* Add void prototype to NativeCall typeset `void` prototype can be used for simple natives which don't return any value. This is done to silence compiler warnings 209 (`function has explicit 'int' tag but does not return a value`) and 242 (`function "NativeCallback" should return an explicit value`). * Make MenuHandler into typeset and add void prototype This can be used for basic menu handlers that don't return modified item styles and don't redraw menu items.
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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _functions_included
#define _functions_included
#define SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF (1<<0) /**< Internal use only. */
* Describes the various ways to pass parameters to functions or forwards.
enum ParamType
Param_Any = 0, /**< Any data type can be pushed */
Param_Cell = (1<<1), /**< Only basic cells can be pushed */
Param_Float = (2<<1), /**< Only floats can be pushed */
Param_String = (3<<1)|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF, /**< Only strings can be pushed */
Param_Array = (4<<1)|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF, /**< Only arrays can be pushed */
Param_VarArgs = (5<<1), /**< Same as "..." in plugins, anything can be pushed, but it will always be byref */
Param_CellByRef = (1<<1)|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF, /**< Only a cell by reference can be pushed */
Param_FloatByRef = (2<<1)|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF /**< Only a float by reference can be pushed */
* Defines how a forward iterates through plugin functions.
enum ExecType
ET_Ignore = 0, /**< Ignore all return values, return 0 */
ET_Single = 1, /**< Only return the last exec, ignore all others */
ET_Event = 2, /**< Acts as an event with the Actions defined in core.inc, no mid-Stops allowed, returns highest */
ET_Hook = 3 /**< Acts as a hook with the Actions defined in core.inc, mid-Stops allowed, returns highest */
* @section Flags that are used with Call_PushArrayEx() and Call_PushStringEx()
#define SM_PARAM_COPYBACK (1<<0) /**< Copy an array/reference back after call */
#define SM_PARAM_STRING_UTF8 (1<<0) /**< String should be UTF-8 handled */
#define SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY (1<<1) /**< String should be copied into the plugin */
#define SM_PARAM_STRING_BINARY (1<<2) /**< Treat the string as a binary string */
* @endsection
* @section Error codes
#define SP_ERROR_NONE 0 /**< No error occurred */
#define SP_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 1 /**< File format unrecognized */
#define SP_ERROR_DECOMPRESSOR 2 /**< A decompressor was not found */
#define SP_ERROR_HEAPLOW 3 /**< Not enough space left on the heap */
#define SP_ERROR_PARAM 4 /**< Invalid parameter or parameter type */
#define SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS 5 /**< A memory address was not valid */
#define SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND 6 /**< The object in question was not found */
#define SP_ERROR_INDEX 7 /**< Invalid index parameter */
#define SP_ERROR_STACKLOW 8 /**< Not enough space left on the stack */
#define SP_ERROR_NOTDEBUGGING 9 /**< Debug mode was not on or debug section not found */
#define SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION 10 /**< Invalid instruction was encountered */
#define SP_ERROR_MEMACCESS 11 /**< Invalid memory access */
#define SP_ERROR_STACKMIN 12 /**< Stack went beyond its minimum value */
#define SP_ERROR_HEAPMIN 13 /**< Heap went beyond its minimum value */
#define SP_ERROR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 14 /**< Division by zero */
#define SP_ERROR_ARRAY_BOUNDS 15 /**< Array index is out of bounds */
#define SP_ERROR_INSTRUCTION_PARAM 16 /**< Instruction had an invalid parameter */
#define SP_ERROR_STACKLEAK 17 /**< A native leaked an item on the stack */
#define SP_ERROR_HEAPLEAK 18 /**< A native leaked an item on the heap */
#define SP_ERROR_ARRAY_TOO_BIG 19 /**< A dynamic array is too big */
#define SP_ERROR_TRACKER_BOUNDS 20 /**< Tracker stack is out of bounds */
#define SP_ERROR_INVALID_NATIVE 21 /**< Native was pending or invalid */
#define SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX 22 /**< Maximum number of parameters reached */
#define SP_ERROR_NATIVE 23 /**< Error originates from a native */
#define SP_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE 24 /**< Function or plugin is not runnable */
#define SP_ERROR_ABORTED 25 /**< Function call was aborted */
* @endsection
methodmap GlobalForward < Handle {
// Creates a global forward.
