Various minor things done to project files Updated sample extension project file and updated makefile to the new unified version (more changes likely on the way) Updated regex project file and makefile --HG-- extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/trunk%401971
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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _te_stocks_included
#define _te_stocks_included
* @section TE Explosion flags.
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NONE 0x0 /**< all flags clear makes default Half-Life explosion */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOADDITIVE 0x1 /**< sprite will be drawn opaque (ensure that the sprite you send is a non-additive sprite) */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NODLIGHTS 0x2 /**< do not render dynamic lights */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOSOUND 0x4 /**< do not play client explosion sound */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOPARTICLES 0x8 /**< do not draw particles */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_DRAWALPHA 0x10 /**< sprite will be drawn alpha */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_ROTATE 0x20 /**< rotate the sprite randomly */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOFIREBALL 0x40 /**< do not draw a fireball */
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOFIREBALLSMOKE 0x80 /**< do not draw smoke with the fireball */
* @endsection
* @section TE Beam flags.
#define FBEAM_STARTENTITY 0x00000001
#define FBEAM_ENDENTITY 0x00000002
#define FBEAM_FADEIN 0x00000004
#define FBEAM_FADEOUT 0x00000008
#define FBEAM_SINENOISE 0x00000010
#define FBEAM_SOLID 0x00000020
#define FBEAM_SHADEIN 0x00000040
#define FBEAM_SHADEOUT 0x00000080
#define FBEAM_ONLYNOISEONCE 0x00000100 /**< Only calculate our noise once */
#define FBEAM_NOTILE 0x00000200
#define FBEAM_USE_HITBOXES 0x00000400 /**< Attachment indices represent hitbox indices instead when this is set. */
#define FBEAM_STARTVISIBLE 0x00000800 /**< Has this client actually seen this beam's start entity yet? */
#define FBEAM_ENDVISIBLE 0x00001000 /**< Has this client actually seen this beam's end entity yet? */
#define FBEAM_ISACTIVE 0x00002000
#define FBEAM_FOREVER 0x00004000
#define FBEAM_HALOBEAM 0x00008000 /**< When drawing a beam with a halo, don't ignore the segments and endwidth */
* @endsection
* Sets up a sparks effect.
* @param pos Position of the sparks.
* @param dir Direction of the sparks.
* @param Magnitude Sparks size.
* @param TrailLength Trail lenght of the sparks.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupSparks(const Float:pos[3], const Float:dir[3], Magnitude, TrailLength)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin[0]", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecDir", dir);
TE_WriteNum("m_nMagnitude", Magnitude);
TE_WriteNum("m_nTrailLength", TrailLength);
* Sets up a smoke effect.
* @param pos Position of the smoke.
* @param Model Precached model index.
* @param Scale Scale of the smoke.
* @param Framerate Frame rate of the smoke.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupSmoke(const Float:pos[3], Model, Float:Scale, FrameRate)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", pos);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", Model);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fScale", Scale);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", FrameRate);
* Sets up a dust cloud effect.
* @param pos Position of the dust.
* @param dir Direction of the dust.
* @param Size Dust cloud size.
* @param Speed Dust cloud speed.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupDust(const Float:pos[3], const Float:dir[3], Float:Size, Float:Speed)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin[0]", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecDirection", dir);
TE_WriteFloat("m_flSize", Size);
TE_WriteFloat("m_flSpeed", Speed);
* Sets up a muzzle flash effect.
* @param pos Position of the muzzle flash.
* @param angles Rotation angles of the muzzle flash.
* @param Scale Scale of the muzzle flash.
* @param Type Muzzle flash type to render (Mod specific).
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupMuzzleFlash(const Float:pos[3], const Float:angles[3], Float:Scale, Type)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecAngles", angles);
TE_WriteFloat("m_flScale", Scale);
TE_WriteNum("m_nType", Type);
* Sets up a metal sparks effect.
* @param pos Position of the metal sparks.
* @param dir Direction of the metal sparks.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupMetalSparks(const Float:pos[3], const Float:dir[3])
TE_Start("Metal Sparks");
TE_WriteVector("m_vecPos", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecDir", dir);
* Sets up an energy splash effect.
* @param pos Position of the energy splash.
* @param dir Direction of the energy splash.
* @param Explosive Makes the effect explosive.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupEnergySplash(const Float:pos[3], const Float:dir[3], bool:Explosive)
TE_Start("Energy Splash");
TE_WriteVector("m_vecPos", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecDir", dir);
TE_WriteNum("m_bExplosive", Explosive);
* Sets up an armor ricochet effect.
