 * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
 * =============================================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2014 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * =============================================================================
 * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
 * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
 * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
 * by the Valve Corporation.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in
 * all respects for all other code used.  Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
 * this exception to all derivative works.  AlliedModders LLC defines further
 * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
 * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
 * Version: $Id$

#if defined _files_included
#define _files_included

 * @global All paths in SourceMod natives are relative to the mod folder
 * unless otherwise noted.
 * Most functions in SourceMod (at least, ones that deal with direct
 * file manipulation) will support an alternate path specification.
 * If the path starts with the string "file://" and the PathType is
 * not relative, then the "file://" portion is stripped off, and the
 * rest of the path is used without any modification (except for
 * correcting slashes).  This can be used to override the path
 * builder to supply alternate absolute paths.  Examples:
 * file://C:/Temp/file.txt
 * file:///tmp/file.txt

 * File inode types.
enum FileType
	FileType_Unknown = 0,   /* Unknown file type (device/socket) */
	FileType_Directory = 1, /* File is a directory */
	FileType_File = 2       /* File is a file */

 * File time modes.
enum FileTimeMode
	FileTime_LastAccess = 0,    /* Last access (does not work on FAT) */
	FileTime_Created = 1,       /* Creation (does not work on FAT) */
	FileTime_LastChange = 2     /* Last modification */

#define PLATFORM_MAX_PATH 256   /**< Maximum path length. */

#define SEEK_SET 0              /**< Seek from start. */
#define SEEK_CUR 1              /**< Seek from current position. */
#define SEEK_END 2              /**< Seek from end position. */

 * Path types.
enum PathType
	Path_SM,                    /**< SourceMod root folder */

// A DirectoryListing iterates over the contents of a directory. To obtain a
// DirectoryListing handle, call OpenDirectory().
methodmap DirectoryListing < Handle
	// Reads the current directory entry as a local filename, then moves to the
	// next file.
	// Note: Both the '.' and '..' automatic directory entries will be retrieved.
	// @param buffer          String buffer to hold directory name.
	// @param maxlength       Maximum size of string buffer.
	// @param type            Optional variable to store the file type.
	// @return                True on success, false if there are no more files to read.
	public native bool GetNext(char[] buffer, int maxlength, FileType &type=FileType_Unknown);

// A File object can be obtained by calling OpenFile(). File objects should be
// closed with delete or Close(). Note that, "delete file" does not
// actually delete the file, it just closes the handle.
methodmap File < Handle
	// Close the file handle. This is the same as using CloseHandle() or delete.
	public void Close() {

	// Reads a line of text from a file.
	// @param buffer          String buffer to hold the line.
	// @param maxlength       Maximum size of string buffer.
	// @return                True on success, false otherwise.
	public native bool ReadLine(char[] buffer, int maxlength);

	// Reads binary data from a file.
	// @param items           Array to store each item read.
	// @param num_items       Number of items to read into the array.
	// @param size            Size of each element, in bytes, to be read.
	//                        Valid sizes are 1, 2, or 4.
	// @return                Number of elements read, or -1 on error.
	public native int Read(any[] items, int num_items, int size);

	// Reads a UTF8 or ANSI string from a file.
	// @param buffer          Buffer to store the string.
	// @param max_size        Maximum size of the string buffer.
	// @param read_count      If -1, reads until a null terminator is encountered in
	//                        the file.  Otherwise, read_count bytes are read
	//                        into the buffer provided.  In this case the buffer
	//                        is not explicitly null terminated, and the buffer
	//                        will contain any null terminators read from the file.
	// @return                Number of characters written to the buffer, or -1
	//                        if an error was encountered.
	// @error                 read_count > max_size.
	public native int ReadString(char[] buffer, int max_size, int read_count=-1);

	// Writes binary data to a file.
	// @param items           Array of items to write.  The data is read directly.
	//                        That is, in 1 or 2-byte mode, the lower byte(s) in
	//                        each cell are used directly, rather than performing
	//                        any casts from a 4-byte number to a smaller number.
	// @param num_items       Number of items in the array.
	// @param size            Size of each item in the array in bytes.
	//                        Valid sizes are 1, 2, or 4.
	// @return                True on success, false on error.
	public native bool Write(const any[] items, int num_items, int size);

	// Writes a binary string to a file.
	// @param buffer          String to write.
	// @param term            True to append NUL terminator, false otherwise.
	// @return                True on success, false on error.
	public native bool WriteString(const char[] buffer, bool term);

