 * vim: set ts=4 :
 * =============================================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * =============================================================================
 * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
 * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
 * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
 * by the Valve Corporation.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in
 * all respects for all other code used.  Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
 * this exception to all derivative works.  AlliedModders LLC defines further
 * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
 * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
 * Version: $Id$
#if defined _admin_included
#define _admin_included

 * Access levels (flags) for admins.
enum AdminFlag
	Admin_Reservation = 0,	/**< Reserved slot */
	Admin_Generic,			/**< Generic admin abilities */
	Admin_Kick,				/**< Kick another user */
	Admin_Ban,				/**< Ban another user */
	Admin_Unban,			/**< Unban another user */
	Admin_Slay,				/**< Slay/kill/damage another user */
	Admin_Changemap,		/**< Change the map */
	Admin_Convars,			/**< Change basic convars */
	Admin_Config,			/**< Change configuration */
	Admin_Chat,				/**< Special chat privileges */
	Admin_Vote,				/**< Special vote privileges */
	Admin_Password,			/**< Set a server password */
	Admin_RCON,				/**< Use RCON */
	Admin_Cheats,			/**< Change sv_cheats and use its commands */
	Admin_Root,				/**< All access by default */
	Admin_Custom1,			/**< First custom flag type */
	Admin_Custom2,			/**< Second custom flag type */
	Admin_Custom3,			/**< Third custom flag type */
	Admin_Custom4,			/**< Fourth custom flag type */
	Admin_Custom5,			/**< Fifth custom flag type */
	Admin_Custom6,			/**< Sixth custom flag type */
	/* --- */

#define AdminFlags_TOTAL	21		/**< Total number of admin flags */

 * @section Bitwise values definitions for admin flags.
#define ADMFLAG_RESERVATION			(1<<0)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Reservation as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_GENERIC				(1<<1)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Generic as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_KICK				(1<<2)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Kick as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_BAN					(1<<3)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Ban as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_UNBAN				(1<<4)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Unban as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_SLAY				(1<<5)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Slay as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP			(1<<6)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Changemap as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CONVARS				(1<<7)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Convars as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CONFIG				(1<<8)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Config as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CHAT				(1<<9)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Chat as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_VOTE				(1<<10)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Vote as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_PASSWORD			(1<<11)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Password as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_RCON				(1<<12)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_RCON as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CHEATS				(1<<13)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Cheats as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_ROOT				(1<<14)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Root as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1				(1<<15)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Custom1 as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CUSTOM2				(1<<16)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Custom2 as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3				(1<<17)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Custom3 as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CUSTOM4				(1<<18)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Custom4 as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CUSTOM5				(1<<19)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Custom5 as a FlagBit */
#define ADMFLAG_CUSTOM6				(1<<20)		/**< Convenience macro for Admin_Custom6 as a FlagBit */

 * @endsection

 * @section Hardcoded authentication methods 
#define AUTHMETHOD_STEAM			"steam"		/**< SteamID based authentication */
#define AUTHMETHOD_IP				"ip"		/**< IP based authentication */
#define AUTHMETHOD_NAME				"name"		/**< Name based authentication */

 * @endsection

 * Access override types.
enum OverrideType
	Override_Command = 1,	/**< Command */
	Override_CommandGroup,	/**< Command group */

 * Access override rules.
enum OverrideRule
	Command_Deny = 0,
	Command_Allow = 1,

 * DEPRECATED, do not use.
enum ImmunityType
	Immunity_Default = 1,	/**< Deprecated. */
	Immunity_Global,		/**< Deprecated. */

 * Identifies a unique entry in the group permissions cache.  These are not Handles.
enum GroupId
	INVALID_GROUP_ID = -1,	/**< An invalid/non-existent group */

 * Identifies a unique entry in the admin permissions cache.  These are not Handles.
enum AdminId
	INVALID_ADMIN_ID = -1,	/**< An invalid/non-existent admin */

 * Methods of computing access permissions.
enum AdmAccessMode
	Access_Real,		/**< Access the user has inherently */
	Access_Effective,	/**< Access the user has from their groups */

 * Represents the various cache regions.
enum AdminCachePart
	AdminCache_Overrides = 0,		/**< Global overrides */
	AdminCache_Groups = 1,			/**< All groups (automatically invalidates admins too) */
	AdminCache_Admins = 2,			/**< All admins */

methodmap AdminId {
	// Retrieves an admin's user name as made with CreateAdmin().
	// @note This function can return UTF-8 strings, and will safely chop UTF-8 strings.
	// @param name          String buffer to store name.
	// @param maxlength     Maximum size of string buffer.
	// @return              Number of bytes written.
	public native void GetUsername(char[] name, int maxlength);