* @param pos Position of the armor ricochet.
* @param dir Directon of the armor ricochet.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupArmorRicochet(const Float:pos[3], const Float:dir[3])
TE_Start("Armor Ricochet");
TE_WriteVector("m_vecPos", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecDir", dir);
* Sets up a glowing sprite effect.
* @param pos Position of the sprite.
* @param Model Precached model index.
* @param Life Time duration of the sprite.
* @param Size Sprite size.
* @param Brightness Sprite brightness.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupGlowSprite(const Float:pos[3], Model, Float:Life, Float:Size, Brightness)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", pos);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", Model);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fScale", Size);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fLife", Life);
TE_WriteNum("m_nBrightness", Brightness);
* Sets up a explosion effect.
* @param pos Explosion position.
* @param Model Precached model index.
* @param Scale Explosion scale.
* @param Framerate Explosion frame rate.
* @param Flags Explosion flags.
* @param Radius Explosion radius.
* @param Magnitude Explosion size.
* @param normal Normal vector to the explosion.
* @param MaterialType Exploded material type.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupExplosion(const Float:pos[3], Model, Float:Scale, Framerate, Flags, Radius, Magnitude, const Float:normal[3]={0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, MaterialType='C')
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin[0]", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecNormal", normal);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", Model);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fScale", Scale);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", Framerate);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFlags", Flags);
TE_WriteNum("m_nRadius", Radius);
TE_WriteNum("m_nMagnitude", Magnitude);
TE_WriteNum("m_chMaterialType", MaterialType);
* Sets up a blood sprite effect.
* @param pos Position of the sprite.
* @param dir Sprite direction.
* @param color Color array (r, g, b, a).
* @param Size Sprite size.
* @param SprayModel Precached model index.
* @param BloodDropModel Precached model index.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupBloodSprite(const Float:pos[3], const Float:dir[3], const color[4], Size, SprayModel, BloodDropModel)
TE_Start("Blood Sprite");
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", pos);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecDirection", dir);
TE_WriteNum("r", color[0]);
TE_WriteNum("g", color[1]);
TE_WriteNum("b", color[2]);
TE_WriteNum("a", color[3]);
TE_WriteNum("m_nSize", Size);
TE_WriteNum("m_nSprayModel", SprayModel);
TE_WriteNum("m_nDropModel", BloodDropModel);
* Sets up a beam ring point effect.
* @param center Center position of the ring.
* @param Start_Radius Initial ring radius.
* @param End_Radius Final ring radius.
* @param ModelIndex Precached model index.
* @param HaloIndex Precached model index.
* @param StartFrame Initital frame to render.
* @param FrameRate Ring frame rate.
* @param Life Time duration of the ring.
* @param Width Beam width.
* @param Amplitude Beam amplitude.
* @param color Color array (r, g, b, a).
* @param Speed Speed of the beam.
* @param Flags Beam flags.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupBeamRingPoint(const Float:center[3], Float:Start_Radius, Float:End_Radius, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame,
FrameRate, Float:Life, Float:Width, Float:Amplitude, const Color[4], Speed, Flags)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecCenter", center);
TE_WriteFloat("m_flStartRadius", Start_Radius);
TE_WriteFloat("m_flEndRadius", End_Radius);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", ModelIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nHaloIndex", HaloIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nStartFrame", StartFrame);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", FrameRate);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fLife", Life);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fEndWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fAmplitude", Amplitude);
TE_WriteNum("r", Color[0]);
TE_WriteNum("g", Color[1]);
TE_WriteNum("b", Color[2]);
TE_WriteNum("a", Color[3]);
TE_WriteNum("m_nSpeed", Speed);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFlags", Flags);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFadeLength", 0);
* Sets up a point to point beam effect.
* @param start Start position of the beam.
* @param end End position of the beam.
* @param ModelIndex Precached model index.
* @param HaloIndex Precached model index.
* @param StartFrame Initital frame to render.
* @param FrameRate Beam frame rate.
* @param Life Time duration of the beam.
* @param Width Initial beam width.
* @param EndWidth Final beam width.
* @param FadeLength Beam fade time duration.
* @param Amplitude Beam amplitude.
* @param color Color array (r, g, b, a).
