
482 lines
28 KiB

/* Pawn compiler - Error message strings (plain and compressed formats)
* Copyright (c) ITB CompuPhase, 2000-2006
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
* the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
* a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Version: $Id$
SC_FUNC int strexpand(char *dest, unsigned char *source, int maxlen, unsigned char pairtable[128][2]);
#ifndef SCPACK
# define SCPACK
# define SCPACK_PUSH
#define SCPACK_TABLE errstr_table
/*-*SCPACK start of pair table, do not change or remove this line */
unsigned char errstr_table
[][2] = {
{101,32}, {116,32}, {111,110}, {115,32}, {100,32}, {105,110}, {97,114}, {116,105}, {101,114}, {37,115}, {110,111}, {97,110}, {135,130}, {114,101}, {101,110}, {97,108},
{117,110}, {111,114}, {34,137}, {146,34}, {121,32}, {138,129}, {115,105}, {115,116}, {101,132}, {97,116}, {100,101}, {109,142}, {32,147}, {116,104}, {41,10}, {109,98},
{117,115}, {114,97}, {144,99}, {145,32}, {98,108}, {162,140}, {102,165}, {101,120}, {97,32}, {116,121}, {99,139}, {118,143}, {112,101}, {111,108}, {170,149}, {115,121},
{175,159}, {136,32}, {134,161}, {176,173}, {115,10}, {103,32}, {116,111}, {115,150}, {103,117}, {105,132}, {184,155}, {134,186}, {160,129}, {44,32}, {97,164}, {109,188},
{102,133}, {171,185}, {99,104}, {99,116}, {105,131}, {166,32}, {133,193}, {104,97}, {111,102}, {117,108}, {98,128}, {109,101}, {97,140}, {178,148}, {110,32}, {109,97},
{101,100}, {99,111}, {101,131}, {99,130}, {37,131}, {118,134}, {112,141}, {179,156}, {200,32}, {105,190}, {213,217}, {111,112}, {137,10}, {130,32}, {99,108}, {118,128},
{187,129}, {154,192}, {102,105}, {119,105}, {112,128}, {97,131}, {219,136}, {169,172}, {116,97}, {115,101}, {169,228}, {100,105}, {108,128}, {156,10}, {109,153}, {151,153},
{218,128}, {139,132}, {215,158}, {199,223}, {97,115}, {40,242}, {116,117}, {150,122}, {101,10}, {211,151}, {34,32}, {133,32}, {138,32}, {139,32}, {143,32}
/*-*SCPACK end of pair table, do not change or remove this line */
static char *errmsg[] = {
#ifdef SCPACK
/*001*/ "expected token: \"%s\", but found \"%s\"\n",
/*002*/ "only a single statement (or expression) can follow each \"case\"\n",
/*003*/ "declaration of a local variable must appear in a compound block\n",
/*004*/ "function \"%s\" is not implemented\n",
/*005*/ "function may not have arguments\n",
/*006*/ "must be assigned to an array\n",
/*007*/ "operator cannot be redefined\n",
/*008*/ "must be a constant expression; assumed zero\n",
/*009*/ "invalid array size (negative, zero or out of bounds)\n",
/*010*/ "invalid function or declaration\n",
/*011*/ "invalid outside functions\n",
/*012*/ "invalid function call, not a valid address\n",
/*013*/ "no entry point (no public functions)\n",
/*014*/ "invalid statement; not in switch\n",
/*015*/ "\"default\" case must be the last case in switch statement\n",
/*016*/ "multiple defaults in \"switch\"\n",
/*017*/ "undefined symbol \"%s\"\n",
/*018*/ "initialization data exceeds declared size\n",
/*019*/ "not a label: \"%s\"\n",
/*020*/ "invalid symbol name \"%s\"\n",
/*021*/ "symbol already defined: \"%s\"\n",
/*022*/ "must be lvalue (non-constant)\n",
/*023*/ "array assignment must be simple assignment\n",
/*024*/ "\"break\" or \"continue\" is out of context\n",
/*025*/ "function heading differs from prototype\n",
/*026*/ "no matching \"#if...\"\n",
/*027*/ "invalid character constant\n",
/*028*/ "invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts): \"%s\"\n",
/*029*/ "invalid expression, assumed zero\n",
/*030*/ "compound statement not closed at the end of file (started at line %d)\n",
