/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEPAWN_JIT_X86_OPCODE_INFO_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEPAWN_JIT_X86_OPCODE_INFO_H_ #include "../jit_helpers.h" /** * This outputs the execution function for a plugin. * It also returns the 'return' offset, which is used for * breaking out of the JIT during runtime. */ jitoffs_t Write_Execute_Function(JitWriter *jit); /** * Writes the Sysreq.* opcodes as a function call. */ void WriteOp_Sysreq_C_Function(JitWriter *jit); /** * Write the GENARRAY intrinsic function. */ void WriteIntrinsic_GenArray(JitWriter *jit); void Write_Check_VerifyAddr(JitWriter *jit, jit_uint8_t reg); /** * Generates code to set an error state in the VM and return. * This is used for generating the error set points in the VM. * GetError writes the error from the context. SetError hardcodes. */ void Write_GetError(JitWriter *jit); void Write_SetError(JitWriter *jit, int error); /** * Checks the stacks for min and low errors. * :TODO: Should a variation of this go in the pushN opcodes? */ void Write_CheckStack_Min(JitWriter *jit); void Write_CheckStack_Low(JitWriter *jit); /** * Checks the heap for min and low errors. */ void Write_CheckHeap_Min(JitWriter *jit); void Write_CheckHeap_Low(JitWriter *jit); /** * Checks for division by zero. */ void Write_Check_DivZero(JitWriter *jit, jit_uint8_t reg); /** * Writes the break debug function. */ void Write_BreakDebug(JitWriter *jit); /** * These are for writing the PushN opcodes. */ void Macro_PushN_Addr(JitWriter *jit, int i); void Macro_PushN_S(JitWriter *jit, int i); void Macro_PushN_C(JitWriter *jit, int i); void Macro_PushN(JitWriter *jit, int i); /** * Bound checking for the tracker stack, */ int JIT_VerifyLowBoundTracker(sp_context_t *ctx); int JIT_VerifyOrAllocateTracker(sp_context_t *ctx); /** * Writes the push into tracker function. */ void WriteOp_Tracker_Push_Reg(JitWriter *jit, uint8_t reg); /** * Writes the rounding table for the float compare opcode. */ void Write_RoundingTable(JitWriter *jit); /** * Aligns the current code position to 16 bytes. */ void AlignMe(JitWriter *jit); /** * Legend for Statuses: * ****** *** ******** * DONE -> code generation is done * !GEN -> code generation is deliberate skipped because: * (default): compiler does not generate * DEPRECATED: this feature no longer exists/supported * UNSUPPORTED: this opcode is not supported * TODO: done in case needed * VERIFIED -> code generation is checked as run-time working. prefixes: * ! errors are not checked yet. * - non-inline errors are not checked yet. * ~ assumed checked because of related variation, but not actually checked */ typedef enum { OP_NONE, /* invalid opcode */ OP_LOAD_PRI, //!VERIFIED OP_LOAD_ALT, //~!VERIFIED (load.pri) OP_LOAD_S_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_LOAD_S_ALT, //VERIFIED OP_LREF_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_LREF_ALT, //~VERIFIED OP_LREF_S_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_LREF_S_ALT, //~VERIFIED (lref.s.pri) OP_LOAD_I, //VERIFIED OP_LODB_I, //VERIFIED OP_CONST_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_CONST_ALT, //~VERIFIED (const.pri) OP_ADDR_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_ADDR_ALT, //VERIFIED OP_STOR_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_STOR_ALT, //~VERIFIED (stor.pri) OP_STOR_S_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_STOR_S_ALT, //~VERIFIED (stor.s.pri) OP_SREF_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_SREF_ALT, //~VERIFIED OP_SREF_S_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_SREF_S_ALT, //~VERIFIED (stor.s.alt) OP_STOR_I, //VERIFIED OP_STRB_I, //VERIFIED OP_LIDX, //VERIFIED OP_LIDX_B, //DONE OP_IDXADDR, //VERIFIED OP_IDXADDR_B, //DONE OP_ALIGN_PRI, // !GEN :TODO: - only used for pack access, drop support in compiler first