	// Writes a line of text to a text file.  A newline is automatically appended.
	// @param hndl            Handle to the file.
	// @param format          Formatting rules.
	// @param ...             Variable number of format parameters.
	// @return                True on success, false otherwise.
	public native bool WriteLine(const char[] format, any ...);

	// Reads a single int8 (byte) from a file. The returned value is sign-
	// extended to an int32.
	// @param data            Variable to store the data read.
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool ReadInt8(int &data);

	// Reads a single uint8 (unsigned byte) from a file. The returned value is
	// zero-extended to an int32.
	// @param data            Variable to store the data read.
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool ReadUint8(int &data);

	// Reads a single int16 (short) from a file. The value is sign-extended to
	// an int32.
	// @param data            Variable to store the data read.
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool ReadInt16(int &data);

	// Reads a single unt16 (unsigned short) from a file. The value is zero-
	// extended to an int32.
	// @param data            Variable to store the data read.
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool ReadUint16(int &data);

	// Reads a single int32 (int/cell) from a file.
	// @param data            Variable to store the data read.
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool ReadInt32(int &data);

	// Writes a single int8 (byte) to a file.
	// @param data            Data to write (truncated to an int8).
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool WriteInt8(int data);

	// Writes a single int16 (short) to a file.
	// @param data            Data to write (truncated to an int16).
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool WriteInt16(int data);

	// Writes a single int32 (int/cell) to a file.
	// @param data            Data to write.
	// @return                True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool WriteInt32(int data);

	// Tests if the end of file has been reached.
	// @return                True if end of file has been reached, false otherwise.
	public native bool EndOfFile();

	// Sets the file position indicator.
	// @param position        Position relative to what is specified in whence.
	// @param where           SEEK_ constant value of where to see from.
	// @return                True on success, false otherwise.
	public native bool Seek(int position, int where);

	// Flushes a file's buffered output; any buffered output
	// is immediately written to the file.
	// @return              True on success or use_valve_fs specified with OpenFile,
	//                      otherwise false on failure.
	public native bool Flush();
	// Get the current position in the file; returns -1 on failure.
	property int Position {
		public native get();

 * Builds a path relative to the SourceMod folder.  This should be used instead of
 * directly referencing addons/sourcemod, in case users change the name of their
 * folder layout.
 * @param type          Type of path to build as the base.
 * @param buffer        Buffer to store the path.
 * @param maxlength     Maximum length of buffer.
 * @param fmt           Format string.
 * @param ...           Format arguments.
 * @return              Number of bytes written to buffer (not including null terminator).
native int BuildPath(PathType type, char[] buffer, int maxlength, const char[] fmt, any ...);

 * Opens a directory/folder for contents enumeration.
 * @note Directories are closed with CloseHandle() or delete.
 * @note Directories Handles can be cloned.
 * @note OpenDirectory() supports the "file://" notation.
 * @param path          Path to open.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to find files existing in any of
 *                      the Valve search paths, rather than solely files
 *                      existing directly in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              A Handle to the directory, null on error.
native DirectoryListing OpenDirectory(const char[] path, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="GAME");

 * Reads the current directory entry as a local filename, then moves to the next file.
 * @note Contents of buffers are undefined when returning false.
 * @note Both the '.' and '..' automatic directory entries will be retrieved for Windows and Linux.
 * @param dir           Handle to a directory.
 * @param buffer        String buffer to hold directory name.
 * @param maxlength     Maximum size of string buffer.
 * @param type          Optional variable to store the file type.
 * @return              True on success, false if there are no more files to read.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native bool ReadDirEntry(Handle dir, char[] buffer, int maxlength, FileType &type=FileType_Unknown);

 * Opens or creates a file, returning a File handle on success. File handles
 * should be closed with delete or CloseHandle().
 * The open mode may be one of the following strings:
 *   "r": Open an existing file for reading.
 *   "w": Create a file for writing, or truncate (delete the contents of) an
 *        existing file and then open it for writing.
 *   "a": Create a file for writing, or open an existing file such that writes
 *        will be appended to the end.
 *   "r+": Open an existing file for both reading and writing.
 *   "w+": Create a file for reading and writing, or truncate an existing file
 *         and then open it for reading and writing.
 *   "a+": Create a file for both reading and writing, or open an existing file
 *         such that writes will be appended to the end.
 * The open mode may also contain an additional character after "r", "w", or "a",
 * but before any "+" sign. This character may be "b" (indicating binary mode) or
 * "t" (indicating text mode). By default, "text" mode is implied. On Linux and
 * Mac, this has no distinction from binary mode. On Windows, it causes the '\n'
 * character (0xA) to be written as "\r\n" (0xD, 0xA).
 * Example: "rb" opens a binary file for reading; "at" opens a text file for
 * appending.
 * @param file          File to open.
 * @param mode          Open mode.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to find files existing in valve
 *                      search paths, rather than solely files existing directly
 *                      in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              A File handle, or null if the file could not be opened.
native File OpenFile(const char[] file, const char[] mode, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="GAME");

