/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_INTERCOM_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_INTERCOM_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace SourceMod; using namespace SourcePawn; using namespace SourceHook; /** * Add 1 to the RHS of this expression to bump the intercom file * This is to prevent mismatching core/logic binaries */ #define SM_LOGIC_MAGIC (0x0F47C0DE - 29) #if defined SM_LOGIC class IVEngineServer #else class IVEngineServer_Logic #endif { public: virtual bool IsMapValid(const char *map) = 0; virtual bool IsDedicatedServer() = 0; virtual void InsertServerCommand(const char *cmd) = 0; virtual void ServerCommand(const char *cmd) = 0; virtual void ServerExecute() = 0; virtual const char *GetClientConVarValue(int clientIndex, const char *name) = 0; virtual void ClientCommand(edict_t *pEdict, const char *szCommand) = 0; virtual void FakeClientCommand(edict_t *pEdict, const char *szCommand) = 0; }; typedef void * FileHandle_t; typedef int FileFindHandle_t; #if defined SM_LOGIC class IFileSystem #else class IFileSystem_Logic #endif { public: virtual const char *FindFirstEx(const char *pWildCard, const char *pPathID, FileFindHandle_t *pHandle) = 0; virtual const char *FindNext(FileFindHandle_t handle) = 0; virtual void FindClose(FileFindHandle_t handle) = 0; virtual FileHandle_t Open(const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, const char *pathID = 0) = 0; virtual void Close(FileHandle_t file) = 0; virtual char *ReadLine(char *pOutput, int maxChars, FileHandle_t file) = 0; virtual bool EndOfFile(FileHandle_t file) = 0; virtual bool FileExists(const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0) = 0; virtual unsigned int Size(const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0) = 0; }; namespace SourceMod { class ISourceMod; class ILibrarySys; class ITextParsers; class IThreader; class IRootConsole; class IPluginManager; class IForwardManager; class ITimerSystem; class IPlayerManager; class IAdminSystem; class IGameHelpers; class IPhraseCollection; class ITranslator; class IGameConfig; } class IVEngineServer; class IFileSystem; class ConVar; class KeyValues; class SMGlobalClass; class IPlayerInfo; class IPlayerInfo_Logic { public: virtual bool IsObserver(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual int GetTeamIndex(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual int GetFragCount(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual int GetDeathCount(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual int GetArmorValue(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual void GetAbsOrigin(IPlayerInfo *pInfo, float *x, float *y, float *z) = 0; virtual void GetAbsAngles(IPlayerInfo *pInfo, float *x, float *y, float *z) = 0; virtual void GetPlayerMins(IPlayerInfo *pInfo, float *x, float *y, float *z) = 0; virtual void GetPlayerMaxs(IPlayerInfo *pInfo, float *x, float *y, float *z) = 0; virtual const char *GetWeaponName(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual const char *GetModelName(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual int GetHealth(IPlayerInfo *pInfo) = 0; virtual void ChangeTeam(IPlayerInfo *pInfo, int iTeamNum) = 0; }; namespace SourceMod { class IChangeableForward; } struct ServerGlobals { const double *universalTime; float *interval_per_tick; float *frametime; }; struct AutoConfig { SourceHook::String autocfg; SourceHook::String folder; bool create; }; enum LibraryAction { LibraryAction_Removed, LibraryAction_Added }; class CNativeOwner; class SMPlugin : public IPlugin { public: virtual size_t GetConfigCount() = 0; virtual AutoConfig *GetConfig(size_t i) = 0; virtual void AddLibrary(const char *name) = 0; virtual void AddConfig(bool create, const char *cfg, const char *folder) = 0; virtual void SetErrorState(PluginStatus status, const char *fmt, ...) = 0; }; class IScriptManager { public: virtual void LoadAll(const char *config_path, const char *plugins_path) = 0; virtual void RefreshAll() = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0; virtual IdentityToken_t *GetIdentity() = 0; virtual void SyncMaxClients(int maxClients) = 0; virtual void AddPluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener) = 0; virtual void RemovePluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener) = 0; virtual IPluginIterator *GetPluginIterator() = 0; virtual void OnLibraryAction(const char *name, LibraryAction action) = 0; virtual bool LibraryExists(const char *name) = 0; virtual SMPlugin *FindPluginByOrder(unsigned num) = 0; virtual SMPlugin *FindPluginByIdentity(IdentityToken_t *ident) = 0; virtual SMPlugin *FindPluginByContext(IPluginContext *ctx) = 0; virtual SMPlugin *FindPluginByContext(sp_context_t *ctx) = 0; virtual SMPlugin *FindPluginByConsoleArg(const char *text) = 0; virtual SMPlugin *FindPluginByHandle(Handle_t hndl, HandleError *errp) = 0; virtual bool UnloadPlugin(IPlugin *plugin) = 0; virtual const CVector *ListPlugins() = 0; virtual void