/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "MenuStyle_Valve.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "ConCmdManager.h" SH_DECL_HOOK4_void(IServerPluginHelpers, CreateMessage, SH_NOATTRIB, false, edict_t *, DIALOG_TYPE, KeyValues *, IServerPluginCallbacks *); ValveMenuStyle g_ValveMenuStyle; extern const char *g_OptionNumTable[]; extern const char *g_OptionCmdTable[]; CallClass<IServerPluginHelpers> *g_pSPHCC = NULL; ValveMenuStyle::ValveMenuStyle() : m_players(new CValveMenuPlayer[256+1]) { } CBaseMenuPlayer *ValveMenuStyle::GetMenuPlayer(int client) { return &m_players[client]; } bool ValveMenuStyle::OnClientCommand(int client, const char *cmdname, const CCommand &cmd) { if (strcmp(cmdname, "sm_vmenuselect") == 0) { int key_press = atoi(cmd.Arg(1)); g_ValveMenuStyle.ClientPressedKey(client, key_press); return true; } return false; } void ValveMenuStyle::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { #if SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_DOTA g_Players.AddClientListener(this); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerPluginHelpers, CreateMessage, serverpluginhelpers, SH_MEMBER(this, &ValveMenuStyle::HookCreateMessage), false); g_pSPHCC = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(serverpluginhelpers); #endif } void ValveMenuStyle::OnSourceModShutdown() { #if SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_DOTA SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(g_pSPHCC); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerPluginHelpers, CreateMessage, serverpluginhelpers, SH_MEMBER(this, &ValveMenuStyle::HookCreateMessage), false); g_Players.RemoveClientListener(this); #endif } void ValveMenuStyle::HookCreateMessage(edict_t *pEdict, DIALOG_TYPE type, KeyValues *kv, IServerPluginCallbacks *plugin) { if (type != DIALOG_MENU) { return; } int client = IndexOfEdict(pEdict); if (client < 1 || client > 256) { return; } CValveMenuPlayer *player = &m_players[client]; /* We don't care if the player is in a menu because, for all intents and purposes, * the menu is completely private. Instead, we just figure out the level we'll need * in order to override it. */ player->curPrioLevel = kv->GetInt("level", player->curPrioLevel); /* Oh no! What happens if we got a menu that overwrites ours?! */ if (player->bInMenu) { /* Okay, let the external menu survive for now. It may live another * day to avenge its grandfather, killed in the great Menu Interruption * battle. */ _CancelClientMenu(client, MenuCancel_Interrupted, true); } } IMenuPanel *ValveMenuStyle::CreatePanel() { return new CValveMenuDisplay(); } IBaseMenu *ValveMenuStyle::CreateMenu(IMenuHandler *pHandler, IdentityToken_t *pOwner) { return new CValveMenu(pHandler, pOwner); } const char *ValveMenuStyle::GetStyleName() { return "valve"; } unsigned int ValveMenuStyle::GetMaxPageItems() { return 8; } void ValveMenuStyle::SendDisplay(int client, IMenuPanel *display) { m_players[client].curPrioLevel--; CValveMenuDisplay *vDisplay = (CValveMenuDisplay *)display; vDisplay->SendRawDisplay(client, m_players[client].curPrioLevel, m_players[client].menuHoldTime); } bool ValveMenuStyle::DoClientMenu(int client, IMenuPanel *menu, IMenuHandler *mh, unsigned int time) { if (vsp_interface == NULL) { return false; } return BaseMenuStyle::DoClientMenu(client, menu, mh, time); } bool ValveMenuStyle::DoClientMenu(int client, CBaseMenu *menu, unsigned int first_item, IMenuHandler *mh, unsigned int time) { if (vsp_interface == NULL) { mh->OnMenuStart(menu); mh->OnMenuCancel(menu, client, MenuCancel_NoDisplay); mh->OnMenuEnd(menu, MenuEnd_Cancelled); return false; } return BaseMenuStyle::DoClientMenu(client, menu, first_item, mh, time); } unsigned int ValveMenuStyle::GetApproxMemUsage() { return sizeof(ValveMenuStyle) + (sizeof(CValveMenuPlayer) * 257); } CValveMenuDisplay::CValveMenuDisplay() { m_pKv = NULL; Reset(); } CValveMenuDisplay::CValveMenuDisplay(CValveMenu *pMenu) { m_pKv = NULL; Reset(); m_pKv->SetColor("color", pMenu->m_IntroColor); m_pKv->SetString("title", pMenu->m_IntroMsg); } void CValveMenuDisplay::DeleteThis() { delete this; } CValveMenuDisplay::~CValveMenuDisplay() { m_pKv->deleteThis(); } IMenuStyle *CValveMenuDisplay::GetParentStyle() { return &g_ValveMenuStyle; } void CValveMenuDisplay::Reset() { if (m_pKv) { m_pKv->deleteThis(); } m_pKv = new KeyValues("menu"); m_NextPos = 1; m_TitleDrawn = false; } unsigned int CValveMenuDisplay::GetCurrentKey() { return m_NextPos; } bool CValveMenuDisplay::SetCurrentKey(unsigned int key) { if (key < m_NextPos || key > 9) { return false; } m_NextPos = key; return true; } bool CValveMenuDisplay::SetExtOption(MenuOption option, const void *valuePtr) { if (option == MenuOption_IntroMessage) { m_pKv->SetString("title", (const char *)valuePtr); return true; } else if (option == MenuOption_IntroColor) { int *array = (int *)valuePtr; m_pKv->SetColor("color", Color(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3])); return true; } else if (option == MenuOption_Priority) { m_pKv->SetInt("level", *(int *)valuePtr); return true; } return false; } bool CValveMenuDisplay::CanDrawItem(unsigned int drawFlags) { /** * ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE - We can't draw random text, and this doesn't add a slot, * so it's completely safe to ignore it. * ----------------------------------------- */ if (drawFlags & ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE) { return false; } /** * Special cases, explained in DrawItem() */ if ((drawFlags & ITEMDRAW_NOTEXT) || (drawFlags & ITEMDRAW_SPACER)) { return true; } /** * We can't draw disabled text. We could bump the position, but we * want DirectDraw() to find some actual items to display. */ if (drawFlags & ITEMDRAW_DISABLED) { return false; } return true; } unsigned int CValveMenuDisplay::DrawItem(const ItemDrawInfo &item) { if (m_NextPos > 9 || !CanDrawItem(item.style)) { return 0; } /** * For these cases we can't draw anything at all, but * we can at least bump the position since we were explicitly asked to. */ if ((item.style & ITEMDRAW_NOTEXT) || (item.style & ITEMDRAW_SPACER)) { return m_NextPos++; } char buffer[255]; UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d. %s", m_NextPos, item.display); KeyValues *ki = m_pKv->FindKey(g_OptionNumTable[m_NextPos], true); ki->SetString("command", g_OptionCmdTable[m_NextPos]); ki->SetString("msg", buffer); return m_NextPos++; } void CValveMenuDisplay::DrawTitle(const char *text, bool onlyIfEmpty/* =false */) { if (onlyIfEmpty && m_TitleDrawn) { return; } m_pKv->SetString("msg", text); m_TitleDrawn = true; } bool CValveMenuDisplay::DrawRawLine(const char *rawline) { return false; } void CValveMenuDisplay::SendRawDisplay(int client, int priority, unsigned int time) { m_pKv->SetInt("level", priority); m_pKv->SetInt("time", time ? time : 200); SH_CALL(g_pSPHCC, &IServerPluginHelpers::CreateMessage)( PEntityOfEntIndex(client), DIALOG_MENU, m_pKv, vsp_interface); } bool CValveMenuDisplay::SendDisplay(int client, IMenuHandler *handler, unsigned int time) { return g_ValveMenuStyle.DoClientMenu(client, this, handler, time); } bool CValveMenuDisplay::SetSelectableKeys(unsigned int keymap) { return false; } int CValveMenuDisplay::GetAmountRemaining() { /* :TODO: this is a lie, but nothing really seems meaningful... */ return -1; } unsigned int CValveMenuDisplay::GetApproxMemUsage() { return sizeof(CValveMenuDisplay) + (sizeof(KeyValues) * m_NextPos * 10); } CValveMenu::CValveMenu(IMenuHandler *pHandler, IdentityToken_t *pOwner) : CBaseMenu(pHandler, &g_ValveMenuStyle, pOwner), m_IntroColor(255, 0, 0, 255) { strcpy(m_IntroMsg, "You have a menu, press ESC"); m_Pagination = 5; } void CValveMenu::Cancel_Finally() { g_ValveMenuStyle.CancelMenu(this); } bool CValveMenu::SetPagination(unsigned int itemsPerPage) { if (itemsPerPage > 5) { return false; } return CBaseMenu::SetPagination(itemsPerPage); } bool CValveMenu::SetExtOption(MenuOption option, const void *valuePtr) { if (option == MenuOption_IntroMessage) { strncopy(m_IntroMsg, (const char *)valuePtr, sizeof(m_IntroMsg)); return true; } else if (option == MenuOption_IntroColor) { unsigned int *array = (unsigned int *)valuePtr; m_IntroColor = Color(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]); return true; } return false; } bool CValveMenu::Display(int client, unsigned int time, IMenuHandler *alt_handler) { return DisplayAtItem(client, time, 0, alt_handler); } bool CValveMenu::DisplayAtItem(int client, unsigned int time, unsigned int start_item, IMenuHandler *alt_handler/* =NULL */) { if (m_bCancelling) { return false; } return g_ValveMenuStyle.DoClientMenu(client, this, start_item, alt_handler ? alt_handler : m_pHandler, time); } IMenuPanel *CValveMenu::CreatePanel() { return new CValveMenuDisplay(this); } void CValveMenu::SetMenuOptionFlags(unsigned int flags) { flags |= MENUFLAG_BUTTON_EXIT; CBaseMenu::SetMenuOptionFlags(flags); } unsigned int CValveMenu::GetApproxMemUsage() { return sizeof(CValveMenu) + GetBaseMemUsage(); } const char *g_OptionNumTable[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" }; const char *g_OptionCmdTable[] = { "sm_vmenuselect 0", /* INVALID! */ "sm_vmenuselect 1", "sm_vmenuselect 2", "sm_vmenuselect 3", "sm_vmenuselect 4", "sm_vmenuselect 5", "sm_vmenuselect 6", "sm_vmenuselect 7", "sm_vmenuselect 8", "sm_vmenuselect 9", "sm_vmenuselect 10" };