/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_TRANSLATOR_INTERFACE_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_TRANSLATOR_INTERFACE_H_ #include <IShareSys.h> #define SMINTERFACE_TRANSLATOR_NAME "ITranslator" #define SMINTERFACE_TRANSLATOR_VERSION 3 #define MAX_TRANSLATE_PARAMS 32 #define CORELANG_ENGLISH 0 /** * @file ITranslator.h * @brief Defines interfaces related to translation files. */ namespace SourceMod { /** * @brief SourceMod hardcodes the English language (default) to ID 0. * This cannot be changed and languages.cfg should never have it as anything * other than the first index. */ #define SOURCEMOD_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH 0 /** * @brief For %T formats, specifies that the language should be that of the * server and not a specific client. */ #define SOURCEMOD_SERVER_LANGUAGE 0 /** * @brief Translation error codes. */ enum TransError { Trans_Okay = 0, /**< Translation succeeded. */ Trans_BadLanguage = 1, /**< Bad language ID. */ Trans_BadPhrase = 2, /**< Phrase not found. */ Trans_BadPhraseLanguage = 3, /**< Phrase not found in the given language. */ Trans_BadPhraseFile = 4, /**< Phrase file was unreadable. */ }; /** * @brief Contains information about a translation phrase. */ struct Translation { const char *szPhrase; /**< Translated phrase. */ unsigned int fmt_count; /**< Number of format parameters. */ int *fmt_order; /**< Array of size fmt_count where each element is the numerical order of parameter insertion, starting from 0. */ }; /** * @brief Represents a phrase file from SourceMod's "translations" folder. */ class IPhraseFile { public: /** * @brief Attempts to find a translation phrase in a phrase file. * * @param szPhrase String containing the phrase name. * @param lang_id Language ID. * @param pTrans Buffer to store translation info. * @return Translation error code indicating success * (pTrans is filled) or failure (pTrans * contents is undefined). */ virtual TransError GetTranslation( const char *szPhrase, unsigned int lang_id, Translation *pTrans) =0; /** * @brief Returns the file name of this translation file. * * @return File name. */ virtual const char *GetFilename() =0; }; /** * Represents a collection of phrase files. */ class IPhraseCollection { public: /** * @brief Adds a phrase file to the collection, using a cached one * if already found. The return value is provided for informational * purposes and does not need to be saved. The life time of the * return pointer is equal to the life time of the collection. * * This function will internally ignore dupliate additions but still * return a valid pointer. * * @param filename File name, without the ".txt" extension, of * the phrase file in the translations folder. * @return An IPhraseFile pointer, even if the file does * not exist. */ virtual IPhraseFile *AddPhraseFile(const char *filename) =0; /** * @brief Returns the number of contained phrase files. * * @return Number of contained phrase files. */ virtual unsigned int GetFileCount() =0; /** * @brief Returns the pointer to a contained phrase file. * * @param file File index, from 0 to GetFileCount()-1. * @return IPhraseFile pointer, or NULL if out of * range. */ virtual IPhraseFile *GetFile(unsigned int file) =0; /** * @brief Destroys the phrase collection, freeing all internal * resources and invalidating the object. */ virtual void Destroy() =0; /** * @brief Attempts a translation across a given language. All * contained files are searched for an appropriate match; the * first valid match is returned. * * @param key String containing the phrase name. * @param langid Language ID to translate to. * @param pTrans Translation buffer. * @return Translation error code; on success, * pTrans is valid. On failure, the * contents of pTrans is undefined. */ virtual TransError FindTranslation( const char *key, unsigned int langid, Translation *pTrans) =0; /** * @brief Formats a phrase given a parameter stack. The parameter * stack size must exactly match the expected parameter count. If * this count is too small or too large, the format fails. * * @param buffer Buffer to store formatted text. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @param format String containing format information. * This is equivalent to SourceMod's Format() * native, and sub-translations are acceptable. * @param params An array of pointers to each parameter. * Integer parameters must have a pointer to the integer. * Float parameters must have a pointer to a float. * String parameters must be a string pointer. * Char parameters must be a pointer to a char. * Translation parameters fill multiple indexes in the * array. For %T translations, the expected stack is: * [phrase string pointer] [int target id pointer] [...] * Where [...] is the required parameters for the translation, * in the order expected by the phrase, not the phrase's * translation. For example, say the format is: * "%d %T" and the phrase's format is {1:s,2:f}, then the * parameter stack should be: * int *, const char *, int *, const char *, float * * The %t modifier