// @note The name used to create the forward is used as its public function in all target plugins.
// @note This is ideal for global, static forwards that are never changed.
// @note Global forwards cannot be cloned.
// @note Use CloseHandle() to destroy these.
// @param name Name of public function to use in forward.
// @param type Execution type to be used.
// @param ... Variable number of parameter types (up to 32).
// @return Handle to new global forward.
// @error More than 32 parameter types passed.
public native GlobalForward(const char[] name, ExecType type, ParamType ...);
// Returns the number of functions in a global or private forward's call list.
property int FunctionCount {
public native get();
methodmap PrivateForward < GlobalForward {
// Creates a private forward.
// @note No functions are automatically added. Use AddToForward() to do this.
// @note Private forwards can be cloned.
// @note Use CloseHandle() to destroy these.
// @param type Execution type to be used.
// @param ... Variable number of parameter types (up to 32).
// @return Handle to new private forward.
// @error More than 32 parameter types passed.
public native PrivateForward(ExecType type, ParamType ...);
// Adds a function to a private forward's call list.
// @note Cannot be used during an incomplete call.
// @param plugin Handle of the plugin that contains the function.
// Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
// @param func Function to add to forward.
// @return True on success, false otherwise.
// @error Invalid or corrupt private forward handle, invalid or corrupt plugin handle, or invalid function.
public native bool AddFunction(Handle plugin, Function func);
// Removes a function from a private forward's call list.
// @note Only removes one instance.
// @note Functions will be removed automatically if their parent plugin is unloaded.
// @param plugin Handle of the plugin that contains the function.
// Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
// @param func Function to remove from forward.
// @return True on success, false otherwise.
// @error Invalid or corrupt private forward handle, invalid or corrupt plugin handle, or invalid function.
public native bool RemoveFunction(Handle plugin, Function func);
// Removes all instances of a plugin from a private forward's call list.
// @note Functions will be removed automatically if their parent plugin is unloaded.
// @param plugin Handle of the plugin to remove instances of.
// Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
// @return Number of functions removed from forward.
// @error Invalid or corrupt private forward handle or invalid or corrupt plugin handle.
public native int RemoveAllFunctions(Handle plugin);
* Gets a function id from a function name.
* @param plugin Handle of the plugin that contains the function.
* Pass INVALID_HANDLE to search in the calling plugin.
* @param name Name of the function.
* @return Function id or INVALID_FUNCTION if not found.
* @error Invalid or corrupt plugin handle.
native Function GetFunctionByName(Handle plugin, const char[] name);
* Creates a global forward.
* @note The name used to create the forward is used as its public function in all target plugins.
* @note This is ideal for global, static forwards that are never changed.
* @note Global forwards cannot be cloned.
* @note Use CloseHandle() to destroy these.
* @param name Name of public function to use in forward.
* @param type Execution type to be used.
* @param ... Variable number of parameter types (up to 32).
* @return Handle to new global forward.
* @error More than 32 parameter types passed.
native GlobalForward CreateGlobalForward(const char[] name, ExecType type, ParamType ...);
* Creates a private forward.
* @note No functions are automatically added. Use AddToForward() to do this.
* @note Private forwards can be cloned.
* @note Use CloseHandle() to destroy these.
* @param type Execution type to be used.
* @param ... Variable number of parameter types (up to 32).
* @return Handle to new private forward.
* @error More than 32 parameter types passed.
native PrivateForward CreateForward(ExecType type, ParamType ...);
* Returns the number of functions in a global or private forward's call list.
* @param fwd Handle to global or private forward.
* @return Number of functions in forward.
* @error Invalid or corrupt forward handle.
native int GetForwardFunctionCount(Handle fwd);
* Adds a function to a private forward's call list.
* @note Cannot be used during an incomplete call.
* @param fwd Handle to private forward.
* @param plugin Handle of the plugin that contains the function.
* Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
* @param func Function to add to forward.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid or corrupt private forward handle, invalid or corrupt plugin handle, or invalid function.
native bool AddToForward(Handle fwd, Handle plugin, Function func);
* Removes a function from a private forward's call list.
* @note Only removes one instance.
* @note Functions will be removed automatically if their parent plugin is unloaded.
* @param fwd Handle to private forward.
* @param plugin Handle of the plugin that contains the function.
* Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
* @param func Function to remove from forward.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid or corrupt private forward handle, invalid or corrupt plugin handle, or invalid function.
native bool RemoveFromForward(Handle fwd, Handle plugin, Function func);
* Removes all instances of a plugin from a private forward's call list.
* @note Functions will be removed automatically if their parent plugin is unloaded.
* @param fwd Handle to private forward.
* @param plugin Handle of the plugin to remove instances of.
* Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
* @return Number of functions removed from forward.
* @error Invalid or corrupt private forward handle or invalid or corrupt plugin handle.
native int RemoveAllFromForward(Handle fwd, Handle plugin);
* Starts a call to functions in a forward's call list.
* @note Cannot be used during an incomplete call.
* @param fwd Handle to global or private forward.
* @error Invalid or corrupt forward handle or called before another call has completed.
native void Call_StartForward(Handle fwd);
* Starts a call to a function.
* @note Cannot be used during an incomplete call.
* @param plugin Handle of the plugin that contains the function.
* Pass INVALID_HANDLE to specify the calling plugin.
* @param func Function to call.
* @error Invalid or corrupt plugin handle, invalid function, or called before another call has completed.
native void Call_StartFunction(Handle plugin, Function func);
* Pushes a cell onto the current call.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value Cell value to push.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushCell(any value);
* Pushes a cell by reference onto the current call.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value Cell reference to push.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushCellRef(any &value);
* Pushes a float onto the current call.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value Floating point value to push.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushFloat(float value);
* Pushes a float by reference onto the current call.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value Floating point reference to push.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushFloatRef(float &value);
* Pushes an array onto the current call.
* @note Changes to array are not copied back to caller. Use PushArrayEx() to do this.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value Array to push.
* @param size Size of array.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushArray(const any[] value, int size);
* Pushes an array onto the current call.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value Array to push.
* @param size Size of array.
* @param cpflags Whether or not changes should be copied back to the input array.
* See SM_PARAM_* constants for details.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushArrayEx(any[] value, int size, int cpflags);
* Pushes the NULL_VECTOR onto the current call.
* @see IsNullVector
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushNullVector();
* Pushes a string onto the current call.
* @note Changes to string are not copied back to caller. Use PushStringEx() to do this.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value String to push.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushString(const char[] value);
* Pushes a string onto the current call.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param value String to push.
* @param length Length of string buffer.
* @param szflags Flags determining how string should be handled.
* See SM_PARAM_STRING_* constants for details.
* The default (0) is to push ASCII.
* @param cpflags Whether or not changes should be copied back to the input array.
* See SM_PARAM_* constants for details.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushStringEx(char[] value, int length, int szflags, int cpflags);
* Pushes the NULL_STRING onto the current call.
* @see IsNullString
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_PushNullString();
* Completes a call to a function or forward's call list.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @param result Return value of function or forward's call list.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, any other integer on failure.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native int Call_Finish(any &result=0);
* Cancels a call to a function or forward's call list.
* @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
* @error Called before a call has been started.
native void Call_Cancel();
typeset NativeCall
* Defines a native function.
* It is not necessary to validate the parameter count
* @param plugin Handle of the calling plugin.
* @param numParams Number of parameters passed to the native.
* @return Value for the native call to return.
function int (Handle plugin, int numParams);
* Defines a native function.
* It is not necessary to validate the parameter count
* @param plugin Handle of the calling plugin.
* @param numParams Number of parameters passed to the native.
* @return Value for the native call to return.
function any (Handle plugin, int numParams);
* Defines a native function.
* It is not necessary to validate the parameter count
* @param plugin Handle of the calling plugin.
