/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "Database.h" #include "ISourceMod.h" #include "HandleSys.h" #include "ExtensionSys.h" #include "PluginSys.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; #define DBPARSE_LEVEL_NONE 0 #define DBPARSE_LEVEL_MAIN 1 #define DBPARSE_LEVEL_DATABASE 2 DBManager g_DBMan; DBManager::DBManager() : m_Terminate(false), m_pDefault(NULL) { } static void FrameHook(bool simulating) { g_DBMan.RunFrame(); } void DBManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { HandleAccess sec; g_HandleSys.InitAccessDefaults(NULL, &sec); sec.access[HandleAccess_Delete] |= HANDLE_RESTRICT_IDENTITY; sec.access[HandleAccess_Clone] |= HANDLE_RESTRICT_IDENTITY; m_DriverType = g_HandleSys.CreateType("IDriver", this, 0, NULL, &sec, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); m_DatabaseType = g_HandleSys.CreateType("IDatabase", this, 0, NULL, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); g_ShareSys.AddInterface(NULL, this); g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, m_Filename, sizeof(m_Filename), "configs/databases.cfg"); m_Builder.SetPath(m_Filename); g_PluginSys.AddPluginsListener(this); g_pSM->AddGameFrameHook(&FrameHook); auto sm_reload_databases = [this] (int client, const ICommandArgs *args) -> bool { m_Builder.StartParse(); return true; }; bridge->DefineCommand("sm_reload_databases", "Reparse database configurations file", sm_reload_databases); } void DBManager::OnSourceModLevelChange(const char *mapName) { m_Builder.StartParse(); } void DBManager::OnSourceModShutdown() { g_pSM->RemoveGameFrameHook(&FrameHook); KillWorkerThread(); g_PluginSys.RemovePluginsListener(this); g_HandleSys.RemoveType(m_DatabaseType, g_pCoreIdent); g_HandleSys.RemoveType(m_DriverType, g_pCoreIdent); } unsigned int DBManager::GetInterfaceVersion() { return SMINTERFACE_DBI_VERSION; } const char *DBManager::GetInterfaceName() { return SMINTERFACE_DBI_NAME; } void DBManager::OnHandleDestroy(HandleType_t type, void *object) { if (type == m_DriverType) { /* Ignore */ return; } if (g_HandleSys.TypeCheck(type, m_DatabaseType)) { IDatabase *pdb = (IDatabase *)object; pdb->Close(); } } bool DBManager::Connect(const char *name, IDBDriver **pdr, IDatabase **pdb, bool persistent, char *error, size_t maxlength) { ConfDbInfoList *list = m_Builder.GetConfigList(); ke::RefPtr pInfo = list->GetDatabaseConf(name); if (!pInfo) { if (pdr) { *pdr = NULL; } *pdb = NULL; g_pSM->Format(error, maxlength, "Configuration \"%s\" not found", name); return false; } const char *dname = pInfo->info.driver; if (!pInfo->realDriver) { /* Try to assign a real driver pointer */ if (pInfo->info.driver[0] == '\0') { std::string defaultDriver = list->GetDefaultDriver(); if (!m_pDefault && defaultDriver.length() > 0) { m_pDefault = FindOrLoadDriver(defaultDriver.c_str()); } dname = defaultDriver.length() ? defaultDriver.c_str() : "default"; pInfo->realDriver = m_pDefault; } else { pInfo->realDriver = FindOrLoadDriver(pInfo->info.driver); } } if (pInfo->realDriver) { if (pdr) { *pdr = pInfo->realDriver; } *pdb = pInfo->realDriver->Connect(&pInfo->info, persistent, error, maxlength); return (*pdb != NULL); } if (pdr) { *pdr = NULL; } *pdb = NULL; g_pSM->Format(error, maxlength, "Driver \"%s\" not found", dname); return false; } void DBManager::AddDriver(IDBDriver *pDriver) { /* Let's kill the worker. Join the thread and let the queries flush. * This is kind of stupid but we just want to unload safely. * Rather than recreate the worker, we'll wait until someone throws * another query through. */ KillWorkerThread(); m_drivers.push_back(pDriver); } void DBManager::RemoveDriver(IDBDriver *pDriver) { /* Again, we're forced to kill the worker. How rude! * Doing this flushes the queue, and thus we don't need to * clean anything else. */ KillWorkerThread(); for (size_t i=0; ilength(); i++) { ke::RefPtr current = list->at(i); if (current->realDriver == pDriver) { current->realDriver = NULL; } } /* Someone unloaded the default driver? Silly.. */ if (pDriver == m_pDefault) { m_pDefault = NULL; } /* Now that the driver is gone, we have to test the think queue. * Whatever happens therein is up to the db op! */ Queue::iterator qiter = m_ThinkQueue.begin(); Queue templist; while (qiter != m_ThinkQueue.end()) { IDBThreadOperation *op = (*qiter); if (op->GetDriver() == pDriver) { templist.push(op); qiter = m_ThinkQueue.erase(qiter); } else { qiter++; } } for (qiter = templist.begin(); qiter != templist.end(); qiter++) { IDBThreadOperation *op = (*qiter); op->CancelThinkPart(); op->Destroy(); } } IDBDriver *DBManager::GetDefaultDriver() { ConfDbInfoList *list = m_Builder.GetConfigList(); std::string defaultDriver = list->GetDefaultDriver(); if (!m_pDefault && defaultDriver.length() > 0) { m_pDefault = FindOrLoadDriver(defaultDriver.c_str()); } return m_pDefault; } Handle_t DBManager::CreateHandle(DBHandleType dtype, void *ptr, IdentityToken_t *pToken) { HandleType_t type = 0; if (dtype == DBHandle_Driver) { type = m_DriverType; } else if (dtype == DBHandle_Database) { type = m_DatabaseType; } else { return BAD_HANDLE; } return g_HandleSys.CreateHandle(type, ptr, pToken, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); } HandleError DBManager::ReadHandle(Handle_t hndl, DBHandleType dtype, void **ptr) { HandleType_t type = 0; if (dtype == DBHandle_Driver) { type = m_DriverType; } else if (dtype == DBHandle_Database) { type = m_DatabaseType; } else { return HandleError_Type; } HandleSecurity sec(NULL, g_pCoreIdent); return g_HandleSys.ReadHandle(hndl, type, &sec, ptr); } HandleError DBManager::ReleaseHandle(Handle_t hndl, DBHandleType type, IdentityToken_t *token) { HandleSecurity sec(token, g_pCoreIdent); return g_HandleSys.FreeHandle(hndl, &sec); } unsigned int DBManager::GetDriverCount() { return (unsigned int)m_drivers.size(); } IDBDriver *DBManager::GetDriver(unsigned int index) { if (index >= m_drivers.size()) { return NULL; } return m_drivers[index]; } const DatabaseInfo *DBManager::FindDatabaseConf(const char *name) { ConfDbInfoList *list = m_Builder.GetConfigList(); ke::RefPtr info = list->GetDatabaseConf(name); if (!info) { // couldn't find requested conf, return default if exists info = list->GetDefaultConfiguration(); if (!info) { return NULL; } } return &info->info; } ConfDbInfo *DBManager::GetDatabaseConf(const char *name) { ConfDbInfoList *list = m_Builder.GetConfigList(); ke::RefPtr info(list->GetDatabaseConf(name)); return info; } IDBDriver *DBManager::FindOrLoadDriver(const char *name) { size_t last_size = m_drivers.size(); for (size_t i=0; iGetIdentifier(), name) == 0) { return m_drivers[i]; } } char filename[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; g_pSM->Format(filename, sizeof(filename), "dbi.%s.ext", name); IExtension *pExt = g_Extensions.LoadAutoExtension(filename); if (!pExt || !pExt->IsLoaded() || m_drivers.size() <= last_size) { return NULL; } /* last_size is now gauranteed to be a valid index. * The identifier must match the name. */ if (strcmp(m_drivers[last_size]->GetIdentifier(), name) == 0) { return m_drivers[last_size]; } return NULL; } void DBManager::KillWorkerThread() { if (m_Worker) { { std::lock_guard lock(m_Lock); m_Terminate = true; m_QueueEvent.notify_all(); } m_Worker->join(); m_Worker = nullptr; m_Terminate = false; } } static IdentityToken_t *s_pAddBlock = NULL; bool DBManager::AddToThreadQueue(IDBThreadOperation *op, PrioQueueLevel prio) { if (s_pAddBlock && op->GetOwner() == s_pAddBlock) { return false; } if (!m_Worker) { m_Worker = ke::NewThread("SM Database Worker", [this]() -> void { Run(); }); } /* Add to the queue */ { std::lock_guard lock(m_Lock); Queue &queue = m_OpQueue.GetQueue(prio); queue.push(op); m_QueueEvent.notify_one(); } return true; } void DBManager::Run() { // Initialize DB threadsafety. for (size_t i=0; i < m_drivers.size(); i++) { if (m_drivers[i]->IsThreadSafe()) m_drSafety.push_back(m_drivers[i]->InitializeThreadSafety()); else m_drSafety.push_back(false); } // Run actual worker thread logic. ThreadMain(); // Shutdown DB threadsafety. for (size_t i=0; iShutdownThreadSafety(); } m_drSafety.clear(); } void DBManager::ThreadMain() { std::unique_lock lock(m_Lock); while (true) { // The lock has been acquired. Grab everything we can out of the // queue. Since we want to flush the queue even if we're terminated, // we process all operations we can before checking to terminate. // There's no risk of starvation since the main thread blocks on us // terminating. auto queue = &m_OpQueue.GetLikelyQueue(); if (queue->empty()) { // If the queue is empty and we've been asked to stop, leave now. if (m_Terminate) return; // Otherwise, wait for something to happen. m_QueueEvent.wait(lock); continue; } IDBThreadOperation *op = queue->first(); queue->pop(); // Unlock the queue when we run the query, so the main thread can // keep pumping events. We re-acquire the lock to check for more // items. It's okay if we terminate while unlocked; the main // thread would be blocked and we'd need to flush the queue // anyway, so after we've depleted the queue here, we'll just // reach the terminate at the top of the loop. lock.unlock(); op->RunThreadPart(); // Re-acquire the lock and give the data back to the main thread // immediately. We use a separate lock to minimize game thread // contention. { std::lock_guard think_lock(m_ThinkLock); m_ThinkQueue.push(op); } // Note that we add a 20ms delay after processing a query. This is // questionable but the intent is to avoid starving the game thread. if (!m_Terminate) std::this_thread::sleep_for(20ms); lock.lock(); } } void DBManager::RunFrame() { /* Don't bother if we're empty */ if (!m_ThinkQueue.size()) { return; } /* Dump one thing per-frame so the server stays sane. */ IDBThreadOperation *op; { std::lock_guard lock(m_ThinkLock); op = m_ThinkQueue.first(); m_ThinkQueue.pop(); } op->RunThinkPart(); op->Destroy(); } void DBManager::OnSourceModIdentityDropped(IdentityToken_t *pToken) { s_pAddBlock = pToken; /* Kill the thread so we can flush everything into the think queue... */ KillWorkerThread(); /* Run all of the think operations. * Unlike the driver unloading example, we'll let these calls go through, * since a plugin unloading is far more normal. */ Queue::iterator iter = m_ThinkQueue.begin(); Queue templist; while (iter != m_ThinkQueue.end()) { IDBThreadOperation *op = (*iter); if (op->GetOwner() == pToken) { templist.push(op); iter = m_ThinkQueue.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } for (iter = templist.begin(); iter != templist.end(); iter++) { IDBThreadOperation *op = (*iter); op->RunThinkPart(); op->Destroy(); } s_pAddBlock = NULL; } void DBManager::OnPluginWillUnload(IPlugin *plugin) { /* Kill the thread so we can flush everything into the think queue... */ KillWorkerThread(); /* Mark the plugin as being unloaded so future database calls will ignore threading... */ plugin->SetProperty("DisallowDBThreads", NULL); /* Run all of the think operations. * Unlike the driver unloading example, we'll let these calls go through, * since a plugin unloading is far more normal. */ Queue::iterator iter = m_ThinkQueue.begin(); Queue templist; while (iter != m_ThinkQueue.end()) { IDBThreadOperation *op = (*iter); if (op->GetOwner() == plugin->GetIdentity()) { templist.push(op); iter = m_ThinkQueue.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } for (iter = templist.begin(); iter != templist.end(); iter++) { IDBThreadOperation *op = (*iter); op->RunThinkPart(); op->Destroy(); } } std::string DBManager::GetDefaultDriverName() { ConfDbInfoList *list = m_Builder.GetConfigList(); return list->GetDefaultDriver(); } void DBManager::AddDependency(IExtension *myself, IDBDriver *driver) { g_Extensions.AddRawDependency(myself, driver->GetIdentity(), driver); }