/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include "sourcemod.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "LibrarySys.h" #include #include "CoreConfig.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "TimerSys.h" #include #include "frame_hooks.h" #include "logic_bridge.h" SH_DECL_HOOK6(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, SH_NOATTRIB, false, bool, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, bool, bool); SH_DECL_HOOK0_void(IServerGameDLL, LevelShutdown, SH_NOATTRIB, false); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameDLL, GameFrame, SH_NOATTRIB, false, bool); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IVEngineServer, ServerCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, false, const char *); SourceModBase g_SourceMod; ILibrary *g_pJIT = NULL; SourceHook::String g_BaseDir; ISourcePawnEngine *g_pSourcePawn = NULL; ISourcePawnEngine2 *g_pSourcePawn2 = NULL; IdentityToken_t *g_pCoreIdent = NULL; IForward *g_pOnMapEnd = NULL; IGameConfig *g_pGameConf = NULL; bool g_Loaded = false; bool sm_show_debug_spew = false; bool sm_disable_jit = false; typedef ISourcePawnEngine *(*GET_SP_V1)(); typedef ISourcePawnEngine2 *(*GET_SP_V2)(); typedef void (*NOTIFYSHUTDOWN)(); #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS ConVar sm_basepath("sm_basepath", "addons\\sourcemod", 0, "SourceMod base path (set via command line)"); #elif defined PLATFORM_LINUX || defined PLATFORM_APPLE ConVar sm_basepath("sm_basepath", "addons/sourcemod", 0, "SourceMod base path (set via command line)"); #endif void ShutdownJIT() { NOTIFYSHUTDOWN notify = (NOTIFYSHUTDOWN)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("NotifyShutdown"); if (notify) { notify(); } if (g_pSourcePawn2 != NULL) { g_pSourcePawn2->Shutdown(); } g_pJIT->CloseLibrary(); } SourceModBase::SourceModBase() { m_IsMapLoading = false; m_ExecPluginReload = false; m_GotBasePath = false; } ConfigResult SourceModBase::OnSourceModConfigChanged(const char *key, const char *value, ConfigSource source, char *error, size_t maxlength) { if (strcasecmp(key, "BasePath") == 0) { if (source == ConfigSource_Console) { UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "Cannot be set at runtime"); return ConfigResult_Reject; } if (!m_GotBasePath) { g_LibSys.PathFormat(m_SMBaseDir, sizeof(m_SMBaseDir), "%s/%s", g_BaseDir.c_str(), value); g_LibSys.PathFormat(m_SMRelDir, sizeof(m_SMRelDir), value); m_GotBasePath = true; } return ConfigResult_Accept; } else if (strcasecmp(key, "DebugSpew") == 0) { sm_show_debug_spew = (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) ? true : false; return ConfigResult_Accept; } else if (strcasecmp(key, "DisableJIT") == 0) { sm_disable_jit = (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) ? true : false; if (g_pSourcePawn2) g_pSourcePawn2->SetJitEnabled(!sm_disable_jit); return ConfigResult_Accept; } return ConfigResult_Ignore; } static bool sSourceModInitialized = false; bool SourceModBase::InitializeSourceMod(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late) { const char *gamepath = g_SMAPI->GetBaseDir(); /* Store full path to game */ g_BaseDir.assign(gamepath); /* Store name of game directory by itself */ size_t len = strlen(gamepath); for (size_t i = len - 1; i < len; i--) { if (gamepath[i] == PLATFORM_SEP_CHAR) { strncopy(m_ModDir, &gamepath[++i], sizeof(m_ModDir)); break; } } const char *basepath = icvar->GetCommandLineValue("sm_basepath"); /* Set a custom base path if there is one. */ if (basepath != NULL && basepath[0] != '\0') { m_GotBasePath = true; } /* Otherwise, use a default and keep the m_GotBasePath unlocked. */ else { basepath = sm_basepath.GetDefault(); } g_LibSys.PathFormat(m_SMBaseDir, sizeof(m_SMBaseDir), "%s/%s", g_BaseDir.c_str(), basepath); g_LibSys.PathFormat(m_SMRelDir, sizeof(m_SMRelDir), "%s", basepath); if (!StartLogicBridge(error, maxlength)) { return false; } /* There will always be a path by this point, since it was force-set above. */ m_GotBasePath = true; /* Attempt to load the JIT! */ char file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char myerror[255]; g_SMAPI->PathFormat(file, sizeof(file), "%s/bin/sourcepawn.jit.x86.