/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod SDKTools Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "extension.h" #include "util.h" #include "vhelpers.h" #include "vglobals.h" #include "sm_platform.h" #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS #include "sm_invalidparamhandler.h" #endif CallHelper s_Teleport; CallHelper s_GetVelocity; CallHelper s_EyeAngles; class CTraceFilterSimple : public CTraceFilterEntitiesOnly { public: CTraceFilterSimple(const IHandleEntity *passentity): m_pPassEnt(passentity) { } virtual bool ShouldHitEntity(IHandleEntity *pServerEntity, int contentsMask) { if (pServerEntity == m_pPassEnt) { return false; } return true; } private: const IHandleEntity *m_pPassEnt; }; bool SetupTeleport() { if (s_Teleport.setup) { return s_Teleport.supported; } /* Setup Teleport */ int offset; if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset("Teleport", &offset)) { PassInfo info[3]; info[0].flags = info[1].flags = info[2].flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; info[0].size = info[1].size = info[2].size = sizeof(void *); info[0].type = info[1].type = info[2].type = PassType_Basic; s_Teleport.call = g_pBinTools->CreateVCall(offset, 0, 0, NULL, info, 3); if (s_Teleport.call != NULL) { s_Teleport.supported = true; } } s_Teleport.setup = true; return s_Teleport.supported; } void Teleport(CBaseEntity *pEntity, Vector *origin, QAngle *ang, Vector *velocity) { unsigned char params[sizeof(void *) * 4]; unsigned char *vptr = params; *(CBaseEntity **)vptr = pEntity; vptr += sizeof(CBaseEntity *); *(Vector **)vptr = origin; vptr += sizeof(Vector *); *(QAngle **)vptr = ang; vptr += sizeof(QAngle *); *(Vector **)vptr = velocity; s_Teleport.call->Execute(params, NULL); } bool IsTeleportSupported() { return SetupTeleport(); } bool SetupGetVelocity() { if (s_GetVelocity.setup) { return s_GetVelocity.supported; } int offset; if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset("GetVelocity", &offset)) { PassInfo info[2]; info[0].flags = info[1].flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; info[0].size = info[1].size = sizeof(void *); info[0].type = info[1].type = PassType_Basic; s_GetVelocity.call = g_pBinTools->CreateVCall(offset, 0, 0, NULL, info, 2); if (s_GetVelocity.call != NULL) { s_GetVelocity.supported = true; } } s_GetVelocity.setup = true; return s_GetVelocity.supported; } void GetVelocity(CBaseEntity *pEntity, Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angvelocity) { unsigned char params[sizeof(void *) * 3]; unsigned char *vptr = params; *(CBaseEntity **)vptr = pEntity; vptr += sizeof(CBaseEntity *); *(Vector **)vptr = velocity; vptr += sizeof(Vector *); *(AngularImpulse **)vptr = angvelocity; s_GetVelocity.call->Execute(params, NULL); } bool IsGetVelocitySupported() { return SetupGetVelocity(); } bool SetupGetEyeAngles() { if (s_EyeAngles.setup) { return s_EyeAngles.supported; } int offset; if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset("EyeAngles", &offset)) { PassInfo info[1]; info[0].flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; info[0].size = sizeof(void *); info[0].type = PassType_Basic; s_EyeAngles.call = g_pBinTools->CreateVCall(offset, 0, 0, info, NULL, 0); if (s_EyeAngles.call != NULL) { s_EyeAngles.supported = true; } } s_EyeAngles.setup = true; return s_EyeAngles.supported; } bool GetEyeAngles(CBaseEntity *pEntity, QAngle *pAngles) { if (!IsEyeAnglesSupported()) { return false; } QAngle *pRetAngle = NULL; unsigned char params[sizeof(void *)]; unsigned char *vptr = params; *(CBaseEntity **)vptr = pEntity; s_EyeAngles.call->Execute(params, &pRetAngle); if (pRetAngle == NULL) { return false; } *pAngles = *pRetAngle; return true; } int GetClientAimTarget(edict_t *pEdict, bool only_players) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = pEdict->GetUnknown() ? pEdict->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() : NULL; if (pEntity == NULL) { return -1; } Vector eye_position; QAngle eye_angles; /* Get the private information