/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod Dynamic Hooks Extension * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "natives.h" #include "util.h" #include "dynhooks_sourcepawn.h" #include "signatures.h" // Must match same enum in sdktools.inc enum SDKFuncConfSource { SDKConf_Virtual, SDKConf_Signature, SDKConf_Address }; bool GetHandleIfValidOrError(HandleType_t type, void **object, IPluginContext *pContext, cell_t param) { if(param == BAD_HANDLE) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %i", BAD_HANDLE) != 0; } HandleError err; HandleSecurity sec(pContext->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity()); if((err = handlesys->ReadHandle(param, type, &sec, object)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error %d)", param, err) != 0; } return true; } bool GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(HandleType_t type, HandleType_t otherType, void **object, IPluginContext *pContext, cell_t param) { if (param == BAD_HANDLE) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %i", BAD_HANDLE) != 0; } HandleError err; HandleSecurity sec(pContext->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity()); if ((err = handlesys->ReadHandle(param, type, &sec, object)) != HandleError_None) { // Check if the user mixed up the callback signature and tried to call // e.g. DHookGetParam on a hReturn handle. Print a nicer error message in that case. void *dummy; if (handlesys->ReadHandle(param, otherType, &sec, &dummy) == HandleError_None) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error %d). It looks like you've chosen the wrong hook callback signature for your setup and you're trying to access the wrong handle.", param, err) != 0; return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error %d)", param, err) != 0; } return true; } IPluginFunction *GetCallback(IPluginContext *pContext, HookSetup * setup, const cell_t *params, cell_t callback_index) { IPluginFunction *ret = NULL; if (params[0] >= callback_index) { ret = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[callback_index]); } if (!ret && setup->callback) { ret = setup->callback; } return ret; } //native Handle:DHookCreate(offset, HookType:hooktype, ReturnType:returntype, ThisPointerType:thistype, DHookCallback:callback = INVALID_FUNCTION); // Callback is now optional here. cell_t Native_CreateHook(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { IPluginFunction *callback = nullptr; // The methodmap constructor doesn't have the callback parameter anymore. if (params[0] >= 5) callback = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[5]); HookSetup *setup = new HookSetup((ReturnType)params[3], PASSFLAG_BYVAL, (HookType)params[2], (ThisPointerType)params[4], params[1], callback); Handle_t hndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookSetupHandle, setup, pContext->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!hndl) { delete setup; return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to create hook"); } return hndl; } //native Handle:DHookCreateDetour(Address:funcaddr, CallingConvention:callConv, ReturnType:returntype, ThisPointerType:thistype); cell_t Native_CreateDetour(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookSetup *setup = new HookSetup((ReturnType)params[3], PASSFLAG_BYVAL, (CallingConvention)params[2], (ThisPointerType)params[4], (void *)params[1]); Handle_t hndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookSetupHandle, setup, pContext->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if (!hndl) { delete setup; return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to create hook"); } return hndl; } // native Handle:DHookCreateFromConf(Handle:gameconf, const String:function[]); cell_t Native_DHookCreateFromConf(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { IGameConfig *conf; HandleError err; if ((conf = gameconfs->ReadHandle(params[1], pContext->GetIdentity(), &err)) == nullptr) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error %d)", params[1], err); } char *function; pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &function); SignatureWrapper *sig = g_pSignatures->GetFunctionSignature(function); if (!sig) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Function signature \"%s\" was not found.", function); } HookSetup *setup = nullptr; // This is a virtual hook. if (sig->offset.length() > 0) { int offset; if (!conf->GetOffset(sig->offset.c_str(), &offset)) { return BAD_HANDLE; } setup = new HookSetup(sig->retType, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, sig->hookType, sig->thisType, offset, nullptr); } // This is a detour. else { void *addr = nullptr;; if (sig->signature.length() > 0) { if (!conf->GetMemSig(sig->signature.c_str(), &addr) || !addr) { return BAD_HANDLE; } } else { if (!conf->GetAddress(sig->address.c_str(), &addr) || !addr) { return BAD_HANDLE; } } setup = new HookSetup(sig->retType, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, sig->callConv, sig->thisType, addr); } // Push all the arguments. for (ArgumentInfo &arg : sig->args) { ParamInfo info = arg.info; setup->params.push_back(info); } // Create the handle to hold this setup. Handle_t hndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookSetupHandle, setup, pContext->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if (!hndl) { delete setup; return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to create hook"); } return hndl; } //native bool:DHookSetFromConf(Handle:setup, Handle:gameconf, SDKFuncConfSource:source, const String:name[]); cell_t Native_SetFromConf(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookSetup *setup; if (!