2015-03-07 10:50:35 -08:00

194 lines
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// vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et:
// Copyright (C) 2006-2015 AlliedModders LLC
// This file is part of SourcePawn. SourcePawn is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// SourcePawn. If not, see
#include "sp_vm_api.h"
#include "scripted-invoker.h"
#include "plugin-runtime.h"
namespace sp {
struct HeapTracker
: size(0),
size_t size;
ucell_t *pBase;
ucell_t *pCur;
static const size_t SP_MAX_RETURN_STACK = 1024;
class Environment;
class PluginContext;
class PluginContext : public IPluginContext
PluginContext(PluginRuntime *pRuntime);
bool Initialize();
public: //IPluginContext
IVirtualMachine *GetVirtualMachine();
sp_context_t *GetContext();
bool IsDebugging();
int SetDebugBreak(void *newpfn, void *oldpfn);
IPluginDebugInfo *GetDebugInfo();
int HeapAlloc(unsigned int cells, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr);
int HeapPop(cell_t local_addr);
int HeapRelease(cell_t local_addr);
int FindNativeByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index);
int GetNativeByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_native_t **native);
uint32_t GetNativesNum();
int FindPublicByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index);
int GetPublicByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_public_t **publicptr);
uint32_t GetPublicsNum();
int GetPubvarByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_pubvar_t **pubvar);
int FindPubvarByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index);
int GetPubvarAddrs(uint32_t index, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr);
uint32_t GetPubVarsNum();
int LocalToPhysAddr(cell_t local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr);
int LocalToString(cell_t local_addr, char **addr);
int StringToLocal(cell_t local_addr, size_t chars, const char *source);
int StringToLocalUTF8(cell_t local_addr, size_t maxbytes, const char *source, size_t *wrtnbytes);
int PushCell(cell_t value);
int PushCellArray(cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr, cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells);
int PushString(cell_t *local_addr, char **phys_addr, const char *string);
int PushCellsFromArray(cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells);
int BindNatives(const sp_nativeinfo_t *natives, unsigned int num, int overwrite);
int BindNative(const sp_nativeinfo_t *native);
int BindNativeToAny(SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC native);
int Execute(uint32_t code_addr, cell_t *result);
cell_t ThrowNativeErrorEx(int error, const char *msg, ...);
cell_t ThrowNativeError(const char *msg, ...);
IPluginFunction *GetFunctionByName(const char *public_name);
IPluginFunction *GetFunctionById(funcid_t func_id);
SourceMod::IdentityToken_t *GetIdentity();
cell_t *GetNullRef(SP_NULL_TYPE type);
int LocalToStringNULL(cell_t local_addr, char **addr);
int BindNativeToIndex(uint32_t index, SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC native);
int Execute2(IPluginFunction *function, const cell_t *params, unsigned int num_params, cell_t *result);
IPluginRuntime *GetRuntime();
int GetLastNativeError();
cell_t *GetLocalParams();
void SetKey(int k, void *value);
bool GetKey(int k, void **value);
void Refresh();
void ClearLastNativeError();
ISourcePawnEngine2 *APIv2() KE_OVERRIDE;
void ReportError(const char *fmt, ...) KE_OVERRIDE;
void ReportErrorVA(const char *fmt, va_list ap) KE_OVERRIDE;
void ReportFatalError(const char *fmt, ...) KE_OVERRIDE;
void ReportFatalErrorVA(const char *fmt, va_list ap) KE_OVERRIDE;
void ReportErrorNumber(int error) KE_OVERRIDE;
bool Invoke(funcid_t fnid, const cell_t *params, unsigned int num_params, cell_t *result);
size_t HeapSize() const {
return mem_size_;
uint8_t *memory() const {
return memory_;
size_t DataSize() const {
return data_size_;
PluginRuntime *runtime() const {
return m_pRuntime;
bool IsInExec();
static inline size_t offsetOfTracker() {
return offsetof(PluginContext, tracker_);
static inline size_t offsetOfSp() {
return offsetof(PluginContext, sp_);
static inline size_t offsetOfRuntime() {
return offsetof(PluginContext, m_pRuntime);
static inline size_t offsetOfMemory() {
return offsetof(PluginContext, memory_);
int32_t *addressOfSp() {
return &sp_;
cell_t *addressOfFrm() {
return &frm_;
cell_t *addressOfHp() {
return &hp_;
cell_t frm() const {
return frm_;
cell_t hp() const {
return hp_;
int popTrackerAndSetHeap();
int pushTracker(uint32_t amount);
int generateArray(cell_t dims, cell_t *stk, bool autozero);
int generateFullArray(uint32_t argc, cell_t *argv, int autozero);
cell_t invokeNative(ucell_t native_idx, cell_t *params);
cell_t invokeBoundNative(SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC pfn, cell_t *params);
inline bool checkAddress(cell_t *stk, cell_t addr) {
if (uint32_t(addr) >= mem_size_)
return false;
if (addr < hp_)
return true;
if (reinterpret_cast<cell_t *>(memory_ + addr) < stk)
return false;
return true;
Environment *env_;
PluginRuntime *m_pRuntime;
uint8_t *memory_;
uint32_t data_size_;
uint32_t mem_size_;
cell_t *m_pNullVec;
cell_t *m_pNullString;
void *m_keys[4];
bool m_keys_set[4];
// Tracker for local HEA growth.
HeapTracker tracker_;
// Stack, heap, and frame pointer.
cell_t sp_;
cell_t hp_;
cell_t frm_;
} // namespace sp