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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _halflife_included
#define _halflife_included
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_TEXT 0 /**< Treat msg as plain text */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_INDEX 1 /**< Msg is auto determined by the engine */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL 2 /**< Treat msg as an URL link */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_FILE 3 /**< Treat msg as a filename to be openned */
enum DialogType
DialogType_Msg = 0, /**< just an on screen message */
DialogType_Menu, /**< an options menu */
DialogType_Text, /**< a richtext dialog */
DialogType_Entry, /**< an entry box */
DialogType_AskConnect /**< ask the client to connect to a specified IP */
* Logs a generic message to the HL2 logs.
* @param format String format.
* @param ... Format arguments.
* @noreturn
native LogToGame(const String:format[], any:...);
* Sets the seed value for the global Half-Life 2 Random Stream.
* @param seed Seed value.
* @noreturn
native SetRandomSeed(seed);
* Returns a random floating point number from the Half-Life 2 Random Stream.
* @param fMin Minimum random bound.
* @param fMax Maximum random bound.
* @return A random number between (inclusive) fMin and fMax.
native Float:GetRandomFloat(Float:fMin=0.0, Float:fMax=1.0);
* Returns a random number from the Half-Life 2 Random Stream.
* @param nmin Minimum random bound.
* @param nmax Maximum random bound.
* @return A random number between (inclusive) nmin and nmax.
native GetRandomInt(nmin, nmax);
* Returns whether a map is valid or not.
* @param Map name, excluding .bsp extension.
* @return True if valid, false otherwise.
native bool:IsMapValid(const String:map[]);
* Returns whether the server is dedicated.
* @return True if dedicated, false otherwise.
native bool:IsDedicatedServer();
* Returns a high-precision time value for profiling the engine.
* @return A floating point time value.
native Float:GetEngineTime();
* Returns the game time based on the game tick.
* @return Game tick time.
native Float:GetGameTime();
* Returns the game description from the mod.
* @param buffer Buffer to store the description.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of the buffer.
* @param original If true, retrieves the original game description,
* ignoring any potential hooks from plugins.
* @return Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe).
native GetGameDescription(String:buffer[], maxlength, bool:original=false);
* Returns the name of the game's directory.
* @param buffer Buffer to store the directory name.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of the buffer.
* return Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe).
native GetGameFolderName(String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Returns the current map name.
* @param buffer Buffer to store map name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of buffer.
* @return Number of bytes written (UTF-8 safe).
native GetCurrentMap(String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Precaches a given model.
* @param model Name of the model to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns the model index, 0 for error.
native PrecacheModel(const String:model[], bool:preload=false);
* Precaches a given sentence file.
* @param file Name of the sentence file to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns a sentence file index.
native PrecacheSentenceFile(const String:file[], bool:preload=false);
* Precaches a given decal.
* @param decal Name of the decal to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns a decal index.
native PrecacheDecal(const String:decal[], bool:preload=false);
* Precaches a given generic file.
* @param generic Name of the generic file to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns a generic file index.
native PrecacheGeneric(const String:generic[], bool:preload=false);
* Returns if a given model is precached.
* @param model Name of the model to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool:IsModelPrecached(const String:model[]);
* Returns if a given decal is precached.
* @param decal Name of the decal to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool:IsDecalPrecached(const String:decal[]);
* Returns if a given generic file is precached.
* @param decal Name of the generic file to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool:IsGenericPrecached(const String:generic[]);
* Precaches a given sound.
* @param sound Name of the sound to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return True if successfully precached, false otherwise.
native bool:PrecacheSound(const String:sound[], bool:preload=false);
* Returns if a given sound is precached.
* @param sound Name of the sound to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool:IsSoundPrecached(const String:sound[]);
* Creates different types of ingame messages.
* @param client Index of the client.
* @param kv KeyValues handle to set the menu keys and options. (Check iserverplugin.h for more information).
* @param type Message type to display ingame.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native CreateDialog(client, Handle:kv, DialogType:type);
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* @param client Client index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native PrintToChat(client, const String:format[], any:...);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
stock PrintToChatAll(const String:format[], any:...)
new maxClients = GetMaxClients();
decl String:buffer[192];
for (new i = 1; i <= maxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintToChat(i, "%s", buffer);
* Prints a message to a specific client in the center of the screen.
* @param client Client index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native PrintCenterText(client, const String:format[], any:...);
* Prints a message to all clients in the center of the screen.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
stock PrintCenterTextAll(const String:format[], any:...)
new maxClients = GetMaxClients();
decl String:buffer[192];
for (new i = 1; i <= maxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintCenterText(i, "%s", buffer);
* Prints a message to a specific client with a hint box.
* @param client Client index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native PrintHintText(client, const String:format[], any:...);
* Prints a message to all clients with a hint box.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
stock PrintHintTextToAll(const String:format[], any:...)
new maxClients = GetMaxClients();
decl String:buffer[192];
for (new i = 1; i <= maxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintHintText(i, "%s", buffer);
* Shows a VGUI panel to a specific client.
* @param client Client index.
* @param name Panel type name (Check viewport_panel_names.h to see a list of some panel names).
* @param Kv KeyValues handle with all the data for the panel setup (Depends on the panel type and may be unused).
* @param show True to show the panel, or false to remove it from the client screen.
* @noreturn
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native ShowVGUIPanel(client, const String:name[], Handle:Kv=INVALID_HANDLE, bool:show=true);
* Shows a MOTD panel to a specific client.
* @param client Client index.
* @param title Title of the panel (printed on the top border of the window).
* @param msg Contents of the panel, it can be treated as an url, filename or plain text
* depending on the type parameter (WARNING: msg has to be 192 bytes maximum!)
* @param type Determines the way to treat the message body of the panel.
* @noreturn
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock ShowMOTDPanel(client, const String:title[], const String:msg[], type=MOTDPANEL_TYPE_INDEX)
decl String:num[3];
new Handle:Kv = CreateKeyValues("data");
IntToString(type, num, sizeof(num));
KvSetString(Kv, "title", title);
KvSetString(Kv, "type", num);
KvSetString(Kv, "msg", msg);
ShowVGUIPanel(client, "info", Kv);
* Displays a panel asking the client to connect to a specified IP.
* @param client Client index.
* @param time Duration to hold the panel on the client's screen.
* @param ip Destionation IP.
* @noreturn
stock DisplayAskConnectBox(client, Float:time, const String:ip[])
new Handle:Kv = CreateKeyValues("data");
KvSetFloat(Kv, "time", time);
KvSetString(Kv, "title", ip);
CreateDialog(client, Kv, DialogType_AskConnect);