Asher Baker 5ea096e61e
Support reading legacy sendprop arrays ()
This rounds out the work started in  to complete support for
reading the older SendPropArray type array netprops, along with bringing
SDKTools' GameRule netprop code in sync with core to add string array

There aren't many SendPropArray type props around but this opens up a
few interesting opportunities for plugin developers, particularly in
L4D2 with manipulation of the EMS HUD.

Tested reading the `m_vCPPositions` array in TF2, and reading/writing
the `m_szScriptedHUDStringSet` EMS HUD netprop in L4D2. Closes .
2021-08-23 21:21:11 +01:00

668 lines
18 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod SDKTools Extension
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include "extension.h"
#include "gamerulesnatives.h"
#include "vglobals.h"
const char *g_szGameRulesProxy;
void GameRulesNativesInit()
g_szGameRulesProxy = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("GameRulesProxy");
static CBaseEntity *FindEntityByNetClass(int start, const char *classname)
int maxEntities = gpGlobals->maxEntities;
for (int i = start; i < maxEntities; i++)
edict_t *current = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(i);
if (current == NULL || current->IsFree())
IServerNetworkable *network = current->GetNetworkable();
if (network == NULL)
IHandleEntity *pHandleEnt = network->GetEntityHandle();
if (pHandleEnt == NULL)
ServerClass *sClass = network->GetServerClass();
const char *name = sClass->GetName();
if (!strcmp(name, classname))
return gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict(current));
return NULL;
static CBaseEntity* GetGameRulesProxyEnt()
static cell_t proxyEntRef = -1;
CBaseEntity *pProxy;
if (proxyEntRef == -1 || (pProxy = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(proxyEntRef)) == NULL)
pProxy = FindEntityByNetClass(playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(), g_szGameRulesProxy);
if (pProxy)
proxyEntRef = gamehelpers->EntityToReference(pProxy);
return pProxy;
enum PropFieldType
PropField_Unsupported, /**< The type is unsupported. */
PropField_Integer, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_Float, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_Entity, /**< Valid for Data fields only (SendProp shows as int) */
PropField_Vector, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_String, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_String_T, /**< Valid for Data fields. Read only! */
#define FIND_PROP_SEND(type, type_name) \
sm_sendprop_info_t info;\
SendProp *pProp; \
if (!gamehelpers->FindSendPropInfo(g_szGameRulesProxy, prop, &info)) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Property \"%s\" not found on the gamerules proxy", prop); \
} \
offset = info.actual_offset; \
pProp = info.prop; \
bit_count = pProp->m_nBits; \
switch (pProp->GetType()) \
{ \
case type: \
{ \
if (element != 0) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("SendProp %s is not an array. Element %d is invalid.", \
prop, \
element); \
} \
break; \
} \
case DPT_Array: \
{ \
int elementCount = pProp->GetNumElements(); \
int elementStride = pProp->GetElementStride(); \
if (element < 0 || element >= elementCount) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Element %d is out of bounds (Prop %s has %d elements).", \
element, \
prop, \
elementCount); \
} \
pProp = pProp->GetArrayProp(); \
if (!pProp) { \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Error looking up ArrayProp for prop %s", \
prop); \
} \
if (pProp->GetType() != type) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("SendProp %s type is not " type_name " ([%d,%d] != %d)", \
prop, \
pProp->GetType(), \
pProp->m_nBits, \
type); \
} \
offset += pProp->GetOffset() + (elementStride * element); \
bit_count = pProp->m_nBits; \
break; \
} \
case DPT_DataTable: \
{ \
FIND_PROP_SEND_IN_SENDTABLE(info, pProp, element, type, type_name); \
offset += pProp->GetOffset(); \
bit_count = pProp->m_nBits; \
break; \
} \
default: \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("SendProp %s type is not " type_name " (%d != %d)", \
prop, \
pProp->GetType(), \
type); \
} \
} \
#define FIND_PROP_SEND_IN_SENDTABLE(info, pProp, element, type, type_name) \
SendTable *pTable = pProp->GetDataTable(); \
if (!pTable) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Error looking up DataTable for prop %s", \
prop); \
} \
int elementCount = pTable->GetNumProps(); \
if (element < 0 || element >= elementCount) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Element %d is out of bounds (Prop %s has %d elements).", \
element, \
prop, \
elementCount); \
} \
pProp = pTable->GetProp(element); \
if (pProp->GetType() != type) \
{ \
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("SendProp %s type is not " type_name " ([%d,%d] != %d)", \
prop, \
pProp->GetType(), \
pProp->m_nBits, \
