Scott Ehlert 251cced1f8 Spring Cleaning, Part Ichi (1)
Various minor things done to project files
Updated sample extension project file and updated makefile to the new unified version (more changes likely on the way)
Updated regex project file and makefile

extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/trunk%401971
2008-03-30 07:00:22 +00:00

295 lines
5.3 KiB

/* Sounds */
"SlapSoundCount" "3"
"SlapSound1" "player/pl_fallpain1.wav"
"SlapSound2" "player/pl_fallpain3.wav"
"SlapSound3" "player/pl_pain5.wav"
"m_iFrags" "m_iFrags"
"class" "CBasePlayer"
"prop" "m_iHealth"
"class" "CBasePlayer"
"prop" "m_lifeState"
/* General Temp Entities */
"game" "tf"
/* Offset into CBaseTempEntity constructor */
"windows" "17"
"windows" "4"
"linux" "4"
"windows" "8"
"linux" "8"
"windows" "0"
"linux" "0"
"library" "server"
"windows" "\x8B\xC1\x8B\x4C\x24\x04\xC7\x00\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x89\x48\x04\x8B\x15\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x89\x50\x08\xA3\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xC2\x04\x00"
"library" "server"
"linux" "@_ZN15CBaseTempEntity15s_pTempEntitiesE"
/* Create Entity Signatures */
"game" "tf"
"library" "server"
"linux" "@_Z13DispatchSpawnP11CBaseEntity"
"windows" "\x53\x55\x56\x8B\x74\x24\x10\x85\xF6\x57\x0F\x84\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x1D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x03\x8B\x50\x64\x8B\xCB"
"library" "server"
"linux" "@_Z18CreateEntityByNamePKci"
"windows" "\x56\x8B\x74\x24\x0C\x83\xFE\xFF\x57\x8B\x7C\x24\x0C\x74\x27\x8B\x0D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x01\x8B\x50\x54\x56\xFF\xD2"
/* CGlobalEntityList */
"game" "tf"
/* Offset into LevelShutdown */
"windows" "11"
"library" "server"
"windows" "\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xB9\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8"
"library" "server"
"linux" "@gEntList"
/* Functions in CGlobalEntityList */
"library" "server"
"windows" "\x53\x55\x56\x8B\xF1\x8B\x4C\x24\x10\x85\xC9\x57\x74\x19\x8B\x01\x8B\x50\x08\xFF\xD2\x8B\x00\x25\xFF\x0F\x00\x00\x83\xC0\x01\xC1\xE0\x04\x8B\x3C\x30\xEB\x06\x8B\xBE\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x85\xFF\x74\x39\x8B\x5C\x24\x18\x8B\x2D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xEB\x03"
"linux" "@_ZN17CGlobalEntityList21FindEntityByClassnameEP11CBaseEntityPKc"
/* General GameRules */
"game" "tf"
/* Offset into CreateGameRulesObject */
"windows" "2"
/* This signature sometimes has multiple matches, but this
* does not matter as g_pGameRules is involved in all of them.
* The same g_pGameRules offset applies to each match.
* Sometimes this block of bytes is at the beginning of the static
* CreateGameRulesObject function and sometimes it is in the middle
* of an entirely different function. This depends on the game.
"library" "server"
"windows" "\x8B\x0D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x85\xC9\x74\x2A\x8B\x01\x8B\x50\x2A\x6A\x01\xFF\xD2"
"library" "server"
"linux" "@g_pGameRules"
/* IServer interface pointer */
/* Offset into IVEngineServer::CreateFakeClient */
"windows" "6"
/* CBaseServer object for IServer interface */
"library" "engine"
"linux" "@sv"
/* Team Fortress 2 Offsets */
"windows" "348"
"linux" "349"
"windows" "236"
"linux" "237"
"windows" "234"
"linux" "235"
"windows" "191"
"linux" "192"
"windows" "195"
"linux" "196"
"windows" "99"
"linux" "100"
"windows" "385"
"linux" "385"
"windows" "128"
"linux" "129"
"windows" "120"
"linux" "121"
"windows" "29"
"linux" "28"
"windows" "28"
"linux" "29"
"windows" "27"
"linux" "30"
"windows" "23"
"linux" "24"
"windows" "34"
"linux" "35"
/* EntityFactoryDictionary function */
"library" "server"
"windows" "\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x84\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x75\x1D\x09\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xB9\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x68\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xC4\x04\xB8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xC3"
"linux" "@_Z23EntityFactoryDictionaryv"