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } IGameConfig *conf; HandleError err; if ((conf = gameconfs->ReadHandle(params[2], pContext->GetIdentity(), &err)) == nullptr) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Handle %x (error %d)", params[2], err); } char *key; pContext->LocalToString(params[4], &key); int offset = -1; void *addr = nullptr;; switch (params[3]) { case SDKConf_Virtual: if (!conf->GetOffset(key, &offset)) { return 0; } break; case SDKConf_Signature: if (!conf->GetMemSig(key, &addr) || !addr) { return 0; } break; case SDKConf_Address: if (!conf->GetAddress(key, &addr) || !addr) { return 0; } break; default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Unknown SDKFuncConfSource: %d", params[3]); } // Save the new info. This always invalidates the other option. // Detour or vhook. setup->funcAddr = addr; setup->offset = offset; if (addr == nullptr) { setup->hookMethod = Virtual; } else { setup->hookMethod = Detour; } return 1; } //native bool:DHookAddParam(Handle:setup, HookParamType:type, size=-1, DHookPassFlag:flag=DHookPass_ByVal, DHookRegister custom_register=DHookRegister_Default); cell_t Native_AddParam(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookSetup *setup; if(!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } ParamInfo info; info.type = (HookParamType)params[2]; if(params[0] >= 4) { info.flags = params[4]; } else { info.flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; } // DynamicDetours doesn't expose the passflags concept like SourceHook. // See if we're trying to set some invalid flags on detour arguments. if(setup->hookMethod == Detour && (info.flags & ~PASSFLAG_BYVAL) > 0) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Pass flags are only supported for virtual hooks."); } if (params[0] >= 5) { PluginRegister custom_register = (PluginRegister)params[5]; info.custom_register = DynamicHooks_ConvertRegisterFrom(custom_register); // Stay future proof. if (info.custom_register == None && custom_register != DHookRegister_Default) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Unhandled DHookRegister %d", params[5]); if (info.custom_register != None && info.type == HookParamType_Object) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Can't pass an object in a register."); } else { info.custom_register = None; } if(params[0] >= 3 && params[3] != -1) { info.size = params[3]; } else if(info.type == HookParamType_Object) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Object param being set with no size"); } else { info.size = GetParamTypeSize(info.type); } info.pass_type = GetParamTypePassType(info.type); setup->params.push_back(info); return 1; } // native bool:DHookEnableDetour(Handle:setup, bool:post, DHookCallback:callback); cell_t Native_EnableDetour(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookSetup *setup; if (!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if (setup->funcAddr == nullptr) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook not setup for a detour."); } IPluginFunction *callback = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[3]); if (!callback) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to retrieve function by id"); } bool post = params[2] != 0; HookType_t hookType = post ? HOOKTYPE_POST : HOOKTYPE_PRE; // Check if we already detoured that function. CHookManager *pDetourManager = GetHookManager(); CHook* pDetour = pDetourManager->FindHook(setup->funcAddr); // If there is no detour on this function yet, create it. if (!pDetour) { ICallingConvention *pCallConv = ConstructCallingConvention(setup); pDetour = pDetourManager->HookFunction(setup->funcAddr, pCallConv); if (!UpdateRegisterArgumentSizes(pDetour, setup)) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("A custom register for a parameter isn't supported."); } // Register our pre/post handler. pDetour->AddCallback(hookType, (HookHandlerFn *)&HandleDetour); // Add the plugin callback to the map. return AddDetourPluginHook(hookType, pDetour, setup, callback); } // native bool:DHookDisableDetour(Handle:setup, bool:post, DHookCallback:callback); cell_t Native_DisableDetour(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookSetup *setup; if (!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if (setup->funcAddr == nullptr) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook not setup for a detour."); } IPluginFunction *callback = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[3]); if (!callback) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to retrieve function by id"); } bool post = params[2] != 0; HookType_t hookType = post ? HOOKTYPE_POST : HOOKTYPE_PRE; // Check if we already detoured that function. CHookManager *pDetourManager = GetHookManager(); CHook* pDetour = pDetourManager->FindHook(setup->funcAddr); if (!pDetour || !pDetour->IsCallbackRegistered(hookType, (HookHandlerFn *)&HandleDetour)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Function not detoured."); } // Remove the callback from the hook. return RemoveDetourPluginHook(hookType, pDetour, callback); } cell_t HookEntityImpl(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params, uint32_t callbackIndex, uint32_t removalcbIndex) { HookSetup *setup; if(!