	// Binds an admin to an identity for fast lookup later on.  The bind must be unique.
	// @param authMethod    Auth method to use, predefined or from RegisterAuthIdentType().
	// @param ident         String containing the arbitrary, unique identity.
	// @return              True on success, false if the auth method was not found,
	//                      ident was already taken, or ident invalid for auth method.
	public native bool BindIdentity(const char[] authMethod, const char[] ident);

	// Sets whether or not a flag is enabled on an admin.
	// @param flag          Admin flag to use.
	// @param enabled       True to enable, false to disable.
	public native void SetFlag(AdminFlag flag, bool enabled);

	// Returns whether or not a flag is enabled on an admin.
	// @param flag          Admin flag to use.
	// @param mode          Access mode to check.
	// @return              True if enabled, false otherwise.
	public native bool HasFlag(AdminFlag flag, AdmAccessMode mode=Access_Effective);

	// Returns the bitstring of access flags on an admin.
	// @param mode          Access mode to use.
	// @return              A bitstring containing which flags are enabled.
	public native int GetFlags(AdmAccessMode mode);

	// Adds a group to an admin's inherited group list.  Any flags the group has
	// will be added to the admin's effective flags.
	// @param gid           GroupId index of the group.
	// @return              True on success, false on invalid input or duplicate membership.
	public native bool InheritGroup(GroupId gid);

	// Returns group information from an admin.
	// @param index         Group number to retrieve, from 0 to N-1, where N
	//                      is the value of the GroupCount property.
	// @param name          Buffer to store the group's name.
	//                      Note: This will safely chop UTF-8 strings.
	// @param maxlength     Maximum size of the output name buffer.
	// @return              A GroupId index and a name pointer, or
	//                      INVALID_GROUP_ID and NULL if an error occurred.
	public native GroupId GetGroup(int index, const char[] name, int maxlength);

	// Sets a password on an admin.
	// @param password      String containing the password.
	public native void SetPassword(const char[] password);

	// Gets an admin's password.
	// @param buffer        Optional buffer to store the admin's password.
	// @param maxlength     Maximum size of the output name buffer.
	//                      Note: This will safely chop UTF-8 strings.
	// @return              True if there was a password set, false otherwise.
	public native bool GetPassword(char[] buffer="", maxlength=0);

	// Tests whether one admin can target another.
	// The heuristics for this check are as follows:
	// 0. If the targeting AdminId is INVALID_ADMIN_ID, targeting fails.
	// 1. If the targeted AdminId is INVALID_ADMIN_ID, targeting succeeds.
	// 2. If the targeted AdminId is the same as the targeting AdminId,
	//    (self) targeting succeeds.
	// 3. If the targeting admin is root, targeting succeeds.
	// 4. If the targeted admin has access higher (as interpreted by
	//    (sm_immunity_mode) than the targeting admin, then targeting fails.
	// 5. If the targeted admin has specific immunity from the
	//    targeting admin via group immunities, targeting fails.
	// 6. Targeting succeeds.
	// @param target        Target admin (may be INVALID_ADMIN_ID).
	// @return              True if targetable, false if immune.
	public native bool CanTarget(AdminId other);

	// The number of groups of which this admin is a member.
	property int GroupCount {
		public native get();

	// Immunity level used for targetting.
	property int ImmunityLevel {
		public native get();
		public native set(int level);

methodmap GroupId {
	// Gets whether or not a flag is enabled on a group's flag set.
	// @param flag			Admin flag to retrieve.
	// @return				True if enabled, false otherwise,
	public native bool HasFlag(AdminFlag flag);

	// Adds or removes a flag from a group's flag set.
	// @param flag			Admin flag to toggle.
	// @param enabled		True to set the flag, false to unset/disable.
	public native void SetFlag(AdminFlag flag, bool enabled);

	// Returns the flag set that is added to users from this group.
	// @return				Bitstring containing the flags enabled.
	public native int GetFlags();

	// Returns a group that this group is immune to given an index.
	// @param number		Index from 0 to N-1, from GroupImmunitiesCount.
	// @return				GroupId that this group is immune to, or INVALID_GROUP_ID on failure.
	public native GroupId GetGroupImmunity(int index);

