BotoX 0bda47d85b Added hack to make plugins open a menu with all possible targets on ReplyToTargetError COMMAND_TARGET_AMBIGUOUS.
There are two clients in the server, one named gene, the other one "Ene ~special characters~".
An admin issues "sm_slay Ene" and gets following error message: More than one client matched the given pattern.
What this hack will do is: Use GetCmdArg(0, ...); to get the command name "sm_slay".
Use GetCmdArgString(...); to get the arguments supplied to the command.
Use GetLastProcessTargetString(...); (which was implemented in this commit) to retrieve the arguments that were passed to the last ProcessTargetString call.
It will then pass this data to the DynamicTargeting plugin through its AmbiguousMenu native.
The plugin will open up a menu on the client and list all targets which match the pattern that was supplied to ProcessTargetString.
If the client selects a menu entry, FakeClientCommand will be used to re-execute the command with the correct target.
2019-09-10 11:27:18 +02:00

68 lines
1.7 KiB

# vim: set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 tw=99 et ft=python:
import os
files = [
spcomp_argv = [
os.path.join(builder.buildPath, SM.spcomp.binary.path),
'-i' + os.path.relpath(os.path.join(builder.buildPath, 'includes'),
os.path.join(builder.buildPath, builder.buildFolder)),
'-i' + os.path.relpath(os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'plugins', 'include'),
os.path.join(builder.buildPath, builder.buildFolder)),
def build_plugin(script_path, smx_file):
inputs = [
outputs = [
argv = spcomp_argv + [script_path]
cmd_entry, (smx_entry,) = builder.AddCommand(
inputs = inputs,
argv = argv,
outputs = outputs,
dep_type = 'msvc',
weak_inputs = SM.generated_headers or []
SM.smx_files[smx_file] = smx_entry
for script_file in files:
script_path = os.path.join(builder.currentSourcePath, script_file)
smx_file = os.path.splitext(script_file)[0] + '.smx'
build_plugin(script_path, smx_file)
# This one has to be special.
build_plugin(os.path.join(builder.currentSourcePath, 'admin-flatfile', 'admin-flatfile.sp'),