfo);
FnChangeCallback origCallback = pInfo->origCallback;
IChangeableForward *pForward = pInfo->changeForward;
/* If there was a change callback installed previously, call it */
if (origCallback)
origCallback(pConVar, oldValue);
/* Now call forwards in plugins that have hooked this */