This is the latest DHooks version from 1314f2d1b4
634 lines
19 KiB
634 lines
19 KiB
#include "dynhooks_sourcepawn.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <memory>
#include "conventions/x86MsCdecl.h"
#include "conventions/x86MsThiscall.h"
#include "conventions/x86MsStdcall.h"
#include "conventions/x86MsFastcall.h"
typedef x86MsCdecl x86DetourCdecl;
typedef x86MsThiscall x86DetourThisCall;
typedef x86MsStdcall x86DetourStdCall;
typedef x86MsFastcall x86DetourFastCall;
#elif defined KE_LINUX
#include "conventions/x86GccCdecl.h"
#include "conventions/x86GccThiscall.h"
#include "conventions/x86MsStdcall.h"
#include "conventions/x86MsFastcall.h"
typedef x86GccCdecl x86DetourCdecl;
typedef x86GccThiscall x86DetourThisCall;
// Uhm, stdcall on linux?
typedef x86MsStdcall x86DetourStdCall;
// Uhumm, fastcall on linux?
typedef x86MsFastcall x86DetourFastCall;
#error "Unsupported platform."
// Keep a map of detours and their registered plugin callbacks.
DetourMap g_pPreDetours;
DetourMap g_pPostDetours;
void UnhookFunction(HookType_t hookType, CHook *pDetour)
CHookManager *pDetourManager = GetHookManager();
pDetour->RemoveCallback(hookType, (HookHandlerFn *)(void *)&HandleDetour);
// Only disable the detour if there are no more listeners.
if (!pDetour->AreCallbacksRegistered())
bool AddDetourPluginHook(HookType_t hookType, CHook *pDetour, HookSetup *setup, IPluginFunction *pCallback)
DetourMap *map;
if (hookType == HOOKTYPE_PRE)
map = &g_pPreDetours;
map = &g_pPostDetours;
// See if we already have this detour in our list.
PluginCallbackList *wrappers;
DetourMap::Insert f = map->findForAdd(pDetour);
if (f.found())
wrappers = f->value;
// Create a vector to store all the plugin callbacks in.
wrappers = new PluginCallbackList;
if (!map->add(f, pDetour, wrappers))
delete wrappers;
UnhookFunction(hookType, pDetour);
return false;
// Add the plugin callback to the detour list.
CDynamicHooksSourcePawn *pWrapper = new CDynamicHooksSourcePawn(setup, pDetour, pCallback, hookType == HOOKTYPE_POST);
return true;
bool RemoveDetourPluginHook(HookType_t hookType, CHook *pDetour, IPluginFunction *pCallback)
DetourMap *map;
if (hookType == HOOKTYPE_PRE)
map = &g_pPreDetours;
map = &g_pPostDetours;
DetourMap::Result res = map->find(pDetour);
if (!res.found())
return false;
// Remove the plugin's callback
bool bRemoved = false;
PluginCallbackList *wrappers = res->value;
for (int i = wrappers->size()-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
CDynamicHooksSourcePawn *pWrapper = wrappers->at(i);
if (pWrapper->plugin_callback == pCallback)
bRemoved = true;
delete pWrapper;
wrappers->erase(wrappers->begin() + i);
// No more plugin hooks on this callback. Free our structures.
if (wrappers->empty())
delete wrappers;
UnhookFunction(hookType, pDetour);
return bRemoved;
void RemoveAllCallbacksForContext(HookType_t hookType, DetourMap *map, IPluginContext *pContext)
PluginCallbackList *wrappers;
CDynamicHooksSourcePawn *pWrapper;
DetourMap::iterator it = map->iter();
// Run through all active detours we added.
for (; !it.empty(); it.next())
wrappers = it->value;
// See if there are callbacks of this plugin context registered
// and remove them.
for (int i = wrappers->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
pWrapper = wrappers->at(i);
if (pWrapper->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext() != pContext)
delete pWrapper;
wrappers->erase(wrappers->begin() + i);
// No plugin interested in this hook anymore. unhook.
if (wrappers->empty())
delete wrappers;
UnhookFunction(hookType, it->key);
void RemoveAllCallbacksForContext(IPluginContext *pContext)
RemoveAllCallbacksForContext(HOOKTYPE_PRE, &g_pPreDetours, pContext);
RemoveAllCallbacksForContext(HOOKTYPE_POST, &g_pPostDetours, pContext);
void CleanupDetours(HookType_t hookType, DetourMap *map)
PluginCallbackList *wrappers;
CDynamicHooksSourcePawn *pWrapper;
DetourMap::iterator it = map->iter();
// Run through all active detours we added.