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if (setup->offset == -1) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook not setup for a virtual hook."); } if(setup->hookType != HookType_Entity) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook is not an entity hook"); } IPluginFunction *cb = GetCallback(pContext, setup, params, callbackIndex); if (!cb) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to hook entity %i, no callback provided", params[3]); } bool post = params[2] != 0; IPluginFunction *removalcb = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[removalcbIndex]); for(int i = g_pHooks.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) { DHooksManager *manager = g_pHooks.at(i); if(manager->callback->hookType == HookType_Entity && manager->callback->entity == gamehelpers->ReferenceToBCompatRef(params[3]) && manager->callback->offset == setup->offset && manager->callback->post == post && manager->remove_callback == removalcb && manager->callback->plugin_callback == cb) { return manager->hookid; } } CBaseEntity *pEnt = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[3]); if(!pEnt) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity passed %i", params[3]); } DHooksManager *manager = new DHooksManager(setup, pEnt, removalcb, cb, post); if(!manager->hookid) { delete manager; return 0; } g_pHooks.push_back(manager); return manager->hookid; } // native DHookEntity(Handle:setup, bool:post, entity, DHookRemovalCB:removalcb, DHookCallback:callback = INVALID_FUNCTION); // Both callbacks are optional cell_t Native_HookEntity(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { return HookEntityImpl(pContext, params, 5, 4); } // public native int DynamicHook.HookEntity(HookMode mode, int entity, DHookCallback callback, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION); cell_t Native_HookEntity_Methodmap(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { return HookEntityImpl(pContext, params, 4, 5); } cell_t HookGamerulesImpl(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params, uint32_t callbackIndex, uint32_t removalcbIndex) { HookSetup *setup; if(!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if (setup->offset == -1) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook not setup for a virtual hook."); } if(setup->hookType != HookType_GameRules) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook is not a gamerules hook"); } IPluginFunction *cb = GetCallback(pContext, setup, params, callbackIndex); if (!cb) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to hook gamerules, no callback provided"); } bool post = params[2] != 0; IPluginFunction *removalcb = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[removalcbIndex]); for(int i = g_pHooks.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) { DHooksManager *manager = g_pHooks.at(i); if(manager->callback->hookType == HookType_GameRules && manager->callback->offset == setup->offset && manager->callback->post == post && manager->remove_callback == removalcb && manager->callback->plugin_callback == cb) { return manager->hookid; } } void *rules = g_pSDKTools->GetGameRules(); if(!rules) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Could not get gamerules pointer"); } DHooksManager *manager = new DHooksManager(setup, rules, removalcb, cb, post); if(!manager->hookid) { delete manager; return 0; } g_pHooks.push_back(manager); return manager->hookid; } // native DHookGamerules(Handle:setup, bool:post, DHookRemovalCB:removalcb, DHookCallback:callback = INVALID_FUNCTION); // Both callbacks are optional cell_t Native_HookGamerules(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { return HookGamerulesImpl(pContext, params, 4, 3); } // public native int DynamicHook.HookGamerules(HookMode mode, DHookCallback callback, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION); cell_t Native_HookGamerules_Methodmap(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { return HookGamerulesImpl(pContext, params, 3, 4); } cell_t HookRawImpl(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params, int callbackIndex, int removalcbIndex) { HookSetup *setup; if(!GetHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookSetupHandle, (void **)&setup, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if (setup->offset == -1) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook not setup for a virtual hook."); } if(setup->hookType != HookType_Raw) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Hook is not a raw hook"); } IPluginFunction *cb = GetCallback(pContext, setup, params, callbackIndex); if (!cb) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to hook address, no callback provided"); } bool post = params[2] != 0; IPluginFunction *removalcb = nullptr; if (removalcbIndex > 0) removalcb = pContext->GetFunctionById(params[removalcbIndex]); void *iface = (void *)(params[3]); for(int i = g_pHooks.