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// vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et:
// Copyright (C) 2006-2015 AlliedModders LLC
// This file is part of SourcePawn. SourcePawn is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// SourcePawn. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
#ifndef _include_sourcepawn_vm_environment_h_
#define _include_sourcepawn_vm_environment_h_
#include <sp_vm_api.h>
#include <am-utility.h> // Replace with am-cxx later.
#include <am-inlinelist.h>
#include <am-thread-utils.h>
#include "code-allocator.h"
#include "plugin-runtime.h"
#include "stack-frames.h"
namespace sp {
using namespace SourcePawn;
class PluginRuntime;
class CodeStubs;
class WatchdogTimer;
// An Environment encapsulates everything that's needed to load and run
// instances of plugins on a single thread. There can be at most one
// environment per thread.
// Currently, the VM is single threaded in that no more than one
// Environment can be created per process.
class Environment : public ISourcePawnEnvironment
static Environment *New();
void Shutdown() KE_OVERRIDE;
ISourcePawnEngine *APIv1() KE_OVERRIDE;
ISourcePawnEngine2 *APIv2() KE_OVERRIDE;
int ApiVersion() KE_OVERRIDE {
// Access the current Environment.
static Environment *get();
bool InstallWatchdogTimer(int timeout_ms);
void EnterExceptionHandlingScope(ExceptionHandler *handler) KE_OVERRIDE;
void LeaveExceptionHandlingScope(ExceptionHandler *handler) KE_OVERRIDE;
bool HasPendingException(const ExceptionHandler *handler) KE_OVERRIDE;
const char *GetPendingExceptionMessage(const ExceptionHandler *handler) KE_OVERRIDE;
// Runtime functions.
const char *GetErrorString(int err);
void ReportError(int code);
void ReportError(int code, const char *message);
void ReportErrorFmt(int code, const char *message, ...);
void ReportErrorVA(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
void ReportErrorVA(int code, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
// Allocate and free executable memory.
void *AllocateCode(size_t size);
void FreeCode(void *code);
CodeStubs *stubs() {
return code_stubs_;
// Runtime management.
void RegisterRuntime(PluginRuntime *rt);
void DeregisterRuntime(PluginRuntime *rt);
void PatchAllJumpsForTimeout();
void UnpatchAllJumpsFromTimeout();
ke::Mutex *lock() {
return &mutex_;
int Invoke(PluginRuntime *runtime, CompiledFunction *fn, cell_t *result);
// Helpers.
void SetProfiler(IProfilingTool *profiler) {
profiler_ = profiler;
IProfilingTool *profiler() const {
return profiler_;
bool IsProfilingEnabled() const {
return profiling_enabled_;
void EnableProfiling();
void DisableProfiling();
void SetJitEnabled(bool enabled) {
bool IsJitEnabled() const {
return jit_enabled_;
void SetDebugger(IDebugListener *debugger) {
debugger_ = debugger;
IDebugListener *debugger() const {
return debugger_;
WatchdogTimer *watchdog() const {
return watchdog_timer_;
bool hasPendingException() const;
void clearPendingException();
int getPendingExceptionCode() const;
// These are indicators used for the watchdog timer.
uintptr_t FrameId() const {
return frame_id_;
bool RunningCode() const {
return !!top_;
void enterInvoke(InvokeFrame *frame) {
if (!top_)
top_ = frame;
void leaveInvoke() {
exit_frame_ = top_->prev_exit_frame();
top_ = top_->prev();
InvokeFrame *top() const {
return top_;
const ExitFrame &exit_frame() const {
return exit_frame_;
static inline size_t offsetOfTopFrame() {
return offsetof(Environment, top_);
static inline size_t offsetOfExceptionCode() {
return offsetof(Environment, exception_code_);
bool Initialize();
ke::AutoPtr<ISourcePawnEngine> api_v1_;
ke::AutoPtr<ISourcePawnEngine2> api_v2_;
ke::AutoPtr<WatchdogTimer> watchdog_timer_;
ke::Mutex mutex_;
IDebugListener *debugger_;
ExceptionHandler *eh_top_;
int exception_code_;
char exception_message_[1024];
IProfilingTool *profiler_;
bool jit_enabled_;
bool profiling_enabled_;
Knight::KeCodeCache *code_pool_;
ke::InlineList<PluginRuntime> runtimes_;
uintptr_t frame_id_;
ke::AutoPtr<CodeStubs> code_stubs_;
InvokeFrame *top_;
ExitFrame exit_frame_;
class EnterProfileScope
EnterProfileScope(const char *group, const char *name)
if (Environment::get()->IsProfilingEnabled())
Environment::get()->profiler()->EnterScope(group, name);
if (Environment::get()->IsProfilingEnabled())
} // namespace sp
#endif // _include_sourcepawn_vm_environment_h_