Oliver John Hitchcock f9ad35badf
Stop EntRefToEntIndex returning garbage if a bad parameter is passed ()
* Stop EntRefToEntIndex returning garbage if a bad parameter is passed

Seen multiple bad usage of this function that works only because whatever was passed in was returned as it wasnt an entity reference.
This code should have worked and would be expected to have returned something invalid but instead the the input was returned which allowed the code to work when really it is bad code.
See for one such case

* Update documentation of EntRefToEntIndex

Added the error text saying what shall be returned when a invalid parameter is passed.

* Validate entity index instead of just returning INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX

Not sure if it needs this much validation but this just mirrors how IsValidEntity works, so the entity index returned should be valid else INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX is returned.

* EntRefToEntIndex improve doc comments to better represent functionality


Co-authored-by: Kyle Sanderson <>
2024-04-25 23:19:04 +00:00

723 lines
28 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2016 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _halflife_included
#define _halflife_included
#define SOURCE_SDK_UNKNOWN 0 /**< Could not determine the engine version */
#define SOURCE_SDK_ORIGINAL 10 /**< Original Source engine (still used by "The Ship") */
#define SOURCE_SDK_DARKMESSIAH 15 /**< Modified version of original engine used by Dark Messiah (no SDK) */
#define SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE1 20 /**< SDK+Engine released after Episode 1 */
#define SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE2 30 /**< SDK+Engine released after Episode 2/Orange Box */
#define SOURCE_SDK_BLOODYGOODTIME 32 /**< Modified version of ep2 engine used by Bloody Good Time (no SDK) */
#define SOURCE_SDK_EYE 33 /**< Modified version of ep2 engine used by E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (no SDK) */
#define SOURCE_SDK_CSS 34 /**< Sometime-older version of Source 2009 SDK+Engine, used for Counter-Strike: Source */
#define SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE2VALVE 35 /**< SDK+Engine released after Episode 2/Orange Box, "Source 2009" or "Source MP" */
#define SOURCE_SDK_LEFT4DEAD 40 /**< Engine released after Left 4 Dead (no SDK yet) */
#define SOURCE_SDK_LEFT4DEAD2 50 /**< Engine released after Left 4 Dead 2 (no SDK yet) */
#define SOURCE_SDK_ALIENSWARM 60 /**< SDK+Engine released after Alien Swarm */
#define SOURCE_SDK_CSGO 80 /**< Engine released after CS:GO (no SDK yet) */
#define SOURCE_SDK_DOTA 90 /**< Engine released after Dota 2 (no SDK) */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_TEXT 0 /**< Treat msg as plain text */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_INDEX 1 /**< Msg is auto determined by the engine */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL 2 /**< Treat msg as an URL link */
#define MOTDPANEL_TYPE_FILE 3 /**< Treat msg as a filename to be opened */
enum DialogType
DialogType_Msg = 0, /**< just an on screen message */
DialogType_Menu, /**< an options menu */
DialogType_Text, /**< a richtext dialog */
DialogType_Entry, /**< an entry box */
DialogType_AskConnect /**< ask the client to connect to a specified IP */
enum EngineVersion
Engine_Unknown, /**< Could not determine the engine version */
Engine_Original, /**< Original Source Engine (used by The Ship) */
Engine_SourceSDK2006, /**< Episode 1 Source Engine (second major SDK) */
Engine_SourceSDK2007, /**< Orange Box Source Engine (third major SDK) */
Engine_Left4Dead, /**< Left 4 Dead */
Engine_DarkMessiah, /**< Dark Messiah Multiplayer (based on original engine) */
Engine_Left4Dead2 = 7, /**< Left 4 Dead 2 */
Engine_AlienSwarm, /**< Alien Swarm (and Alien Swarm SDK) */
Engine_BloodyGoodTime, /**< Bloody Good Time */
Engine_EYE, /**< E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy */
Engine_Portal2, /**< Portal 2 */
Engine_CSGO, /**< Counter-Strike: Global Offensive */
Engine_CSS, /**< Counter-Strike: Source */
Engine_DOTA, /**< Dota 2 */
Engine_HL2DM, /**< Half-Life 2 Deathmatch */
Engine_DODS, /**< Day of Defeat: Source */
Engine_TF2, /**< Team Fortress 2 */
Engine_NuclearDawn, /**< Nuclear Dawn */
Engine_SDK2013, /**< Source SDK 2013 */
Engine_Blade, /**< Blade Symphony */
Engine_Insurgency, /**< Insurgency (2013 Retail version)*/
Engine_Contagion, /**< Contagion */
Engine_BlackMesa, /**< Black Mesa Multiplayer */
Engine_DOI, /**< Day of Infamy */
Engine_PVKII = 26, /**< Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II */
Engine_MCV, /**< Military Conflict: Vietnam */
enum FindMapResult
// A direct match for this name was found
// No match for this map name could be found.