FreePluginList(const CVector *list) = 0; virtual void AddFunctionsToForward(const char *name, IChangeableForward *fwd) = 0; }; class IExtensionSys : public IExtensionManager { public: virtual IExtension *LoadAutoExtension(const char *name, bool bErrorOnMissing=true) = 0; virtual void TryAutoload() = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0; virtual IExtension *FindExtensionByFile(const char *name) = 0; virtual bool LibraryExists(const char *name) = 0; virtual void CallOnCoreMapStart(edict_t *edictList, int edictCount, int maxClients) = 0; virtual IExtension *GetExtensionFromIdent(IdentityToken_t *token) = 0; virtual void BindChildPlugin(IExtension *ext, SMPlugin *plugin) = 0; virtual void AddRawDependency(IExtension *myself, IdentityToken_t *token, void *iface) = 0; virtual const CVector *ListExtensions() = 0; virtual void FreeExtensionList(const CVector *list) = 0; }; class ILogger { public: virtual void LogMessage(const char *msg, ...) = 0; virtual void LogError(const char *msg, ...) = 0; virtual void LogFatal(const char *msg, ...) = 0; }; class AutoPluginList { public: AutoPluginList(IScriptManager *scripts) : scripts_(scripts), list_(scripts->ListPlugins()) { } ~AutoPluginList() { scripts_->FreePluginList(list_); } const CVector *operator ->() { return list_; } private: IScriptManager *scripts_; const CVector *list_; }; class AutoExtensionList { public: AutoExtensionList(IExtensionSys *extensions) : extensions_(extensions), list_(extensions_->ListExtensions()) { } ~AutoExtensionList() { extensions_->FreeExtensionList(list_); } const CVector *operator ->() { return list_; } private: IExtensionSys *extensions_; const CVector *list_; }; class CCommand; struct sm_core_t { /* Objects */ ISourceMod *sm; ILibrarySys *libsys; IVEngineServer *engine; IFileSystem *filesystem; IPlayerInfo_Logic *playerInfo; IRootConsole *rootmenu; ITimerSystem *timersys; IPlayerManager *playerhelpers; IGameHelpers *gamehelpers; ISourcePawnEngine **spe1; ISourcePawnEngine2 **spe2; /* Functions */ ConVar * (*FindConVar)(const char*); unsigned int (*strncopy)(char*, const char*, size_t); char * (*TrimWhitespace)(char *, size_t &); void (*LogToGame)(const char *message); void (*ConPrint)(const char *message); const char * (*GetCvarString)(ConVar*); bool (*GetCvarBool)(ConVar*); size_t (*Format)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); size_t (*FormatArgs)(char*, size_t, const char*,va_list ap); bool (*gnprintf)(char *, size_t, const char *, IPhraseCollection *, void **, unsigned int, unsigned int &, size_t *, const char **); size_t (*atcprintf)(char *, size_t, const char *, IPluginContext *, const cell_t *, int *); bool (*GetGameName)(char *buffer, size_t maxlength); const char * (*GetGameDescription)(); const char * (*GetSourceEngineName)(); bool (*SymbolsAreHidden)(); const char * (*GetCoreConfigValue)(const char*); bool (*IsMapLoading)(); bool (*IsMapRunning)(); int (*Argc)(const CCommand &args); const char * (*Arg)(const CCommand &args, int arg); int (*LoadMMSPlugin)(const char *file, bool *ok, char *error, size_t maxlength); void (*UnloadMMSPlugin)(int id); void (*DoGlobalPluginLoads)(); bool (*AreConfigsExecuted)(); void (*ExecuteConfigs)(IPluginContext *ctx); DatabaseInfo (*GetDBInfoFromKeyValues)(KeyValues *); int (*GetActivityFlags)(); int (*GetImmunityMode)(); void (*UpdateAdminCmdFlags)(const char *cmd, OverrideType type, FlagBits bits, bool remove); bool (*LookForCommandAdminFlags)(const char *cmd, FlagBits *pFlags); const char *gamesuffix; /* Data */ ServerGlobals *serverGlobals; void * serverFactory; void * engineFactory; void * matchmakingDSFactory; SMGlobalClass * listeners; }; struct sm_logic_t { SMGlobalClass *head; IThreader *threader; ITranslator *translator; const char *(*stristr)(const char *, const char *); bool (*CoreTranslate)(char *, size_t, const char *, unsigned int, size_t *, ...); void (*AddCorePhraseFile)(const char *filename); unsigned int (*ReplaceAll)(char*, size_t, const char *, const char *, bool); char *(*ReplaceEx)(char *, size_t, const char *, size_t, const char *, size_t, bool); size_t (*DecodeHexString)(unsigned char *, size_t, const char *); IGameConfig * (*GetCoreGameConfig)(); bool (*OnLogPrint)(const char *msg); // true to supersede IDebugListener *debugger; void (*GenerateError)(IPluginContext *, cell_t, int, const char *, ...); void (*AddNatives)(sp_nativeinfo_t *natives); void (*DumpHandles)(void (*dumpfn)(const char *fmt, ...)); void (*DumpAdminCache)(FILE *); void (*RegisterProfiler)(IProfilingTool *tool); IScriptManager *scripts; IShareSys *sharesys; IExtensionSys *extsys; IHandleSys *handlesys; IForwardManager *forwardsys; IAdminSystem *adminsys; IdentityToken_t *core_ident; ILogger *logger; float sentinel; }; typedef void (*LogicInitFunction)(const sm_core_t *core, sm_logic_t *logic); typedef LogicInitFunction (*LogicLoadFunction)(uint32_t magic); typedef ITextParsers *(*GetITextParsers)(); #endif /* _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_INTERCOM_H_ */