for (; !it.empty(); it.next())
wrappers = it->value;
// Remove all callbacks
for (int i = wrappers->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
pWrapper = wrappers->at(i);
delete pWrapper;
// Unhook the function
delete wrappers;
UnhookFunction(hookType, it->key);
void CleanupDetours()
CleanupDetours(HOOKTYPE_PRE, &g_pPreDetours);
CleanupDetours(HOOKTYPE_POST, &g_pPostDetours);
ICallingConvention *ConstructCallingConvention(HookSetup *setup)
// Convert function parameter types into DynamicHooks structures.
std::vector<DataTypeSized_t> vecArgTypes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < setup->params.size(); i++)
ParamInfo &info = setup->params[i];
DataTypeSized_t type;
type.type = DynamicHooks_ConvertParamTypeFrom(info.type);
type.size = info.size;
type.custom_register = info.custom_register;
DataTypeSized_t returnType;
returnType.type = DynamicHooks_ConvertReturnTypeFrom(setup->returnType);
returnType.size = 0;
// TODO: Add support for a custom return register.
returnType.custom_register = None;
ICallingConvention *pCallConv = nullptr;
switch (setup->callConv)
case CallConv_CDECL:
pCallConv = new x86DetourCdecl(vecArgTypes, returnType);
case CallConv_THISCALL:
pCallConv = new x86DetourThisCall(vecArgTypes, returnType);
case CallConv_STDCALL:
pCallConv = new x86DetourStdCall(vecArgTypes, returnType);
case CallConv_FASTCALL:
pCallConv = new x86DetourFastCall(vecArgTypes, returnType);
smutils->LogError(myself, "Unknown calling convention %d.", setup->callConv);
return pCallConv;
// Some arguments might be optimized to be passed in registers instead of the stack.
bool UpdateRegisterArgumentSizes(CHook* pDetour, HookSetup *setup)
// The registers the arguments are passed in might not be the same size as the actual parameter type.
// Update the type info to the size of the register that's now holding that argument,
// so we can copy the whole value.
ICallingConvention* callingConvention = pDetour->m_pCallingConvention;
std::vector<DataTypeSized_t> &argTypes = callingConvention->m_vecArgTypes;
int numArgs = argTypes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++)
// Ignore regular arguments on the stack.
if (argTypes[i].custom_register == None)
CRegister *reg = pDetour->m_pRegisters->GetRegister(argTypes[i].custom_register);
// That register can't be handled yet.
if (!reg)
return false;
argTypes[i].size = reg->m_iSize;
setup->params[i].size = reg->m_iSize;
return true;
// Central handler for all detours. Heart of the detour support.
ReturnAction_t HandleDetour(HookType_t hookType, CHook* pDetour)
// Can't call into SourcePawn offthread.
if (g_MainThreadId != std::this_thread::get_id())
return ReturnAction_Ignored;
DetourMap *map;
if (hookType == HOOKTYPE_PRE)
map = &g_pPreDetours;
map = &g_pPostDetours;
// Find the callback list for this detour.
DetourMap::Result r = map->find(pDetour);
if (!r.found())
return ReturnAction_Ignored;
// List of all callbacks.
PluginCallbackList *wrappers = r->value;
HookReturnStruct *returnStruct = NULL;
Handle_t rHndl = BAD_HANDLE;
HookParamsStruct *paramStruct = NULL;
Handle_t pHndl = BAD_HANDLE;
int argNum = pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->m_vecArgTypes.size();
// Keep a copy of the last return value if some plugin wants to override or supercede the function.
ReturnAction_t finalRet = ReturnAction_Ignored;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> finalRetBuf = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->m_returnType.size);
// Call all the plugin functions..
for (size_t i = 0; i < wrappers->size(); i++)
CDynamicHooksSourcePawn *pWrapper = wrappers->at(i);
IPluginFunction *pCallback = pWrapper->plugin_callback;
// Create a seperate buffer for changed return values for this plugin.
// We update the finalRet above if the tempRet is higher than the previous ones in the callback list.
ReturnAction_t tempRet = ReturnAction_Ignored;
uint8_t *tempRetBuf = nullptr;
// Find the this pointer for thiscalls.
