Kyle Sanderson 48150e0c7a
Bring languages into the tree (#1625)
* translations: bring languages into tree

* Update translation phrases changed since 2021

* Update packaging script to include all translations

* Update languages.cfg

* Add Latin American Spanish translations

This is a copy of spanish for now.

* Ignore "en" when looking for translation folders

English is the default and doesn't use a subfolder.

* Only add each translation folder once

Korean "ko" is in there twice.

* Compare language coverage to english

All phrases are compared to the english baseline files and any differences
are reported. The differences are pushed to a Github Project as well for
an easier overview.

Thank you to @nosoop for sharing the Python SMC parser!

* Add link to README


Co-authored-by: Peace-Maker <>
2023-03-29 16:23:05 +02:00

274 lines
3.8 KiB

"cze" "Ano"
"cze" "Ne"
"No matching client"
"cze" "Nebyl nalezen zadny shodny hrac."
"No matching clients"
"cze" "Nebyli nalezeni zadni shodni hraci."
"More than one client matches"
"cze" "Vice nez jeden hrac splnuje podminku \"{1}\""
"More than one client matched"
"cze" "Vice nez jeden hrac splnuje danou podminku."
"Player no longer available"
"cze" "Hrac, ktereho jste zvolil, jiz neni dostupny."
"Kick player"
"cze" "Vyhodit hrace"
"Kicked by admin"
"cze" "Vyhozen administratorem"
"Changing map"
"cze" "Zmena mapy na {1}..."
"Map was not found"
"cze" "Mapa {1} nebyla nalezena."
"Unable to target"
"cze" "Nemuzete zvolit tohoto hrace."
"cze" "Jmeno"
"cze" "Pristup"
"See console for output"
"cze" "Pro vystup se podivejte do konzole."
"Cannot target bot"
"cze" "Tento prikaz nelze vykonat na botovi."
"Unable to find cvar"
"cze" "Nelze nalezt cvar: {1}"
"No access to cvar"
"cze" "Nemate pristup k tomuto cvaru."
"Value of cvar"
"cze" "Hodnota cvaru \"{1}\" je: \"{2}\""
"Cvar changed"
"cze" "Zmenen cvar \"{1}\" na \"{2}\"."
"Config not found"
"cze" "Konfiguracni soubor \"{1}\" nebyl nalezen."
"Executed config"
"cze" "Spustil konfiguracni soubor \"{1}\"."
"Admin cache refreshed"
"cze" "Cache adminu byla obnovena."
"Invalid Amount"
"cze" "Byla zadana neplatna hodnota"
"Cannot be performed on dead"
"cze" "Tato akce nemuze byt vykonana na mrtvem hraci \"{1}\""
"Player has since died"
"cze" "Akce nemuze byt vykonana, hrac mezitim zemrel."
"Vote in Progress"
"cze" "Hlasovani jiz probiha."
"Vote Not In Progress"
"cze" "V tuto chvili neprobiha zadne hlasovani."
"Cancelled Vote"
"cze" "Zrusil hlasovani."
"Cancel vote"
"cze" "Zrusit hlasovani"
"Vote Select"
"cze" "{1} zvolil {2}."
"No Votes Cast"
"cze" "Nebyly prijaty zadne hlasy."
"Vote Delay Minutes"
"cze" "Musite pockat {1} minut pred zapocetim dalsiho hlasovani."
"Vote Delay Seconds"
"cze" "Musite pockat {1} vterin pred zapocetim dalsiho hlasovani."
"Could not connect to database"
"cze" "Nelze se pripojit k databazi."
"Failed to query database"
"cze" "Nelze se spojit s databazi."
"Invalid SteamID specified"
"cze" "Byl zadan neplatny Steam ID (musi zacinat 'STEAM_')"
"Reload admins"
"cze" "Obnovit adminy"
"Command is in-game only"
"cze" "Tento prikaz lze pouzit pouze ze hry."
"Target must be dead"
"cze" "Tento prikaz muze byt pouzit pouze na mrtve hrace."
"Target must be alive"
"cze" "Tento prikaz muze byt pouzit pouze na zive hrace."
"Target is not in game"
"cze" "Zvoleny hrac jeste neni plne pripojen do hry."
"Played Sound"
"cze" " Byl prehran zvuk hraci '{1}'"
"Slapped player"
"cze" "Vyliskal hrace '{1}'"
"Slayed player"
"cze" "Zabil hrace '{1}'"
"Kicked player"
"cze" "Vyhodil hrace '{1}'"
"Cannot participate in vote"
"cze" "Nemuzete se zucastnit tohoto hlasovani."
"Cannot change vote"
"cze" "Nemuzete zmenit svoji volbu v tomto hlasovani."
"cze" "Zapnout"
"cze" "Vypnout"
"Say all"
"cze" "(VSEM) {1}"
"Chat admins"
"cze" "(ADMINOVE) {1}"
"Chat to admins"
"cze" "(ADMINUM) {1}"
"Private say to"
"cze" "(Privatne {1}) {2}"