* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or .
* Version: $Id$
#include "ConCmdManager.h"
#include "sm_stringutil.h"
#include "PlayerManager.h"
#include "HalfLife2.h"
#include "ChatTriggers.h"
#include "logic_bridge.h"
#include "sourcemod.h"
#include "provider.h"
#include "command_args.h"
using namespace ke;
ConCmdManager g_ConCmds;
SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, SetCommandClient, SH_NOATTRIB, false, int);
typedef ke::LinkedList PluginHookList;
void RegisterInPlugin(CmdHook *hook);
m_CmdClient = 0;
void ConCmdManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized()
rootmenu->AddRootConsoleCommand3("cmds", "List console commands", this);
SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, SetCommandClient, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &ConCmdManager::SetCommandClient), false);
void ConCmdManager::OnSourceModShutdown()
/* All commands should already be removed by the time we're done */
SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, SetCommandClient, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &ConCmdManager::SetCommandClient), false);
rootmenu->RemoveRootConsoleCommand("cmds", this);
void ConCmdManager::OnUnlinkConCommandBase(ConCommandBase *pBase, const char *name, bool is_read_safe)
/* Whoa, first get its information struct */
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if (!m_Cmds.retrieve(name, &pInfo))
CmdHookList::iterator iter = pInfo->hooks.begin();
while (iter != pInfo->hooks.end())
CmdHook *hook = *iter;
IPluginContext *pContext = hook->pf->GetParentContext();
IPlugin *pPlugin = scripts->FindPluginByContext(pContext->GetContext());
// The list is guaranteed to exist.
PluginHookList *list;
pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&list, false);
for (PluginHookList::iterator hiter = list->begin(); hiter != list->end(); hiter++)
if (*hiter == hook)
if (hook->admin)
iter = pInfo->hooks.erase(iter);
delete hook;
RemoveConCmd(pInfo, name, is_read_safe, false);
void ConCmdManager::OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin)
PluginHookList *pList;
if (!plugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList, true))
PluginHookList::iterator iter = pList->begin();
while (iter != pList->end())
CmdHook *hook = *iter;
if (hook->admin)
if (hook->info->hooks.empty())
RemoveConCmd(hook->info, hook->info->pCmd->GetName(), true, true);
iter = pList->erase(iter);
delete hook;
delete pList;
void CommandCallback(DISPATCH_ARGS)
EngineArgs args(command);
AutoEnterCommand autoEnterCommand(&args);
if (g_ConCmds.InternalDispatch(&args))
void ConCmdManager::SetCommandClient(int client)
m_CmdClient = client + 1;
ConCmdInfo *ConCmdManager::FindInTrie(const char *name)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if (!m_Cmds.retrieve(name, &pInfo))
return NULL;
return pInfo;
ConCmdList::iterator ConCmdManager::FindInList(const char *cmd)
List::iterator iter = m_CmdList.begin();
while (iter != m_CmdList.end())
if (strcasecmp((*iter)->pCmd->GetName(), cmd) == 0)
return iter;
ResultType ConCmdManager::DispatchClientCommand(int client, const char *cmd, int args, ResultType type)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if ((pInfo = FindInTrie(cmd)) == NULL)
ConCmdList::iterator item = FindInList(cmd);
if (item == m_CmdList.end())
return type;
pInfo = *item;
cell_t result = type;
for (CmdHookList::iterator iter = pInfo->hooks.begin(); iter != pInfo->hooks.end(); iter++)
CmdHook *hook = *iter;
if (hook->type == CmdHook::Server || !hook->pf->IsRunnable())
if (hook->admin && !CheckAccess(client, cmd, hook->admin))
if (result < Pl_Handled)
result = Pl_Handled;
cell_t tempres = result;
if (hook->pf->Execute(&tempres) == SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (tempres > result)
result = tempres;
if (result == Pl_Stop)
return (ResultType)result;
bool ConCmdManager::InternalDispatch(const ICommandArgs *args)
int client = m_CmdClient;
if (client)
CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client);
if (!pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsConnected())
return false;
* Note: Console commands will EITHER go through IServerGameDLL::ClientCommand,
* OR this dispatch. They will NEVER go through both.
