This is the latest DHooks version from 1314f2d1b4
574 lines
16 KiB
574 lines
16 KiB
#include <signatures.h>
SignatureGameConfig *g_pSignatures;
enum ParseState
ParseState g_ParseState;
unsigned int g_IgnoreLevel;
// The parent section type of a platform specific "windows" or "linux" section.
ParseState g_PlatformOnlyState;
SignatureWrapper *g_CurrentSignature;
std::string g_CurrentFunctionName;
ArgumentInfo g_CurrentArgumentInfo;
SignatureWrapper *SignatureGameConfig::GetFunctionSignature(const char *function)
auto sig = signatures_.find(function);
if (!sig.found())
return nullptr;
return sig->value;
* Game config "Functions" section parsing.
SMCResult SignatureGameConfig::ReadSMC_NewSection(const SMCStates *states, const char *name)
// We're ignoring the parent section. Ignore all child sections as well.
if (g_IgnoreLevel > 0)
return SMCResult_Continue;
// Handle platform specific sections first.
#if defined WIN32
if (!strcmp(name, "windows"))
#elif defined _LINUX
if (!strcmp(name, "linux"))
#elif defined _OSX
if (!strcmp(name, "mac"))
// We're already in a section for a different OS that we're ignoring. Can't have a section for our OS in here.
if (g_IgnoreLevel > 0)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unreachable platform specific section in \"%s\" Function: line: %i col: %i", g_CurrentFunctionName.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
// We don't support nested (useless) sections of the same OS like "windows" { "windows" { "foo" "bar" } }
if (g_PlatformOnlyState != PState_None)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Duplicate platform specific section for \"%s\". Already parsing only for that OS: line: %i col: %i", name, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
// This is a specific block for us.
g_PlatformOnlyState = g_ParseState;
return SMCResult_Continue;
#if defined WIN32
else if (!strcmp(name, "linux") || !strcmp(name, "mac"))
#elif defined _LINUX
else if (!strcmp(name, "windows") || !strcmp(name, "mac"))
#elif defined _OSX
else if (!strcmp(name, "windows") || !strcmp(name, "linux"))
if (g_PlatformOnlyState != PState_None)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unreachable platform specific section in \"%s\" Function: line: %i col: %i", g_CurrentFunctionName.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
// A specific block for a different platform.
return SMCResult_Continue;
switch (g_ParseState)
case PState_Root:
auto sig = signatures_.find(name);
if (sig.found())
g_CurrentSignature = sig->value;
g_CurrentSignature = new SignatureWrapper();
g_CurrentFunctionName = name;
g_ParseState = PState_Function;
case PState_Function:
if (!strcmp(name, "arguments"))
g_ParseState = PState_Arguments;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unknown subsection \"%s\" (expected \"arguments\"): line: %i col: %i", name, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
case PState_Arguments:
g_ParseState = PState_Argument;
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name = name;
// Reset the parameter info.
ParamInfo info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
info.flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL;
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info = info;
// See if we already have info about this argument.
for (auto &arg : g_CurrentSignature->args) {
if (!arg.name.compare(name)) {
// Continue changing that argument now.
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info = arg.info;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unknown subsection \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", name, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
return SMCResult_Continue;
SMCResult SignatureGameConfig::ReadSMC_KeyValue(const SMCStates *states, const char *key, const char *value)
// We don't care for anything in this section or subsections.