// Don't even try to load it if the plugin doesn't care and set it to be ignored.
if (pWrapper->callConv == CallConv_THISCALL && pWrapper->thisType != ThisPointer_Ignore)
// The this pointer is implicitly always the first argument.
void *thisPtr = pDetour->GetArgument<void *>(0);
cell_t thisAddr = GetThisPtr(thisPtr, pWrapper->thisType);
// Create the structure for plugins to change/get the return value if the function returns something.
if (pWrapper->returnType != ReturnType_Void)
// Create a handle for the return value to pass to the plugin callback.
returnStruct = pWrapper->GetReturnStruct();
HandleError err;
rHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookReturnHandle, returnStruct, pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), &err);
if (!rHndl)
pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(pCallback, "Error creating ReturnHandle in preparation to call hook callback. (error %d)", err);
if (returnStruct)
delete returnStruct;
// Don't call more callbacks. They will probably fail too.
// Create the structure for plugins to access the function arguments if it has some.
if (argNum > 0)
paramStruct = pWrapper->GetParamStruct();
HandleError err;
pHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookParamsHandle, paramStruct, pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), &err);
if (!pHndl)
pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(pCallback, "Error creating ThisHandle in preparation to call hook callback. (error %d)", err);
// Don't leak our own handles here! Free the return struct if we fail during the argument marshalling.
if (rHndl)
HandleSecurity sec(pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity());
handlesys->FreeHandle(rHndl, &sec);
if (paramStruct)
delete paramStruct;
// Don't call more callbacks. They will probably fail too.
// Run the plugin callback.
cell_t result = (cell_t)MRES_Ignored;
switch ((MRESReturn)result)
case MRES_Handled:
tempRet = ReturnAction_Handled;
case MRES_ChangedHandled:
tempRet = ReturnAction_Handled;
// Copy the changed parameter values from the plugin's parameter structure back into the actual detour arguments.
case MRES_ChangedOverride:
case MRES_Override:
case MRES_Supercede:
// See if this function returns something we should override.
if (pWrapper->returnType != ReturnType_Void)
// Make sure the plugin provided a new return value. Could be an oversight if MRES_ChangedOverride
// is called without the return value actually being changed.
if (!returnStruct->isChanged)
//Throw an error if no override was set
tempRet = ReturnAction_Ignored;
pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(pCallback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set");
if (pWrapper->returnType == ReturnType_String || pWrapper->returnType == ReturnType_Int || pWrapper->returnType == ReturnType_Bool)
tempRetBuf = *(uint8_t **)returnStruct->newResult;
else if (pWrapper->returnType == ReturnType_Float)
*(float *)&tempRetBuf = *(float *)returnStruct->newResult;
tempRetBuf = (uint8_t *)returnStruct->newResult;
// Store if the plugin wants the original function to be called.
if (result == MRES_Supercede)
tempRet = ReturnAction_Supercede;
tempRet = ReturnAction_Override;
// Copy the changed parameter values from the plugin's parameter structure back into the actual detour arguments.
if (result == MRES_ChangedOverride)
tempRet = ReturnAction_Ignored;
// Prioritize the actions.
if (finalRet <= tempRet)
// Copy the action and return value.
finalRet = tempRet;
memcpy(finalRetBuf.get(), &tempRetBuf, pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->m_returnType.size);
// Free the handles again.
HandleSecurity sec(pCallback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity());
if (returnStruct)
handlesys->FreeHandle(rHndl, &sec);
if (paramStruct)
handlesys->FreeHandle(pHndl, &sec);
// If we want to use our own return value, write it back.
if (finalRet >= ReturnAction_Override)
void* pPtr = pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->GetReturnPtr(pDetour->m_pRegisters);
memcpy(pPtr, finalRetBuf.get(), pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->m_returnType.size);
pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->ReturnPtrChanged(pDetour->m_pRegisters, pPtr);
return finalRet;
CDynamicHooksSourcePawn::CDynamicHooksSourcePawn(HookSetup *setup, CHook *pDetour, IPluginFunction *pCallback, bool post)
this->params = setup->params;
this->offset = -1;
this->returnFlag = setup->returnFlag;
this->returnType = setup->returnType;
this->post = post;
this->plugin_callback = pCallback;
this->entity = -1;
this->thisType = setup->thisType;
this->hookType = setup->hookType;
this->m_pDetour = pDetour;
this->callConv = setup->callConv;
HookReturnStruct *CDynamicHooksSourcePawn::GetReturnStruct()
// Create buffers to store the return value of the function.