%s", GetSourceModPath(), PLATFORM_LIB_EXT ); g_pJIT = g_LibSys.OpenLibrary(file, myerror, sizeof(myerror)); if (!g_pJIT) { if (error && maxlength) { UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "%s (failed to load bin/sourcepawn.jit.x86.%s)", myerror, PLATFORM_LIB_EXT); } return false; } GET_SP_V1 getv1 = (GET_SP_V1)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("GetSourcePawnEngine1"); GET_SP_V2 getv2 = (GET_SP_V2)g_pJIT->GetSymbolAddress("GetSourcePawnEngine2"); if (getv1 == NULL) { if (error && maxlength) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "JIT is too old; upgrade SourceMod"); } ShutdownJIT(); return false; } else if (getv2 == NULL) { if (error && maxlength) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "JIT is too old; upgrade SourceMod"); } ShutdownJIT(); return false; } g_pSourcePawn = getv1(); g_pSourcePawn2 = getv2(); if (g_pSourcePawn2->GetAPIVersion() < 3) { g_pSourcePawn2 = NULL; if (error && maxlength) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "JIT version is out of date"); } return false; } if (!g_pSourcePawn2->Initialize()) { g_pSourcePawn2 = NULL; if (error && maxlength) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "JIT could not be initialized"); } return false; } g_pSourcePawn2->SetDebugListener(logicore.debugger); if (sm_disable_jit) g_pSourcePawn2->SetJitEnabled(!sm_disable_jit); sSourceModInitialized = true; /* Hook this now so we can detect startup without calling StartSourceMod() */ SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SourceModBase::LevelInit), false); /* Only load if we're not late */ if (!late) { StartSourceMod(false); } return true; } void SourceModBase::StartSourceMod(bool late) { SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelShutdown, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SourceModBase::LevelShutdown), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, GameFrame, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(&g_Timers, &TimerSystem::GameFrame), false); enginePatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(engine); gamedllPatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(gamedll); InitLogicBridge(); /* Initialize CoreConfig to get the SourceMod base path properly - this parses core.cfg */ g_CoreConfig.Initialize(); /* Notify! */ SMGlobalClass *pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModStartup(false); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } g_pGameConf = logicore.GetCoreGameConfig(); /* Notify! */ pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModAllInitialized(); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } /* Notify! */ pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModAllInitialized_Post(); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } /* Add us now... */ sharesys->AddInterface(NULL, this); /* We're loaded! */ g_Loaded = true; /* Initialize VSP stuff */ if (vsp_interface != NULL) { g_SourceMod_Core.OnVSPListening(vsp_interface); } if (late) { /* We missed doing anythin gin this if we late-loaded. Sneak it in now. */ AllPluginsLoaded(); } /* If we want to autoload, do that now */ const char *disabled = GetCoreConfigValue("DisableAutoUpdate"); if (disabled == NULL || strcasecmp(disabled, "yes") != 0) { extsys->LoadAutoExtension("updater.ext." PLATFORM_LIB_EXT); } const char *timeout = GetCoreConfigValue("SlowScriptTimeout"); if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "8"; } if (atoi(timeout) != 0) { g_pSourcePawn2->InstallWatchdogTimer(atoi(timeout) * 1000); } } static bool g_LevelEndBarrier = false; bool SourceModBase::LevelInit(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background) { /* If we're not loaded... */ if (!g_Loaded) { /* Do all global initialization now */ StartSourceMod(true); } m_IsMapLoading = true; m_ExecPluginReload = true; /* Notify! */ SMGlobalClass *pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModLevelChange(pMapName); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } DoGlobalPluginLoads(); m_IsMapLoading = false; /* Notify! */ pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModPluginsLoaded(); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } if (!g_pOnMapEnd) { g_pOnMapEnd = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnMapEnd", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); } g_LevelEndBarrier = true; RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } void SourceModBase::LevelShutdown() { if (g_LevelEndBarrier) { SMGlobalClass *next = SMGlobalClass::head; while (next) { next->OnSourceModLevelEnd(); next = next->m_pGlobalClassNext; } if (g_pOnMapEnd != NULL) { g_pOnMapEnd->Execute(NULL); } extsys->CallOnCoreMapEnd(); g_Timers.RemoveMapChangeTimers(); g_LevelEndBarrier = false; } g_OnMapStarted = false; if (m_ExecPluginReload) { scripts->RefreshAll(); m_ExecPluginReload = false; } } bool SourceModBase::IsMapLoading() const { return m_IsMapLoading; } void SourceModBase::DoGlobalPluginLoads() { char config_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char plugins_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, config_path, sizeof(config_path), "configs/plugin_settings.cfg"); BuildPath(Path_SM, plugins_path, sizeof(plugins_path), "plugins"); /* Load any auto extensions */ extsys->TryAutoload(); /* Fire the extensions ready message */ g_SMAPI->MetaFactory(SOURCEMOD_NOTICE_EXTENSIONS, NULL, NULL); /* Load any game extension */ const char *game_ext; if ((game_ext = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("GameExtension")) != NULL) { char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; UTIL_Format(path, sizeof(path), "%s.ext." PLATFORM_LIB_EXT, game_ext); extsys->LoadAutoExtension(path); } scripts->LoadAll(config_path, plugins_path); } size_t SourceModBase::BuildPath(PathType type, char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *format, ...) { char _buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsnprintf(_buffer, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, format, ap); va_end(ap); /* If we get a "file://" notation, strip off the file:// part so we're left * with an absolute path. Note that the absolute path gets returned, so * usage with relative paths here is completely invalid. */ if (type != Path_SM_Rel && strncmp(_buffer, "file://", 7) == 0) { return g_LibSys.PathFormat(buffer, maxlength, "%s", &_buffer[7]); } const char *base = NULL; if (type == Path_Game) { base = GetGamePath(); } else if (type == Path_SM) { base = GetSourceModPath(); } else if (type == Path_SM_Rel) { base = m_SMRelDir; } if (base) { return g_LibSys.PathFormat(buffer, maxlength, "%s/%s", base, _buffer); } else { return g_LibSys.PathFormat(buffer, maxlength, "%s", _buffer); } } void SourceModBase::CloseSourceMod() { if (!sSourceModInitialized) return; SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SourceModBase::LevelInit), false); if (g_Loaded) { /* Force a level end */ LevelShutdown(); ShutdownServices(); } /* Rest In Peace */ ShutdownLogicBridge(); ShutdownJIT(); } void SourceModBase::ShutdownServices() { /* Unload plugins */ scripts->Shutdown(); /* Unload extensions */ extsys->Shutdown(); if (g_pOnMapEnd) forwardsys->ReleaseForward(g_pOnMapEnd); /* Notify! */ SMGlobalClass *pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModShutdown(); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } /* Delete all data packs */ CStack::iterator iter; CDataPack *pd; for (iter=m_freepacks.begin(); iter!