/*031*/ "unknown directive\n",
/*032*/ "array index out of bounds (variable \"%s\")\n",
/*033*/ "array must be indexed (variable \"%s\")\n",
/*034*/ "argument does not have a default value (argument %d)\n",
/*035*/ "argument type mismatch (argument %d)\n",
/*036*/ "empty statement\n",
/*037*/ "invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)\n",
/*038*/ "extra characters on line\n",
/*039*/ "constant symbol has no size\n",
/*040*/ "duplicate \"case\" label (value %d)\n",
/*041*/ "invalid ellipsis, array size is not known\n",
/*042*/ "invalid combination of class specifiers\n",
/*043*/ "character constant exceeds range for packed string\n",
/*044*/ "positional parameters must precede all named parameters\n",
/*045*/ "too many function arguments\n",
/*046*/ "unknown array size (variable \"%s\")\n",
/*047*/ "array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small\n",
/*048*/ "array (s do not match\n",
/*049*/ "invalid line continuation\n",
/*050*/ "invalid range\n",
/*051*/ "invalid subscript, use \"[ ]\" operators on major dimensions\n",
/*052*/ "multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized\n",
/*053*/ "exceeding maximum number of dimensions\n",
/*054*/ "unmatched closing brace (\"}\")\n",
/*055*/ "start of function body without function header\n",
/*056*/ "arrays, local variables and function arguments cannot be public (variable \"%s\")\n",
/*057*/ "unfinished expression before compiler directive\n",
/*058*/ "duplicate argument; same argument is passed twice\n",
/*059*/ "function argument may not have a default value (variable \"%s\")\n",
/*060*/ "multiple \"#else\" directives between \"#if ... #endif\"\n",
/*061*/ "\"#elseif\" directive follows an \"#else\" directive\n",
/*062*/ "number of operands does not fit the operator\n",
/*063*/ "function result tag of operator \"%s\" must be \"%s\"\n",
/*064*/ "cannot change predefined operators\n",
/*065*/ "function argument may only have a single tag (argument %d)\n",
/*066*/ "function argument may not be a reference argument or an array (argument \"%s\")\n",
/*067*/ "variable cannot be both a reference and an array (variable \"%s\")\n",
/*068*/ "invalid rational number precision in #pragma\n",
/*069*/ "rational number format already defined\n",
/*070*/ "rational number support was not enabled\n",
/*071*/ "user-defined operator must be declared before use (function \"%s\")\n",
/*072*/ "\"sizeof\" operator is invalid on \"function\" symbols\n",
/*073*/ "function argument must be an array (argument \"%s\")\n",
/*074*/ "#define pattern must start with an alphabetic character\n",
/*075*/ "input line too long (after substitutions)\n",
/*076*/ "syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call\n",
/*077*/ "malformed UTF-8 encoding, or corrupted file: %s\n",
/*078*/ "function uses both \"return\" and \"return <value>\"\n",
/*079*/ "inconsistent return types (array & non-array)\n",
/*080*/ "unknown symbol, or not a constant symbol (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*081*/ "cannot take a tag as a default value for an indexed array parameter (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*082*/ "user-defined operators and native functions may not have states\n",
/*083*/ "a function or variable may only belong to a single automaton (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*084*/ "state conflict: one of the states is already assigned to another implementation (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*085*/ "no states are defined for symbol \"%s\"\n",
/*086*/ "unknown automaton \"%s\"\n",
