Erik Minekus a1a483fa27 Numerous code documentation fixups (bug 5720, r=psychonic).
extra : rebase_source : 864171c29442accaef2a051e37dfd25c2ee1566c
2013-08-01 09:26:34 -04:00

683 lines
23 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _sourcemod_included
#define _sourcemod_included
* Plugin public information.
struct Plugin
const String:name[], /**< Plugin Name */
const String:description[], /**< Plugin Description */
const String:author[], /**< Plugin Author */
const String:version[], /**< Plugin Version */
const String:url[], /**< Plugin URL */
#include <core>
#include <float>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <handles>
#include <functions>
#include <files>
#include <logging>
#include <timers>
#include <admin>
#include <keyvalues>
#include <dbi>
#include <lang>
#include <sorting>
#include <textparse>
#include <clients>
#include <console>
#include <events>
#include <bitbuffer>
#include <protobuf>
#include <usermessages>
#include <menus>
#include <halflife>
#include <adt>
#include <banning>
#include <commandfilters>
#include <nextmap>
enum APLRes
APLRes_Success = 0, /**< Plugin should load */
APLRes_Failure, /**< Plugin shouldn't load and should display an error */
APLRes_SilentFailure /**< Plugin shouldn't load but do so silently */
* Declare this as a struct in your plugin to expose its information.
* Example:
* public Plugin:myinfo =
* {
* name = "My Plugin",
* //etc
* };
public Plugin:myinfo;
* Called when the plugin is fully initialized and all known external references
* are resolved. This is only called once in the lifetime of the plugin, and is
* paired with OnPluginEnd().
* If any run-time error is thrown during this callback, the plugin will be marked
* as failed.
* It is not necessary to close any handles or remove hooks in this function.
* SourceMod guarantees that plugin shutdown automatically and correctly releases
* all resources.
* @noreturn
forward OnPluginStart();
* @deprecated Use AskPluginLoad2() instead.
* If a plugin contains both AskPluginLoad() and AskPluginLoad2(), the former will
* not be called, but old plugins with only AskPluginLoad() will work.
#pragma deprecated Use AskPluginLoad2() instead
forward bool:AskPluginLoad(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max);
* Called before OnPluginStart, in case the plugin wants to check for load failure.
* This is called even if the plugin type is "private." Any natives from modules are
* not available at this point. Thus, this forward should only be used for explicit
* pre-emptive things, such as adding dynamic natives, setting certain types of load
* filters (such as not loading the plugin for certain games).
* @note It is not safe to call externally resolved natives until OnPluginStart().
* @note Any sort of RTE in this function will cause the plugin to fail loading.
* @note If you do not return anything, it is treated like returning success.
* @note If a plugin has an AskPluginLoad2(), AskPluginLoad() will not be called.
* @param myself Handle to the plugin.
* @param late Whether or not the plugin was loaded "late" (after map load).
* @param error Error message buffer in case load failed.
* @param err_max Maximum number of characters for error message buffer.
* @return APLRes_Success for load success, APLRes_Failure or APLRes_SilentFailure otherwise
forward APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max);
* Called when the plugin is about to be unloaded.
* @noreturn
forward OnPluginEnd();
* Called when the plugin's pause status is changing.
* @param pause True if the plugin is being paused, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
forward OnPluginPauseChange(bool:pause);
* Called before every server frame. Note that you should avoid
* doing expensive computations here, and you should declare large
* local arrays using 'decl' instead of 'new'.
forward OnGameFrame();
* Called when the map is loaded.
* @note This used to be OnServerLoad(), which is now deprecated.
* Plugins still using the old forward will work.
forward OnMapStart();
* Called right before a map ends.
forward OnMapEnd();
* Called when the map has loaded, servercfgfile (server.cfg) has been
* executed, and all plugin configs are done executing. This is the best
* place to initialize plugin functions which are based on cvar data.
* @note This will always be called once and only once per map. It will be
* called after OnMapStart().
* @noreturn
forward OnConfigsExecuted();
* This is called once, right after OnMapStart() but any time before
* OnConfigsExecuted(). It is called after the "exec sourcemod.cfg"
* command and all AutoExecConfig() exec commands have been added to
* the ServerCommand() buffer.
* If you need to load per-map settings that override default values,
* adding commands to the ServerCommand() buffer here will guarantee
* that they're set before OnConfigsExecuted().