type); \
static cell_t GameRules_GetProp(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[3];
int offset;
int bit_count;
bool is_unsigned;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
int elementCount = 1;
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Int, "integer");
is_unsigned = ((pProp->GetFlags() & SPROP_UNSIGNED) == SPROP_UNSIGNED);
// This isn't in CS:S yet, but will be, doesn't hurt to add now, and will save us a build later
if (pProp->GetFlags() & SPROP_VARINT)
bit_count = sizeof(int) * 8;
if (bit_count < 1)
bit_count = params[2] * 8;
if (bit_count >= 17)
return *(int32_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
else if (bit_count >= 9)
if (is_unsigned)
return *(uint16_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
return *(int16_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
else if (bit_count >= 2)
if (is_unsigned)
return *(uint8_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
return *(int8_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
return *(bool *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) ? 1 : 0;
return -1;
static cell_t GameRules_SetProp(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[4];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
CBaseEntity *pProxy = NULL;
if ((pProxy = GetGameRulesProxyEnt()) == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Couldn't find gamerules proxy entity");
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
if (!g_SdkTools.CanSetCSGOEntProp(prop))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Cannot set ent prop %s with core.cfg option \"FollowCSGOServerGuidelines\" enabled.", prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Int, "integer");
if (pProp->GetFlags() & SPROP_VARINT)
bit_count = sizeof(int) * 8;
if (bit_count < 1)
bit_count = params[3] * 8;
if (bit_count >= 17)
*(int32_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) = params[2];
else if (bit_count >= 9)
*(int16_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) = (int16_t)params[2];
else if (bit_count >= 2)
*(int8_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) = (int8_t)params[2];
*(bool *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) = (params[2] == 0) ? false : true;
edict_t *proxyEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pProxy));
if (proxyEdict != NULL)
gamehelpers->SetEdictStateChanged(proxyEdict, offset);
return 0;
static cell_t GameRules_GetPropFloat(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[2];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Float, "float");
float val = *(float *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
return sp_ftoc(val);
static cell_t GameRules_SetPropFloat(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[3];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
CBaseEntity *pProxy = NULL;
if ((pProxy = GetGameRulesProxyEnt()) == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Couldn't find gamerules proxy entity.");
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
if (!g_SdkTools.CanSetCSGOEntProp(prop))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Cannot set ent prop %s with core.cfg option \"FollowCSGOServerGuidelines\" enabled.", prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Float, "float");
float newVal = sp_ctof(params[2]);
*(float *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) = newVal;
edict_t *proxyEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pProxy));
if (proxyEdict != NULL)
gamehelpers->SetEdictStateChanged(proxyEdict, offset);
return 0;
static cell_t GameRules_GetPropEnt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[2];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Int, "Integer");
CBaseHandle &hndl = *(CBaseHandle *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
CBaseEntity *pEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(hndl.GetEntryIndex());
if (!pEntity || ((IServerEntity *)pEntity)->GetRefEHandle() != hndl)
return -1;
return gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pEntity);
static cell_t GameRules_SetPropEnt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[3];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
CBaseEntity *pProxy = NULL;
if ((pProxy = GetGameRulesProxyEnt()) == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Couldn't find gamerules proxy entity.");
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
if (!g_SdkTools.CanSetCSGOEntProp(prop))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Cannot set ent prop %s with core.cfg option \"FollowCSGOServerGuidelines\" enabled.", prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Int, "integer");
CBaseHandle &hndl = *(CBaseHandle *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
CBaseEntity *pOther;
if (params[2] == -1)
pOther = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[2]);