	// Adds immunity to a specific group.
	// @param other			Group id to receive immunity to.
	public native void AddGroupImmunity(GroupId other);

	// Retrieves a group-specific command override.
	// @param name			String containing command name (case sensitive).
	// @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
	// @param rule			Optional pointer to store allow/deny setting.
	// @return				True if an override exists, false otherwise.
	public native bool GetCommandOverride(const char[] name, OverrideType type, OverrideRule &rule);

	// Adds a group-specific override type.
	// @param name			String containing command name (case sensitive).
	// @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
	// @param rule			Override allow/deny setting.
	public native void AddCommandOverride(const char[] name, OverrideType type, OverrideRule rule);

	// Number of specific group immunities
	property int GroupImmunitiesCount {
		public native get();

	// Immunity level used for targetting.
	property int ImmunityLevel {
		public native get();
		public native set(int level);

 * Called when part of the cache needs to be rebuilt.
 * @param part			Part of the admin cache to rebuild.
forward void OnRebuildAdminCache(AdminCachePart part);

 * Tells the admin system to dump a portion of the cache.
 * @param part			Part of the cache to dump.  Specifying groups also dumps admins.
 * @param rebuild		If true, the rebuild forwards will fire.
native void DumpAdminCache(AdminCachePart part, bool rebuild);

 * Adds a global command flag override.  Any command registered with this name
 * will assume the new flag.  This is applied retroactively as well.
 * @param cmd			String containing command name (case sensitive).
 * @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
 * @param flags			New admin flag.
native void AddCommandOverride(const char[] cmd, OverrideType type, int flags);

 * Returns a command override.
 * @param cmd			String containing command name (case sensitive).
 * @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
 * @param flags			By-reference cell to store the flag (undefined if not found).
 * @return				True if there is an override, false otherwise.
native bool GetCommandOverride(const char[] cmd, OverrideType type, int &flags);

 * Unsets a command override.
 * @param cmd			String containing command name (case sensitive).
 * @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
native void UnsetCommandOverride(const char[] cmd, OverrideType type);

 * Adds a new group.  Name must be unique.
 * @param group_name	String containing the group name.
 * @return				A new group id, INVALID_GROUP_ID if it already exists.
native GroupId CreateAdmGroup(const char[] group_name);

 * Finds a group by name.
 * @param group_name	String containing the group name.
 * @return				A group id, or INVALID_GROUP_ID if not found.
native GroupId FindAdmGroup(const char[] group_name);

 * Adds or removes a flag from a group's flag set.
 * @note These are called "add flags" because they add to a user's flags.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @param flag			Admin flag to toggle.
 * @param enabled		True to set the flag, false to unset/disable.
native void SetAdmGroupAddFlag(GroupId id, AdminFlag flag, bool enabled);

 * Gets the set value of an add flag on a group's flag set.
 * @note These are called "add flags" because they add to a user's flags.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @param flag			Admin flag to retrieve.
 * @return				True if enabled, false otherwise,
native bool GetAdmGroupAddFlag(GroupId id, AdminFlag flag);

 * Returns the flag set that is added to a user from their group.
 * @note These are called "add flags" because they add to a user's flags.
 * @param id			GroupId of the group.
 * @return				Bitstring containing the flags enabled.
native int GetAdmGroupAddFlags(GroupId id);

 * @deprecated			Functionality removed.
#pragma deprecated Use SetAdmGroupImmunityLevel() instead.
native void SetAdmGroupImmunity(GroupId id, ImmunityType type, bool enabled);

 * @deprecated			Functionality removed.
#pragma deprecated Use GetAdmGroupImmunityLevel() instead.
native bool GetAdmGroupImmunity(GroupId id, ImmunityType type);

 * Adds immunity to a specific group.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @param other_id		Group id to receive immunity to.
native void SetAdmGroupImmuneFrom(GroupId id, GroupId other_id);

 * Returns the number of specific group immunities.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @return				Number of group immunities.
native int GetAdmGroupImmuneCount(GroupId id);

 * Returns a group that this group is immune to given an index.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @param number		Index from 0 to N-1, from GetAdmGroupImmuneCount().
 * @return				GroupId that this group is immune to, or INVALID_GROUP_ID on failure.
native GroupId GetAdmGroupImmuneFrom(GroupId id, int number); 

 * Adds a group-specific override type.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @param name			String containing command name (case sensitive).
 * @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
 * @param rule			Override allow/deny setting.
native void AddAdmGroupCmdOverride(GroupId id, const char[] name, OverrideType type, OverrideRule rule);