if (g_IgnoreLevel > 0)
return SMCResult_Continue;
switch (g_ParseState)
case PState_Function:
if (!strcmp(key, "signature"))
if (g_CurrentSignature->address.length() > 0 || g_CurrentSignature->offset.length() > 0)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Cannot have \"signature\", \"address\" or \"offset\" keys at the same time in one function: line: %i col: %i", states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
g_CurrentSignature->signature = value;
else if (!strcmp(key, "address"))
if (g_CurrentSignature->signature.length() > 0 || g_CurrentSignature->offset.length() > 0)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Cannot have \"signature\", \"address\" or \"offset\" keys at the same time in one function: line: %i col: %i", states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
g_CurrentSignature->address = value;
else if (!strcmp(key, "offset"))
if (g_CurrentSignature->address.length() > 0 || g_CurrentSignature->signature.length() > 0)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Cannot have \"signature\", \"address\" or \"offset\" keys at the same time in one function: line: %i col: %i", states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
g_CurrentSignature->offset = value;
else if (!strcmp(key, "callconv"))
CallingConvention callConv;
if (!strcmp(value, "cdecl"))
callConv = CallConv_CDECL;
else if (!strcmp(value, "thiscall"))
callConv = CallConv_THISCALL;
else if (!strcmp(value, "stdcall"))
callConv = CallConv_STDCALL;
else if (!strcmp(value, "fastcall"))
callConv = CallConv_FASTCALL;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid calling convention \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
g_CurrentSignature->callConv = callConv;
else if (!strcmp(key, "hooktype"))
HookType hookType;
if (!strcmp(value, "entity"))
hookType = HookType_Entity;
else if (!strcmp(value, "gamerules"))
hookType = HookType_GameRules;
else if (!strcmp(value, "raw"))
hookType = HookType_Raw;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid hook type \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
g_CurrentSignature->hookType = hookType;
else if (!strcmp(key, "return"))
g_CurrentSignature->retType = GetReturnTypeFromString(value);
if (g_CurrentSignature->retType == ReturnType_Unknown)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid return type \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
else if (!strcmp(key, "this"))
if (!strcmp(value, "ignore"))
g_CurrentSignature->thisType = ThisPointer_Ignore;
else if (!strcmp(value, "entity"))
g_CurrentSignature->thisType = ThisPointer_CBaseEntity;
else if (!strcmp(value, "address"))
g_CurrentSignature->thisType = ThisPointer_Address;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid this type \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unknown key in Functions section \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", key, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
case PState_Argument:
if (!strcmp(key, "type"))
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.type = GetHookParamTypeFromString(value);
if (g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.type == HookParamType_Unknown)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid argument type \"%s\" for argument \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
else if (!strcmp(key, "size"))
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.size = static_cast<int>(strtol(value, NULL, 0));
if (g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.size < 1)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid argument size \"%s\" for argument \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
else if (!strcmp(key, "flags"))
size_t flags = 0;
if (strstr(value, "byval"))
if (strstr(value, "byref"))
if (strstr(value, "odtor"))
if (strstr(value, "octor"))
if (strstr(value, "oassignop"))
if (strstr(value, "ocopyctor"))
if (strstr(value, "ounalign"))
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.flags = flags;
else if (!strcmp(key, "register"))
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.custom_register = GetCustomRegisterFromString(value);
if (g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.custom_register == Register_t::None)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Invalid register \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", value, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unknown key in Functions section \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", key, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unknown key in Functions section \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", key, states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
return SMCResult_Continue;
SMCResult SignatureGameConfig::ReadSMC_LeavingSection(const SMCStates *states)
// We were ignoring this section.
if (g_IgnoreLevel > 0)
return SMCResult_Continue;
// We were in a section only for our OS.
if (g_PlatformOnlyState == g_ParseState)
g_PlatformOnlyState = PState_None;
return SMCResult_Continue;
switch (g_ParseState)
case PState_Function:
g_ParseState = PState_Root;
if (!g_CurrentSignature->address.length() && !g_CurrentSignature->signature.length() && !g_CurrentSignature->offset.length())
smutils->LogError(myself, "Function \"%s\" doesn't have a \"signature\", \"offset\" nor \"address\" set: line: %i col: %i", g_CurrentFunctionName.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
// Save this function signature in our cache.
signatures_.insert(g_CurrentFunctionName.c_str(), g_CurrentSignature);
g_CurrentFunctionName = "";
g_CurrentSignature = nullptr;
case PState_Arguments:
g_ParseState = PState_Function;
case PState_Argument:
g_ParseState = PState_Arguments;
if (g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.type == HookParamType_Unknown)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Missing argument type for argument \"%s\": line: %i col: %i", g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
// The size wasn't set in the config. See if that's fine and we can guess it from the type.
if (!g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.size)
if (g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.type == HookParamType_Object)
smutils->LogError(myself, "Object param \"%s\" being set with no size: line: %i col: %i", g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name.c_str(), states->line, states->col);
return SMCResult_HaltFail;
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.size = GetParamTypeSize(g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.type);
if (g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.pass_type == SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType::PassType_Unknown)
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.pass_type = GetParamTypePassType(g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info.type);
// See if we were changing an existing argument.