/*087*/ "unknown state \"%s\" for automaton \"%s\"\n",
/*088*/ "public variables and local variables may not have states (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*089*/ "state variables may not be initialized (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*090*/ "public functions may not return arrays (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*091*/ "ambiguous constant; tag override is required (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*092*/ "number of arguments does not match definition\n",
/*093*/ "expected tag name identifier\n",
/*094*/ "function enumeration requires unique tag\n",
/*095*/ "cannot have required parameters after optional parameters\n",
/*096*/ "could not find member \"%s\" in struct \"%s\"\n",
/*097*/ "symbol \"%s\" does not have a matching type\n",
/*098*/ "type \"%s\" should be \"%s\" in new-style declarations\n",
/*099*/ "%s should not have an explicit return type\n",
/*100*/ "function prototypes do not match\n",
/*101*/ "specify either all dimensions or only the last dimension\n",
/*102*/ "cannot find %s %s\n",
/*103*/ "%s was already defined on this %s\n",
/*104*/ "cannot find any methods for %s\n",
/*105*/ "cannot find method or property %s.%s\n",
/*106*/ "cannot call methods on an array\n",
/*107*/ "cannot call methods on a function\n",
/*108*/ "method must have a first argument compatible with the %s type (%s)\n",
/*109*/ "%s name must start with an uppercase letter\n",
/*110*/ "%s has already been defined (previously seen as %s)\n",
/*111*/ "expected identifier - did you forget a type?\n",
/*112*/ "constructor function must return tag %s\n",
/*113*/ "cannot define constructor for \"%s\"; already exists as a %s\n",
/*114*/ "missing type, or %s must have the same name as %s \"%s\"\n",
/*115*/ "cannot use delete, %s %s has no destructor\n",
/*116*/ "no methodmap or class was found for %s\n",
/*117*/ "no destructor was found for %s %s\n",
/*118*/ "destructors must be native functions\n",
/*119*/ "destructors cannot have extra arguments\n",
/*120*/ "methodmap and class signatures must use new-style type declarations\n",
/*121*/ "cannot specify array dimensions on both type and name\n",
/*122*/ "expected type expression\n",
/*123*/ "fully-qualified name \"%s\" is too long, would be truncated to \"%s\"\n",
/*124*/ "unexpected token, expected method or property\n",
/*125*/ "expected \"native\", \"get\", or \"set\"\n",
/*126*/ "%s for %s already exists\n",
/*127*/ "property getters cannot accept extra arguments\n",
/*128*/ "%s must have the same return type as property %s (%s)\n",
/*129*/ "cannot mix methodmaps and classes with inheritance\n",
/*130*/ "cannot coerce functions to values\n",
/*131*/ "cannot coerce object type %s to non-object type %s\n",
/*132*/ "cannot coerce non-object type %s to object type %s\n",
/*133*/ "cannot coerce unrelated object types %s and %s\n",
/*134*/ "type mismatch (%s and %s)\n",
/*135*/ "cannot use an object in a multi-tag selector\n",
/*136*/ "arrays are not supported as return types\n",
/*137*/ "cannot mix reference and array types\n",
/*138*/ "const was specified twice\n",
/*139*/ "could not find type \"%s\"\n",
/*140*/ "new-style array types cannot specify dimension sizes as part of their type\n",
/*141*/ "natives, forwards, and public functions cannot return arrays\n",
/*142*/ "invalid type declaration\n",
/*143*/ "new-style declarations should not have \"new\"\n",
/*144*/ "void cannot be used as a variable type\n",
/*145*/ "invalid type expression\n",
/*146*/ "#pragma newdecls must be required or optional\n",
/*147*/ "new-style declarations are required\n",