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) { DHooksManager *manager = g_pHooks.at(i); if(manager->callback->hookType == HookType_Raw && manager->addr == (intptr_t)iface && manager->callback->offset == setup->offset && manager->callback->post == post && manager->remove_callback == removalcb && manager->callback->plugin_callback == cb) { return manager->hookid; } } if(!iface) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid address passed"); } DHooksManager *manager = new DHooksManager(setup, iface, removalcb, cb, post); if(!manager->hookid) { delete manager; return 0; } g_pHooks.push_back(manager); return manager->hookid; } // DHookRaw(Handle:setup, bool:post, Address:addr, DHookRemovalCB:removalcb, DHookCallback:callback = INVALID_FUNCTION); // Both callbacks are optional cell_t Native_HookRaw(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { return HookRawImpl(pContext, params, 5, 4); } // public native int DynamicHook.HookRaw(HookMode mode, Address addr, DHookCallback callback); cell_t Native_HookRaw_Methodmap(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { return HookRawImpl(pContext, params, 4, 0); } // native bool:DHookRemoveHookID(hookid); cell_t Native_RemoveHookID(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { for(int i = g_pHooks.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) { DHooksManager *manager = g_pHooks.at(i); if(manager->hookid == params[1] && manager->callback->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext() == pContext) { delete manager; g_pHooks.erase(g_pHooks.begin() + i); return 1; } } return 0; } // native any:DHookGetParam(Handle:hParams, num); cell_t Native_GetParam(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] < 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } if(params[2] == 0) { return paramStruct->dg->params.size(); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->orgParams + offset); if(*(void **)addr == NULL && (paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type == HookParamType_CBaseEntity || paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type == HookParamType_Edict)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Trying to get value for null pointer."); } switch(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type) { case HookParamType_Int: return *(int *)addr; case HookParamType_Bool: return *(cell_t *)addr != 0; case HookParamType_CBaseEntity: return gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(*(CBaseEntity **)addr); case HookParamType_Edict: return gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict(*(edict_t **)addr); case HookParamType_Float: return sp_ftoc(*(float *)addr); default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type (%i) to get", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } return 1; } // native DHookSetParam(Handle:hParams, param, any:value) cell_t Native_SetParam(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->newParams + offset); switch(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type) { case HookParamType_Int: *(int *)addr = params[3]; break; case HookParamType_Bool: *(bool *)addr = (params[3] ? true : false); break; case HookParamType_CBaseEntity: { if(params[2] == -1) { *(CBaseEntity **)addr = nullptr; } else { CBaseEntity *pEnt = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[2]); if(!pEnt) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity index passed for param value"); } *(CBaseEntity **)addr = pEnt; } break; } case HookParamType_Edict: { edict_t *pEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(params[2]); if(!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree()) { pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity index passed for param value"); } *(edict_t **)addr = pEdict; break; } case HookParamType_Float: *(float *)addr = sp_ctof(params[3]); break; default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type (%i) to set", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } paramStruct->isChanged[index] = true; return 1; } // native any:DHookGetReturn(Handle:hReturn); cell_t Native_GetReturn(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookReturnHandle, g_HookParamsHandle, (void **)&returnStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } switch(returnStruct->type) { case ReturnType_Int: return *(int *)returnStruct->orgResult; case ReturnType_Bool: return *(bool *)returnStruct->orgResult? 1 : 0; case ReturnType_CBaseEntity: return gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef((CBaseEntity *)returnStruct->orgResult); case ReturnType_Edict: return gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict((edict_t *)returnStruct->orgResult); case ReturnType_Float: return sp_ftoc(*(float *)returnStruct->orgResult); default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type (%i) to get", returnStruct->type); } return 1; } // native DHookSetReturn(Handle:hReturn, any:value) cell_t Native_SetReturn(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookReturnHandle, g_HookParamsHandle, (void **)&returnStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } switch(returnStruct->type) { case ReturnType_Int: *(int *)returnStruct->newResult = params[2]; break; case ReturnType_Bool: *(bool *)returnStruct->newResult = params[2] != 0; break; case ReturnType_CBaseEntity: { if(params[2] == -1) { returnStruct->newResult = nullptr; } else { CBaseEntity *pEnt = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[2]); if(!pEnt) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity index passed for return value"); } returnStruct->newResult = pEnt; } break; } case ReturnType_Edict: { edict_t *pEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(params[2]); if(!