#include #include "sourcemod.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "systems/LibrarySys.h" #include "vm/sp_vm_engine.h" #include #include "PluginSys.h" SourcePawnEngine g_SourcePawn; SourceModBase g_SourceMod; ILibrary *g_pJIT = NULL; SourceHook::String g_BaseDir; ISourcePawnEngine *g_pSourcePawn = &g_SourcePawn; IVirtualMachine *g_pVM; typedef int (*GIVEENGINEPOINTER)(ISourcePawnEngine *); typedef unsigned int (*GETEXPORTCOUNT)(); typedef IVirtualMachine *(*GETEXPORT)(unsigned int); typedef void (*NOTIFYSHUTDOWN)(); void ShutdownJIT() { NOTIFYSHUTDOWN notify = (NOTIFYSHUTDOWN)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("NotifyShutdown"); if (notify) { notify(); } g_pJIT->CloseLibrary(); } bool SourceModBase::InitializeSourceMod(char *error, size_t err_max, bool late) { //:TODO: we need a localinfo system! g_BaseDir.assign(g_SMAPI->GetBaseDir()); /* Attempt to load the JIT! */ char file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char myerror[255]; g_SMAPI->PathFormat(file, sizeof(file), "%s/addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcepawn.jit.x86.%s", g_BaseDir.c_str(), PLATFORM_LIB_EXT ); g_pJIT = g_LibSys.OpenLibrary(file, myerror, sizeof(myerror)); if (!g_pJIT) { if (error && err_max) { snprintf(error, err_max, "%s (failed to load bin/sourcepawn.jit.x86.%s)", myerror, PLATFORM_LIB_EXT); } return false; } int err; GIVEENGINEPOINTER jit_init = (GIVEENGINEPOINTER)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("GiveEnginePointer"); if (!jit_init) { ShutdownJIT(); if (error && err_max) { snprintf(error, err_max, "Failed to find GiveEnginePointer in JIT!"); } return false; } if ((err=jit_init(g_pSourcePawn)) != 0) { ShutdownJIT(); if (error && err_max) { snprintf(error, err_max, "GiveEnginePointer returned %d in the JIT", err); } return false; } GETEXPORTCOUNT jit_getnum = (GETEXPORTCOUNT)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("GetExportCount"); GETEXPORT jit_get = (GETEXPORT)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("GetExport"); if (!jit_get) { ShutdownJIT(); if (error && err_max) { snprintf(error, err_max, "JIT is missing a necessary export!"); } return false; } unsigned int num = jit_getnum(); if (!num || ((g_pVM=jit_get(0)) == NULL)) { ShutdownJIT(); if (error && err_max) { snprintf(error, err_max, "JIT did not export any virtual machines!"); } return false; } unsigned int api = g_pVM->GetAPIVersion(); if (api != SOURCEPAWN_VM_API_VERSION) { ShutdownJIT(); if (error && err_max) { snprintf(error, err_max, "JIT is not a compatible version"); } return false; } #if 0 g_SMAPI->PathFormat(file, sizeof(file), "%s/addons/sourcemod/plugins/test.smx", g_BaseDir.c_str()); IPlugin *pPlugin = g_PluginMngr.LoadPlugin(file, false, PluginType_Global, error, err_max); IPluginFunction *func = pPlugin->GetFunctionByName("Test"); cell_t result = 2; cell_t val = 6; func->PushCell(1); func->PushCellByRef(&val, SMFUNC_COPYBACK_ONCE); func->Execute(&result, NULL); g_PluginMngr.UnloadPlugin(pPlugin); #endif return true; }