* Unlike OnMapStart() and OnConfigsExecuted(), this is not called on
* late loads that occur after OnMapStart().
* @noreturn
forward OnAutoConfigsBuffered();
* @deprecated Use OnConfigsExecuted() instead.
#pragma deprecated Use OnConfigsExecuted() instead
forward OnServerCfg();
* Called after all plugins have been loaded. This is called once for
* every plugin. If a plugin late loads, it will be called immediately
* after OnPluginStart().
forward OnAllPluginsLoaded();
* Returns the calling plugin's Handle.
* @return Handle of the calling plugin.
native Handle:GetMyHandle();
* Returns an iterator that can be used to search through plugins.
* @return Handle to iterate with. Must be closed via
* CloseHandle().
* @error Invalid Handle.
native Handle:GetPluginIterator();
* Returns whether there are more plugins available in the iterator.
* @param iter Handle to the plugin iterator.
* @return True on more plugins, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:MorePlugins(Handle:iter);
* Returns the current plugin in the iterator and advances the iterator.
* @param iter Handle to the plugin iterator.
* @return Current plugin the iterator is at, before
* the iterator is advanced.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native Handle:ReadPlugin(Handle:iter);
* Returns a plugin's status.
* @param plugin Plugin Handle (INVALID_HANDLE uses the calling plugin).
* @return Status code for the plugin.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native PluginStatus:GetPluginStatus(Handle:plugin);
* Retrieves a plugin's file name relative to the plugins folder.
* @param plugin Plugin Handle (INVALID_HANDLE uses the calling plugin).
* @param buffer Buffer to the store the file name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the name buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native GetPluginFilename(Handle:plugin, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Retrieves whether or not a plugin is being debugged.
* @param plugin Plugin Handle (INVALID_HANDLE uses the calling plugin).
* @return True if being debugged, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:IsPluginDebugging(Handle:plugin);
* Retrieves a plugin's public info.
* @param plugin Plugin Handle (INVALID_HANDLE uses the calling plugin).
* @param info Plugin info property to retrieve.
* @param buffer Buffer to store info in.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of buffer.
* @return True on success, false if property is not available.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:GetPluginInfo(Handle:plugin, PluginInfo:info, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Finds a plugin by its order in the list from the "plugins list" server
* "sm" command. You should not use this function to loop through all plugins,
* use the iterator instead. Looping through all plugins using this native
* is O(n^2), whereas using the iterator is O(n).
* @param order_num Number of the plugin as it appears in "sm plugins list".
* @return Plugin Handle on success, INVALID_HANDLE if no plugin
* matches the given number.
native Handle:FindPluginByNumber(order_num);
* Causes the plugin to enter a failed state. An error will be thrown and
* the plugin will be paused until it is unloaded or reloaded.
* For backwards compatibility, if no extra arguments are passed, no
* formatting is applied. If one or more additional arguments is passed,
* the string is formatted using Format(). If any errors are encountered
* during formatting, both the format specifier string and an additional
* error message are written.
* This function does not return, and no further code in the plugin is
* executed.
* @param string Format specifier string.
* @param ... Formatting arguments.
* @noreturn
* @error Always throws SP_ERROR_ABORT.
native SetFailState(const String:string[], any:...);
* Aborts the current callback and throws an error. This function
* does not return in that no code is executed following it.
* @param fmt String format.
* @param ... Format arguments.
* @noreturn
* @error Always!
native ThrowError(const String:fmt[], any:...);
* Gets the system time as a unix timestamp.
* @param bigStamp Optional array to store the 64bit timestamp in.
* @return 32bit timestamp (number of seconds since unix epoch).
native GetTime(bigStamp[2]={0,0});
* Produces a date and/or time string value for a timestamp.
* See this URL for valid parameters:
* @param buffer Destination string buffer.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @param format Formatting rules (passing NULL_STRING will use the rules defined in sm_datetime_format).
* @param stamp Optional time stamp.
* @noreturn
* @error Buffer too small or invalid time format.
native FormatTime(String:buffer[], maxlength, const String:format[], stamp=-1);
* Loads a game config file.
* @param file File to load. The path must be relative to the 'gamedata' folder under the config folder
* and the extension should be omitted.
* @return A handle to the game config file or INVALID_HANDLE in failure.
native Handle:LoadGameConfigFile(const String:file[]);
* Returns an offset value.
* @param gc Game config handle.