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree()) { pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity index passed for return value"); } returnStruct->newResult = pEdict; break; } case ReturnType_Float: *(float *)returnStruct->newResult = sp_ctof(params[2]); break; default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type (%i) to get",returnStruct->type); } returnStruct->isChanged = true; return 1; } // native DHookGetParamVector(Handle:hParams, num, Float:vec[3]) cell_t Native_GetParamVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->orgParams + offset); if (*(void **)addr == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Trying to get value for null pointer."); } switch(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type) { case HookParamType_VectorPtr: { cell_t *buffer; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &buffer); SDKVector *vec = *(SDKVector **)addr; buffer[0] = sp_ftoc(vec->x); buffer[1] = sp_ftoc(vec->y); buffer[2] = sp_ftoc(vec->z); return 1; } } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type to get. Param is not a vector."); } static void FreeChangedVector(void *pData) { delete (SDKVector *)pData; } // native DHookSetParamVector(Handle:hParams, num, Float:vec[3]) cell_t Native_SetParamVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void **origAddr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->orgParams + offset); void **newAddr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->newParams + offset); switch(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type) { case HookParamType_VectorPtr: { cell_t *buffer; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &buffer); SDKVector *origVec = *(SDKVector **)origAddr; SDKVector **newVec = (SDKVector **)newAddr; if(origVec == nullptr) { *newVec = new SDKVector(sp_ctof(buffer[0]), sp_ctof(buffer[1]), sp_ctof(buffer[2])); // Free it later (cheaply) after the function returned. smutils->AddFrameAction(FreeChangedVector, *newVec); } else { origVec->x = sp_ctof(buffer[0]); origVec->y = sp_ctof(buffer[1]); origVec->z = sp_ctof(buffer[2]); *newVec = origVec; } paramStruct->isChanged[index] = true; return 1; } } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type to set. Param is not a vector."); } // native DHookGetParamString(Handle:hParams, num, String:buffer[], size) cell_t Native_GetParamString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->orgParams + offset); if(*(void **)addr == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Trying to get value for null pointer."); } if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type == HookParamType_CharPtr) { pContext->StringToLocal(params[3], params[4], *(const char **)addr); } return 1; } // native DHookGetReturnString(Handle:hReturn, String:buffer[], size) cell_t Native_GetReturnString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookReturnHandle, g_HookParamsHandle, (void **)&returnStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } switch(returnStruct->type) { case ReturnType_String: pContext->StringToLocal(params[2], params[3], (*(string_t *)returnStruct->orgResult == NULL_STRING) ? "" : STRING(*(string_t *)returnStruct->orgResult)); return 1; case ReturnType_StringPtr: pContext->StringToLocal(params[2], params[3], ((string_t *)returnStruct->orgResult == NULL) ? "" : ((string_t *)returnStruct->orgResult)->ToCStr()); return 1; case ReturnType_CharPtr: pContext->StringToLocal(params[2], params[3], ((char *)returnStruct->orgResult == NULL) ? "" : (const char *)returnStruct->orgResult); return 1; default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type to get. Param is not a string."); } } static void FreeChangedCharPtr(void *pData) { delete[](char *)pData; } //native DHookSetReturnString(Handle:hReturn, String:value[]) cell_t Native_SetReturnString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookReturnHandle, g_HookParamsHandle, (void **)&returnStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } char *value; pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &value); switch(returnStruct->type) { case ReturnType_CharPtr: { returnStruct->newResult = new char[strlen(value) + 1]; strcpy((char *)returnStruct->newResult, value); returnStruct->isChanged = true; // Free it later (cheaply) after the function returned. smutils->AddFrameAction(FreeChangedCharPtr, returnStruct->newResult); return 1; } default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param type to get. Param is not a char pointer."); } } //native DHookSetParamString(Handle:hParams, num, String:value[]) cell_t Native_SetParamString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->newParams + offset); char *value; pContext->LocalToString(params[3], &value); if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type == HookParamType_CharPtr) { *(char **)addr = new char[strlen(value)+1]; strcpy(*(char **)addr, value); paramStruct->isChanged[index] = true; // Free it later (cheaply) after the function returned. smutils->AddFrameAction(FreeChangedCharPtr, *(char **)addr); } return 1; } //native DHookAddEntityListener(ListenType:type, ListenCB:callback); cell_t Native_AddEntityListener(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(g_pEntityListener) { return g_pEntityListener->AddPluginEntityListener((ListenType)params[1], pContext->GetFunctionById(params[2]));; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to get g_pEntityListener"); } //native bool:DHookRemoveEntityListener(ListenType:type, ListenCB:callback); cell_t Native_RemoveEntityListener(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(g_pEntityListener) { return g_pEntityListener->RemovePluginEntityListener((ListenType)params[1], pContext->GetFunctionById(params[2]));; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to get g_pEntityListener"); } //native any:DHookGetParamObjectPtrVar(Handle:hParams, num, offset, ObjectValueType:type); cell_t Native_GetParamObjectPtrVar(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_ObjectPtr && paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_Object) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid object value type %i", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = GetObjectAddr(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type, paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).flags, paramStruct->orgParams, offset); switch((ObjectValueType)params[4]) { case ObjectValueType_Int: { return *(int *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); } case ObjectValueType_Bool: return (*(bool *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3])) ? 1 : 0; case ObjectValueType_Ehandle: case ObjectValueType_EhandlePtr: { edict_t *pEdict = gamehelpers->GetHandleEntity(*(CBaseHandle *)((intptr_t)addr +params[3])); if(!pEdict) { return -1; } return gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict(pEdict); } case ObjectValueType_Float: { return sp_ftoc(*(float *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3])); } case ObjectValueType_CBaseEntityPtr: return gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(*(CBaseEntity **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3])); case ObjectValueType_IntPtr: { int *ptr = *(int **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); return *ptr; } case ObjectValueType_BoolPtr: { bool *ptr = *(bool **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); return *ptr ? 1 : 0; } case ObjectValueType_FloatPtr: { float *ptr = *(float **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); return sp_ftoc(*ptr); } default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Object value type"); } } //native DHookSetParamObjectPtrVar(Handle:hParams, num, offset, ObjectValueType:type, value) cell_t Native_SetParamObjectPtrVar(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_ObjectPtr && paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_Object) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid object value type %i", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = GetObjectAddr(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type, paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).flags, paramStruct->orgParams, offset); switch((ObjectValueType)params[4]) { case ObjectValueType_Int: *(int *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]) = params[5]; break; case ObjectValueType_Bool: *(bool *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]) = params[5] != 0; break; case ObjectValueType_Ehandle: case ObjectValueType_EhandlePtr: { edict_t *pEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(params[5]); if(!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid edict passed"); } gamehelpers->SetHandleEntity(*(CBaseHandle *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]), pEdict); break; } case ObjectValueType_Float: *(float *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]) = sp_ctof(params[5]); break; case ObjectValueType_CBaseEntityPtr: { CBaseEntity *pEnt = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[5]); if(!pEnt) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity passed"); } *(CBaseEntity **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]) = pEnt; break; } case ObjectValueType_IntPtr: { int *ptr = *(int **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); *ptr = params[5]; break; } case ObjectValueType_BoolPtr: { bool *ptr = *(bool **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); *ptr = params[5] != 0; break; } case ObjectValueType_FloatPtr: { float *ptr = *(float **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); *ptr = sp_ctof(params[5]); break; } default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Object value type"); } return 1; } //native DHookGetParamObjectPtrVarVector(Handle:hParams, num, offset, ObjectValueType:type, Float:buffer[3]); cell_t Native_GetParamObjectPtrVarVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_ObjectPtr && paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_Object) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid object value type %i", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = GetObjectAddr(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type, paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).flags, paramStruct->orgParams, offset); cell_t *buffer; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[5], &buffer); if((ObjectValueType)params[4] == ObjectValueType_VectorPtr || (ObjectValueType)params[4] == ObjectValueType_Vector) { SDKVector *vec; if((ObjectValueType)params[4] == ObjectValueType_VectorPtr) { vec = *(SDKVector **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); if(vec == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Trying to get value for null pointer."); } } else { vec = (SDKVector *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); } buffer[0] = sp_ftoc(vec->x); buffer[1] = sp_ftoc(vec->y); buffer[2] = sp_ftoc(vec->z); return 1; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Object value type (not a type of vector)"); } //native DHookSetParamObjectPtrVarVector(Handle:hParams, num, offset, ObjectValueType:type, Float:value[3]); cell_t Native_SetParamObjectPtrVarVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_ObjectPtr && paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_Object) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid object value type %i", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = GetObjectAddr(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type, paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).flags, paramStruct->orgParams, offset); cell_t *buffer; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[5], &buffer); if((ObjectValueType)params[4] == ObjectValueType_VectorPtr || (ObjectValueType)params[4] == ObjectValueType_Vector) { SDKVector *vec; if((ObjectValueType)params[4] == ObjectValueType_VectorPtr) { vec = *(SDKVector **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); if(vec == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Trying to set value for null pointer."); } } else { vec = (SDKVector *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); } vec->x = sp_ctof(buffer[0]); vec->y = sp_ctof(buffer[1]); vec->z = sp_ctof(buffer[2]); return 1; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Object value type (not a type of vector)"); } //native DHookGetParamObjectPtrString(Handle:hParams, num, offset, ObjectValueType:type, String:buffer[], size) cell_t Native_GetParamObjectPtrString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; if(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_ObjectPtr && paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type != HookParamType_Object) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid object value type %i", paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type); } size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = GetObjectAddr(paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type, paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).flags, paramStruct->orgParams, offset); switch((ObjectValueType)params[4]) { case ObjectValueType_CharPtr: { char *ptr = *(char **)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); pContext->StringToLocal(params[5], params[6], ptr == NULL ? "" : (const char *)ptr); break; } case ObjectValueType_String: { string_t string = *(string_t *)((intptr_t)addr + params[3]); pContext->StringToLocal(params[5], params[6], string == NULL_STRING ? "" : STRING(string)); break; } default: return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid Object value type (not a type of string)"); } return 1; } // DHookGetReturnVector(Handle:hReturn, Float:vec[3]) cell_t Native_GetReturnVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookReturnHandle, g_HookParamsHandle, (void **)&returnStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } cell_t *buffer; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &buffer); if(returnStruct->type == ReturnType_Vector) { buffer[0] = sp_ftoc((*(SDKVector *)returnStruct->orgResult).x); buffer[1] = sp_ftoc((*(SDKVector *)returnStruct->orgResult).y); buffer[2] = sp_ftoc((*(SDKVector *)returnStruct->orgResult).z); return 1; } else if(returnStruct->type == ReturnType_VectorPtr) { buffer[0] = sp_ftoc(((SDKVector *)returnStruct->orgResult)->x); buffer[1] = sp_ftoc(((SDKVector *)returnStruct->orgResult)->y); buffer[2] = sp_ftoc(((SDKVector *)returnStruct->orgResult)->z); return 1; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Return type is not a vector type"); } //DHookSetReturnVector(Handle:hReturn, Float:vec[3]) cell_t Native_SetReturnVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookReturnHandle, g_HookParamsHandle, (void **)&returnStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } cell_t *buffer; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &buffer); if(returnStruct->type == ReturnType_Vector) { *(SDKVector *)returnStruct->newResult = SDKVector(sp_ctof(buffer[0]), sp_ctof(buffer[1]), sp_ctof(buffer[2])); returnStruct->isChanged = true; return 1; } else if(returnStruct->type == ReturnType_VectorPtr) { returnStruct->newResult = new SDKVector(sp_ctof(buffer[0]), sp_ctof(buffer[1]), sp_ctof(buffer[2])); returnStruct->isChanged = true; // Free it later (cheaply) after the function returned. smutils->AddFrameAction(FreeChangedVector, returnStruct->newResult); return 1; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Return type is not a vector type"); } //native bool:DHookIsNullParam(Handle:hParams, num); cell_t Native_IsNullParam(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)paramStruct->orgParams + offset); HookParamType type = paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type; //Check that the type is ptr if(type == HookParamType_StringPtr || type == HookParamType_CharPtr || type == HookParamType_VectorPtr || type == HookParamType_CBaseEntity || type == HookParamType_ObjectPtr || type == HookParamType_Edict || type == HookParamType_Unknown) return *(void **)addr == NULL; else return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Param is not a pointer!"); } //native Address:DHookGetParamAddress(Handle:hParams, num); cell_t Native_GetParamAddress(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { HookParamsStruct *paramStruct; if(!GetCallbackArgHandleIfValidOrError(g_HookParamsHandle, g_HookReturnHandle, (void **)¶mStruct, pContext, params[1])) { return 0; } if(params[2] <= 0 || params[2] > (int)paramStruct->dg->params.size()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid param number %i max params is %i", params[2], paramStruct->dg->params.size()); } int index = params[2] - 1; HookParamType type = paramStruct->dg->params.at(index).type; if(type != HookParamType_StringPtr && type != HookParamType_CharPtr && type != HookParamType_VectorPtr && type != HookParamType_CBaseEntity && type != HookParamType_ObjectPtr && type != HookParamType_Edict && type != HookParamType_Unknown) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Param is not a pointer!"); } size_t offset = GetParamOffset(paramStruct, index); return *(cell_t *)((intptr_t)paramStruct->orgParams + offset); } sp_nativeinfo_t g_Natives[] = { {"DHookCreate", Native_CreateHook}, {"DHookCreateDetour", Native_CreateDetour}, {"DHookCreateFromConf", Native_DHookCreateFromConf}, {"DHookSetFromConf", Native_SetFromConf}, {"DHookAddParam", Native_AddParam}, {"DHookEnableDetour", Native_EnableDetour}, {"DHookDisableDetour", Native_DisableDetour}, {"DHookEntity", Native_HookEntity}, {"DHookGamerules", Native_HookGamerules}, {"DHookRaw", Native_HookRaw}, {"DHookRemoveHookID", Native_RemoveHookID}, {"DHookGetParam", Native_GetParam}, {"DHookGetReturn", Native_GetReturn}, {"DHookSetReturn", Native_SetReturn}, {"DHookSetParam", Native_SetParam}, {"DHookGetParamVector", Native_GetParamVector}, {"DHookGetReturnVector", Native_GetReturnVector}, {"DHookSetReturnVector", Native_SetReturnVector}, {"DHookSetParamVector", Native_SetParamVector}, {"DHookGetParamString", Native_GetParamString}, {"DHookGetReturnString", Native_GetReturnString}, {"DHookSetReturnString", Native_SetReturnString}, {"DHookSetParamString", Native_SetParamString}, {"DHookAddEntityListener", Native_AddEntityListener}, {"DHookRemoveEntityListener", Native_RemoveEntityListener}, {"DHookGetParamObjectPtrVar", Native_GetParamObjectPtrVar}, {"DHookSetParamObjectPtrVar", Native_SetParamObjectPtrVar}, {"DHookGetParamObjectPtrVarVector", Native_GetParamObjectPtrVarVector}, {"DHookSetParamObjectPtrVarVector", Native_SetParamObjectPtrVarVector}, {"DHookGetParamObjectPtrString", Native_GetParamObjectPtrString}, {"DHookIsNullParam", Native_IsNullParam}, {"DHookGetParamAddress", Native_GetParamAddress}, // Methodmap API {"DHookSetup.AddParam", Native_AddParam}, {"DHookSetup.SetFromConf", Native_SetFromConf}, {"DynamicHook.DynamicHook", Native_CreateHook}, {"DynamicHook.FromConf", Native_DHookCreateFromConf}, {"DynamicHook.HookEntity", Native_HookEntity_Methodmap}, {"DynamicHook.HookGamerules", Native_HookGamerules_Methodmap}, {"DynamicHook.HookRaw", Native_HookRaw_Methodmap}, {"DynamicHook.RemoveHook", Native_RemoveHookID}, {"DynamicDetour.DynamicDetour", Native_CreateDetour}, {"DynamicDetour.FromConf", Native_DHookCreateFromConf}, {"DynamicDetour.Enable", Native_EnableDetour}, {"DynamicDetour.Disable", Native_DisableDetour}, {"DHookParam.Get", Native_GetParam}, {"DHookParam.GetVector", Native_GetParamVector}, {"DHookParam.GetString", Native_GetParamString}, {"DHookParam.Set", Native_SetParam}, {"DHookParam.SetVector", Native_SetParamVector}, {"DHookParam.SetString", Native_SetParamString}, {"DHookParam.GetObjectVar", Native_GetParamObjectPtrVar}, {"DHookParam.GetObjectVarVector", Native_GetParamObjectPtrVarVector}, {"DHookParam.GetObjectVarString", Native_GetParamObjectPtrString}, {"DHookParam.SetObjectVar", Native_SetParamObjectPtrVar}, {"DHookParam.SetObjectVarVector", Native_SetParamObjectPtrVarVector}, {"DHookParam.IsNull", Native_IsNullParam}, {"DHookParam.GetAddress", Native_GetParamAddress}, {"DHookReturn.Value.get", Native_GetReturn}, {"DHookReturn.Value.set", Native_SetReturn}, {"DHookReturn.GetVector", Native_GetReturnVector}, {"DHookReturn.SetVector", Native_SetReturnVector}, {"DHookReturn.GetString", Native_GetReturnString}, {"DHookReturn.SetString", Native_SetReturnString}, {NULL, NULL} };