 * Deletes a file.
 * @param path          Path of the file to delete.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to delete files existing in the Valve
 *                      search path, rather than solely files existing directly
 *                      in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              True on success, false on failure or if file not immediately removed.
native bool DeleteFile(const char[] path, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH");

 * Reads a line from a text file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param buffer        String buffer to hold the line.
 * @param maxlength     Maximum size of string buffer.
 * @return              True on success, false otherwise.
native bool ReadFileLine(Handle hndl, char[] buffer, int maxlength);

 * Reads binary data from a file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param items         Array to store each item read.
 * @param num_items     Number of items to read into the array.
 * @param size          Size of each element, in bytes, to be read.
 *                      Valid sizes are 1, 2, or 4.
 * @return              Number of elements read, or -1 on error.
native int ReadFile(Handle hndl, any[] items, int num_items, int size);

 * Reads a UTF8 or ANSI string from a file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param buffer        Buffer to store the string.
 * @param max_size      Maximum size of the string buffer.
 * @param read_count    If -1, reads until a null terminator is encountered in
 *                      the file.  Otherwise, read_count bytes are read
 *                      into the buffer provided.  In this case the buffer
 *                      is not explicitly null terminated, and the buffer
 *                      will contain any null terminators read from the file.
 * @return              Number of characters written to the buffer, or -1
 *                      if an error was encountered.
 * @error               Invalid Handle, or read_count > max_size.
native int ReadFileString(Handle hndl, char[] buffer, int max_size, int read_count=-1);

 * Writes binary data to a file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param items         Array of items to write.  The data is read directly.
 *                      That is, in 1 or 2-byte mode, the lower byte(s) in
 *                      each cell are used directly, rather than performing
 *                      any casts from a 4-byte number to a smaller number.
 * @param num_items     Number of items in the array.
 * @param size          Size of each item in the array in bytes.
 *                      Valid sizes are 1, 2, or 4.
 * @return              True on success, false on error.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native bool WriteFile(Handle hndl, const any[] items, int num_items, int size);

 * Writes a binary string to a file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param buffer        String to write.
 * @param term          True to append NUL terminator, false otherwise.
 * @return              True on success, false on error.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native bool WriteFileString(Handle hndl, const char[] buffer, bool term);

 * Writes a line of text to a text file.  A newline is automatically appended.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param format        Formatting rules.
 * @param ...           Variable number of format parameters.
 * @return              True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native bool WriteFileLine(Handle hndl, const char[] format, any ...);

 * Reads a single binary cell from a file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param data          Variable to store the data read.
 * @param size          Size of the data to read in bytes.  Valid
 *                      sizes are 1, 2, or 4 bytes.
 * @return              Number of elements read (max 1), or -1 on error.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
stock int ReadFileCell(Handle hndl, int &data, int size)
	int ret;
	int array[1];

	if ((ret = ReadFile(hndl, array, 1, size)) == 1)
		data = array[0];

	return ret;

 * Writes a single binary cell to a file.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param data          Cell to write to the file.
 * @param size          Size of the data to read in bytes.  Valid
 *                      sizes are 1, 2, or 4 bytes.  If the size
 *                      is less than 4 bytes, the data is truncated
 *                      rather than casted.  That is, only the lower
 *                      bits will be read.
 * @return              True on success, false on error.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
stock bool WriteFileCell(Handle hndl, int data, int size)
	int array[1];
	array[0] = data;

	return WriteFile(hndl, array, 1, size);

 * Tests if the end of file has been reached.
 * @param file          Handle to the file.
 * @return              True if end of file has been reached, false otherwise.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native bool IsEndOfFile(Handle file);

