/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include "ChatTriggers.h" #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "ConCmdManager.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "HalfLife2.h" #include "logic_bridge.h" #include "sourcemod.h" #include "provider.h" #include ChatTriggers g_ChatTriggers; bool g_bSupressSilentFails = false; ChatTriggers::ChatTriggers() : m_bWillProcessInPost(false), m_ReplyTo(SM_REPLY_CONSOLE), m_ArgSBackup(NULL) { m_PubTrigger = "!"; m_PrivTrigger = "/"; m_bIsChatTrigger = false; m_bPluginIgnored = true; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_EPISODEONE m_bIsINS = false; #endif } ChatTriggers::~ChatTriggers() { delete [] m_ArgSBackup; m_ArgSBackup = NULL; } ConfigResult ChatTriggers::OnSourceModConfigChanged(const char *key, const char *value, ConfigSource source, char *error, size_t maxlength) { if (strcmp(key, "PublicChatTrigger") == 0) { m_PubTrigger = value; return ConfigResult_Accept; } else if (strcmp(key, "SilentChatTrigger") == 0) { m_PrivTrigger = value; return ConfigResult_Accept; } else if (strcmp(key, "SilentFailSuppress") == 0) { g_bSupressSilentFails = strcmp(value, "yes") == 0; return ConfigResult_Accept; } return ConfigResult_Ignore; } void ChatTriggers::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { m_pShouldFloodBlock = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientFloodCheck", ET_Event, 1, NULL, Param_Cell); m_pDidFloodBlock = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientFloodResult", ET_Event, 2, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_Cell); m_pOnClientSayCmd = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientSayCommand", ET_Event, 3, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_String); m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientSayCommand_Post", ET_Ignore, 3, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_String); } void ChatTriggers::OnSourceModAllInitialized_Post() { logicore.AddCorePhraseFile("antiflood.phrases"); } void ChatTriggers::OnSourceModGameInitialized() { ConCommand *say_team = FindCommand("say_team"); CommandHook::Callback pre_hook = [this] (const ICommandArgs *args) -> bool { return this->OnSayCommand_Pre(args); }; CommandHook::Callback post_hook = [this] (const ICommandArgs *args) -> bool { return this->OnSayCommand_Post(args); }; if (ConCommand *say = FindCommand("say")) { hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddCommandHook(say, pre_hook)); hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddPostCommandHook(say, post_hook)); } if (ConCommand *say_team = FindCommand("say_team")) { hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddCommandHook(say_team, pre_hook)); hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddPostCommandHook(say_team, post_hook)); } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_EPISODEONE m_bIsINS = (strcmp(g_SourceMod.GetGameFolderName(), "insurgency") == 0); if (m_bIsINS) { if (ConCommand *say2 = FindCommand("say2")) { hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddCommandHook(say2, pre_hook)); hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddPostCommandHook(say2, post_hook)); } } #elif SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_NUCLEARDAWN if (ConCommand *say_squad = FindCommand("say_squad")) { hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddCommandHook(say_squad, pre_hook)); hooks_.append(sCoreProviderImpl.AddPostCommandHook(say_squad, post_hook)); } #endif } void ChatTriggers::OnSourceModShutdown() { hooks_.clear(); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_pShouldFloodBlock); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_pDidFloodBlock); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_pOnClientSayCmd); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post); } bool ChatTriggers::OnSayCommand_Pre(const ICommandArgs *command) { int client = g_ConCmds.GetCommandClient(); m_bIsChatTrigger = false; m_bWasFloodedMessage = false; m_bPluginIgnored = true; const char *args = command->ArgS(); if (!args) return false; /* Save these off for post hook as the command data returned from the engine in older engine versions * can be NULL, despite the data still being there and valid. */ m_Arg0Backup = command->Arg(0); size_t len = strlen(args); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_EPISODEONE if (m_bIsINS) { if (strcmp(m_Arg0Backup, "say2") == 0 && len >= 4) { args += 4; len -= 4; } if (len == 0) return true; } #endif /* The first pair of quotes are stripped from client say commands, but not console ones. * We do not want the forwards to differ from what is displayed. * So only strip the first pair of quotes from client say commands. */ bool is_quoted = false; if ( #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_EPISODEONE !m_bIsINS && #endif client != 0 && args[0] == '"' && args[len-1] == '"') { /* The server normally won't display empty say commands, but in this case it does. * I don't think it's desired so let's block it. */ if (len <= 2) return true; args++; len--; is_quoted = true; } /* Some? engines strip the last quote when printing the string to chat. * This results in having a double-quoted message passed to the OnClientSayCommand ("message") forward, * but losing the last quote in the OnClientSayCommand_Post ("message) forward. * To compensate this, we copy the args into our own buffer where the engine won't mess with * and strip the quotes. */ delete [] m_ArgSBackup; m_ArgSBackup = new char[CCommand::MaxCommandLength()+1]; memcpy(m_ArgSBackup, args, len+1); /* Strip the quotes from the argument */ if (is_quoted) { if (m_ArgSBackup[len-1] == '"') { m_ArgSBackup[--len] = '\0'; } } /* The server console cannot do this */ if (client == 0) { if (CallOnClientSayCommand(client) >= Pl_Handled) return true; return false; } CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client); /* We guarantee the client is connected */ if (!pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsConnected()) return false; /* Check if we need to block this message from being sent */ if (ClientIsFlooding(client)) { char buffer[128]; if (!logicore.CoreTranslate(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", 2, NULL, "Flooding the server", &client)) ke::SafeSprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "You are flooding the server!"); /* :TODO: we should probably kick people who spam too much. */ char fullbuffer[192]; ke::SafeSprintf(fullbuffer, sizeof(fullbuffer), "[SM] %s", buffer); g_HL2.TextMsg(client, HUD_PRINTTALK, fullbuffer); m_bWasFloodedMessage = true; return true; } bool is_trigger = false; bool is_silent = false; /* Check for either trigger */ if (m_PubTrigger.length() && strncmp(m_ArgSBackup, m_PubTrigger.chars(), m_PubTrigger.length()) == 0) { is_trigger = true; args = &m_ArgSBackup[m_PubTrigger.length()]; } else if (m_PrivTrigger.length() && strncmp(m_ArgSBackup, m_PrivTrigger.chars(), m_PrivTrigger.length()) == 0) { is_trigger = true; is_silent = true; args = &m_ArgSBackup[m_PrivTrigger.length()]; } /** * Test if this is actually a command! */ if (is_trigger && PreProcessTrigger(PEntityOfEntIndex(client), args)) { m_bIsChatTrigger = true; /** * We'll execute it in post. */ m_bWillProcessInPost = true; } if (is_silent && (m_bIsChatTrigger || (g_bSupressSilentFails && pPlayer->GetAdminId() != INVALID_ADMIN_ID))) return true; if (CallOnClientSayCommand(client) >= Pl_Handled) return true; /* Otherwise, let the command continue */ return false; } bool ChatTriggers::OnSayCommand_Post(const ICommandArgs *command) { int client = g_ConCmds.GetCommandClient(); if (m_bWillProcessInPost) { /* Reset this for re-entrancy */ m_bWillProcessInPost = false; /* Execute the cached command */ unsigned int old = SetReplyTo(SM_REPLY_CHAT); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA engine->ClientCommand(client, "%s", m_ToExecute); #else serverpluginhelpers->ClientCommand(PEntityOfEntIndex(client), m_ToExecute); #endif SetReplyTo(old); } if (!m_bPluginIgnored && m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post->GetFunctionCount() != 0) { m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post->PushCell(client); m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post->PushString(m_Arg0Backup); m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post->PushString(m_ArgSBackup); m_pOnClientSayCmd_Post->Execute(NULL); } m_bIsChatTrigger = false; m_bWasFloodedMessage = false; return false; } bool ChatTriggers::PreProcessTrigger(edict_t *pEdict, const char *args) { /* Extract a command. This is kind of sloppy. */ char cmd_buf[64]; size_t cmd_len = 0; const char *inptr = args; while (*inptr != '\0' && !textparsers->IsWhitespace(inptr) && *inptr != '"' && cmd_len < sizeof(cmd_buf) - 1) { cmd_buf[cmd_len++] = *inptr++; } cmd_buf[cmd_len] = '\0'; if (cmd_len == 0) { return false; } /* See if we have this registered */ bool prepended = false; if (!g_ConCmds.LookForSourceModCommand(cmd_buf)) { /* Check if we had an "sm_" prefix */ if (strncmp(cmd_buf, "sm_", 3) == 0) { return false; } /* Now, prepend. Don't worry about the buffers. This will * work because the sizes are limited from earlier. */ char new_buf[80]; strcpy(new_buf, "sm_"); ke::SafeStrcpy(&new_buf[3], sizeof(new_buf)-3, cmd_buf); /* Recheck */ if (!g_ConCmds.LookForSourceModCommand(new_buf)) { return false; } prepended = true; } /* See if we need to do extra string manipulation */ if (prepended) { size_t len; /* Check if we need to prepend sm_ */ if (prepended) { len = ke::SafeSprintf(m_ToExecute, sizeof(m_ToExecute), "sm_%s", args); } else { len = ke::SafeStrcpy(m_ToExecute, sizeof(m_ToExecute), args); } } else { ke::SafeStrcpy(m_ToExecute, sizeof(m_ToExecute), args); } return true; } cell_t ChatTriggers::CallOnClientSayCommand(int client) { cell_t res = Pl_Continue; if (m_pOnClientSayCmd->GetFunctionCount() != 0) { m_pOnClientSayCmd->PushCell(client); m_pOnClientSayCmd->PushString(m_Arg0Backup); m_pOnClientSayCmd->PushString(m_ArgSBackup); m_pOnClientSayCmd->Execute(&res); } m_bPluginIgnored = (res >= Pl_Stop); return res; } unsigned int ChatTriggers::SetReplyTo(unsigned int reply) { unsigned int old = m_ReplyTo; m_ReplyTo = reply; return old; } unsigned int ChatTriggers::GetReplyTo() { return m_ReplyTo; } bool ChatTriggers::IsChatTrigger() { return m_bIsChatTrigger; } bool ChatTriggers::ClientIsFlooding(int client) { bool is_flooding = false; if (m_pShouldFloodBlock->GetFunctionCount() != 0) { cell_t res = 0; m_pShouldFloodBlock->PushCell(client); m_pShouldFloodBlock->Execute(&res); if (res != 0) { is_flooding = true; } } if (m_pDidFloodBlock->GetFunctionCount() != 0) { m_pDidFloodBlock->PushCell(client); m_pDidFloodBlock->PushCell(is_flooding ? 1 : 0); m_pDidFloodBlock->Execute(NULL); } return is_flooding; } bool ChatTriggers::WasFloodedMessage() { return m_bWasFloodedMessage; }