#include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include "memfile.h" #include "sp_file.h" #include "amx.h" #include "amxdbg.h" #include "osdefs.h" #include "zlib/zlib.h" #if defined LINUX || defined DARWIN #include <unistd.h> #elif defined WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif enum FileSections { FS_Code, /* required */ FS_Data, /* required */ FS_Publics, FS_Pubvars, FS_Natives, FS_Nametable, /* required */ FS_DbgFile, FS_DbgSymbol, FS_DbgLine, FS_DbgTags, FS_DbgNatives, FS_DbgAutomaton, FS_DbgState, FS_DbgStrings, FS_DbgInfo, FS_Tags, /* --- */ FS_Number, }; int pc_printf(const char *message,...); int pc_compile(int argc, char **argv); void sfwrite(const void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, sp_file_t *spf); memfile_t *bin_file = NULL; jmp_buf brkout; #define sARGS_MAX 32 /* number of arguments a function can have, max */ #define sDIMEN_MAX 4 /* maximum number of array dimensions */ typedef struct t_arg_s { uint8_t ident; int16_t tag; char *name; uint16_t dimcount; sp_fdbg_arraydim_t dims[sDIMEN_MAX]; } t_arg; typedef struct t_native_s { char *name; int16_t ret_tag; uint16_t num_args; t_arg args[sARGS_MAX]; } t_native; t_native *native_list = NULL; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (pc_compile(argc,argv) == 0) { AMX_HEADER *hdr; AMX_DBG_HDR *dbg = NULL; int err; uint32_t i; sp_file_t *spf; memfile_t *dbgtab = NULL; //dbgcrab unsigned char *dbgptr = NULL; uint32_t sections[FS_Number] = {1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; FILE *fp; if (bin_file == NULL) { return 0; } hdr = (AMX_HEADER *)bin_file->base; if ((spf=spfw_create(bin_file->name, NULL)) == NULL) { pc_printf("Error creating binary file!\n"); memfile_destroy(bin_file); return 0; } if ((err=setjmp(brkout))!=0) { goto write_error; } spfw_add_section(spf, ".code"); spfw_add_section(spf, ".data"); sections[FS_Publics] = (hdr->natives - hdr->publics) / hdr->defsize; if (sections[FS_Publics]) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".publics"); } sections[FS_Pubvars] = (hdr->tags - hdr->pubvars) / hdr->defsize; if (sections[FS_Pubvars]) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".pubvars"); } sections[FS_Natives] = (hdr->libraries - hdr->natives) / hdr->defsize; if (sections[FS_Natives]) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".natives"); } sections[FS_Tags] = (hdr->nametable - hdr->tags) / hdr->defsize; if (sections[FS_Tags]) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".tags"); } spfw_add_section(spf, ".names"); if (hdr->flags & AMX_FLAG_DEBUG) { dbg = (AMX_DBG_HDR *)((unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->size); if (dbg->magic != AMX_DBG_MAGIC) { pc_printf("Error reading AMX_DBG_HDR, debug data will not be written."); } else { dbgtab = memfile_creat("", 512); dbgptr = (unsigned char *)dbg + sizeof(AMX_DBG_HDR); if ((sections[FS_DbgNatives] = sections[FS_Natives]) > 0) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".dbg.natives"); } if (dbg->files) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".dbg.files"); sections[FS_DbgFile] = dbg->files; } if (dbg->lines) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".dbg.lines"); sections[FS_DbgLine] = dbg->lines; } if (dbg->symbols) { spfw_add_section(spf, ".dbg.symbols"); sections[FS_DbgSymbol] = dbg->symbols; } sections[FS_DbgInfo] = 1; sections[FS_DbgStrings] = 1; spfw_add_section(spf, ".dbg.info"); spfw_add_section(spf, ".dbg.strings"); } } spfw_finalize_header(spf); /** * Begin writing each of our known tables out */ if (sections[FS_Code]) { sp_file_code_t cod; unsigned char *cbase; cod.cellsize = sizeof(cell); cod.codesize = hdr->dat - hdr->cod; cod.codeversion = hdr->amx_version; cod.flags = 0; if (hdr->flags & AMX_FLAG_DEBUG) { cod.flags |= SP_FLAG_DEBUG; } cod.code = sizeof(cod); cod.main = hdr->cip; /* write the code */ cbase = (unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->cod; sfwrite(&cod, sizeof(cod), 1, spf); sfwrite(cbase, cod.codesize, 1, spf); spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_Data]) { sp_file_data_t dat; unsigned char *dbase = (unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->dat; dat.datasize = hdr->hea - hdr->dat; dat.memsize = hdr->stp; dat.data = sizeof(dat); /* write header */ sfwrite(&dat, sizeof(dat), 1, spf); if (dat.datasize) { /* write data */ sfwrite(dbase, dat.datasize, 1, spf); } spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_Publics]) { sp_file_publics_t *pbtbl; AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *stub; unsigned char *stubptr; uint32_t publics = sections[FS_Publics]; pbtbl = (sp_file_publics_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_file_publics_t) * publics); stubptr = (unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->publics; for (i=0; i<publics; i++) { stub = (AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *)stubptr; pbtbl[i].address = stub->address; pbtbl[i].name = stub->nameofs - (hdr->nametable + sizeof(uint16_t)); stubptr += hdr->defsize; } if (publics) { sfwrite(pbtbl, sizeof(sp_file_publics_t), publics, spf); } free(pbtbl); spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_Pubvars]) { sp_file_pubvars_t *pbvars; AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *stub; unsigned char *stubptr; uint32_t pubvars = sections[FS_Pubvars]; pbvars = (sp_file_pubvars_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_file_pubvars_t) * pubvars); stubptr = (unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->pubvars; for (i=0; i<pubvars; i++) { stub = (AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *)stubptr; pbvars[i].address = stub->address; pbvars[i].name = stub->nameofs - (hdr->nametable + sizeof(uint16_t)); stubptr += hdr->defsize; } if (pubvars) { sfwrite(pbvars, sizeof(sp_file_pubvars_t), pubvars, spf); } free(pbvars); spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_Natives]) { sp_file_natives_t *nvtbl; AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *stub; unsigned char *stubptr; uint32_t natives = (hdr->libraries - hdr->natives) / hdr->defsize; nvtbl = (sp_file_natives_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_file_natives_t) * natives); stubptr = (unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->natives; for (i=0; i<natives; i++) { stub = (AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *)stubptr; nvtbl[i].name = stub->nameofs - (hdr->nametable + sizeof(uint16_t)); stubptr += hdr->defsize; } if (natives) { sfwrite(nvtbl, sizeof(sp_file_natives_t), natives, spf); } free(nvtbl); spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_Tags]) { uint32_t numTags = (uint32_t)sections[FS_Tags]; AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *stub; sp_file_tag_t tag; for (i=0; i<numTags; i++) { stub = (AMX_FUNCSTUBNT *)((unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->tags + (i * hdr->defsize)); tag.tag_id = stub->address; tag.name = stub->nameofs - (hdr->nametable + sizeof(uint16_t)); sfwrite(&tag, sizeof(sp_file_tag_t), 1, spf); } spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_Nametable]) { unsigned char *base; uint32_t namelen; /* write the entire block */ base = (unsigned char *)hdr + hdr->nametable + sizeof(uint16_t); /** * note - the name table will be padded to sizeof(cell) bytes. * this may clip at most an extra three bytes in! */ namelen = hdr->cod - hdr->nametable; sfwrite(base, namelen, 1, spf); spfw_next_section(spf); } if (hdr->flags & AMX_FLAG_DEBUG) { sp_fdbg_info_t info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(sp_fdbg_info_t)); if (sections[FS_Natives]) { uint16_t j; uint32_t idx; uint32_t name; uint32_t natives = (hdr->libraries - hdr->natives) / hdr->defsize; sfwrite(&natives, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, spf); for (idx=0; idx<natives; idx++) { sfwrite(&idx, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, spf); name = (uint32_t)memfile_tell(dbgtab); memfile_write(dbgtab, native_list[idx].name, strlen(native_list[idx].name) + 1); sfwrite(&name, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, spf); sfwrite(&native_list[idx].ret_tag, sizeof(int16_t), 1, spf); sfwrite(&native_list[idx].num_args, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, spf); /* Go through arguments */ for (j = 0; j < native_list[idx].num_args; j++) { sfwrite(&native_list[idx].args[j].ident, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, spf); sfwrite(&native_list[idx].args[j].tag, sizeof(int16_t), 1, spf); sfwrite(&native_list[idx].args[j].dimcount, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, spf); name = (uint32_t)memfile_tell(dbgtab); sfwrite(&name, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, spf); memfile_write(dbgtab, native_list[idx].args[j].name, strlen(native_list[idx].args[j].name) + 1); if (native_list[idx].args[j].dimcount) { sfwrite(native_list[idx].args[j].dims, sizeof(sp_fdbg_arraydim_t), native_list[idx].args[j].dimcount, spf); } free(native_list[idx].args[j].name); } free(native_list[idx].name); } free(native_list); spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_DbgFile]) { uint32_t idx; sp_fdbg_file_t dbgfile; AMX_DBG_FILE *_ptr; uint32_t len; for (idx=0; idx<sections[FS_DbgFile]; idx++) { /* get entry info */ _ptr = (AMX_DBG_FILE *)dbgptr; len = strlen(_ptr->name); /* store */ dbgfile.addr = _ptr->address; dbgfile.name = (uint32_t)memfile_tell(dbgtab); sfwrite(&dbgfile, sizeof(sp_fdbg_file_t), 1, spf); /* write to tab, then move to next */ memfile_write(dbgtab, _ptr->name, len + 1); dbgptr += sizeof(AMX_DBG_FILE) + len; info.num_files++; } spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_DbgLine]) { uint32_t idx; AMX_DBG_LINE *line; sp_fdbg_line_t dbgline; for (idx=0; idx<sections[FS_DbgLine]; idx++) { /* get entry info */ line = (AMX_DBG_LINE *)dbgptr; /* store */ dbgline.addr = (uint32_t)line->address; dbgline.line = (uint32_t)line->line; sfwrite(&dbgline, sizeof(sp_fdbg_line_t), 1, spf); /* move to next */ dbgptr += sizeof(AMX_DBG_LINE); info.num_lines++; } spfw_next_section(spf); } if (sections[FS_DbgSymbol]) { uint32_t idx; uint32_t dnum; AMX_DBG_SYMBOL *sym; AMX_DBG_SYMDIM *dim; sp_fdbg_symbol_t dbgsym; sp_fdbg_arraydim_t dbgdim; uint32_t len; for (idx=0; idx<sections[FS_DbgSymbol]; idx++) { /* get entry info */ sym = (AMX_DBG_SYMBOL *)dbgptr; /* store */ dbgsym.addr = *(int32_t *)&sym->address; dbgsym.tagid = sym->tag; dbgsym.codestart = (uint32_t)sym->codestart; dbgsym.codeend = (uint32_t)sym->codeend; dbgsym.dimcount = (uint16_t)sym->dim; dbgsym.vclass = (uint8_t)sym->vclass; dbgsym.ident = (uint8_t)sym->ident; dbgsym.name = (uint32_t)memfile_tell(dbgtab); sfwrite(&dbgsym, sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t), 1, spf); /* write to tab */ len = strlen(sym->name); memfile_write(dbgtab, sym->name, len + 1); /* move to next */ dbgptr += sizeof(AMX_DBG_SYMBOL) + len; /* look for any dimensions */ info.num_syms++; for (dnum=0; dnum<dbgsym.dimcount; dnum++) { /* get entry info */ dim = (AMX_DBG_SYMDIM *)dbgptr; /* store */ dbgdim.size = (uint32_t)dim->size; dbgdim.tagid = dim->tag; sfwrite(&dbgdim, sizeof(sp_fdbg_arraydim_t), 1, spf); /* move to next */ dbgptr += sizeof(AMX_DBG_SYMDIM); info.num_arrays++; } } spfw_next_section(spf); } sfwrite(&info, sizeof(sp_fdbg_info_t), 1, spf); spfw_next_section(spf); if (sections[FS_DbgStrings]) { sfwrite(dbgtab->base, sizeof(char), dbgtab->usedoffs, spf); spfw_next_section(spf); } } spfw_finalize_all(spf); /** * do compression * new block for scoping only */ { memfile_t *pOrig = (memfile_t *)spf->handle; sp_file_hdr_t *pHdr; unsigned char *proper; size_t size; Bytef *zcmp; uLong disksize; size_t header_size; int err = Z_OK; /* reuse this memory block! */ memfile_reset(bin_file); /* copy tip of header */ memfile_write(bin_file, pOrig->base, sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t)); /* get pointer to header */ pHdr = (sp_file_hdr_t *)bin_file->base; /* copy the rest of the header */ memfile_write(bin_file, (unsigned char *)pOrig->base + sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t), pHdr->dataoffs - sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t)); header_size = pHdr->dataoffs; size = pHdr->imagesize - header_size; proper = (unsigned char *)pOrig->base + header_size; /* get initial size estimate */ disksize = compressBound(pHdr->imagesize); pHdr->disksize = (uint32_t)disksize; zcmp = (Bytef *)malloc(pHdr->disksize); if ((err=compress2(zcmp, &disksize, (Bytef *)proper, (uLong)size, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)) != Z_OK) { free(zcmp); pc_printf("Unable to compress (Z): error %d\n", err); pc_printf("Falling back to no compression."); memfile_write(bin_file, proper, size); } else { pHdr->disksize = (uint32_t)disksize + header_size; pHdr->compression = SPFILE_COMPRESSION_GZ; memfile_write(bin_file, (unsigned char *)zcmp, disksize); free(zcmp); } } spfw_destroy(spf); memfile_destroy(dbgtab); /** * write file */ if ((fp=fopen(bin_file->name, "wb")) != NULL) { fwrite(bin_file->base, bin_file->usedoffs, 1, fp); fclose(fp); } else { pc_printf("Unable to open %s for writing!", bin_file->name); } memfile_destroy(bin_file); return 0; write_error: pc_printf("Error writing to file: %s", bin_file->name); spfw_destroy(spf); unlink(bin_file->name); memfile_destroy(bin_file); memfile_destroy(dbgtab); return 1; } return 1; } void sfwrite(const void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, sp_file_t *spf) { if (spf->funcs.fnWrite(buf, size, count, spf->handle) != count) { longjmp(brkout, 1); } } void sp_fdbg_ntv_start(int num_natives) { if (num_natives == 0) { return; } native_list = (t_native *)malloc(sizeof(t_native) * num_natives); memset(native_list, 0, sizeof(t_native) * num_natives); } #include "sc.h" void sp_fdbg_ntv_hook(int index, symbol *sym) { int i, j; t_native *native; native = &native_list[index]; native->name = strdup(sym->name); for (i = 0; i < sMAXARGS; i++) { if (sym->dim.arglist[i].ident == 0) { break; } native->num_args++; native->args[i].tag = sym->dim.arglist[i].tags == NULL ? 0 : sym->dim.arglist[i].tags[0]; native->args[i].name = strdup(sym->dim.arglist[i].name); native->args[i].ident = sym->dim.arglist[i].ident; native->args[i].dimcount = sym->dim.arglist[i].numdim; for (j = 0; j < native->args[i].dimcount; j++) { native->args[i].dims[j].size = sym->dim.arglist[i].dim[j]; native->args[i].dims[j].tagid = sym->dim.arglist[i].idxtag[j]; } } native->ret_tag = sym->tag; }