* --
* Whether or not it goes through the callback is determined by FCVAR_GAMEDLL
const char *cmd = g_HL2.CurrentCommandName();
ConCmdInfo *pInfo = FindInTrie(cmd);
if (pInfo == NULL)
/* Unfortunately, we now have to do a slow lookup because Valve made client commands
* case-insensitive. We can't even use our sortedness.
if (client == 0 && !engine->IsDedicatedServer())
return false;
ConCmdList::iterator item = FindInList(cmd);
if (item == m_CmdList.end())
return false;
pInfo = *item;
/* This is a hack to prevent say triggers from firing on messages that were
* blocked because of flooding. We won't remove this, but the hack will get
* "nicer" when we expose explicit say hooks.
if (g_ChatTriggers.WasFloodedMessage())
return false;
cell_t result = Pl_Continue;
int argc = args->ArgC() - 1;
// On a listen server, sometimes the server host's client index can be set
// as 0. So index 1 is passed to the command callback to correct this
// potential problem.
int realClient = (!engine->IsDedicatedServer() && client == 0)
? g_Players.ListenClient()
: client;
int dedicatedClient = engine->IsDedicatedServer() ? 0 : g_Players.ListenClient();
for (CmdHookList::iterator iter = pInfo->hooks.begin(); iter != pInfo->hooks.end(); iter++)
CmdHook *hook = *iter;
if (!hook->pf->IsRunnable())
if (hook->type == CmdHook::Server)
// Don't execute unless we're in the server console.
if (realClient != dedicatedClient)
} else {
// Check admin rights if needed. realClient isn't needed since we
// should bypass admin checks if client == 0 anyway.
if (client && hook->admin && !CheckAccess(client, cmd, hook->admin))
if (result < Pl_Handled)
result = Pl_Handled;
// Client hooks get a client argument.
cell_t tempres = result;
if (hook->pf->Execute(&tempres) == SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (tempres > result)
result = tempres;
if (result == Pl_Stop)
if (result >= Pl_Handled)
return !pInfo->sourceMod;
return false;
bool ConCmdManager::CheckAccess(int client, const char *cmd, AdminCmdInfo *pAdmin)
if (adminsys->CheckClientCommandAccess(client, cmd, pAdmin->eflags))
return true;
CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client);
if (!pPlayer)
return false;
/* If we got here, the command failed... */
char buffer[128];
if (!logicore.CoreTranslate(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", 2, NULL, "No Access", &client))
ke::SafeSprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "You do not have access to this command");
unsigned int replyto = g_ChatTriggers.GetReplyTo();
if (replyto == SM_REPLY_CONSOLE)
char fullbuffer[192];
ke::SafeSprintf(fullbuffer, sizeof(fullbuffer), "[SM] %s.\n", buffer);
else if (replyto == SM_REPLY_CHAT)
char fullbuffer[192];
ke::SafeSprintf(fullbuffer, sizeof(fullbuffer), "[SM] %s.", buffer);
g_HL2.TextMsg(client, HUD_PRINTTALK, fullbuffer);
return false;
bool ConCmdManager::AddAdminCommand(IPluginFunction *pFunction,
const char *name,
const char *group,
int adminflags,
const char *description,
int flags)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo = AddOrFindCommand(name, description, flags);
if (!pInfo)
return false;
GroupMap::Insert i = m_CmdGrps.findForAdd(group);
if (!i.found())
if (!m_CmdGrps.add(i, group))
return false;
i->value = new CommandGroup();
Ref cmdgroup = i->value;
CmdHook *pHook = new CmdHook(CmdHook::Client, pInfo, pFunction, description);
pHook->admin = new AdminCmdInfo(cmdgroup, adminflags);
/* First get the command group override, if any */
bool override = adminsys->GetCommandOverride(group,
/* Next get the command override, if any */
if (adminsys->GetCommandOverride(name,
override = true;
/* Assign normal flags if there were no overrides */
if (!override)
pHook->admin->eflags = pHook->admin->flags;
pInfo->eflags = pHook->admin->eflags;
return true;
bool ConCmdManager::AddServerCommand(IPluginFunction *pFunction,
const char *name,
const char *description,
int flags)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo = AddOrFindCommand(name, description, flags);
if (!pInfo)
return false;
CmdHook *pHook = new CmdHook(CmdHook::Server, pInfo, pFunction, description);
return true;
void RegisterInPlugin(CmdHook *hook)
PluginHookList *pList;
IPlugin *pPlugin = scripts->FindPluginByContext(hook->pf->GetParentContext());
if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList))
pList = new PluginHookList();
pPlugin->SetProperty("CommandList", pList);
const char *orig = hook->info->pCmd->GetName();
/* Insert this into the help list, SORTED alphabetically. */
PluginHookList::iterator iter = pList->begin();
while (iter != pList->end())
const char *cmd = (*iter)->info->pCmd->GetName();
if (strcmp(orig, cmd) < 0)
pList->insertBefore(iter, hook);
void ConCmdManager::AddToCmdList(ConCmdInfo *info)