* @param numParams Number of parameters passed to the native.
function void (Handle plugin, int numParams);
* Creates a dynamic native. This should only be called in AskPluginLoad(), or
* else you risk not having your native shared with other plugins.
* @param name Name of the dynamic native; must be unique among
* all other registered dynamic natives.
* @param func Function to use as the dynamic native.
native void CreateNative(const char[] name, NativeCall func);
* Throws an error in the calling plugin of a native, instead of your own plugin.
* @param error Error code to use.
* @param fmt Error message format.
* @param ... Format arguments.
* @noreturn
* @error Always!
native int ThrowNativeError(int error, const char[] fmt, any ...);
* Retrieves the string length from a native parameter string. This is useful for
* fetching the entire string using dynamic arrays.
* @note If this function succeeds, Get/SetNativeString will also succeed.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @param length Stores the length of the string.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, any other integer on failure.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native int GetNativeStringLength(int param, int &length);
* Retrieves a string from a native parameter.
* @note Output conditions are undefined on failure.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @param buffer Buffer to store the string in.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param bytes Optionally store the number of bytes written.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, any other integer on failure.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native int GetNativeString(int param, char[] buffer, int maxlength, int &bytes=0);
* Sets a string in a native parameter.
* @note Output conditions are undefined on failure.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @param source Source string to use.
* @param maxlength Maximum number of bytes to write.
* @param utf8 If false, string will not be written
* with UTF8 safety.
* @param bytes Optionally store the number of bytes written.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, any other integer on failure.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native int SetNativeString(int param, const char[] source, int maxlength, bool utf8=true, int &bytes=0);
* Gets a cell from a native parameter.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @return Cell value at the parameter number.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native any GetNativeCell(int param);
* Gets a function pointer from a native parameter.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @return Function pointer at the given parameter number.
* @error Invalid parameter number, or calling from a non-native function.
native Function GetNativeFunction(int param);
* Gets a cell from a native parameter, by reference.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @return Cell value at the parameter number.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native any GetNativeCellRef(int param);
* Sets a cell from a native parameter, by reference.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @param value Cell value at the parameter number to set by reference.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native void SetNativeCellRef(int param, any value);
* Gets an array from a native parameter (always by reference).
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @param local Local array to copy into.
* @param size Maximum size of local array.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, anything else on failure.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native int GetNativeArray(int param, any[] local, int size);
* Copies a local array into a native parameter array (always by reference).
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @param local Local array to copy from.
* @param size Size of the local array to copy.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, anything else on failure.
* @error Invalid parameter number or calling from a non-native function.
native int SetNativeArray(int param, const any[] local, int size);
* Check if the native parameter is the NULL_VECTOR.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @return True if NULL_VECTOR, false otherwise.
native bool IsNativeParamNullVector(int param);
* Check if the native parameter is the NULL_STRING.
* @param param Parameter number, starting from 1.
* @return True if NULL_STRING, false otherwise.
native bool IsNativeParamNullString(int param);
* Formats a string using parameters from a native.
* @note All parameter indexes start at 1.
* @note If the input and output buffers overlap, the contents
* of the output buffer at the end is undefined.
* @param out_param Output parameter number to write to. If 0, out_string is used.
* @param fmt_param Format parameter number. If 0, fmt_string is used.
* @param vararg_param First variable parameter number.
* @param out_len Output string buffer maximum length (always required).
* @param written Optionally stores the number of bytes written.
* @param out_string Output string buffer to use if out_param is not used.
* @param fmt_string Format string to use if fmt_param is not used.
* @return SP_ERROR_NONE on success, anything else on failure.
native int FormatNativeString(int out_param,
int fmt_param,
int vararg_param,
int out_len,
int &written=0,
char[] out_string="",
const char[] fmt_string="");
* Defines a RequestFrame Callback.
* @param data Data passed to the RequestFrame native.
typeset RequestFrameCallback {
function void ();
function void (any data);
* Creates a single use Next Frame hook.
* @param Function Function to call on the next frame.
* @param data Value to be passed on the invocation of the Function.
native void RequestFrame(RequestFrameCallback Function, any data=0);