 * Sets the file position indicator.
 * @param file          Handle to the file.
 * @param position      Position relative to what is specified in whence.
 * @param where         SEEK_ constant value of where to see from.
 * @return              True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native bool FileSeek(Handle file, int position, int where);

 * Get current position in the file.
 * @param file          Handle to the file.
 * @return              Value for the file position indicator.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native int FilePosition(Handle file);

 * Checks if a file exists.
 * @param path          Path to the file.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to find files existing in any of
 *                      the Valve search paths, rather than solely files
 *                      existing directly in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              True if the file exists, false otherwise.
native bool FileExists(const char[] path, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="GAME");

 * Renames a file.
 * @param newpath       New path to the file.
 * @param oldpath       Path to the existing file.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to rename files in the game's
 *                      Valve search paths, rather than directly in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              True on success or use_valve_fs specified, false otherwise.
native bool RenameFile(const char[] newpath, const char[] oldpath, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH");

 * Checks if a directory exists.
 * @param path          Path to the directory.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to find files existing in any of
 *                      the Valve search paths, rather than solely files
 *                      existing directly in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              True if the directory exists, false otherwise.
native bool DirExists(const char[] path, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="GAME");

 * Get the file size in bytes.
 * @param path          Path to the file.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to find files existing in any of
 *                      the Valve search paths, rather than solely files
 *                      existing directly in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for all search paths.
 * @return              File size in bytes, -1 if file not found.
native int FileSize(const char[] path, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="GAME");

 * Flushes a file's buffered output; any buffered output
 * is immediately written to the file.
 * @param file          Handle to the file.
 * @return              True on success or use_valve_fs specified with OpenFile,
 *                      otherwise false on failure.
native bool FlushFile(Handle file);

 * Removes a directory.
 * @note On most Operating Systems you cannot remove a directory which has files inside it.
 * @param path          Path to the directory.
 * @return              True on success, false otherwise.
native bool RemoveDir(const char[] path);

#define FPERM_U_READ        0x0100  /* User can read. */
#define FPERM_U_WRITE       0x0080  /* User can write. */
#define FPERM_U_EXEC        0x0040  /* User can exec. */
#define FPERM_G_READ        0x0020  /* Group can read. */
#define FPERM_G_WRITE       0x0010  /* Group can write. */
#define FPERM_G_EXEC        0x0008  /* Group can exec. */
#define FPERM_O_READ        0x0004  /* Anyone can read. */
#define FPERM_O_WRITE       0x0002  /* Anyone can write. */
#define FPERM_O_EXEC        0x0001  /* Anyone can exec. */

 * Creates a directory.
 * @param path          Path to create. Note that directories are not created recursively unless use_valve_fs is used.
 * @param mode          Permissions (default is o=rx,g=rx,u=rwx).  Note that folders must have
 *                      the execute bit set on Linux.  On Windows, the mode is ignored.
 * @param use_valve_fs  If true, the Valve file system will be used instead.
 *                      This can be used to create folders in the game's
 *                      Valve search paths, rather than directly in the gamedir.
 * @param valve_path_id If use_valve_fs, a search path from gameinfo or NULL_STRING for default.
 *                      In this case, mode is ignored.
 * @return              True on success, false otherwise.
native bool CreateDirectory(const char[] path, int mode=FPERM_O_READ|FPERM_O_EXEC|FPERM_G_READ|FPERM_G_EXEC|FPERM_U_READ|FPERM_U_WRITE|FPERM_U_EXEC, bool use_valve_fs=false, const char[] valve_path_id="DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH");

 * Changes a file or directories permissions.
 * @param path          Path to the file.
 * @param mode          Permissions to set.
 * @return              True on success, false otherwise.
native bool SetFilePermissions(const char[] path, int mode);

 * Returns a file timestamp as a unix timestamp.
 * @param file          File name.
 * @param tmode         Time mode.
 * @return              Time value, or -1 on failure.
native int GetFileTime(const char[] file, FileTimeMode tmode);

 * Same as LogToFile(), except uses an open file Handle.  The file must
 * be opened in text appending mode.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param message       Message format.
 * @param ...           Message format parameters.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native void LogToOpenFile(Handle hndl, const char[] message, any ...);

 * Same as LogToFileEx(), except uses an open file Handle.  The file must
 * be opened in text appending mode.
 * @param hndl          Handle to the file.
 * @param message       Message format.
 * @param ...           Message format parameters.
 * @error               Invalid Handle.
native void LogToOpenFileEx(Handle hndl, const char[] message, any ...);