sappho b090aa36bf
Add support for open fortress ()
* Run timers every tick instead of arbitrarily on 100ms thinks, adding a significantly higher amount of precision

* undo force push

* add open fortress support

* undo leftover timersys changes

* Add fireoutput sig and remove engine gamedata

* Update

* Update
2023-10-16 00:29:44 +00:00

169 lines
2.7 KiB

/* CBaseTempEntity::GetName() */
"windows" "4"
"linux" "4"
"mac" "4"
/* CBaseTempEntity::GetNext() */
"windows" "8"
"linux" "8"
"mac" "8"
/* CBaseTempEntity::GetServerClass() */
"windows" "0"
"linux" "0"
"mac" "0"
/* CBasePlayer::GiveNamedItem(char const*, int) */
"windows" "429"
"linux" "430"
"mac" "429"
/* CBaseCombatCharacter::RemovePlayerItem(CBaseCombatWeapon*) */
"windows" "287"
"linux" "288"
"mac" "287"
/* CBaseCombatCharacter::Weapon_GetSlot(int) const */
"windows" "285"
"linux" "286"
"mac" "285"
/* CBaseAnimating::Ignite(float, bool, float, bool) */
"windows" "211"
"linux" "212"
"mac" "212"
/* CBaseAnimating::Extinguish() */
"windows" "215"
"linux" "216"
"mac" "215"
/* CBaseEntity::Teleport(Vector const*, QAngle const*, Vector const*) */
"windows" "110"
"linux" "111"
"mac" "110"
/* CBasePlayer::CommitSuicide(bool, bool) */
"windows" "469"
"linux" "469"
"mac" "469"
/* CBaseEntity::GetVelocity(Vector*, Vector*) */
"windows" "142"
"linux" "143"
"mac" "142"
/* CBaseEntity::EyeAngles() */
"windows" "133"
"linux" "134"
"mac" "133"
/* CBaseEntity::SetModel(char const*) */
"windows" "25"
"linux" "26"
"mac" "25"
/* CBaseEntity::AcceptInput(char const*, CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*, variant_t, int) */
"windows" "37"
"linux" "38"
"mac" "37"
/* CBaseCombatCharacter::Weapon_Equip(CBaseCombatWeapon*) */
"windows" "278"
"linux" "279"
"mac" "279"
/* CBaseEntity::Activate() */
"windows" "34"
"linux" "35"
"mac" "34"
/* CBasePlayer::PlayerRunCommand(CUserCmd*, IMoveHelper*) */
"windows" "448"
"linux" "449"
"mac" "448"
/* CBaseCombatCharacter::GiveAmmo(int, int, bool) */
"windows" "269"
"linux" "270"
"mac" "269"
"GameRulesProxy" "CTFGameRulesProxy"
"GameRulesDataTable" "tf_gamerules_data"
"library" "server"
"windows" "@?FireOutput@COutputEvent@@QAEXPAVCBaseEntity@@0M@Z"
"linux" "@_ZN12COutputEvent10FireOutputEP11CBaseEntityS1_f"