we need */ serverClients->ClientEarPosition(pEdict, &eye_position); if (!GetEyeAngles(pEntity, &eye_angles)) { return -2; } Vector aim_dir; AngleVectors(eye_angles, &aim_dir); VectorNormalize(aim_dir); Vector vec_end = eye_position + aim_dir * 8000; Ray_t ray; ray.Init(eye_position, vec_end); trace_t tr; CTraceFilterSimple simple(pEdict->GetIServerEntity()); enginetrace->TraceRay(ray, MASK_SOLID|CONTENTS_DEBRIS|CONTENTS_HITBOX, &simple, &tr); if (tr.fraction == 1.0f || tr.m_pEnt == NULL) { return -1; } int ent_ref = gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(tr.m_pEnt); int ent_index = gamehelpers->ReferenceToIndex(ent_ref); IGamePlayer *pTargetPlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(ent_index); if (pTargetPlayer != NULL && !pTargetPlayer->IsInGame()) { return -1; } else if (only_players && pTargetPlayer == NULL) { return -1; } return ent_ref; } bool IsEyeAnglesSupported() { return SetupGetEyeAngles(); } bool GetPlayerInfo(int client, player_info_t *info) { #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX return engine->GetPlayerInfo(client, info); #else return (iserver) ? iserver->GetPlayerInfo(client-1, info) : false; #endif } void ShutdownHelpers() { s_Teleport.Shutdown(); s_GetVelocity.Shutdown(); s_EyeAngles.Shutdown(); } bool FindNestedDataTable(SendTable *pTable, const char *name) { if (strcmp(pTable->GetName(), name) == 0) { return true; } int props = pTable->GetNumProps(); SendProp *prop; for (int i=0; i<props; i++) { prop = pTable->GetProp(i); if (prop->GetDataTable()) { if (FindNestedDataTable(prop->GetDataTable(), name)) { return true; } } } return false; } // https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/0d8dceea4310fde5706b3ce1c70609d72a38efdf/mp/src/game/server/baseentity.cpp#L3396L3404 // CBaseEntity::SetOwnerEntity offers a more or less direct access to CBaseEntity::CollisionRulesChanged // The function will return false if something went wrong during call setup/game is unsupported class VEmptyClass {}; bool CollisionRulesChanged(CBaseEntity *pEntity) { // CBaseEntity::SetOwnerEntity is a virtual function, and while not many classes override it // Only CNodeEnt, as confirmed by a valve comment // https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/0d8dceea4310fde5706b3ce1c70609d72a38efdf/mp/src/game/server/baseentity.h#L493 // In order to keep consitent behaviour across all entities, including CNodeEnt and potential source games that have entity classes overriding this function. // We are going to fetch the world entity, which doesn't have this function overriden (on all source games hopefully), and obtain the function address static void *func = nullptr; static int offsethOwnerEntity = -1; if (func == nullptr) { int offset = -1; if (!g_pGameConf->GetOffset("SetOwnerEntity", &offset)) { return false; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE < SE_ORANGEBOX CBaseEntity *pWorldEntity = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < gpGlobals->maxEntities && pWorldEntity == nullptr; ++i) { pWorldEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(i); } #else CBaseEntity *pWorldEntity = ((IServerUnknown *)servertools->FirstEntity())->GetBaseEntity(); #endif // Couldn't find the world (what) if (pWorldEntity == nullptr) { return false; } // Retrieve m_hOwnerEntity offset sm_datatable_info_t offset_data_info; datamap_t *offsetMap = gamehelpers->GetDataMap(pWorldEntity); if (gamehelpers->FindDataMapInfo(offsetMap, "m_hOwnerEntity", &offset_data_info)) { offsethOwnerEntity = offset_data_info.actual_offset; } if (offsethOwnerEntity == -1) { // Well... return false; } // Hopefully the world vtable... void **world_vtable = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(pWorldEntity); // Hopefully CBaseEntity::SetOwnerEntity and not an overriden function... func = world_vtable[offset]; } // Build our member function ptr union { void (VEmptyClass::*mfpnew)(CBaseEntity *pOwner); #ifndef PLATFORM_POSIX void *addr; } u; u.addr = func; #else struct { void *addr; intptr_t