// vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et ft=c : #include <sourcemod> public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Trie test", author = "AlliedModders LLC", description = "Trie tests", version = "", url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/" }; public OnPluginStart() { RegServerCmd("test_maps", RunTests); } public Action:RunTests(argc) { new StringMap:map = StringMap(); for (new i = 0; i < 64; i++) { new String:buffer[24]; Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", i); if (!map.SetValue(buffer, i)) ThrowError("set map to %d failed", i); new value; if (!map.GetValue(buffer, value)) ThrowError("get map %d", i); if (value != i) ThrowError("get map %d == %d", i, i); } // Setting 17 without replace should fail. new value; if (SetTrieValue(map, "17", 999, false)) ThrowError("set map 17 should fail"); if (!map.GetValue("17", value) || value != 17) ThrowError("value at 17 not correct"); if (!SetTrieValue(map, "17", 999)) ThrowError("set map 17 = 999 should succeed"); if (!map.GetValue("17", value) || value != 999) ThrowError("value at 17 not correct"); // Check size is 64. if (map.Size != 64) ThrowError("map size not 64"); // Check "cat" is not found. new array[64]; new String:string[64]; if (map.GetValue("cat", value) || map.GetArray("cat", array, sizeof(array)) || map.GetString("cat", string, sizeof(string))) { ThrowError("map should not have a cat"); } // Check that "17" is not a string or array. if (map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array)) || map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string))) { ThrowError("entry 17 should not be an array or string"); } // Strings. if (!map.SetString("17", "hellokitty")) ThrowError("17 should be string"); if (!map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string)) || strcmp(string, "hellokitty") != 0) { ThrowError("17 should be hellokitty"); } if (map.GetValue("17", value) || map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array))) { ThrowError("entry 17 should not be an array or string"); } // Arrays. new data[5] = { 93, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; if (!map.SetArray("17", data, 5)) ThrowError("17 should be string"); if (!map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array))) ThrowError("17 should be hellokitty"); for (new i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (data[i] != array[i]) ThrowError("17 slot %d should be %d, got %d", i, data[i], array[i]); } if (map.GetValue("17", value) || map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string))) { ThrowError("entry 17 should not be an array or string"); } if (!map.SetArray("17", data, 1)) ThrowError("couldn't set 17 to 1-entry array"); // Check that we fixed an old bug where 1-entry arrays where cells if (!map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array), value)) ThrowError("couldn't fetch 1-entry array"); if (value != 1) ThrowError("array size mismatch (%d, expected %d)", value, 1); // Check that we maintained backward compatibility. if (!map.GetValue("17", value)) ThrowError("backwards compatibility failed"); if (value != data[0]) ThrowError("wrong value (%d, expected %d)", value, data[0]); // Remove "17". if (!map.Remove("17")) ThrowError("17 should have been removed"); if (map.Remove("17")) ThrowError("17 should not exist"); if (map.GetValue("17", value) || map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array)) || map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string))) { ThrowError("map should not have a 17"); } map.Clear(); if (map.Size) ThrowError("size should be 0"); map.SetString("adventure", "time!"); map.SetString("butterflies", "bees"); map.SetString("egg", "egg"); new Handle:keys = CreateTrieSnapshot(map); { if (TrieSnapshotLength(keys) != 3) ThrowError("map snapshot length should be 3"); new bool:found[3]; for (new i = 0; i < TrieSnapshotLength(keys); i++) { new size = TrieSnapshotKeyBufferSize(keys, i); new String:buffer[size]; GetTrieSnapshotKey(keys, i, buffer, size); if (strcmp(buffer, "adventure") == 0) found[0] = true; else if (strcmp(buffer, "butterflies") == 0) found[1] = true; else if (strcmp(buffer, "egg") == 0) found[2] = true; else ThrowError("unexpected key: %s", buffer); } if (!found[0] || !found[1] || !found[2]) ThrowError("did not find all keys"); } delete keys; PrintToServer("All tests passed!"); delete map; return Plugin_Handled; }