bool changed = false;
for (auto &arg : g_CurrentSignature->args)
if (!arg.name.compare(g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name))
arg.info = g_CurrentArgumentInfo.info;
changed = true;
// This was a new argument. Add it to the end of the list.
if (!changed)
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name = "";
return SMCResult_Continue;
void SignatureGameConfig::ReadSMC_ParseStart()
g_ParseState = PState_Root;
g_IgnoreLevel = 0;
g_PlatformOnlyState = PState_None;
g_CurrentSignature = nullptr;
g_CurrentFunctionName = "";
g_CurrentArgumentInfo.name = "";
ReturnType SignatureGameConfig::GetReturnTypeFromString(const char *str)
if (!strcmp(str, "void"))
return ReturnType_Void;
else if (!strcmp(str, "int"))
return ReturnType_Int;
else if (!strcmp(str, "bool"))
return ReturnType_Bool;
else if (!strcmp(str, "float"))
return ReturnType_Float;
else if (!strcmp(str, "string"))
return ReturnType_String;
else if (!strcmp(str, "stringptr"))
return ReturnType_StringPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "charptr"))
return ReturnType_CharPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "vector"))
return ReturnType_Vector;
else if (!strcmp(str, "vectorptr"))
return ReturnType_VectorPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "cbaseentity"))
return ReturnType_CBaseEntity;
else if (!strcmp(str, "edict"))
return ReturnType_Edict;
return ReturnType_Unknown;
HookParamType SignatureGameConfig::GetHookParamTypeFromString(const char *str)
if (!strcmp(str, "int"))
return HookParamType_Int;
else if (!strcmp(str, "bool"))
return HookParamType_Bool;
else if (!strcmp(str, "float"))
return HookParamType_Float;
else if (!strcmp(str, "string"))
return HookParamType_String;
else if (!strcmp(str, "stringptr"))
return HookParamType_StringPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "charptr"))
return HookParamType_CharPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "vectorptr"))
return HookParamType_VectorPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "cbaseentity"))
return HookParamType_CBaseEntity;
else if (!strcmp(str, "objectptr"))
return HookParamType_ObjectPtr;
else if (!strcmp(str, "edict"))
return HookParamType_Edict;
else if (!strcmp(str, "object"))
return HookParamType_Object;
return HookParamType_Unknown;
Register_t SignatureGameConfig::GetCustomRegisterFromString(const char *str)
if (!strcmp(str, "al"))
return AL;
else if (!strcmp(str, "cl"))
return CL;
else if (!strcmp(str, "dl"))
return DL;
else if (!strcmp(str, "bl"))
return BL;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ah"))
return AH;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ch"))
return CH;
else if (!strcmp(str, "dh"))
return DH;
else if (!strcmp(str, "bh"))
return BH;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ax"))
return AX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "cx"))
return CX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "dx"))
return DX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "bx"))
return BX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "sp"))
return SP;
else if (!strcmp(str, "bp"))
return BP;
else if (!strcmp(str, "si"))
return SI;
else if (!strcmp(str, "di"))
return DI;
else if (!strcmp(str, "eax"))
return EAX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ecx"))
return ECX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "edx"))
return EDX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ebx"))
return EBX;
else if (!strcmp(str, "esp"))
return ESP;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ebp"))
return EBP;
else if (!strcmp(str, "esi"))
return ESI;
else if (!strcmp(str, "edi"))
return EDI;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm0"))
return MM0;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm1"))
return MM1;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm2"))
return MM2;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm3"))
return MM3;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm4"))
return MM4;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm5"))
return MM5;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm6"))
return MM6;
else if (!strcmp(str, "mm7"))
return MM7;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm0"))
return XMM0;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm1"))
return XMM1;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm2"))
return XMM2;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm3"))
return XMM3;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm4"))
return XMM4;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm5"))
return XMM5;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm6"))
return XMM6;
else if (!strcmp(str, "xmm7"))
return XMM7;
else if (!strcmp(str, "cs"))
return CS;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ss"))
return SS;
else if (!strcmp(str, "ds"))
return DS;
else if (!strcmp(str, "es"))
return ES;
else if (!strcmp(str, "fs"))
return FS;
else if (!strcmp(str, "gs"))
return GS;
else if (!strcmp(str, "st0"))
return ST0;
return Register_t::None;
} |