/** * nextmap.sp * Adds sm_nextmap Cvar for changing map, and nextmap chat trigger * This file is part of SourceMod, Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <sourcemod> #pragma semicolon 1 public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Nextmap", author = "AlliedModders LLC", description = "Provides nextmap and sm_nextmap", version = SOURCEMOD_VERSION, url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/" }; new bool:g_IntermissionCalled; new UserMsg:g_VGUIMenu; new Handle:g_Cvar_Chattime; new Handle:g_Cvar_Nextmap; new Handle:g_Cvar_Mapcycle; new g_MapPos = -1; new Handle:g_MapList = INVALID_HANDLE; #if 0 new bool:g_INS = false; #endif public OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("nextmap.phrases"); g_VGUIMenu = GetUserMessageId("VGUIMenu"); if (g_VGUIMenu == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) { LogMessage("FATAL: Cannot find VGUIMenu user message id. Nextmap not loaded."); return; } g_Cvar_Chattime = FindConVar("mp_chattime"); g_Cvar_Mapcycle = FindConVar("mapcyclefile"); g_MapList = CreateArray(32); decl String:mapCycle[64]; GetConVarString(g_Cvar_Mapcycle, mapCycle, 64); if (LoadMaps(mapCycle) == 0) { LogMessage("FATAL: Cannot load map cycle. Nextmap not loaded."); return; } HookUserMessage(g_VGUIMenu, UserMsg_VGUIMenu); HookConVarChange(g_Cvar_Mapcycle, ConVarChange_Mapcyclefile); g_Cvar_Nextmap = CreateConVar("sm_nextmap", "", "Sets the Next Map", FCVAR_NOTIFY); RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say); RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_Say); #if 0 decl String:modname[64]; GetGameFolderName(modname, sizeof(modname)); if (strcmp(modname, "ins") == 0) { RegConsoleCmd("say2", Command_SayChat); g_INS = true; } #endif RegConsoleCmd("listmaps", Command_List); /* Set to the current map so OnMapStart() will know what to do */ decl String:currentMap[64]; GetCurrentMap(currentMap, 64); SetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, currentMap); } public OnMapStart() { decl String:lastMap[64], String:currentMap[64]; GetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, lastMap, 64); GetCurrentMap(currentMap, 64); // Why am I doing this? If we switched to a new map, but it wasn't what we expected (Due to sm_map, sm_votemap, or // some other plugin/command), we don't want to scramble the map cycle. Or for example, admin switches to a custom map // not in mapcyclefile. So we keep it set to the last expected nextmap. - ferret if (strcmp(lastMap, currentMap) == 0) { FindAndSetNextMap(); } } public OnMapEnd() { g_IntermissionCalled = false; } public ConVarChange_Mapcyclefile(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) { if (strcmp(oldValue, newValue, false) != 0) { LoadMaps(newValue); } } public Action:Command_Say(client, args) { decl String:text[192]; GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)); new startidx; if (text[strlen(text)-1] == '"') { text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0'; startidx = 1; } #if 0 if (g_INS) { startidx += 4; } #endif decl String:message[8]; BreakString(text[startidx], message, sizeof(message)); if (strcmp(message, "nextmap", false) == 0) { decl String:map[32]; GetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, map, sizeof(map)); PrintToChatAll("%t", "Next Map", map); } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:UserMsg_VGUIMenu(UserMsg:msg_id, Handle:bf, const players[], playersNum, bool:reliable, bool:init) { if (g_IntermissionCalled) { return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:type[15]; BfReadString(bf, type, sizeof(type)); if (BfReadByte(bf) == 1 && BfReadByte(bf) == 0 && (strcmp(type, "scores", false) == 0)) { g_IntermissionCalled = true; decl String:map[32]; new Float:fChatTime = GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Chattime); GetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, map, sizeof(map)); if (fChatTime < 2.0) SetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Chattime, 2.0); new Handle:dp; CreateDataTimer(fChatTime - 1.0, Timer_ChangeMap, dp); WritePackString(dp, map); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Timer_ChangeMap(Handle:timer, Handle:dp) { new String:map[32]; ResetPack(dp); ReadPackString(dp, map, sizeof(map)); InsertServerCommand("changelevel \"%s\"", map); ServerExecute(); LogMessage("Nextmap changed map to \"%s\"", map); return Plugin_Stop; } public Action:Command_List(client, args) { PrintToConsole(client, "Map Cycle:"); new mapCount = GetArraySize(g_MapList); decl String:mapName[32]; for (new i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { GetArrayString(g_MapList, i, mapName, sizeof(mapName)); PrintToConsole(client, "%s", mapName); } return Plugin_Handled; } LoadMaps(const String:path[]) { if (!FileExists(path)) { return 0; } new Handle:file = OpenFile(path, "r"); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("[SM] Could not open file: %s", path); return 0; } ClearArray(g_MapList); g_MapPos = -1; decl String:buffer[255]; while (!IsEndOfFile(file) && ReadFileLine(file, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { TrimString(buffer); if (buffer[0] == '\0' || buffer[0] == ';') { continue; } if (IsMapValid(buffer)) { PushArrayString(g_MapList, buffer); } } CloseHandle(file); return GetArraySize(g_MapList); } FindAndSetNextMap() { new mapCount = GetArraySize(g_MapList); decl String:mapName[32]; if (g_MapPos == -1) { decl String:current[64]; GetCurrentMap(current, 64); for (new i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { GetArrayString(g_MapList, i, mapName, sizeof(mapName)); if (strcmp(current, mapName, false) == 0) { g_MapPos = i; break; } } if (g_MapPos == -1) g_MapPos = 0; } g_MapPos++; if (g_MapPos >= mapCount) g_MapPos = 0; GetArrayString(g_MapList, g_MapPos, mapName, sizeof(mapName)); SetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, mapName); }