/** * vim: set ts=4 : * =============================================================== * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * =============================================================== * * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK. This file may only be used * or modified under the Terms and Conditions of its License Agreement, which is found * in LICENSE.txt. The Terms and Conditions for making SourceMod extensions/plugins * may change at any time. To view the latest information, see: * http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php * * Version: $Id$ */ #if defined _helpers_included #endinput #endif #define _helpers_included /** * Provided by basecommands.sp when sm_ban is called. * * @param admin Admin client index (0 for server). * @param client Client index which will be banned. * @param time Minutes banned for (0 is permanent). * @param reason Ban reason (may be empty if none exists). */ forward OnClientBanned(admin, client, time, const String:reason[]); /** * Provided by basecommands.sp when sm_addban or sm_banip is called. * * @param admin Admin client index (0 for server). * @param info User info (either steamid or ip). * @param time Minutes banned for (0 is permanent). * @param reason Ban reason (may be empty if none exists). */ forward OnBanAdded(admin, const String:info[], time, const String:reason[]); /** * Provided by basecommands.sp when sm_unban or sm_unbanip is called. * * @param admin Admin client index (0 for server). * @param info User info (either steamid or ip). */ forward OnBanRemoved(admin, const String:info[]); /** * Formats a user's info as log text. * * @param client Client index. * @param buffer Buffer for text. * @param maxlength Maximum length of text. */ stock FormatUserLogText(client, String:buffer[], maxlength) { decl String:auth[32]; decl String:name[40]; new userid = GetClientUserId(client); if (!GetClientAuthString(client, auth, sizeof(auth))) { StrCopy(auth, sizeof(auth), "UNKNOWN"); } if (!GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name))) { StrCopy(name, sizeof(name), "UNKNOWN"); } /** Currently, no team stuff ... */ Format(buffer, maxlength, "\"%s<%d><%s><>\"", name, userid, auth); } /** * Returns plugin handle from plugin filename. * * @param filename Filename of the plugin to search for. * @return Handle to plugin if found, INVALID_HANDLE otherwise. */ stock Handle:FindPluginByFile(const String:filename[]) { decl String:buffer[256]; new Handle:iter = GetPluginIterator(); new Handle:pl; while (MorePlugins(iter)) { pl = ReadPlugin(iter); GetPluginFilename(pl, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (StrCompare(buffer, filename) == 0) { return pl; } } CloseHandle(iter); return INVALID_HANDLE; } /** * Searches for clients that match an input string. * * Allowed patterns: * 1) #<userid> or #<exact name> * 2) <partial or full name> * * @param pattern Pattern to search for. * @param clients Array to store matching clients in. * @param maxClients Maximum clients in the array. * @return Number of clients found. */ stock SearchForClients(const String:pattern[], clients[], maxClients) { new maxclients = GetMaxClients(); new total = 0; if (maxClients == 0) { return 0; } if (pattern[0] == '#') { new input = StringToInt(pattern[1]); if (!input) { decl String:name[65] for (new i=1; i<=maxclients; i++) { if (!IsClientInGame(i)) { continue; } GetClientName(i, name, sizeof(name)); if (StrEqual(name, pattern, false)) { clients[0] = i; return 1; } } } else { new client = GetClientOfUserId(input); if (client) { clients[0] = client; return 1; } } } decl String:name[65] for (new i=1; i<=maxclients; i++) { if (!IsClientInGame(i)) { continue; } GetClientName(i, name, sizeof(name)); if (StrContains(name, pattern, false) != -1) { clients[total++] = i; if (total >= maxClients) { break; } } } return total; }