 * Retrieves a group-specific command override.
 * @param id			Group id.
 * @param name			String containing command name (case sensitive).
 * @param type			Override type (specific command or group).
 * @param rule			Optional pointer to store allow/deny setting.
 * @return				True if an override exists, false otherwise.
native bool GetAdmGroupCmdOverride(GroupId id, const char[] name, OverrideType type, OverrideRule &rule);

 * Registers an authentication identity type.  You normally never need to call this except for 
 * very specific systems.
 * @param name		Codename to use for your authentication type.
native void RegisterAuthIdentType(const char[] name);

 * Creates a new admin entry in the permissions cache.
 * @param name			Name for this entry (does not have to be unique).
 * 						Specify an empty string for an anonymous admin.
native AdminId CreateAdmin(const char[] name="");

 * Retrieves an admin's user name as made with CreateAdmin().
 * @note This function can return UTF-8 strings, and will safely chop UTF-8 strings.
 * @param id			AdminId of the admin.
 * @param name			String buffer to store name.
 * @param maxlength		Maximum size of string buffer.
 * @return				Number of bytes written.
native int GetAdminUsername(AdminId id, char[] name, int maxlength);

 * Binds an admin to an identity for fast lookup later on.  The bind must be unique.
 * @param id			AdminId of the admin.
 * @param auth			Auth method to use, predefined or from RegisterAuthIdentType().
 * @param ident			String containing the arbitrary, unique identity.
 * @return				True on success, false if the auth method was not found,
 *						ident was already taken, or ident invalid for auth method.
native bool BindAdminIdentity(AdminId id, const char[] auth, const char[] ident);

 * Sets whether or not a flag is enabled on an admin.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param flag			Admin flag to use.
 * @param enabled		True to enable, false to disable.
native void SetAdminFlag(AdminId id, AdminFlag flag, bool enabled);

 * Returns whether or not a flag is enabled on an admin.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param flag			Admin flag to use.
 * @param mode			Access mode to check.
 * @return				True if enabled, false otherwise.
native bool GetAdminFlag(AdminId id, AdminFlag flag, AdmAccessMode mode=Access_Effective);

 * Returns the bitstring of access flags on an admin.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param mode			Access mode to use.
 * @return				A bitstring containing which flags are enabled.
native int GetAdminFlags(AdminId id, AdmAccessMode mode);

 * Adds a group to an admin's inherited group list.  Any flags the group has 
 * will be added to the admin's effective flags.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param gid			GroupId index of the group.
 * @return				True on success, false on invalid input or duplicate membership.
native bool AdminInheritGroup(AdminId id, GroupId gid);

 * Returns the number of groups this admin is a member of.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @return				Number of groups this admin is a member of.
native int GetAdminGroupCount(AdminId id);

 * Returns group information from an admin.
 * @param id        	AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param index			Group number to retrieve, from 0 to N-1, where N
 *						is the value of GetAdminGroupCount(id).
 * @param name			Buffer to store the group's name.
 *						Note: This will safely chop UTF-8 strings.
 * @param maxlength		Maximum size of the output name buffer.
 * @return				A GroupId index and a name pointer, or
 *						INVALID_GROUP_ID and NULL if an error occurred.
native GroupId GetAdminGroup(AdminId id, int index, const char[] name, int maxlength);

 * Sets a password on an admin.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param password		String containing the password.
native void SetAdminPassword(AdminId id, const char[] password);

 * Gets an admin's password.
 * @param id			AdminId index of the admin.
 * @param buffer			Optional buffer to store the admin's password.
 * @param maxlength		Maximum size of the output name buffer.
 *						Note: This will safely chop UTF-8 strings.
 * @return				True if there was a password set, false otherwise.
native bool GetAdminPassword(AdminId id, char buffer[]="", int maxlength=0);

 * Attempts to find an admin by an auth method and an identity.
 * @param auth			Auth method to try.
 * @param identity		Identity string to look up.
 * @return				An AdminId index if found, INVALID_ADMIN_ID otherwise.
native AdminId FindAdminByIdentity(const char[] auth, const char[] identity);

 * Removes an admin entry from the cache.
 * @note This will remove any bindings to a specific user.
 * @param id			AdminId index to remove/invalidate.
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
native bool RemoveAdmin(AdminId id);