HookReturnStruct *res = new HookReturnStruct();
res->isChanged = false;
res->type = this->returnType;
res->orgResult = NULL;
res->newResult = NULL;
// Copy the actual function's return value too for post hooks.
if (this->post)
switch (this->returnType)
case ReturnType_String:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t));
*(string_t *)res->orgResult = m_pDetour->GetReturnValue<string_t>();
case ReturnType_Int:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(int));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(int));
*(int *)res->orgResult = m_pDetour->GetReturnValue<int>();
case ReturnType_Bool:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(bool));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(bool));
*(bool *)res->orgResult = m_pDetour->GetReturnValue<bool>();
case ReturnType_Float:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(float));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(float));
*(float *)res->orgResult = m_pDetour->GetReturnValue<float>();
case ReturnType_Vector:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector));
SDKVector vec = m_pDetour->GetReturnValue<SDKVector>();
*(SDKVector *)res->orgResult = vec;
res->orgResult = m_pDetour->GetReturnValue<void *>();
// Pre hooks don't have access to the return value yet - duh.
// Just create the buffers for overridden values.
// TODO: Strip orgResult malloc.
switch (this->returnType)
case ReturnType_String:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t));
*(string_t *)res->orgResult = NULL_STRING;
case ReturnType_Vector:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector));
*(SDKVector *)res->orgResult = SDKVector();
case ReturnType_Int:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(int));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(int));
*(int *)res->orgResult = 0;
case ReturnType_Bool:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(bool));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(bool));
*(bool *)res->orgResult = false;
case ReturnType_Float:
res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(float));
res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(float));
*(float *)res->orgResult = 0.0;
return res;
HookParamsStruct *CDynamicHooksSourcePawn::GetParamStruct()
// Save argument values of detoured function.
HookParamsStruct *params = new HookParamsStruct();
params->dg = this;
ICallingConvention* callingConvention = m_pDetour->m_pCallingConvention;
size_t stackSize = callingConvention->GetArgStackSize();
size_t paramsSize = stackSize + callingConvention->GetArgRegisterSize();
std::vector<DataTypeSized_t> &argTypes = callingConvention->m_vecArgTypes;
size_t numArgs = argTypes.size();
// Create space for original parameters and changes plugins might do.
params->orgParams = (void **)malloc(paramsSize);
params->newParams = (void **)malloc(paramsSize);
params->isChanged = (bool *)malloc(numArgs * sizeof(bool));
// Save old stack parameters.
if (stackSize > 0)
void *pArgPtr = m_pDetour->m_pCallingConvention->GetStackArgumentPtr(m_pDetour->m_pRegisters);
memcpy(params->orgParams, pArgPtr, stackSize);
memset(params->newParams, 0, paramsSize);
memset(params->isChanged, false, numArgs * sizeof(bool));
size_t firstArg = 0;
// TODO: Support custom register for this ptr.
if (callConv == CallConv_THISCALL)
firstArg = 1;
// Save the old parameters passed in a register.
size_t offset = stackSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numArgs; i++)
// We already saved the stack arguments.
if (argTypes[i].custom_register == None)
size_t size = argTypes[i].size;
// Register argument values are saved after all stack arguments in this buffer.
void *paramAddr = (void *)((intptr_t)params->orgParams + offset);
void *regAddr = callingConvention->GetArgumentPtr(i + firstArg, m_pDetour->m_pRegisters);
memcpy(paramAddr, regAddr, size);
offset += size;
return params;
void CDynamicHooksSourcePawn::UpdateParamsFromStruct(HookParamsStruct *params)
// Function had no params to update now.
if (!params)
ICallingConvention* callingConvention = m_pDetour->m_pCallingConvention;
size_t stackSize = callingConvention->GetArgStackSize();
std::vector<DataTypeSized_t> &argTypes = callingConvention->m_vecArgTypes;
size_t numArgs = argTypes.size();
size_t firstArg = 0;
// TODO: Support custom register for this ptr.
if (callConv == CallConv_THISCALL)
firstArg = 1;
size_t stackOffset = 0;
// Values of arguments stored in registers are saved after the stack arguments.
size_t registerOffset = stackSize;
size_t offset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numArgs; i++)
size_t size = argTypes[i].size;
// Only have to copy something if the plugin changed this parameter.
if (params->isChanged[i])
// Get the offset of this argument in the linear buffer. Register argument values are placed after all stack arguments.
offset = argTypes[i].custom_register == None ? stackOffset : registerOffset;
void *paramAddr = (void *)((intptr_t)params->newParams + offset);
void *stackAddr = callingConvention->GetArgumentPtr(i + firstArg, m_pDetour->m_pRegisters);
memcpy(stackAddr, paramAddr, size);
// Keep track of the seperate stack and register arguments.
if (argTypes[i].custom_register == None)
stackOffset += size;
registerOffset += size;