// A fuzzy match for this map name was found.
// Ex: cp_dust -> cp_dustbowl, c1m1 -> c1m1_hotel
// Only supported for maps that the engine knows about. (This excludes workshop maps on Orangebox).
// A non-canonical match for this map name was found.
// Ex: workshop/1234 -> workshop/cp_qualified_name.ugc1234
// Only supported on "Orangebox" games with workshop support.
// No currently available match for this map name could be found, but it may be possible to load
// Only supported on "Orangebox" games with workshop support.
* Logs a generic message to the HL2 logs.
* @param format String format.
* @param ... Format arguments.
native void LogToGame(const char[] format, any ...);
* Sets the seed value for the global Half-Life 2 Random Stream.
* @param seed Seed value.
native void SetRandomSeed(int seed);
* Returns a random floating point number from the Half-Life 2 Random Stream.
* @param fMin Minimum random bound.
* @param fMax Maximum random bound.
* @return A random number between (inclusive) fMin and fMax.
native float GetRandomFloat(float fMin=0.0, float fMax=1.0);
* Returns a random number from the Half-Life 2 Random Stream.
* @param nmin Minimum random bound.
* @param nmax Maximum random bound.
* @return A random number between (inclusive) nmin and nmax.
native int GetRandomInt(int nmin, int nmax);
* Returns whether a map is valid or not.
* @param map Map name, excluding .bsp extension.
* @return True if valid, false otherwise.
native bool IsMapValid(const char[] map);
* Returns whether a full or partial map name is found or can be resolved
* @param map Map name (usually same as map path relative to maps/ dir,
* excluding .bsp extension).
* @param foundmap Resolved map name. If the return is FindMap_FuzzyMatch
* or FindMap_NonCanonical the buffer will be the full path.
* @param maxlen Maximum length to write to map var.
* @return Result of the find operation. Not all result types are supported on all games.
native FindMapResult FindMap(const char[] map, char[] foundmap, int maxlen);
* Get the display name of a workshop map.
* Note: You do not need to call FindMap first. This native will call FindMap internally.
* @param map Map name (usually same as map path relative to maps/ dir,
* excluding .bsp extension).
* @param displayName Map's display name, i.e. cp_mymapname or de_mymapname.
* If FindMap returns FindMap_PossiblyAvailable or FindMap_NotFound,
* the map cannot be resolved and this native will return false,
* but displayName will be a copy of map.
* @param maxlen Maximum length to write to displayName var.
* @return true if FindMap returns FindMap_Found, FindMap_FuzzyMatch, or
* FindMap_NonCanonical.
* false if FindMap returns FindMap_PossiblyAvailable or FindMap_NotFound.
native bool GetMapDisplayName(const char[] map, char[] displayName, int maxlen);
* Returns whether the server is dedicated.
* @return True if dedicated, false otherwise.
native bool IsDedicatedServer();
* Returns a high-precision time value for profiling the engine.
* @return A floating point time value.
native float GetEngineTime();
* Returns the game time based on the game tick.
* @return Game tick time.
native float GetGameTime();
* Returns the game's internal tick count.
* @return Game tick count.
native int GetGameTickCount();
* Returns the time the Game took processing the last frame.
* @return Game frame time.
native float GetGameFrameTime();
* Returns the game description from the mod.
* @param buffer Buffer to store the description.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of the buffer.
* @param original If true, retrieves the original game description,
* ignoring any potential hooks from plugins.