 * Converts a flag bit string to a bit array.
 * @param bits			Bit string containing the flags.
 * @param array			Array to write the flags to.  Enabled flags will be 'true'.
 * @param maxSize		Maximum number of flags the array can store.
 * @return				Number of flags written.
native int FlagBitsToBitArray(int bits, bool[] array, int maxSize);

 * Converts a flag array to a bit string.
 * @param array			Array containing true or false for each AdminFlag.
 * @param maxSize		Maximum size of the flag array.
 * @return				A bit string composed of the array bits.
native int FlagBitArrayToBits(const bool[] array, int maxSize);

 * Converts an array of flags to bits.
 * @param array			Array containing flags that are enabled.
 * @param numFlags		Number of flags in the array.
 * @return				A bit string composed of the array flags.
native int FlagArrayToBits(const AdminFlag[] array, int numFlags);

 * Converts a bit string to an array of flags.
 * @param bits			Bit string containing the flags.
 * @param array			Output array to write flags.
 * @param maxSize		Maximum size of the flag array.
 * @return				Number of flags written.
native int FlagBitsToArray(int bits, AdminFlag[] array, int maxSize);

 * Finds a flag by its string name.
 * @param name			Flag name (like "kick"), case sensitive.
 * @param flag			Variable to store flag in.
 * @return				True on success, false if not found.
native bool FindFlagByName(const char[] name, AdminFlag &flag);

 * Finds a flag by a given character.
 * @param c				Flag ASCII character/token.
 * @param flag			Variable to store flag in.
 * @return				True on success, false if not found.
native bool FindFlagByChar(int c, AdminFlag &flag);

 * Finds the flag char for a given admin flag.
 * @param flag                 Flag to look up.
 * @param c                    Variable to store flag char.
 * @return                     True on success, false if not found.
native bool FindFlagChar(AdminFlag flag, int &c);

 * Converts a string of flag characters to a bit string.
 * @param flags			Flag ASCII string.
 * @param numchars		Optional variable to store the number of bytes read.
 * @return				Bit string of ADMFLAG values.
native int ReadFlagString(const char[] flags, int &numchars=0);

 * Tests whether one admin can target another.
 * The heuristics for this check are as follows:
 * 0. If the targeting AdminId is INVALID_ADMIN_ID, targeting fails.
 * 1. If the targeted AdminId is INVALID_ADMIN_ID, targeting succeeds.
 * 2. If the targeted AdminId is the same as the targeting AdminId,
 *    (self) targeting succeeds.
 * 3. If the targeting admin is root, targeting succeeds.
 * 4. If the targeted admin has access higher (as interpreted by 
 *    (sm_immunity_mode) than the targeting admin, then targeting fails.
 * 5. If the targeted admin has specific immunity from the
 *    targeting admin via group immunities, targeting fails.
 * 6. Targeting succeeds.
 * @param admin			Admin doing the targetting (may be INVALID_ADMIN_ID).
 * @param target		Target admin (may be INVALID_ADMIN_ID).
 * @return				True if targetable, false if immune.
native bool CanAdminTarget(AdminId admin, AdminId target);

 * Creates an admin auth method.  This does not need to be called more than once
 * per method, ever.
 * @param method		Name of the authentication method.
 * @return				True on success, false on failure.
native bool CreateAuthMethod(const char[] method);

 * Sets a group's immunity level.
 * @param gid			Group Id.
 * @param level			Immunity level value.
 * @return				Old immunity level value.
native int SetAdmGroupImmunityLevel(GroupId gid, int level);

 * Gets a group's immunity level (defaults to 0).
 * @param gid			Group Id.
 * @return				Immunity level value.
native int GetAdmGroupImmunityLevel(GroupId gid);

 * Sets an admin's immunity level.
 * @param id			Admin Id.
 * @param level			Immunity level value.
 * @return				Old immunity level value.
native int SetAdminImmunityLevel(AdminId id, int level);

 * Gets an admin's immunity level.
 * @param id			Admin Id.
 * @return				Immunity level value.
native int GetAdminImmunityLevel(AdminId id);

 * Converts a flag to its single bit.
 * @param flag			Flag to convert.
 * @return				Bit representation of the flag.
stock int FlagToBit(AdminFlag flag)
	return (1 << view_as<int>(flag));

 * Converts a bit to an AdminFlag.
 * @param bit			Bit to convert.
 * @param flag			Stores the converted flag by reference.
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
stock bool BitToFlag(int bit, AdminFlag &flag)
	AdminFlag array[1];
	if (FlagBitsToArray(bit, array, 1))
		flag = array[0];
		return true;
	return false;