is the same except the target id pointer * would be removed: * int *, const char *, const char *, float * * @param numparams Number of parameters in the params array. * @param pOutLength Optional pointer filled with output length on success. * @param pFailPhrase Optional pointer; on failure, is filled with NULL if the * failure was not due to a failed translation phrase. * Otherwise, it is filled with the given phrase name pointer * from the parameter stack. Undefined on success. * @return True on success. False if the parameter stack was not * exactly the right length, or if a translation phrase * could not be found. */ virtual bool FormatString( char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *format, void **params, unsigned int numparams, size_t *pOutLength, const char **pFailPhrase) =0; }; /** * @brief Provides functions for translation. */ class ITranslator : public SMInterface { public: virtual const char *GetInterfaceName() =0; virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() =0; public: /** * @brief Creates a new phrase collection object. * * @return A new phrase collection object, which must be * destroyed via IPhraseCollection::Destroy() when * no longer needed. */ virtual IPhraseCollection *CreatePhraseCollection() =0; /** * @brief Returns the server language. * * @return Server language index. */ virtual unsigned int GetServerLanguage() =0; /** * @brief Returns a client's language. * * @param client Client index. * @return Client language index, or server's if client's is * not known. */ virtual unsigned int GetClientLanguage(int client) =0; /** * @brief Sets the global client SourceMod will use for assisted * translations (that is, %t). * * @param index Client index (0 for server). * @return Old global client value. */ virtual int SetGlobalTarget(int index) =0; /** * @brief Returns the global client SourceMod is currently using * for assisted translations (that is, %t). * * @return Global client index (0 for server). */ virtual int GetGlobalTarget() const =0; /** * @brief Formats a phrase given a parameter stack. The parameter * stack size must exactly match the expected parameter count. If * this count is too small or too large, the format fails. * * Note: This is the same as IPhraseCollection::FormatString(), except * that the IPhraseCollection parameter is explicit instead of implicit. * * @param buffer Buffer to store formatted text. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @param format String containing format information. * This is equivalent to SourceMod's Format() * native, and sub-translations are acceptable. * @param pPhrases Optional phrase collection pointer to search for * phrases. * @param params An array of pointers to each parameter. * Integer parameters must have a pointer to the integer. * Float parameters must have a pointer to a float. * String parameters must be a string pointer. * Char parameters must be a pointer to a char. * Translation parameters fill multiple indexes in the * array. For %T translations, the expected stack is: * [phrase string pointer] [int target id pointer] [...] * Where [...] is the required parameters for the translation, * in the order expected by the phrase, not the phrase's * translation. For example, say the format is: * "%d %T" and the phrase's format is {1:s,2:f}, then the * parameter stack should be: * int *, const char *, int *, const char *, float * * The %t modifier is the same except the target id pointer * would be removed: * int *, const char *, const char *, float * * @param numparams Number of parameters in the params array. * @param pOutLength Optional pointer filled with output length on success. * @param pFailPhrase Optional pointer; on failure, is filled with NULL if the * failure was not due to a failed translation phrase. * Otherwise, it is filled with the given phrase name pointer * from the parameter stack. Undefined on success. * @return True on success. False if the parameter stack was not * exactly the right length, or if a translation phrase * could not be found. */ virtual bool FormatString( char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *format, IPhraseCollection *pPhrases, void **params, unsigned int numparams, size_t *pOutLength, const char **pFailPhrase) =0; /** * @brief Get number of languages. * * @return Number of languages. */ virtual unsigned int GetLanguageCount() =0; /** * @brief Find a language number by name. * * @param name Language name. * @param index Optional pointer to store language index. * @return True if found, false otherwise. */ virtual bool GetLanguageByName(const char *name, unsigned int *index) =0; /** * @brief Retrieves info about a given language number. * * @param number Language number. * @param code Pointer to store the language code. * @param name Pointer to store language name. * @return True if language number is valid, false otherwise. */ virtual bool GetLanguageInfo(unsigned int number, const char **code, const char **name) =0; }; } #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_TRANSLATOR_INTERFACE_H_