* @param Speed Speed of the beam.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupBeamPoints(const Float:start[3], const Float:end[3], ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Float:Life,
Float:Width, Float:EndWidth, FadeLength, Float:Amplitude, const Color[4], Speed)
TE_WriteVector("m_vecStartPoint", start);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecEndPoint", end);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", ModelIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nHaloIndex", HaloIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nStartFrame", StartFrame);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", FrameRate);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fLife", Life);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fEndWidth", EndWidth);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fAmplitude", Amplitude);
TE_WriteNum("r", Color[0]);
TE_WriteNum("g", Color[1]);
TE_WriteNum("b", Color[2]);
TE_WriteNum("a", Color[3]);
TE_WriteNum("m_nSpeed", Speed);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFadeLength", FadeLength);
* Sets up an entity to entity laser effect.
* @param StartEntity Entity index from where the beam starts.
* @param EndEntity Entity index from where the beam ends.
* @param ModelIndex Precached model index.
* @param HaloIndex Precached model index.
* @param StartFrame Initital frame to render.
* @param FrameRate Beam frame rate.
* @param Life Time duration of the beam.
* @param Width Initial beam width.
* @param EndWidth Final beam width.
* @param FadeLength Beam fade time duration.
* @param Amplitude Beam amplitude.
* @param color Color array (r, g, b, a).
* @param Speed Speed of the beam.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupBeamLaser(StartEntity, EndEntity, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Float:Life,
Float:Width, Float:EndWidth, FadeLength, Float:Amplitude, const Color[4], Speed)
TE_WriteEncodedEnt("m_nStartEntity", StartEntity);
TE_WriteEncodedEnt("m_nEndEntity", EndEntity);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", ModelIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nHaloIndex", HaloIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nStartFrame", StartFrame);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", FrameRate);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fLife", Life);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fEndWidth", EndWidth);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fAmplitude", Amplitude);
TE_WriteNum("r", Color[0]);
TE_WriteNum("g", Color[1]);
TE_WriteNum("b", Color[2]);
TE_WriteNum("a", Color[3]);
TE_WriteNum("m_nSpeed", Speed);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFadeLength", FadeLength);
* Sets up a beam ring effect.
* @param StartEntity Entity index from where the ring starts.
* @param EndEntity Entity index from where the ring ends.
* @param ModelIndex Precached model index.
* @param HaloIndex Precached model index.
* @param StartFrame Initital frame to render.
* @param FrameRate Ring frame rate.
* @param Life Time duration of the ring.
* @param Width Beam width.
* @param Amplitude Beam amplitude.
* @param color Color array (r, g, b, a).
* @param Speed Speed of the beam.
* @param Flags Beam flags.
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupBeamRing(StartEntity, EndEntity, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Float:Life, Float:Width, Float:Amplitude, const Color[4], Speed, Flags)
TE_WriteEncodedEnt("m_nStartEntity", StartEntity);
TE_WriteEncodedEnt("m_nEndEntity", EndEntity);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", ModelIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nHaloIndex", HaloIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nStartFrame", StartFrame);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", FrameRate);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fLife", Life);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fEndWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fAmplitude", Amplitude);
TE_WriteNum("r", Color[0]);
TE_WriteNum("g", Color[1]);
TE_WriteNum("b", Color[2]);
TE_WriteNum("a", Color[3]);
TE_WriteNum("m_nSpeed", Speed);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFadeLength", 0);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFlags", Flags);
* Sets up a follow beam effect.
* @param EntIndex Entity index from where the beam starts.
* @param ModelIndex Precached model index.
* @param HaloIndex Precached model index.
* @param Life Time duration of the beam.
* @param Width Initial beam width.
* @param EndWidth Final beam width.
* @param FadeLength Beam fade time duration.
* @param color Color array (r, g, b, a).
* @noreturn
stock TE_SetupBeamFollow(EntIndex, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, Float:Life, Float:Width, Float:EndWidth, FadeLength, const Color[4])
TE_WriteEncodedEnt("m_iEntIndex", EntIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nModelIndex", ModelIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nHaloIndex", HaloIndex);
TE_WriteNum("m_nStartFrame", 0);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFrameRate", 0);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fLife", Life);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fWidth", Width);
TE_WriteFloat("m_fEndWidth", EndWidth);
TE_WriteNum("m_nFadeLength", FadeLength);
TE_WriteNum("r", Color[0]);
TE_WriteNum("g", Color[1]);
TE_WriteNum("b", Color[2]);
TE_WriteNum("a", Color[3]);