#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "BaseRuntime.h" #include "sp_vm_engine.h" #include "x86/jit_x86.h" #include "sp_vm_basecontext.h" #include "engine2.h" using namespace SourcePawn; BaseRuntime::BaseRuntime() : m_Debug(&m_plugin), m_pPlugin(&m_plugin), m_pCtx(NULL), m_PubFuncs(NULL), m_PubJitFuncs(NULL), m_pCo(NULL), m_CompSerial(0) { memset(&m_plugin, 0, sizeof(m_plugin)); m_FuncCache = NULL; m_MaxFuncs = 0; m_NumFuncs = 0; } BaseRuntime::~BaseRuntime() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pPlugin->num_publics; i++) { delete m_PubFuncs[i]; m_PubFuncs[i] = NULL; } delete [] m_PubFuncs; delete [] m_PubJitFuncs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumFuncs; i++) { delete m_FuncCache[i]; } free(m_FuncCache); delete m_pCtx; if (m_pCo != NULL) { m_pCo->Abort(); } free(m_pPlugin->base); delete [] m_pPlugin->memory; delete [] m_pPlugin->publics; delete [] m_pPlugin->pubvars; delete [] m_pPlugin->natives; free(m_pPlugin->name); } static cell_t InvalidNative(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeErrorEx(SP_ERROR_INVALID_NATIVE, "Invalid native"); } int BaseRuntime::CreateFromMemory(sp_file_hdr_t *hdr, uint8_t *base) { int set_err; char *nameptr; uint8_t sectnum = 0; sp_plugin_t *plugin = m_pPlugin; sp_file_section_t *secptr = (sp_file_section_t *)(base + sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t)); memset(plugin, 0, sizeof(sp_plugin_t)); plugin->base = base; plugin->base_size = hdr->imagesize; set_err = SP_ERROR_NONE; if (hdr->version == 0x0101) { plugin->debug.unpacked = true; } /* We have to read the name section first */ for (sectnum = 0; sectnum < hdr->sections; sectnum++) { nameptr = (char *)(base + hdr->stringtab + secptr[sectnum].nameoffs); if (strcmp(nameptr, ".names") == 0) { plugin->stringbase = (const char *)(base + secptr[sectnum].dataoffs); break; } } sectnum = 0; /* Now read the rest of the sections */ while (sectnum < hdr->sections) { nameptr = (char *)(base + hdr->stringtab + secptr->nameoffs); if (!(plugin->pcode) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".code")) { sp_file_code_t *cod = (sp_file_code_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); if (cod->codeversion < SP_CODEVERS_JIT1) { return SP_ERROR_CODE_TOO_OLD; } else if (cod->codeversion > SP_CODEVERS_JIT2) { return SP_ERROR_CODE_TOO_NEW; } plugin->pcode = base + secptr->dataoffs + cod->code; plugin->pcode_size = cod->codesize; plugin->flags = cod->flags; plugin->pcode_version = cod->codeversion; } else if (!(plugin->data) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".data")) { sp_file_data_t *dat = (sp_file_data_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->data = base + secptr->dataoffs + dat->data; plugin->data_size = dat->datasize; plugin->mem_size = dat->memsize; plugin->memory = new uint8_t[plugin->mem_size]; memcpy(plugin->memory, plugin->data, plugin->data_size); } else if ((plugin->publics == NULL) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".publics")) { sp_file_publics_t *publics; publics = (sp_file_publics_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->num_publics = secptr->size / sizeof(sp_file_publics_t); if (plugin->num_publics > 0) { plugin->publics = new sp_public_t[plugin->num_publics]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_publics; i++) { plugin->publics[i].code_offs = publics[i].address; plugin->publics[i].funcid = (i << 1) | 1; plugin->publics[i].name = plugin->stringbase + publics[i].name; } } } else if ((plugin->pubvars == NULL) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".pubvars")) { sp_file_pubvars_t *pubvars; pubvars = (sp_file_pubvars_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->num_pubvars = secptr->size / sizeof(sp_file_pubvars_t); if (plugin->num_pubvars > 0) { plugin->pubvars = new sp_pubvar_t[plugin->num_pubvars]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_pubvars; i++) { plugin->pubvars[i].name = plugin->stringbase + pubvars[i].name; plugin->pubvars[i].offs = (cell_t *)(plugin->memory + pubvars[i].address); } } } else if ((plugin->natives == NULL) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".natives")) { sp_file_natives_t *natives; natives = (sp_file_natives_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->num_natives = secptr->size / sizeof(sp_file_natives_t); if (plugin->num_natives > 0) { plugin->natives = new sp_native_t[plugin->num_natives]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_natives; i++) { plugin->natives[i].flags = 0; plugin->natives[i].pfn = InvalidNative; plugin->natives[i].status = SP_NATIVE_UNBOUND; plugin->natives[i].user = NULL; plugin->natives[i].name = plugin->stringbase + natives[i].name; } } } else if (!(plugin->debug.files) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.files")) { plugin->debug.files = (sp_fdbg_file_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.lines) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.lines")) { plugin->debug.lines = (sp_fdbg_line_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.symbols) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.symbols")) { plugin->debug.symbols = (sp_fdbg_symbol_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.lines_num) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.info")) { sp_fdbg_info_t *inf = (sp_fdbg_info_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->debug.files_num = inf->num_files; plugin->debug.lines_num = inf->num_lines; plugin->debug.syms_num = inf->num_syms; } else if (!(plugin->debug.stringbase) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.strings")) { plugin->debug.stringbase = (const char *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.natives") == 0) { plugin->debug.unpacked = false; } secptr++; sectnum++; } if (plugin->pcode == NULL || plugin->data == NULL) { return SP_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT; } if ((plugin->flags & SP_FLAG_DEBUG) && (!(plugin->debug.files) || !(plugin->debug.lines) || !(plugin->debug.symbols))) { return SP_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT; } if (m_pPlugin->num_publics > 0) { m_PubFuncs = new CFunction *[m_pPlugin->num_publics]; memset(m_PubFuncs, 0, sizeof(CFunction *) * m_pPlugin->num_publics); m_PubJitFuncs = new JitFunction *[m_pPlugin->num_publics]; memset(m_PubJitFuncs, 0, sizeof(JitFunction *) * m_pPlugin->num_publics); } m_pPlugin->profiler = g_engine2.GetProfiler(); m_pCtx = new BaseContext(this); m_pCo = g_Jit.StartCompilation(this); return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseRuntime::FindNativeByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) { int high; high = m_pPlugin->num_natives - 1; for (uint32_t i=0; i<m_pPlugin->num_natives; i++) { if (strcmp(m_pPlugin->natives[i].name, name) == 0) { if (index) { *index = i; } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } } return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } int BaseRuntime::GetNativeByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_native_t **native) { if (index >= m_pPlugin->num_natives) { return SP_ERROR_INDEX; } if (native) { *native = &(m_pPlugin->natives[index]); } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } uint32_t BaseRuntime::GetNativesNum() { return m_pPlugin->num_natives; } int BaseRuntime::FindPublicByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) { int diff, high, low; uint32_t mid; high = m_pPlugin->num_publics - 1; low = 0; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; diff = strcmp(m_pPlugin->publics[mid].name, name); if (diff == 0) { if (index) { *index = mid; } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } else if (diff < 0) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; } } return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } int BaseRuntime::GetPublicByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_public_t **pblic) { if (index >= m_pPlugin->num_publics) { return SP_ERROR_INDEX; } if (pblic) { *pblic = &(m_pPlugin->publics[index]); } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } uint32_t BaseRuntime::GetPublicsNum() { return m_pPlugin->num_publics; } int BaseRuntime::GetPubvarByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_pubvar_t **pubvar) { if (index >= m_pPlugin->num_pubvars) { return SP_ERROR_INDEX; } if (pubvar) { *pubvar = &(m_pPlugin->pubvars[index]); } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseRuntime::FindPubvarByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) { int diff, high, low; uint32_t mid; high = m_pPlugin->num_pubvars - 1; low = 0; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; diff = strcmp(m_pPlugin->pubvars[mid].name, name); if (diff == 0) { if (index) { *index = mid; } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } else if (diff < 0) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; } } return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } int BaseRuntime::GetPubvarAddrs(uint32_t index, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) { if (index >= m_pPlugin->num_pubvars) { return SP_ERROR_INDEX; } *local_addr = (uint8_t *)m_pPlugin->pubvars[index].offs - m_pPlugin->memory; *phys_addr = m_pPlugin->pubvars[index].offs; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } uint32_t BaseRuntime::GetPubVarsNum() { return m_pPlugin->num_pubvars; } IPluginContext *BaseRuntime::GetDefaultContext() { return m_pCtx; } IPluginDebugInfo *BaseRuntime::GetDebugInfo() { return &m_Debug; } IPluginFunction *BaseRuntime::GetFunctionById(funcid_t func_id) { CFunction *pFunc = NULL; if (func_id & 1) { func_id >>= 1; if (func_id >= m_pPlugin->num_publics) { return NULL; } pFunc = m_PubFuncs[func_id]; if (!pFunc) { m_PubFuncs[func_id] = new CFunction(this, (func_id << 1) | 1, func_id); pFunc = m_PubFuncs[func_id]; } } return pFunc; } IPluginFunction *BaseRuntime::GetFunctionByName(const char *public_name) { uint32_t index; if (FindPublicByName(public_name, &index) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { return NULL; } CFunction *pFunc = m_PubFuncs[index]; if (!pFunc) { sp_public_t *pub = NULL; GetPublicByIndex(index, &pub); if (pub) { m_PubFuncs[index] = new CFunction(this, (index << 1) | 1, index); } pFunc = m_PubFuncs[index]; } return pFunc; } bool BaseRuntime::IsDebugging() { return true; } void BaseRuntime::SetPauseState(bool paused) { if (paused) { m_pPlugin->run_flags |= SPFLAG_PLUGIN_PAUSED; } else { m_pPlugin->run_flags &= ~SPFLAG_PLUGIN_PAUSED; } } bool BaseRuntime::IsPaused() { return ((m_pPlugin->run_flags & SPFLAG_PLUGIN_PAUSED) == SPFLAG_PLUGIN_PAUSED); } size_t BaseRuntime::GetMemUsage() { size_t mem = 0; mem += sizeof(this); mem += sizeof(sp_plugin_t); mem += sizeof(BaseContext); mem += m_pPlugin->base_size; return mem; } BaseContext *BaseRuntime::GetBaseContext() { return m_pCtx; } int BaseRuntime::ApplyCompilationOptions(ICompilation *co) { if (co == NULL) { return SP_ERROR_NONE; } m_pCo = g_Jit.ApplyOptions(m_pCo, co); m_pPlugin->prof_flags = ((CompData *)m_pCo)->profile; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } JitFunction *BaseRuntime::GetJittedFunction(uint32_t idx) { assert(idx <= m_NumFuncs); if (idx == 0 || idx > m_NumFuncs) { return NULL; } return m_FuncCache[idx - 1]; } uint32_t BaseRuntime::AddJittedFunction(JitFunction *fn) { if (m_NumFuncs + 1 > m_MaxFuncs) { if (m_MaxFuncs == 0) { m_MaxFuncs = 8; } else { m_MaxFuncs *= 2; } m_FuncCache = (JitFunction **)realloc( m_FuncCache, sizeof(JitFunction *) * m_MaxFuncs); } m_FuncCache[m_NumFuncs++] = fn; return m_NumFuncs; } int BaseRuntime::CreateBlank(uint32_t heastk) { memset(m_pPlugin, 0, sizeof(sp_plugin_t)); /* Align to cell_t bytes */ heastk += sizeof(cell_t); heastk -= heastk % sizeof(cell_t); m_pPlugin->mem_size = heastk; m_pPlugin->memory = new uint8_t[heastk]; m_pPlugin->profiler = g_engine2.GetProfiler(); m_pCtx = new BaseContext(this); m_pCo = g_Jit.StartCompilation(this); return SP_ERROR_NONE; }