* @return Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe).
native int GetGameDescription(char[] buffer, int maxlength, bool original=false);
* Returns the name of the game's directory.
* @param buffer Buffer to store the directory name.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of the buffer.
* @return Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe).
native int GetGameFolderName(char[] buffer, int maxlength);
* Returns the current map name.
* @param buffer Buffer to store map name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of buffer.
* @return Number of bytes written (UTF-8 safe).
native int GetCurrentMap(char[] buffer, int maxlength);
* Precaches a given model.
* @param model Name of the model to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns the model index, 0 for error.
native int PrecacheModel(const char[] model, bool preload=false);
* Precaches a given sentence file.
* @param file Name of the sentence file to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns a sentence file index.
native int PrecacheSentenceFile(const char[] file, bool preload=false);
* Precaches a given decal.
* @param decal Name of the decal to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns a decal index.
native int PrecacheDecal(const char[] decal, bool preload=false);
* Precaches a given generic file.
* @param generic Name of the generic file to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return Returns a generic file index.
native int PrecacheGeneric(const char[] generic, bool preload=false);
* Returns if a given model is precached.
* @param model Name of the model to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool IsModelPrecached(const char[] model);
* Returns if a given decal is precached.
* @param decal Name of the decal to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool IsDecalPrecached(const char[] decal);
* Returns if a given generic file is precached.
* @param generic Name of the generic file to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
native bool IsGenericPrecached(const char[] generic);
* Precaches a given sound.
* @param sound Name of the sound to precache.
* @param preload If preload is true the file will be precached before level startup.
* @return True if successfully precached, false otherwise.
native bool PrecacheSound(const char[] sound, bool preload=false);
* Returns if a given sound is precached.
* @param sound Name of the sound to check.
* @return True if precached, false otherwise.
* @deprecated Doesn't work correctly, always returns true.
#pragma deprecated Doesn't work correctly, always returns true.
native bool IsSoundPrecached(const char[] sound);
* Creates different types of ingame messages.
* Note: On many newer games (Left 4 Dead/2008+), the display of this to clients is broken.
* Additionally, as of 2018, some games also require the client to have cl_showpluginmessages
* set to 1, a non-default value, for this to function.
* @param client Index of the client.
* @param kv KeyValues handle to set the menu keys and options. (Check iserverplugin.h for more information).
* @param type Message type to display ingame.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
native void CreateDialog(int client, Handle kv, DialogType type);
* Guesses the SDK version a mod was compiled against. If nothing
* specific is known about the game, the engine version is used instead.
* The return values are guaranteed to increase chronologically (that is,
* a later release will have a higher value).
* @return SOURCE_SDK version code.
* @deprecated See GetEngineVersion()
#pragma deprecated See GetEngineVersion()
native int GuessSDKVersion();
* Gets the engine version that the currently-loaded SM core was compiled against.
* The engine version values are not guaranteed to be in any particular order,
* and should only be compared by (in)equality.
* @return An EngineVersion value.
native EngineVersion GetEngineVersion();
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* @param client Client index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
native void PrintToChat(int client, const char[] format, any ...);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
stock void PrintToChatAll(const char[] format, any ...)
char buffer[254];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintToChat(i, "%s", buffer);
* Prints a message to a specific client in the center of the screen.
* @param client Client index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
native void PrintCenterText(int client, const char[] format, any ...);
* Prints a message to all clients in the center of the screen.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
stock void PrintCenterTextAll(const char[] format, any ...)
char buffer[254];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintCenterText(i, "%s", buffer);
* Prints a message to a specific client with a hint box.
* @param client Client index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
native void PrintHintText(int client, const char[] format, any ...);
* Prints a message to all clients with a hint box.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
stock void PrintHintTextToAll(const char[] format, any ...)
char buffer[254];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintHintText(i, "%s", buffer);
* Shows a VGUI panel to a specific client.
* @param client Client index.
* @param name Panel type name (Check viewport_panel_names.h to see a list of
* some panel names).
* @param Kv KeyValues handle with all the data for the panel setup (Depends
* on the panel type and may be unused).