List::iterator iter = m_CmdList.begin();
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
bool inserted = false;
const char *orig = NULL;
orig = info->pCmd->GetName();
/* Insert this into the help list, SORTED alphabetically. */
while (iter != m_CmdList.end())
const char *cmd = NULL;
pInfo = (*iter);
cmd = pInfo->pCmd->GetName();
if (strcmp(orig, cmd) < 0)
m_CmdList.insert(iter, info);
inserted = true;
if (!inserted)
void ConCmdManager::UpdateAdminCmdFlags(const char *cmd, OverrideType type, FlagBits bits, bool remove)
if (type == Override_Command)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if (!m_Cmds.retrieve(cmd, &pInfo))
for (CmdHookList::iterator iter = pInfo->hooks.begin(); iter != pInfo->hooks.end(); iter++)
if (!iter->admin)
if (!remove)
iter->admin->eflags = bits;
iter->admin->eflags = iter->admin->flags;
pInfo->eflags = iter->admin->eflags;
else if (type == Override_CommandGroup)
GroupMap::Result r = m_CmdGrps.find(cmd);
if (!r.found())
Ref group(r->value);
for (PluginHookList::iterator iter = group->hooks.begin(); iter != group->hooks.end(); iter++)
CmdHook *hook = *iter;
if (remove)
hook->admin->eflags = bits;
hook->admin->eflags = hook->admin->flags;
hook->info->eflags = hook->admin->eflags;
void ConCmdManager::RemoveConCmd(ConCmdInfo *info, const char *name, bool is_read_safe, bool untrack)
/* Remove from the trie */
/* Remove console-specific information
* This should always be true as of right now
if (info->pCmd)
if (info->sourceMod)
/* Unlink from SourceMM */
g_SMAPI->UnregisterConCommandBase(g_PLAPI, info->pCmd);
/* Delete the command's memory */
char *new_help = const_cast(info->pCmd->GetHelpText());
char *new_name = const_cast(info->pCmd->GetName());
delete [] new_help;
delete [] new_name;
delete info->pCmd;
// If it's not safe to read the pointer, we zap the SourceHook hook so it
// doesn't attempt to access the pointer's vtable.
if (!is_read_safe)
if (untrack)
UntrackConCommandBase(info->pCmd, this);
/* Remove from list */
delete info;
bool ConCmdManager::LookForSourceModCommand(const char *cmd)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if (!m_Cmds.retrieve(cmd, &pInfo))
return false;
return pInfo->sourceMod && !pInfo->hooks.empty();
bool ConCmdManager::LookForCommandAdminFlags(const char *cmd, FlagBits *pFlags)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if (!m_Cmds.retrieve(cmd, &pInfo))
return false;
*pFlags = pInfo->eflags;
return true;
ConCmdInfo *ConCmdManager::AddOrFindCommand(const char *name, const char *description, int flags)
ConCmdInfo *pInfo;
if (!m_Cmds.retrieve(name, &pInfo))
ConCmdList::iterator item = FindInList(name);
if (item != m_CmdList.end())
return *item;
pInfo = new ConCmdInfo();
/* Find the commandopan */
ConCommand *pCmd = FindCommand(name);
if (!pCmd)
/* Note that we have to duplicate because the source might not be
* a static string, and these expect static memory.
if (!description)
description = "";
char *new_name = sm_strdup(name);
char *new_help = sm_strdup(description);
pCmd = new ConCommand(new_name, CommandCallback, new_help, flags);
pInfo->sourceMod = true;
TrackConCommandBase(pCmd, this);
CommandHook::Callback callback = [this] (const ICommandArgs *args) -> bool {
AutoEnterCommand autoEnterCommand(args);
return this->InternalDispatch(args);
pInfo->sh_hook = sCoreProviderImpl.AddCommandHook(pCmd, callback);
pInfo->pCmd = pCmd;
m_Cmds.insert(name, pInfo);
return pInfo;
void ConCmdManager::OnRootConsoleCommand(const char *cmdname, const ICommandArgs *command)
if (command->ArgC() >= 3)
const char *text = command->Arg(2);
IPlugin *pPlugin = scripts->FindPluginByConsoleArg(text);
if (!pPlugin)
UTIL_ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin \"%s\" was not found.", text);
const sm_plugininfo_t *plinfo = pPlugin->GetPublicInfo();
const char *plname = IS_STR_FILLED(plinfo->name) ? plinfo->name : pPlugin->GetFilename();
PluginHookList *pList;
if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList))
UTIL_ConsolePrint("[SM] No commands found for: %s", plname);
if (pList->empty())
UTIL_ConsolePrint("[SM] No commands found for: %s", plname);
const char *type = NULL;
const char *name;
const char *help;
UTIL_ConsolePrint("[SM] Listing commands for: %s", plname);
UTIL_ConsolePrint(" %-17.16s %-8.7s %s", "[Name]", "[Type]", "[Help]");
for (PluginHookList::iterator iter = pList->begin(); iter != pList->end(); iter++)
CmdHook *hook = *iter;
if (hook->type == CmdHook::Server)
type = "server";
type = hook->info->eflags == 0 ? "console" : "admin";
name = hook->info->pCmd->GetName();
if (hook->helptext.length())
help = hook->helptext.chars();
help = hook->info->pCmd->GetHelpText();
UTIL_ConsolePrint(" %-17.16s %-12.11s %s", name, type, help);
UTIL_ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm cmds ");