/*148*/ "cannot assign null to a non-nullable type\n",
/*149*/ "no getter found for property %s\n",
/*150*/ "setter must take exactly one extra argument with type %s\n",
/*151*/ "setter must return void\n",
/*152*/ "no setter found for property %s\n",
/*153*/ "cannot use non-public functions as callbacks\n",
/*154*/ "cannot assign INVALID_FUNCTION to a non-function type\n",
/*155*/ "expected newline, but found '%s'\n",
"\202l\224\250s\205g\354\357e\233\201(\243\247\326\267\202) \252 f\255low ea\302 \042ca\351\042\012",
"\232\336\206\314 \330\250loc\376\360\277ap\254\206 \373\250\321mpo\220\204\244ock\012",
"\246\234 \304\225imple\233t\320\012",
"\277\312a\267gn\230\266 \375\262y\012",
"\277\312\250\371\213\201\247\326\267\202; \364sum\230z\210o\012",
"\306\315\367\200(nega\207ve\275z\210o \243ou\201\330bo\220ds\236",
"\374\216tr\224po\205\201(\374pu\244ic \246s\236",
"\306\357e\233t; \225\373s\343t\302\012",
"\042\232fa\311t\372c\364\200\277\312\235\200l\364\201c\364\200\373s\343t\302 \357e\233t\012",
"\205i\207\217iz\314 d\231\250\247ce\320\203\232\336\206\230\367\370",
"\306\263 nam\200\223\012",
"\263 \217\215ad\224\341\320:\355",
"\305head\205\265\353ff\210\203from pro\266\347\012",
"\306subscrip\201(\225\375\315\243\266o m\213\224subscripts):\355",
"\315\205\232x ou\201\330bo\220d\203(\360\223\236",
"\340\352mis\356\302 (\340%d\236",
"\247t\241 \302\206a\303\210\203\335l\205\370",
"\371\213\201\263 \307\203\374\367\370",
"duplic\231\200\042ca\351\372label (\253u\200%d\236",
"\306\321\237\205\314 \330\336\364\203s\254ci\342\210\264",
"po\226\214\376p\206a\313t\210\203\277\326c\320\200\217l nam\230p\206a\313t\210\264",
"\266o m\213\224\305\273t\264",
"\315\367\322do \225\356\302\275\243\232\227\205\314 \315\304\266o sm\217l\012",
"\315(\203do \225\356\302\012",
"\306subscript\275\240\200\042[ ]\372\346\231\221\203\335\317j\243\353\233\226\202\264",
"\247ce\320\205\265\317ximum nu\237\261\330\353\233\226\202\264",
"\262ys\275loc\376\332\322\361\305\273t\203\256\312pu\244ic (\360\223\236",
"duplic\231\200\273t; sam\200\340\304p\364s\230t\343c\370",
"m\311\207p\354\042#el\351\372\353\215c\207v\322betwe\216 \042#if ... #\216\353f\042\012",
"\305\215s\311\201\350\265\330\346\231\221\234 \277\312\223\012",
"\360\256\312bo\235 \250\215f\210\216c\200\361\375\315(\360\223\236",
"#\341\200p\231t\210\316\277\227\206\201\343\235 \375\217p\307be\207c \302\206a\303\210\012",
"\205pu\201l\205\200\266o l\202\265(aft\261subs\207\366\214s\236",
"\257n\350x \210r\243\373\235\200\247\326\267\202\275\243\306\305c\217l\012",
"m\217f\221m\230UTF-8 \216\321d\205g\275\243c\221rupt\230\342le: \334",
"\305\240\322bo\235 \042\215\366rn\372\361\042\215\366r\316<\253ue>\042\012",
"\205\323\226\227\216\201\215\366r\316\347\203(\315& n\202-\262y\236",
"\220k\212w\316\263\275\243\225\250\371\213\201\263 \365",
"\250\305\243\360\317\224\202l\224bel\202\265\266 \250s\205g\354au\266\356\335\365",
"\357\200\323fli\303: \202\200\330\235\200\357\322\304\217\215ad\224a\267gn\230\266 a\212\235\261imple\233t\314 \365",
"\220k\212w\316\357\200\223 f\243au\266\356\202\355",
"pu\244ic \332\322\361loc\376\332\322\317\224\225\363\357\322\365",
"pu\244ic \246\203\317\224\225\215\366r\316\262y\203\365",
"a\237i\270ou\203\371\213t; \350\265ov\210rid\200\304\215qui\215\204\365",
"nu\237\261\330\273t\203do\322\225\356\302 \341i\214\012",
"\305\216um\210\314 \215qui\215\203\220iqu\200\350g\012",
"\321\311\204\225\300\204\313\237\210\234 \373\227ruc\201\223\012",
"\327 do\322\225\363\250\356\302\205\265\347\012",
"\352\223 sho\311\204\312\223 \373new-\227y\354\232\336\206\314\264",