* @param show True to show the panel, or false to remove it from the client screen.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
native void ShowVGUIPanel(int client, const char[] name, Handle Kv=INVALID_HANDLE, bool show=true);
* Creates a HUD synchronization object. This object is used to automatically assign and
* re-use channels for a set of messages.
* The HUD has a hardcoded number of channels (usually 6) for displaying
* text. You can use any channel for any area of the screen. Text on
* different channels can overlap, but text on the same channel will
* erase the old text first. This overlapping and overwriting gets problematic.
* A HUD synchronization object automatically selects channels for you based on
* the following heuristics:
* - If channel X was last used by the object, and hasn't been modified again,
* channel X gets re-used.
* - Otherwise, a new channel is chosen based on the least-recently-used channel.
* This ensures that if you display text on a sync object, that the previous text
* displayed on it will always be cleared first. This is because your new text
* will either overwrite the old text on the same channel, or because another
* channel has already erased your text.
* Note that messages can still overlap if they are on different synchronization
* objects, or they are displayed to manual channels.
* These are particularly useful for displaying repeating or refreshing HUD text, in
* addition to displaying multiple message sets in one area of the screen (for example,
* center-say messages that may pop up randomly that you don't want to overlap each
* other).
* @return New HUD synchronization object.
* The Handle can be closed with CloseHandle().
* If HUD text is not supported on this mod, then
* INVALID_HANDLE is returned.
native Handle CreateHudSynchronizer();
* Sets the HUD parameters for drawing text. These parameters are stored
* globally, although nothing other than this function and SetHudTextParamsEx
* modify them.
* You must call this function before drawing text. If you are drawing
* text to multiple clients, you can set the parameters once, since
* they won't be modified. However, as soon as you pass control back
* to other plugins, you must reset the parameters next time you draw.
* @param x x coordinate, from 0 to 1. -1.0 is the center.
* @param y y coordinate, from 0 to 1. -1.0 is the center.
* @param holdTime Number of seconds to hold the text.
* @param r Red color value.
* @param g Green color value.
* @param b Blue color value.
* @param a Alpha transparency value.
* @param effect 0/1 causes the text to fade in and fade out.
* 2 causes the text to flash[?].
* @param fxTime Duration of chosen effect (may not apply to all effects).
* @param fadeIn Number of seconds to spend fading in.
* @param fadeOut Number of seconds to spend fading out.
native void SetHudTextParams(float x, float y, float holdTime, int r, int g, int b, int a, int effect = 0,
float fxTime=6.0, float fadeIn=0.1, float fadeOut=0.2);
* Sets the HUD parameters for drawing text. These parameters are stored
* globally, although nothing other than this function and SetHudTextParams
* modify them.
* This is the same as SetHudTextParams(), except it lets you set the alternate
* color for when effects require it.
* @param x x coordinate, from 0 to 1. -1.0 is the center.
* @param y y coordinate, from 0 to 1. -1.0 is the center.
* @param holdTime Number of seconds to hold the text.
* @param color1 First color set, array values being [red, green, blue, alpha]
* @param color2 Second color set, array values being [red, green, blue, alpha]
* @param effect 0/1 causes the text to fade in and fade out.
* 2 causes the text to flash[?].
* @param fxTime Duration of chosen effect (may not apply to all effects).
* @param fadeIn Number of seconds to spend fading in.
* @param fadeOut Number of seconds to spend fading out.
native void SetHudTextParamsEx(float x, float y, float holdTime, int color1[4],
int color2[4]={255,255,255,0}, int effect = 0, float fxTime=6.0,
float fadeIn=0.1, float fadeOut=0.2);
* Shows a synchronized HUD message to a client.
* As of this writing, only TF, HL2MP, and SourceForts support HUD Text.
* @param client Client index to send the message to.
* @param sync Synchronization object.
* @param message Message text or formatting rules.
* @param ... Message formatting parameters.
* @return -1 on failure, anything else on success.
* This function fails if the mod does not support it.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or sync object not valid.
native int ShowSyncHudText(int client, Handle sync, const char[] message, any ...);
* Clears the text on a synchronized HUD channel.
* This is not the same as sending "" because it guarantees that it won't
* overwrite text on another channel. For example, consider the scenario:
* 1. Your synchronized message goes to channel 3.