adjustor; } s; } u; u.s.addr = func; u.s.adjustor = 0; #endif // Retrieve m_hOwnerEntity CBaseHandle *hndl = (CBaseHandle *)((uint8_t *)pEntity + offsethOwnerEntity); CBaseEntity *oldOwner = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(hndl->GetEntryIndex()); // Now change the owner to something else, so we fall through the if statement // when calling CBaseEntity::SetOwnerEntity and only end up calling CBaseEntity::CollisionRulesChanged if (oldOwner) { hndl->Set(nullptr); } else { hndl->Set((IHandleEntity *)pEntity); } (reinterpret_cast<VEmptyClass*>(pEntity)->*u.mfpnew)(oldOwner); return true; } char *UTIL_SendFlagsToString(int flags, int type) { static char str[1024]; str[0] = 0; if (flags & SPROP_UNSIGNED) { strcat(str, "Unsigned|"); } if (flags & SPROP_COORD) { strcat(str, "Coord|"); } if (flags & SPROP_NOSCALE) { strcat(str, "NoScale|"); } if (flags & SPROP_ROUNDDOWN) { strcat(str, "RoundDown|"); } if (flags & SPROP_ROUNDUP) { strcat(str, "RoundUp|"); } if (flags & SPROP_NORMAL) { if (type == DPT_Int) { strcat(str, "VarInt|"); } else { strcat(str, "Normal|"); } } if (flags & SPROP_EXCLUDE) { strcat(str, "Exclude|"); } if (flags & SPROP_XYZE) { strcat(str, "XYZE|"); } if (flags & SPROP_INSIDEARRAY) { strcat(str, "InsideArray|"); } if (flags & SPROP_PROXY_ALWAYS_YES) { strcat(str, "AlwaysProxy|"); } if (flags & SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN) { strcat(str, "ChangesOften|"); } if (flags & SPROP_IS_A_VECTOR_ELEM) { strcat(str, "VectorElem|"); } if (flags & SPROP_COLLAPSIBLE) { strcat(str, "Collapsible|"); } #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX if (flags & SPROP_COORD_MP) { strcat(str, "CoordMP|"); } if (flags & SPROP_COORD_MP_LOWPRECISION) { strcat(str, "CoordMPLowPrec|"); } if (flags & SPROP_COORD_MP_INTEGRAL) { strcat(str, "CoordMpIntegral|"); } #endif int len = strlen(str) - 1; if (len > 0) { str[len] = 0; // Strip the final '|' } return str; } void UTIL_DrawSendTable_XML(FILE *fp, SendTable *pTable, int space_count) { char spaces[255]; for (int i = 0; i < space_count; i++) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[space_count] = '\0'; const char *type_name; SendTable *pOtherTable; SendProp *pProp; fprintf(fp, " %s<sendtable name='%s'>\n", spaces, pTable->GetName()); for (int i = 0; i < pTable->GetNumProps(); i++) { pProp = pTable->GetProp(i); fprintf(fp, " %s<property name='%s'>\n", spaces, pProp->GetName()); if ((type_name = GetDTTypeName(pProp->GetType())) != NULL) { fprintf(fp, " %s<type>%s</type>\n", spaces, type_name); } else { fprintf(fp, " %s<type>%d</type>\n", spaces, pProp->GetType()); } fprintf(fp, " %s<offset>%d</offset>\n", spaces, pProp->GetOffset()); fprintf(fp, " %s<bits>%d</bits>\n", spaces, pProp->m_nBits); fprintf(fp, " %s<flags>%s</flags>\n", spaces, UTIL_SendFlagsToString(pProp->GetFlags(), pProp->GetType())); if ((pOtherTable = pTable->GetProp(i)->GetDataTable()) != NULL) { UTIL_DrawSendTable_XML(fp, pOtherTable, space_count + 3); } fprintf(fp, " %s</property>\n", spaces); } fprintf(fp, " %s</sendtable>\n", spaces); } void UTIL_DrawServerClass_XML(FILE *fp, ServerClass *sc) { fprintf(fp, " <serverclass name='%s'>\n", sc->GetName()); UTIL_DrawSendTable_XML(fp, sc->m_pTable, 1); fprintf(fp, " </serverclass>\n"); } void UTIL_DrawSendTable(FILE *fp, SendTable *pTable, int level = 1) { SendProp *pProp; const char *type; for (int i = 0; i < pTable->GetNumProps(); i++) { pProp = pTable->GetProp(i); if (pProp->GetDataTable()) { fprintf(fp, "%*sTable: %s (offset %d) (type %s)\n", level, "", pProp->GetName(), pProp->GetOffset(), pProp->GetDataTable()->GetName()); UTIL_DrawSendTable(fp, pProp->GetDataTable(), level + 1); } else { type = GetDTTypeName(pProp->GetType()); if (type != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%*sMember: %s (offset %d) (type %s) (bits %d) (%s)\n", level, "", pProp->GetName(), pProp->GetOffset(), type, pProp->m_nBits, UTIL_SendFlagsToString(pProp->GetFlags(), pProp->GetType())); } else { fprintf(fp, "%*sMember: %s (offset %d) (type %d) (bits %d) (%s)\n", level, "", pProp->GetName(), pProp->GetOffset(), pProp->GetType(), pProp->m_nBits, UTIL_SendFlagsToString(pProp->GetFlags(), pProp->GetType())); } } } } CON_COMMAND(sm_dump_netprops_xml, "Dumps the networkable property table as an XML file") { #if SOURCE_ENGINE <= SE_DARKMESSIAH CCommand args; #endif if (args.ArgC() < 2) { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_netprops_xml <file>\n"); return; } const char *file = args.Arg(1); if (!file || file[0] == '\0') { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_netprops_xml <file>\n"); return; } char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_Game, path, sizeof(path), "%s", file); FILE *fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(path, "wt")) == NULL) { META_CONPRINTF("Could not open file \"%s\"\n", path); return; } char buffer[80]; buffer[0] = 0; time_t t = g_pSM->GetAdjustedTime(); size_t written = 0; { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS InvalidParameterHandler p; #endif written = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y/%m/%d", localtime(&t)); } fprintf(fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Dump of all network properties for \"%s\" as at %s -->\n\n", g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), buffer); fprintf(fp, "<netprops>\n"); ServerClass *pBase = gamedll->GetAllServerClasses(); while (pBase != NULL) { UTIL_DrawServerClass_XML(fp, pBase); pBase = pBase->m_pNext; } fprintf(fp, "</netprops>\n"); fclose(fp); } CON_COMMAND(sm_dump_netprops, "Dumps the networkable property table as a text file") { #if SOURCE_ENGINE <= SE_DARKMESSIAH CCommand args; #endif if (args.ArgC() < 2) { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_netprops <file>\n"); return; } const char *file = args.Arg(1); if (!file || file[0] == '\0') { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_netprops <file>\n"); return; } char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_Game, path, sizeof(path), "%s", file); FILE *fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(path, "wt")) == NULL) { META_CONPRINTF("Could not open file \"%s\"\n", path); return; } char buffer[80]; buffer[0] = 0; time_t t = g_pSM->GetAdjustedTime(); size_t written = 0; { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS InvalidParameterHandler p; #endif written = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y/%m/%d", localtime(&t)); } fprintf(fp, "// Dump of all network properties for \"%s\" as at %s\n//\n\n", g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), buffer); ServerClass *pBase = gamedll->GetAllServerClasses(); while (pBase != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s (type %s)\n", pBase->GetName(), pBase->m_pTable->GetName()); UTIL_DrawSendTable(fp, pBase->m_pTable); pBase = pBase->m_pNext; } fclose(fp); } CEntityFactoryDictionary *GetEntityFactoryDictionary() { static CEntityFactoryDictionary *dict = NULL; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DODS \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_HL2DM \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_SDK2013 \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_BMS \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_BLADE \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_NUCLEARDAWN \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_PVKII dict = (CEntityFactoryDictionary *) servertools->GetEntityFactoryDictionary(); #else if (dict == NULL) { void *addr; if (g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("EntityFactoryFinder", (void **) &addr) && addr) { int offset; if (!g_pGameConf->GetOffset("EntityFactoryOffset", &offset) || !offset) { return NULL; } dict = *reinterpret_cast<CEntityFactoryDictionary **>((intptr_t) addr + offset); } } if (dict == NULL) { ICallWrapper *pWrapper = NULL; PassInfo retData; retData.flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; retData.size = sizeof(void *); retData.type = PassType_Basic; void *addr; if (!g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("EntityFactory", &addr) || !addr) { int offset; if (!g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("EntityFactoryCaller", &addr) || !addr) return NULL; if (!g_pGameConf->GetOffset("EntityFactoryCallOffset", &offset)) return NULL; // Get relative offset to function int32_t funcOffset = *(int32_t *)((intptr_t)addr + offset); // Get real address of function // Address of signature + offset of relative offset + sizeof(int32_t) offset + relative offset addr = (void *)((intptr_t)addr + offset + 4 + funcOffset); } pWrapper = g_pBinTools->CreateCall(addr, CallConv_Cdecl, &retData, NULL, 0); if (pWrapper) { void *returnData = NULL; pWrapper->Execute(NULL, &returnData); pWrapper->Destroy(); if (returnData == NULL) { return NULL; } dict = (CEntityFactoryDictionary *) returnData; } } #endif return dict; } CON_COMMAND(sm_dump_classes, "Dumps the class list as a text file") { #if SOURCE_ENGINE <= SE_DARKMESSIAH CCommand args; #endif if (args.ArgC() < 2) { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_classes <file>\n"); return; } const char *file = args.Arg(1); if (!file || file[0] == '\0') { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_classes <file>\n"); return; } CEntityFactoryDictionary *dict = GetEntityFactoryDictionary(); if (dict == NULL) { META_CONPRINT("Failed to locate function\n"); return; } char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_Game, path, sizeof(path), "%s", file); FILE *fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(path, "wt")) == NULL) { META_CONPRINTF("Could not open file \"%s\"\n", path); return; } char buffer[80]; buffer[0] = 0; time_t t = g_pSM->GetAdjustedTime(); size_t written = 0; { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS InvalidParameterHandler p; #endif written = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y/%m/%d", localtime(&t)); } fprintf(fp, "// Dump of all classes for \"%s\" as at %s\n//\n\n", g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), buffer); sm_datatable_info_t info; for ( int i = dict->m_Factories.First(); i != dict->m_Factories.InvalidIndex(); i = dict->m_Factories.Next( i ) ) { IServerNetworkable *entity = dict->Create(dict->m_Factories.GetElementName(i)); ServerClass *sclass = entity->GetServerClass(); fprintf(fp,"%s - %s\n",sclass->GetName(), dict->m_Factories.GetElementName(i)); if (!gamehelpers->FindDataMapInfo(gamehelpers->GetDataMap(entity->GetBaseEntity()), "m_iEFlags", &info)) continue; int *eflags = (int *)((char *)entity->GetBaseEntity() + info.actual_offset); *eflags |= (1<<0); // EFL_KILLME } fclose(fp); } char *UTIL_DataFlagsToString(int flags) { static char str[1024]; str[0] = 0; if (flags & FTYPEDESC_GLOBAL) { strcat(str, "Global|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_SAVE) { strcat(str, "Save|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_KEY) { strcat(str, "Key|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_INPUT) { strcat(str, "Input|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT) { strcat(str, "Output|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_FUNCTIONTABLE) { strcat(str, "FunctionTable|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_PTR) { strcat(str, "Ptr|"); } if (flags & FTYPEDESC_OVERRIDE) { strcat(str, "Override|"); } int len = strlen(str) - 1; if (len > 0) { str[len] = 0; // Strip the final '|' } return str; } void UTIL_DrawDataTable(FILE *fp, datamap_t *pMap, int level) { char spaces[255]; for (int i=0; i<level; i++) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[level] = '\0'; const char *externalname; char *flags; while (pMap) { for (int i=0; i<pMap->dataNumFields; i++) { if (pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName == NULL) { continue; } if (pMap->dataDesc[i].td) { fprintf(fp, " %sSub-Class Table (%d Deep): %s - %s\n", spaces, level+1, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName, pMap->dataDesc[i].td->dataClassName); UTIL_DrawDataTable(fp, pMap->dataDesc[i].td, level+1); } else { externalname = pMap->dataDesc[i].externalName; flags = UTIL_DataFlagsToString(pMap->dataDesc[i].flags); if (externalname == NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s- %s (Offset %d) (%s)(%i Bytes)\n", spaces, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName, GetTypeDescOffs(&pMap->dataDesc[i]), flags, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldSizeInBytes); } else { fprintf(fp, "%s- %s (Offset %d) (%s)(%i Bytes) - %s\n", spaces, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName, GetTypeDescOffs(&pMap->dataDesc[i]), flags, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldSizeInBytes, externalname); } } } pMap = pMap->baseMap; } } CON_COMMAND(sm_dump_datamaps, "Dumps the data map list as a text file") { #if SOURCE_ENGINE <= SE_DARKMESSIAH CCommand args; #endif if (args.ArgC() < 2) { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_datamaps <file>\n"); return; } const char *file = args.Arg(1); if (!file || file[0] == '\0') { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_datamaps <file>\n"); return; } CEntityFactoryDictionary *dict = GetEntityFactoryDictionary(); if ( dict == NULL ) { META_CONPRINT("Failed to locate function\n"); return; } char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_Game, path, sizeof(path), "%s", file); FILE *fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(path, "wt")) == NULL) { META_CONPRINTF("Could not open file \"%s\"\n", path); return; } char buffer[80]; buffer[0] = 0; time_t t = g_pSM->GetAdjustedTime(); size_t written = 0; { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS InvalidParameterHandler p; #endif written = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y/%m/%d", localtime(&t)); } fprintf(fp, "// Dump of all datamaps for \"%s\" as at %s\n//\n//\n", g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), buffer); fprintf(fp, "// Flag Details:\n//\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Global: This field is masked for global entity save/restore\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Save: This field is saved to disk\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Key: This field can be requested and written to by string name at load time\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Input: This field can be written to by string name at run time, and a function called\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Output: This field propogates it's value to all targets whenever it changes\n"); fprintf(fp, "// FunctionTable: This is a table entry for a member function pointer\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Ptr: This field is a pointer, not an embedded object\n"); fprintf(fp, "// Override: The field is an override for one in a base class (only used by prediction system for now)\n"); fprintf(fp, "//\n\n"); static int offsEFlags = -1; for ( int i = dict->m_Factories.First(); i != dict->m_Factories.InvalidIndex(); i = dict->m_Factories.Next( i ) ) { IServerNetworkable *entity = dict->Create(dict->m_Factories.GetElementName(i)); ServerClass *sclass = entity->GetServerClass(); datamap_t *pMap = gamehelpers->GetDataMap(entity->GetBaseEntity()); fprintf(fp,"%s - %s\n", sclass->GetName(), dict->m_Factories.GetElementName(i)); UTIL_DrawDataTable(fp, pMap, 0); if (offsEFlags == -1) { sm_datatable_info_t info; if (!gamehelpers->FindDataMapInfo(pMap, "m_iEFlags", &info)) { continue; } offsEFlags = info.actual_offset; } int *eflags = (int *)((char *)entity->GetBaseEntity() + offsEFlags); *eflags |= (1<<0); // EFL_KILLME } fclose(fp); } void UTIL_DrawDataTable_XML(FILE *fp, datamap_t *pMap, int level) { char spaces[255]; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[level] = '\0'; const char *externalname; char *flags; while (pMap) { for (int i = 0; i < pMap->dataNumFields; i++) { if (pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName == NULL) { continue; } if (pMap->dataDesc[i].td) { fprintf(fp, " %s<subtable