"\305pro\266\347\203do \225\356\302\012",
"s\254cif\224ei\235\261\217l \353\233\226\202\203\243\202l\224\235\200l\364\201\353\233\226\202\012",
"\256c\217l \313\235od\203\335\375\262y\012",
"\256c\217l \313\235od\203\335\250\246\012",
"\313\235o\204\277\363\250\342rs\201\340\321mpa\207\244\200\343\235 \235\200\324\352(\211\236",
"\324nam\200\277\227\206\201\343\235 \375upp\210c\364\200lett\210\012",
"\324\307\203\217\215ad\224be\216 \341\230(\326vio\240l\224\351\216 \345\211\236",
"\247\254\303\230id\216\207\342\261- d\271you f\221ge\201\250\347?\012",
"\256\341\200\371ru\303\243f\221\234; \217\215ad\224\247i\227\203\345\250\334",
"\374\313\235od\317p \243\336\364\203w\345fo\220\204f\243\334",
"\232\227ru\303\221\203\256\363\247t\241 \273t\264",
"\313\235od\317p \361\336\364\203\226gn\231u\215\203\277\240\200new-\227y\354\352\232\336\206\314\264",
"\256s\254cif\224\315\353\233\226\202\203\335bo\235 \352\361na\313\012",
"f\311ly-qu\217i\342\230nam\200\223 \304\266o l\202g\275wo\311\204\312tr\242\231\230\266\355",
"pr\346t\224gett\210\203\256accep\201\247t\241 \273t\264",
"\256mix \313\235od\317p\203\361\336\364s\322\343\235 \205h\210it\213c\370",
"\256\321\210c\200\246\203\266 \253ue\264",
"\256\321\210c\200objec\201\352\324\266 n\202-objec\201\352\334",
"\256\321\210c\200n\202-objec\201\352\324\266 objec\201\352\334",
"\352mis\356\302 (\324\361\211\236",
"\256mix \215f\210\216c\200\361\315\347\264",
"new-\227y\354\315\347\203\256s\254cif\224\353\233\226\335\367\322\345p\206\201\330\235eir \347\012",
"na\207ves\275f\221w\206ds\275\361pu\244ic \246\203\256\215\366r\316\262y\264",
"\256a\267g\316n\311l \266 \250n\202-n\311l\276\200\347\012",
"\351tt\261\277\350k\200\247a\303l\224\202\200\247t\241 \340\343\235 \352\334",
"\256\240\200n\202-pu\244ic \246\203\345c\217lback\264",
"\256a\267g\316INVALID_FUNCTION \266 \250n\202-\305\347\012",
static char *fatalmsg[] = {
#ifdef SCPACK
/*160*/ "cannot read from file: \"%s\"\n",
/*161*/ "cannot write to file: \"%s\"\n",
/*162*/ "table overflow: \"%s\"\n",
/* table can be: loop table
* literal table
* staging buffer
* option table (response file)
* peephole optimizer table
/*163*/ "insufficient memory\n",
/*164*/ "invalid assembler instruction \"%s\"\n",
/*165*/ "numeric overflow, exceeding capacity\n",
/*166*/ "compiled script exceeds the maximum memory size (%ld bytes)\n",
/*167*/ "too many error messages on one line\n",
/*168*/ "codepage mapping file not found\n",
/*169*/ "invalid path: \"%s\"\n",
/*170*/ "assertion failed: %s\n",
/*171*/ "user error: %s\n",
"\256\215a\204from \342le:\355",
"\256writ\200\266 \342le:\355",
"num\210ic ov\210flow\275\247ce\320\205\265capaci\251\012",
"\321mpil\230scrip\201\247ce\320\203\235\200\317ximum \313m\221\224\367\200(%l\204bytes\236",
"\266o m\213\224\210r\243\313ssag\322\335\202\200l\205\370",
"\364s\210\214 fail\320: \334",
"\240\261\210r\221: \334"
static char *warnmsg[] = {
#ifdef SCPACK
/*200*/ "symbol \"%s\" is truncated to %d characters\n",
/*201*/ "redefinition of constant/macro (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*202*/ "number of arguments does not match definition\n",
/*203*/ "symbol is never used: \"%s\"\n",
/*204*/ "symbol is assigned a value that is never used: \"%s\"\n",
/*205*/ "redundant code: constant expression is zero\n",
/*206*/ "redundant test: constant expression is non-zero\n",
/*207*/ "unknown #pragma\n",
/*208*/ "function with tag result used before definition, forcing reparse\n",
/*209*/ "function \"%s\" should return a value\n",
/*210*/ "possible use of symbol before initialization: \"%s\"\n",
/*211*/ "possibly unintended assignment\n",