=m_freepacks.end(); iter++) { pd = (*iter); delete pd; } m_freepacks.popall(); /* Notify! */ pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModAllShutdown(); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } if (enginePatch) { SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(enginePatch); enginePatch = NULL; } if (gamedllPatch) { SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(gamedllPatch); gamedllPatch = NULL; } SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelShutdown, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SourceModBase::LevelShutdown), false); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, GameFrame, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(&g_Timers, &TimerSystem::GameFrame), false); } void SourceModBase::LogMessage(IExtension *pExt, const char *format, ...) { IExtensionInterface *pAPI = pExt->GetAPI(); const char *tag = pAPI->GetExtensionTag(); char buffer[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap); va_end(ap); if (tag) { logger->LogMessage("[%s] %s", tag, buffer); } else { logger->LogMessage("%s", buffer); } } void SourceModBase::LogError(IExtension *pExt, const char *format, ...) { IExtensionInterface *pAPI = pExt->GetAPI(); const char *tag = pAPI->GetExtensionTag(); char buffer[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap); va_end(ap); if (tag) { logger->LogError("[%s] %s", tag, buffer); } else { logger->LogError("%s", buffer); } } size_t SourceModBase::FormatString(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params, unsigned int param) { char *fmt; pContext->LocalToString(params[param], &fmt); int lparam = ++param; return atcprintf(buffer, maxlength, fmt, pContext, params, &lparam); } const char *SourceModBase::GetSourceModPath() const { return m_SMBaseDir; } const char *SourceModBase::GetGamePath() const { return g_BaseDir.c_str(); } unsigned int SourceModBase::SetGlobalTarget(unsigned int index) { unsigned int old = m_target; m_target = index; return old; } unsigned int SourceModBase::GetGlobalTarget() const { return m_target; } IDataPack *SourceModBase::CreateDataPack() { CDataPack *pack; if (m_freepacks.empty()) { pack = new CDataPack; } else { pack = m_freepacks.front(); m_freepacks.pop(); pack->Initialize(); } return pack; } void SourceModBase::FreeDataPack(IDataPack *pack) { m_freepacks.push(static_cast(pack)); } Handle_t SourceModBase::GetDataPackHandleType(bool readonly) { //:TODO: return 0; } const char *SourceModBase::GetGameFolderName() const { return m_ModDir; } ISourcePawnEngine *SourceModBase::GetScriptingEngine() { return g_pSourcePawn; } IVirtualMachine *SourceModBase::GetScriptingVM() { return NULL; } void SourceModBase::AllPluginsLoaded() { if (!g_Loaded) { return; } SMGlobalClass *base = SMGlobalClass::head; while (base) { base->OnSourceModGameInitialized(); base = base->m_pGlobalClassNext; } } time_t SourceModBase::GetAdjustedTime() { return ::GetAdjustedTime(); } void SourceModBase::AddGameFrameHook(GAME_FRAME_HOOK hook) { m_frame_hooks.push_back(hook); } void SourceModBase::RemoveGameFrameHook(GAME_FRAME_HOOK hook) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_frame_hooks.size(); i++) { if (m_frame_hooks[i] == hook) { m_frame_hooks.erase(m_frame_hooks.iterAt(i)); return; } } } void SourceModBase::ProcessGameFrameHooks(bool simulating) { if (m_frame_hooks.size() == 0) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_frame_hooks.size(); i++) { m_frame_hooks[i](simulating); } } size_t SourceModBase::Format(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *fmt, ...) { size_t len; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); len = FormatArgs(buffer, maxlength, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return len; } size_t SourceModBase::FormatArgs(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { return UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, maxlength, fmt, ap); } void SourceModBase::AddFrameAction(FRAMEACTION fn, void *data) { ::AddFrameAction(FrameAction(fn, data)); } const char *SourceModBase::GetCoreConfigValue(const char *key) { return g_CoreConfig.GetCoreConfigValue(key); } int SourceModBase::GetPluginId() { return g_PLID; } int SourceModBase::GetShApiVersion() { int api, impl; g_SMAPI->GetShVersions(api, impl); return api; } bool SourceModBase::IsMapRunning() { return g_OnMapStarted; } SMGlobalClass *SMGlobalClass::head = NULL;