* @param key Key to retrieve from the offset section.
* @return An offset, or -1 on failure.
native GameConfGetOffset(Handle:gc, const String:key[]);
* Gets the value of a key from the "Keys" section.
* @param gc Game config handle.
* @param key Key to retrieve from the Keys section.
* @param buffer Destination string buffer.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @return True if key existed, false otherwise.
native bool:GameConfGetKeyValue(Handle:gc, const String:key[], String:buffer[], maxlen);
* Finds an address calculation in a GameConfig file,
* performs LoadFromAddress on it as appropriate, then returns the final address.
* @param gameconf GameConfig Handle, or INVALID_HANDLE to use
* @param name Name of the property to find.
* @return An address calculated on success, or 0 on failure.
native Address:GameConfGetAddress(Handle:gameconf, const String:name[]);
* Returns the operating system's "tick count," which is a number of
* milliseconds since the operating system loaded. This can be used
* for basic benchmarks.
* @return Tick count in milliseconds.
native GetSysTickCount();
* Specifies that the given config file should be executed after plugin load.
* OnConfigsExecuted() will not be called until the config file has executed,
* but it will be called if the execution fails.
* @param autoCreate If true, and the config file does not exist, such a config
* file will be automatically created and populated with
* information from the plugin's registered cvars.
* @param name Name of the config file, excluding the .cfg extension.
* If empty, <plugin.filename.cfg> is assumed.
* @param folder Folder under cfg/ to use. By default this is "sourcemod."
* @noreturn
native AutoExecConfig(bool:autoCreate=true, const String:name[]="", const String:folder[]="sourcemod");
* Registers a library name for identifying as a dependency to
* other plugins.
* @param name Library name.
* @noreturn
native RegPluginLibrary(const String:name[]);
* Returns whether a library exists. This function should be considered
* expensive; it should only be called on plugin to determine availability
* of resources. Use OnLibraryAdded()/OnLibraryRemoved() to detect changes
* in optional resources.
* @param name Library name of a plugin or extension.
* @return True if exists, false otherwise.
native bool:LibraryExists(const String:name[]);
* Returns the status of an extension, by filename.
* @param name Extension name (like "sdktools.ext").
* @param error Optional error message buffer.
* @param maxlength Length of optional error message buffer.
* @return -2 if the extension was not found.
* -1 if the extension was found but failed to load.
* 0 if the extension loaded but reported an error.
* 1 if the extension is running without error.
native GetExtensionFileStatus(const String:name[], String:error[]="", maxlength=0);
* Called after a library is added that the current plugin references
* optionally. A library is either a plugin name or extension name, as
* exposed via its include file.
* @param name Library name.
forward OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[]);
* Called right before a library is removed that the current plugin references
* optionally. A library is either a plugin name or extension name, as
* exposed via its include file.
* @param name Library name.
forward OnLibraryRemoved(const String:name[]);
#define MAPLIST_FLAG_MAPSFOLDER (1<<0) /**< On failure, use all maps in the maps folder. */
#define MAPLIST_FLAG_CLEARARRAY (1<<1) /**< If an input array is specified, clear it before adding. */
#define MAPLIST_FLAG_NO_DEFAULT (1<<2) /**< Do not read "default" or "mapcyclefile" on failure. */
* Loads a map list to an ADT Array.
* A map list is a list of maps from a file. SourceMod allows easy configuration of
* maplists through addons/sourcemod/configs/maplists.cfg. Each entry is given a
* name and a file (for example, "rtv" => "rtv.cfg"), or a name and a redirection
* (for example, "rtv" => "default"). This native will read a map list entry,
* cache the file, and return the list of maps it holds.
* Serial change numbers are used to identify if a map list has changed. Thus, if
* you pass a serial change number and it's equal to what SourceMod currently knows
* about the map list, then SourceMod won't reparse the file.
* If the maps end up being read from the maps folder (MAPLIST_FLAG_MAPSFOLDER), they
* are automatically sorted in alphabetical, ascending order.
* Arrays created by this function are temporary and must be freed via CloseHandle().
* Modifying arrays created by this function will not affect future return values or
* or the contents of arrays returned to other plugins.
* @param array Array to store the map list. If INVALID_HANDLE, a new blank
* array will be created. The blocksize should be at least 16;
* otherwise results may be truncated. Items are added to the array
* as strings. The array is never checked for duplicates, and it is
* not read beforehand. Only the serial number is used to detect
* changes.