/*212*/ "possibly unintended bitwise operation\n",
/*213*/ "tag mismatch\n",
/*214*/ "possibly a \"const\" array argument was intended: \"%s\"\n",
/*215*/ "expression has no effect\n",
/*216*/ "nested comment\n",
/*217*/ "loose indentation\n",
/*218*/ "old style prototypes used with optional semicolumns\n",
/*219*/ "local variable \"%s\" shadows a variable at a preceding level\n",
/*220*/ "expression with tag override must appear between parentheses\n",
/*221*/ "label name \"%s\" shadows tag name\n",
/*222*/ "number of digits exceeds rational number precision\n",
/*223*/ "redundant \"sizeof\": argument size is always 1 (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*224*/ "indeterminate array size in \"sizeof\" expression (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*225*/ "unreachable code\n",
/*226*/ "a variable is assigned to itself (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*227*/ "more initializers than enum fields\n",
/*228*/ "length of initializer exceeds size of the enum field\n",
/*229*/ "index tag mismatch (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*230*/ "no implementation for state \"%s\" in function \"%s\", no fall-back\n",
/*231*/ "state specification on forward declaration is ignored\n",
/*232*/ "output file is written, but with compact encoding disabled\n",
/*233*/ "state variable \"%s\" shadows a global variable\n",
/*234*/ "symbol \"%s\" is marked as deprecated: %s\n",
/*235*/ "public function lacks forward declaration (symbol \"%s\")\n",
/*236*/ "unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)\n",
/*237*/ "coercing functions to and from primitives is unsupported and will be removed in the future\n",
"\327 \304tr\242\231\230\266 %\204\302\206a\303\210\264",
"\215\341i\214 \330\371\213t/\317cro \365",
"nu\237\261\330\273t\203do\322\225\356\302 \341i\214\012",
"\263 \304nev\261\240\320:\355",
"\263 \304a\267gn\230\250\253u\200\235a\201\304nev\261\240\320:\355",
"\215d\220d\213\201\321\232: \371\213\201\247\326\267\335\304z\210o\012",
"\215d\220d\213\201te\227: \371\213\201\247\326\267\335\304n\202-z\210o\012",
"\305\343\235 \350\265\215s\311\201\240\230bef\221\200\341i\214\275f\221c\205\265\215p\206\351\012",
"\246\234 sho\311\204\215\366r\316\250\253u\370",
"po\267\244\200\240\200\330\263 bef\221\200\205i\207\217iz\314:\355",
"\255\204\227y\354pro\266\347\203\240\230\343\235 \333\214\376\351mic\255umn\264",
"loc\376\360\223 s\307dow\203\250\360a\201\250\326c\320\205\265level\012",
"\247\326\267\335\343\235 \350\265ov\210rid\200\277ap\254\206 betwe\216 p\206\216\235e\351\264",
"label nam\200\223 s\307dow\203\350\265na\313\012",
"\215d\220d\213\201\042\367e\310\042: \340\367\200\304\217way\2031 \365",
"\250\360\304a\267gn\230\266 it\351lf \365",
"m\221\200\205i\207\217iz\210\203\235\375\216um \342eld\264",
"l\216g\235 \330\205i\207\217iz\261\247ce\320\203\367\200\330\235\200\216um \342eld\012",
"\205\232x \350\265mis\356\302 \365",
"\374imple\233t\314 f\243\357\200\223 \373\246\234\275\374f\217l-back\012",
"\357\200s\254ci\342c\314 \335f\221w\206\204\232\336\206\314 \304ig\212\215d\012",
"outpu\201\342\354\304writt\216\275bu\201\343\235 \321mpac\201\216\321d\205\265\353s\276\320\012",
"\357\200\360\223 s\307dow\203\250glob\376\332\370",
"\327 \304m\206k\230\345\232\326c\231\320: \334",
"pu\244ic \305lack\203f\221w\206\204\232\336\206\314 \365",
"\220k\212w\316p\206a\313t\261\373subs\207\366\214 (\205c\221\215c\201#\341\200p\231t\210n\236",
"\321\210c\205\265\246\203\266 \361from primi\207v\322\304\220supp\221t\230\361\343ll \312\215mov\230\373\235\200fu\366\215\012"
# undef SCPACK