OP_ALIGN_ALT, // !GEN :TODO: - only used for pack access, drop support in compiler first OP_LCTRL, // !GEN OP_SCTRL, // !GEN OP_MOVE_PRI, //~VERIFIED (move.alt) OP_MOVE_ALT, //VERIFIED OP_XCHG, //DONE OP_PUSH_PRI, //DONE OP_PUSH_ALT, //DONE OP_PUSH_R, // !GEN DEPRECATED OP_PUSH_C, //VERIFIED OP_PUSH, //DONE OP_PUSH_S, //VERIFIED OP_POP_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_POP_ALT, //VERIFIED OP_STACK, //VERIFIED OP_HEAP, //VERIFIED OP_PROC, //VERIFIED OP_RET, // !GEN OP_RETN, //VERIFIED OP_CALL, //VERIFIED OP_CALL_PRI, // !GEN OP_JUMP, //VERIFIED OP_JREL, // !GEN OP_JZER, //VERIFIED OP_JNZ, //DONE OP_JEQ, //VERIFIED OP_JNEQ, //VERIFIED OP_JLESS, // !GEN OP_JLEQ, // !GEN OP_JGRTR, // !GEN OP_JGEQ, // !GEN OP_JSLESS, //VERIFIED OP_JSLEQ, //VERIFIED OP_JSGRTR, //VERIFIED OP_JSGEQ, //VERIFIED OP_SHL, //VERIFIED OP_SHR, //VERIFIED (Note: operator >>>) OP_SSHR, //VERIFIED (Note: operator >>) OP_SHL_C_PRI, //DONE OP_SHL_C_ALT, //DONE OP_SHR_C_PRI, //DONE OP_SHR_C_ALT, //DONE OP_SMUL, //VERIFIED OP_SDIV, //DONE OP_SDIV_ALT, //VERIFIED OP_UMUL, // !GEN OP_UDIV, // !GEN OP_UDIV_ALT, // !GEN OP_ADD, //VERIFIED OP_SUB, //DONE OP_SUB_ALT, //VERIFIED OP_AND, //VERIFIED OP_OR, //VERIFIED OP_XOR, //VERIFIED OP_NOT, //VERIFIED OP_NEG, //VERIFIED OP_INVERT, //VERIFIED OP_ADD_C, //VERIFIED OP_SMUL_C, //VERIFIED OP_ZERO_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_ZERO_ALT, //~VERIFIED OP_ZERO, //VERIFIED OP_ZERO_S, //VERIFIED OP_SIGN_PRI, //DONE OP_SIGN_ALT, //DONE OP_EQ, //VERIFIED OP_NEQ, //VERIFIED OP_LESS, // !GEN OP_LEQ, // !GEN OP_GRTR, // !GEN OP_GEQ, // !GEN OP_SLESS, //VERIFIED OP_SLEQ, //VERIFIED OP_SGRTR, //VERIFIED OP_SGEQ, //VERIFIED OP_EQ_C_PRI, //DONE OP_EQ_C_ALT, //DONE OP_INC_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_INC_ALT, //~VERIFIED (inc.pri) OP_INC, //VERIFIED OP_INC_S, //VERIFIED OP_INC_I, //VERIFIED OP_DEC_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_DEC_ALT, //~VERIFIED (dec.pri) OP_DEC, //VERIFIED OP_DEC_S, //VERIFIED OP_DEC_I, //VERIFIED OP_MOVS, //VERIFIED OP_CMPS, // !GEN OP_FILL, //VERIFIED OP_HALT, //DONE OP_BOUNDS, //VERIFIED OP_SYSREQ_PRI, // !GEN OP_SYSREQ_C, //VERIFIED OP_FILE, // !GEN DEPRECATED OP_LINE, // !GEN DEPRECATED OP_SYMBOL, // !GEN DEPRECATED OP_SRANGE, // !GEN DEPRECATED OP_JUMP_PRI, // !GEN OP_SWITCH, //VERIFIED OP_CASETBL, //VERIFIED OP_SWAP_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_SWAP_ALT, //~VERIFIED (swap.alt) OP_PUSH_ADR, //VERIFIED OP_NOP, //VERIFIED (lol) OP_SYSREQ_N, //VERIFIED OP_SYMTAG, // !GEN DEPRECATED OP_BREAK, //DONE OP_PUSH2_C, //~VERIFIED (push3.c) OP_PUSH2, //VERIFIED OP_PUSH2_S, //VERIFIED OP_PUSH2_ADR, //VERIFIED OP_PUSH3_C, //VERIFIED OP_PUSH3, //~VERIFIED (push2) OP_PUSH3_S, //~VERIFIED (push2.s) OP_PUSH3_ADR, //~VERIFIED (push2.adr) OP_PUSH4_C, //~VERIFIED (push3.c) OP_PUSH4, //~VERIFIED (push2) OP_PUSH4_S, //~VERIFIED (push2.s) OP_PUSH4_ADR, //~VERIFIED (push2.adr) OP_PUSH5_C, //~VERIFIED (push3.c) OP_PUSH5, //~VERIFIED (push2) OP_PUSH5_S, //~VERIFIED (push2.s) OP_PUSH5_ADR, //~VERIFIED (push2.adr) OP_LOAD_BOTH, //VERIFIED OP_LOAD_S_BOTH, //VERIFIED OP_CONST, //VERIFIED OP_CONST_S, //DONE /* ----- */ OP_SYSREQ_D, // !GEN UNSUPPORT OP_SYSREQ_ND, // !GEN UNSUPPORT /* ----- */ OP_TRACKER_PUSH_C, //DONE OP_TRACKER_POP_SETHEAP, //VERIFIED OP_GENARRAY, //VERIFIED OP_GENARRAY_Z, //-VERIFIED (not tested for 1D arrays) OP_STRADJUST_PRI, //VERIFIED OP_STACKADJUST, //:TODO: VERIFY OP_ENDPROC, //VERIFIED OP_FABS, //VERIFIED OP_FLOAT, //VERIFIED OP_FLOATADD, //VERIFIED OP_FLOATSUB, //VERIFIED OP_FLOATMUL, //VERIFIED OP_FLOATDIV, //VERIFIED OP_RND_TO_NEAREST, //VERIFIED OP_RND_TO_FLOOR, //VERIFIED OP_RND_TO_CEIL, //VERIFIED OP_RND_TO_ZERO, //VERIFIED OP_FLOATCMP, //VERIFIED /* ----- */ OP_NUM_OPCODES } OPCODE; #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEPAWN_JIT_X86_OPCODE_INFO_H_