* @param serial Serial number to identify last known map list change. If -1, the
* the value will not be checked. If the map list has since changed,
* the serial is updated (even if -1 was passed). If there is an error
* finding a valid maplist, then the serial is set to -1.
* @param str Config name, or "default" for the default map list. Config names
* should be somewhat descriptive. For example, the admin menu uses
* a config name of "admin menu". The list names can be configured
* by users in addons/sourcemod/configs/maplists.cfg.
* @param flags MAPLIST_FLAG flags.
* @return On failure:
* INVALID_HANDLE is returned, the serial is set to -1, and the input
* array (if any) is left unchanged.
* On no change:
INVALID_HANDLE is returned, the serial is unchanged, and the input
array (if any) is left unchanged.
* On success:
* A valid array Handle is returned, containing at least one map string.
* If an array was passed, the return value is equal to the passed Array
* Handle. If the passed array was not cleared, it will have grown by at
* least one item. The serial number is updated to a positive number.
* @error Invalid array Handle that is not INVALID_HANDLE.
native Handle:ReadMapList(Handle:array=INVALID_HANDLE,
const String:str[]="default",
* Makes a compatibility binding for map lists. For example, if a function previously used
* "clam.cfg" for map lists, this function will insert a "fake" binding to "clam.cfg" that
* will be overridden if it's in the maplists.cfg file.
* @param name Configuration name that would be used with ReadMapList().
* @param file Default file to use.
* @noreturn
native SetMapListCompatBind(const String:name[], const String:file[]);
* Called when a client has sent chat text. This must return either true or
* false to indicate that a client is or is not spamming the server.
* The return value is a hint only. Core or another plugin may decide
* otherwise.
* @param client Client index. The server (0) will never be passed.
* @return True if client is spamming the server, false otherwise.
forward bool:OnClientFloodCheck(client);
* Called after a client's flood check has been computed. This can be used
* by antiflood algorithms to decay/increase flooding weights.
* Since the result from "OnClientFloodCheck" isn't guaranteed to be the
* final result, it is generally a good idea to use this to play with other
* algorithms nicely.
* @param client Client index. The server (0) will never be passed.
* @param blocked True if client flooded last "say", false otherwise.
* @noreturn
forward OnClientFloodResult(client, bool:blocked);
* Feature types.
enum FeatureType
* A native function call.
* A named capability. This is distinctly different from checking for a
* native, because the underlying functionality could be enabled on-demand
* to improve loading time. Thus a native may appear to exist, but it might
* be part of a set of features that are not compatible with the current game
* or version of SourceMod.
* Feature statuses.
enum FeatureStatus
* Feature is available for use.
* Feature is not available.
* Feature is not known at all.
* Returns whether "GetFeatureStatus" will work. Using this native
* or this function will not cause SourceMod to fail loading on older versions,
* however, GetFeatureStatus will only work if this function returns true.
* @return True if GetFeatureStatus will work, false otherwise.
stock bool:CanTestFeatures()
return LibraryExists("__CanTestFeatures__");
* Returns whether a feature exists, and if so, whether it is usable.
* @param type Feature type.
* @param name Feature name.
* @return Feature status.
native FeatureStatus:GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType:type, const String:name[]);
* Requires that a given feature is available. If it is not, SetFailState()
* is called with the given message.
* @param type Feature type.
* @param name Feature name.
* @param fmt Message format string, or empty to use default.
* @param ... Message format parameters, if any.
* @noreturn
native RequireFeature(FeatureType:type, const String:name[],
const String:fmt[]="", any:...);
* Represents how many bytes we can read from an address with one load
enum NumberType
enum Address
Address_Null = 0, //a typical invalid result when an address lookup fails
Address_MinimumValid = 0x10000 //addresses below this value are considered invalid to use for Load/Store
* Load up to 4 bytes from a memory address.
* @param addr Address to a memory location.
* @param size How many bytes should be read.
* @return The value that is stored at that address.
native LoadFromAddress(Address:addr, NumberType:size);
* Store up to 4 bytes to a memory address.
* @param addr Address to a memory location.
* @param data Value to store at the address.
* @param size How many bytes should be written.
* @noreturn
native StoreToAddress(Address:addr, data, NumberType:size);
#include <helpers>
#include <entity>
#include <entity_prop_stocks>