* 2. Someone else's non-synchronized message goes to channel 3.
* If you were to simply send "" on your synchronized message,
* then someone else's text could be overwritten.
* @param client Client index to send the message to.
* @param sync Synchronization object.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or sync object not valid.
native void ClearSyncHud(int client, Handle sync);
* Shows a HUD message to a client on the given channel.
* Note: while many games support HUD Text, not all do.
* @param client Client index to send the message to.
* @param channel A channel number.
* If -1, then a channel will automatically be selected
* based on the least-recently-used channel. If the
* channel is any other number, it will be modulo'd with
* the channel count to get a final channel number.
* @param message Message text or formatting rules.
* @param ... Message formatting parameters.
* @return -1 on failure (lack of mod support).
* Any other return value is the channel number that was
* used to render the text.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
native int ShowHudText(int client, int channel, const char[] message, any ...);
* Shows a MOTD panel to a specific client.
* @param client Client index.
* @param title Title of the panel (printed on the top border of the window).
* @param msg Contents of the panel, it can be treated as an url, filename or plain text
* depending on the type parameter (WARNING: msg has to be 192 bytes maximum!)
* @param type Determines the way to treat the message body of the panel.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
stock void ShowMOTDPanel(int client, const char[] title, const char[] msg, int type=MOTDPANEL_TYPE_INDEX)
char num[3];
IntToString(type, num, sizeof(num));
KeyValues kv = new KeyValues("data");
kv.SetString("title", title);
kv.SetString("type", num);
kv.SetString("msg", msg);
ShowVGUIPanel(client, "info", kv);
delete kv;
* Displays a panel asking the client to connect to a specified IP.
* Note: On many newer games (Left 4 Dead/2008+), the display of this to clients is broken.
* Additionally, as of 2018, some games also require the client to have cl_showpluginmessages
* set to 1, a non-default value, for this to function.
* @param client Client index.
* @param time Duration to hold the panel on the client's screen.
* @param ip Destination IP.
* @param password Password to connect to the destination IP. The client will be able to see this.
* @error Invalid client index, or client not in game.
stock void DisplayAskConnectBox(int client, float time, const char[] ip, const char[] password = "")
char destination[288];
FormatEx(destination, sizeof(destination), "%s/%s", ip, password);
KeyValues kv = new KeyValues("data");
kv.SetFloat("time", time);
kv.SetString("title", destination);
CreateDialog(client, kv, DialogType_AskConnect);
delete kv;
* Converts an entity index into a serial encoded entity reference.
* @param entity Entity index.
* @return Entity reference or -1 on invalid entity.
* @error Entity index >= GetMaxEntities() or < 0
native int EntIndexToEntRef(int entity);
* Retrieves the entity index from a reference or validates an entity index.
* The input ref is checked that it is still valid and refers to the same entity.
* @param ref Entity reference or index.
* @return Entity index or returns INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE if ref is invalid.
native int EntRefToEntIndex(int ref);
* Converts a reference into a backwards compatible version.
* @param ref Entity reference.
* @return Bcompat reference.
native int MakeCompatEntRef(int ref);
enum ClientRangeType
RangeType_Visibility = 0,
* Find clients that are potentially in range of a position.
* @param origin Coordinates from which to test range.
* @param rangeType Range type to use for filtering clients.
* @param clients Array to which found client indexes will be written.
* @param size Maximum size of clients array.
* @return Number of client indexes written to clients array.
native int GetClientsInRange(const float origin[3], ClientRangeType rangeType, int[] clients, int size);
* Retrieves the server's authentication string (SteamID).
* Note: If called before server is connected to Steam, auth id
* will be invalid ([I:0:1], 1, etc.)
* @param authType Auth id type and format to use.
* (Only AuthId_Steam3 and AuthId_SteamID64 are supported)
* @param auth Buffer to store the server's auth id.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
* @error Invalid AuthIdType given.
native void GetServerAuthId(AuthIdType authType, char[] auth, int maxlen);
* Returns the server's Steam account ID.
* @return Steam account ID or 0 if not available.
native int GetServerSteamAccountId();