if (!pOther)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Entity %d (%d) is invalid", gamehelpers->ReferenceToIndex(params[4]), params[4]);
IHandleEntity *pHandleEnt = (IHandleEntity *)pOther;
edict_t *proxyEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pProxy));
if (proxyEdict != NULL)
gamehelpers->SetEdictStateChanged(proxyEdict, offset);
return 0;
static cell_t GameRules_GetPropVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[3];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Vector, "vector");
Vector *v = (Vector *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
cell_t *vec;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &vec);
vec[0] = sp_ftoc(v->x);
vec[1] = sp_ftoc(v->y);
vec[2] = sp_ftoc(v->z);
return 1;
static cell_t GameRules_SetPropVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int element = params[3];
int offset;
int bit_count;
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
CBaseEntity *pProxy = NULL;
if ((pProxy = GetGameRulesProxyEnt()) == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Couldn't find gamerules proxy entity.");
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
if (!g_SdkTools.CanSetCSGOEntProp(prop))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Cannot set ent prop %s with core.cfg option \"FollowCSGOServerGuidelines\" enabled.", prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_Vector, "vector");
Vector *v = (Vector *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset);
cell_t *vec;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &vec);
v->x = sp_ctof(vec[0]);
v->y = sp_ctof(vec[1]);
v->z = sp_ctof(vec[2]);
edict_t *proxyEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pProxy));
if (proxyEdict != NULL)
gamehelpers->SetEdictStateChanged(proxyEdict, offset);
return 1;
static cell_t GameRules_GetPropString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int offset;
int bit_count;
int element = 0;
if (params[0] >= 4)
element = params[4];
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_String, "string");
const char *src;
if (pProp->GetProxyFn())
DVariant var;
pProp->GetProxyFn()(pProp, pGameRules, (const void *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset), &var, element, 0 /* TODO */);
src = var.m_pString;
src = *(char **)((uint8_t *)pGameRules + offset);
if (src)
size_t len;
pContext->StringToLocalUTF8(params[2], params[3], src, &len);
return len;
pContext->StringToLocal(params[2], params[3], "");
return 0;
static cell_t GameRules_SetPropString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *prop;
int offset;
int maxlen;
int bit_count;
int element = 0;
if (params[0] >= 4)
element = params[4];
void *pGameRules = GameRules();
CBaseEntity *pProxy = NULL;
if ((pProxy = GetGameRulesProxyEnt()) == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Couldn't find gamerules proxy entity.");
if (!pGameRules || !g_szGameRulesProxy || !strcmp(g_szGameRulesProxy, ""))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Gamerules lookup failed.");
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &prop);
if (!g_SdkTools.CanSetCSGOEntProp(prop))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Cannot set ent prop %s with core.cfg option \"FollowCSGOServerGuidelines\" enabled.", prop);
FIND_PROP_SEND(DPT_String, "string");
bool bIsStringIndex = false;
if (pProp->GetProxyFn())
DVariant var;
pProp->GetProxyFn()(pProp, pGameRules, (const void *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset), &var, element, 0 /* TODO */);
if (var.m_pString == ((string_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset))->ToCStr())
bIsStringIndex = true;
// Only used if not string index.
// TODO: If we're writing to a DPT_Array, we should use the element stride here.
char *src;
size_t len;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &src);
if (bIsStringIndex)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Setting string_t gamerules prop %s not supported yet.", prop);
// *(string_t *)((intptr_t)pGameRules + offset) = g_HL2.AllocPooledString(src);
// len = strlen(src);
char *dest = (char *)((uint8_t *)pGameRules + offset);
len = ke::SafeStrcpy(dest, maxlen, src);
edict_t *proxyEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pProxy));
if (proxyEdict != NULL)
gamehelpers->SetEdictStateChanged(proxyEdict, offset);
return len;
sp_nativeinfo_t g_GameRulesNatives[] =
{"GameRules_GetProp", GameRules_GetProp},
{"GameRules_SetProp", GameRules_SetProp},
{"GameRules_GetPropFloat", GameRules_GetPropFloat},
{"GameRules_SetPropFloat", GameRules_SetPropFloat},
{"GameRules_GetPropEnt", GameRules_GetPropEnt},
{"GameRules_SetPropEnt", GameRules_SetPropEnt},
{"GameRules_GetPropVector", GameRules_GetPropVector},
{"GameRules_SetPropVector", GameRules_SetPropVector},
{"GameRules_GetPropString", GameRules_GetPropString},
{"GameRules_SetPropString", GameRules_SetPropString},