name='%s' offset='%d' classname='%s' deep='%d'>\n", spaces, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName, GetTypeDescOffs(&pMap->dataDesc[i]), pMap->dataDesc[i].td->dataClassName, level + 1); UTIL_DrawDataTable_XML(fp, pMap->dataDesc[i].td, level + 1); fprintf(fp, " %s</subtable>\n", spaces); } else { externalname = pMap->dataDesc[i].externalName; flags = UTIL_DataFlagsToString(pMap->dataDesc[i].flags); fprintf(fp, " %s<datamap name='%s'>\n", spaces, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName); fprintf(fp, " %s<offset>%d</offset>\n", spaces, GetTypeDescOffs(&pMap->dataDesc[i])); fprintf(fp, " %s<flags>%s</flags>\n", spaces, flags); fprintf(fp, " %s<bytes>%d</bytes>\n", spaces, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldSizeInBytes); if (externalname != NULL) { fprintf(fp, " %s<external>%s</external>\n", spaces, externalname); } fprintf(fp, " %s</datamap>\n", spaces); } } pMap = pMap->baseMap; } } CON_COMMAND(sm_dump_datamaps_xml, "Dumps the data map list as an XML file") { #if SOURCE_ENGINE <= SE_DARKMESSIAH CCommand args; #endif if (args.ArgC() < 2) { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_datamaps_xml <file>\n"); return; } const char *file = args.Arg(1); if (!file || file[0] == '\0') { META_CONPRINT("Usage: sm_dump_datamaps_xml <file>\n"); return; } CEntityFactoryDictionary *dict = GetEntityFactoryDictionary(); if (dict == NULL) { META_CONPRINT("Failed to locate function\n"); return; } char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_Game, path, sizeof(path), "%s", file); FILE *fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(path, "wt")) == NULL) { META_CONPRINTF("Could not open file \"%s\"\n", path); return; } char buffer[80]; buffer[0] = 0; time_t t = g_pSM->GetAdjustedTime(); size_t written = 0; { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS InvalidParameterHandler p; #endif written = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y/%m/%d", localtime(&t)); } fprintf(fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Dump of all datamaps for \"%s\" as at %s -->\n\n\n", g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), buffer); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Flag Details: -->\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Global: This field is masked for global entity save/restore -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Save: This field is saved to disk -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Key: This field can be requested and written to by string name at load time -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Input: This field can be written to by string name at run time, and a function called -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Output: This field propogates it's value to all targets whenever it changes -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- FunctionTable: This is a table entry for a member function pointer -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Ptr: This field is a pointer, not an embedded object -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "<!-- Override: The field is an override for one in a base class (only used by prediction system for now) -->\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "<datamaps>\n"); static int offsEFlags = -1; for (int i = dict->m_Factories.First(); i != dict->m_Factories.InvalidIndex(); i = dict->m_Factories.Next(i)) { IServerNetworkable *entity = dict->Create(dict->m_Factories.GetElementName(i)); ServerClass *sclass = entity->GetServerClass(); datamap_t *pMap = gamehelpers->GetDataMap(entity->GetBaseEntity()); fprintf(fp, " <serverclass name='%s' element='%s'>\n", sclass->GetName(), dict->m_Factories.GetElementName(i)); UTIL_DrawDataTable_XML(fp, pMap, 1); fprintf(fp, " </serverclass>\n"); if (offsEFlags == -1) { sm_datatable_info_t info; if (!gamehelpers->FindDataMapInfo(pMap, "m_iEFlags", &info)) { continue; } offsEFlags = info.actual_offset; } int *eflags = (int *)((char *)entity->GetBaseEntity() + offsEFlags); *eflags |= (1 << 0); // EFL_KILLME } fprintf(fp, "</datamaps>\n"); fclose(fp); }