 * vim: set ts=4 :
 * ===============================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * ===============================================================
 *  This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.  This file may only be used 
 * or modified under the Terms and Conditions of its License Agreement, which is found 
 * in LICENSE.txt.  The Terms and Conditions for making SourceMod extensions/plugins 
 * may change at any time.  To view the latest information, see:
 *   http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php
 * Version: $Id$

#if defined _bitbuffer_included
#define _bitbuffer_included

 * Writes a single bit to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param bit			Bit to write (true for 1, false for 0).
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteBool(Handle:bf, bool:bit);
 * Writes a byte to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param byte			Byte to write (value will be written as 8bit).
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteByte(Handle:bf, byte);

 * Writes a byte to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param chr			Character to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteChar(Handle:bf, chr);

 * Writes a 16bit integer to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param num			Integer to write (value will be written as 16bit).
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteShort(Handle:bf, num);

 * Writes a 16bit unsigned integer to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param num			Integer to write (value will be written as 16bit).
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteWord(Handle:bf, num);

 * Writes a normal integer to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param num			Integer to write (value will be written as 32bit).
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteNum(Handle:bf, num);

 * Writes a floating point number to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param num			Number to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteFloat(Handle:bf, Float:num);

 * Writes a string to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param string		Text string to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteString(Handle:bf, const String:string[]);

 * Writes an entity to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @note This is a wrapper around BfWriteShort().
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param ent			Entity index to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle, or invalid entity.
native BfWriteEntity(Handle:bf, ent);

 * Writes a bit angle to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param angle			Angle to write.
 * @param numBits		Optional number of bits to use.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteAngle(Handle:bf, Float:angle, numBits=8);

 * Writes a coordinate to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param coord			Coordinate to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteCoord(Handle:bf, Float:coord);

 * Writes a 3D vector of coordinates to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param coord			Coordinate array to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteVecCoord(Handle:bf, Float:coord[3]);

 * Writes a 3D normal vector to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param vec			Vector to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteVecNormal(Handle:bf, Float:vec[3]);

 * Writes a 3D angle vector to a writable bitbuffer (bf_write).
 * @param bf			bf_write handle to write to.
 * @param angles		Angle vector to write.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfWriteAngles(Handle:bf, Float:angles[3]);

 * Reads a single bit from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Bit value read.
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native bool:BfReadBool(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a byte from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Byte value read (read as 8bit).
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadByte(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a character from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Character value read.
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadChar(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a 16bit integer from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Integer value read (read as 16bit).
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadShort(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a 16bit unsigned integer from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Integer value read (read as 16bit).
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadWord(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a normal integer to a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Integer value read (read as 32bit).
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadNum(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a floating point number from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Floating point value read.
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native Float:BfReadFloat(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a string from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @param buffer		Destination string buffer.
 * @param maxlength		Maximum length of output string buffer.
 * @param Line			If true the buffer will be copied until it reaches a '\n' or a null terminator.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle, destination string buffer was too short.
native BfReadString(Handle:bf, String:buffer[], maxlength, bool:Line=false);

 * Reads an entity from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @note This is a wrapper around BfReadShort().
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Entity index read.
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadEntity(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a bit angle from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @param numBits		Optional number of bits to use.
 * @return			Angle read.
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native Float:BfReadAngle(Handle:bf, numBits=8);

 * Reads a coordinate from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @return			Coordinate read.
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native Float:BfReadCoord(Handle:bf);

 * Reads a 3D vector of coordinates from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @param coord			Destination coordinate array.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadVecCoord(Handle:bf, Float:coord[3]);

 * Reads a 3D normal vector from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @param vec			Destination vector array.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadVecNormal(Handle:bf, Float:vec[3]);

 * Reads a 3D angle vector from a readable bitbuffer (bf_read).
 * @param bf			bf_read handle to read from.
 * @param angles		Destination angle vector.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid or incorrect Handle.
native BfReadAngles(Handle:bf, Float:angles[3]);