 * vim: set ts=4 :
 * =============================================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * =============================================================================
 * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
 * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
 * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
 * by the Valve Corporation.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in
 * all respects for all other code used.  Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
 * this exception to all derivative works.  AlliedModders LLC defines further
 * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
 * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
 * Version: $Id$

#if defined _clients_included
#define _clients_included

 * Network flow directions.
enum NetFlow
	NetFlow_Outgoing = 0,	/**< Outgoing traffic */
	NetFlow_Incoming,		/**< Incoming traffic */
	NetFlow_Both,			/**< Both values added together */

 * Auth string types.
 * Note that for the Steam2 and Steam3 types, the following ids are
 * also valid values:
 * "STEAM_ID_PENDING" - Authentication is pending.
 * "STEAM_ID_LAN" - Authentication is disabled because of being on a LAN server.
 * "BOT" - The client is a bot.
enum AuthIdType
	AuthId_Engine = 0,     /**< The game-specific auth string as returned from the engine */
	// The following are only available on games that support Steam authentication.
	AuthId_Steam2,         /**< Steam2 rendered format, ex "STEAM_1:1:4153990" */
	AuthId_Steam3,         /**< Steam3 rendered format, ex "[U:1:8307981]" */
	AuthId_SteamID64,      /**< A SteamID64 (uint64) as a String, ex "76561197968573709" */

 * MAXPLAYERS is not the same as MaxClients.
 * MAXPLAYERS is a hardcoded value as an upper limit.  MaxClients changes based on the server.

#define MAXPLAYERS		65	/**< Maximum number of players SourceMod supports */
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 128	/**< Maximum buffer required to store a client name */

public const int MaxClients;	/**< Maximum number of players the server supports (dynamic) */

 * Called on client connection.  If you return true, the client will be allowed in the server.
 * If you return false (or return nothing), the client will be rejected.  If the client is 
 * rejected by this forward or any other, OnClientDisconnect will not be called.
 * Note: Do not write to rejectmsg if you plan on returning true.  If multiple plugins write
 * to the string buffer, it is not defined which plugin's string will be shown to the client,
 * but it is guaranteed one of them will.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param rejectmsg		Buffer to store the rejection message when the connection is refused.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum number of characters for rejection buffer.
 * @return				True to validate client's connection, false to refuse it.
forward bool OnClientConnect(int client, char[] rejectmsg, int maxlen);

 * Called once a client successfully connects.  This callback is paired with OnClientDisconnect.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientConnected(int client);

 * Called when a client is entering the game.
 * Whether a client has a steamid is undefined until OnClientAuthorized
 * is called, which may occur either before or after OnClientPutInServer.
 * Similarly, use OnClientPostAdminCheck() if you need to verify whether 
 * connecting players are admins.
 * GetClientCount() will include clients as they are passed through this 
 * function, as clients are already in game at this point.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientPutInServer(int client);

 * Called when a client is disconnecting from the server.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientDisconnect(int client);

 * Called when a client is disconnected from the server.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientDisconnect_Post(int client);

 * Called when a client is sending a command.
 * As of SourceMod 1.3, the client is guaranteed to be in-game.
 * Use command listeners (console.inc) for more advanced hooks.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param args			Number of arguments.
 * @return				Plugin_Handled blocks the command from being sent,
 *						and Plugin_Continue resumes normal functionality.
forward Action OnClientCommand(int client, int args);

 * Called when a client is sending a KeyValues command.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param kv			Editable KeyValues data to be sent as the command.
 *						(This handle should not be stored and will be closed
 *						after this forward completes.)
 * @return				Plugin_Handled blocks the command from being sent,
 *						and Plugin_Continue resumes normal functionality.
forward Action OnClientCommandKeyValues(int client, KeyValues kv);

 * Called after a client has sent a KeyValues command.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param kv			KeyValues data sent as the command.
 *						(This handle should not be stored and will be closed
 *						after this forward completes.)
forward void OnClientCommandKeyValues_Post(int client, KeyValues kv);

 * Called whenever the client's settings are changed.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientSettingsChanged(int client);

 * Called when a client receives an auth ID.  The state of a client's 
 * authorization as an admin is not guaranteed here.  Use 
 * OnClientPostAdminCheck() if you need a client's admin status.
 * This is called by bots, but the ID will be "BOT".
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param auth			Client Steam2 id, if available, else engine auth id.
forward void OnClientAuthorized(int client, const char[] auth);

 * Called once a client is authorized and fully in-game, but 
 * before admin checks are done.  This can be used to override 
 * the default admin checks for a client.  You should only use 
 * this for overriding; use OnClientPostAdminCheck() instead 
 * if you want notification.
 * Note: If handled/blocked, PostAdminCheck must be signalled 
 * manually via NotifyPostAdminCheck().
 * This callback is guaranteed to occur on all clients, and always 
 * after each OnClientPutInServer() call.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @return				Plugin_Handled to block admin checks.
forward Action OnClientPreAdminCheck(int client);

 * Called directly before OnClientPostAdminCheck() as a method to 
 * alter administrative permissions before plugins perform final 
 * post-connect operations.  
 * In general, do not use this function unless you are specifically 
 * attempting to change access permissions.  Use OnClientPostAdminCheck() 
 * instead if you simply want to perform post-connect authorization 
 * routines.
 * See OnClientPostAdminCheck() for more information.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientPostAdminFilter(int client);

 * Called once a client is authorized and fully in-game, and 
 * after all post-connection authorizations have been performed.  
 * This callback is guaranteed to occur on all clients, and always 
 * after each OnClientPutInServer() call.
 * @param client		Client index.
forward void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client);

 * This function is deprecated. Use the MaxClients variable instead.
 * Returns the maximum number of clients allowed on the server.  This may 
 * return 0 if called before OnMapStart(), and thus should not be called 
 * in OnPluginStart().  
 * You should not globally cache the value to GetMaxClients() because it can change from 
 * SourceTV or TF2's arena mode.  Use the "MaxClients" dynamic variable documented at the 
 * top of this file.
 * @return				Maximum number of clients allowed.
#pragma deprecated Use MaxClients variable instead.
native int GetMaxClients();

 * Returns the maximum number of human players allowed on the server.  This is 
 * a game-specific function used on newer games to limit the number of humans
 * that can join a game and can be lower than MaxClients. It is the number often
 * reflected in the server browser or when viewing the output of the status command.
 * On unsupported games or modes without overrides, it will return the same value
 * as MaxClients.
 * You should not globally cache the value to GetMaxHumanPlayers() because it can change across
 * game modes. You may still cache it locally.
 * @return				Maximum number of humans allowed.
native int GetMaxHumanPlayers();

 * Returns the client count put in the server.
 * @param inGameOnly	If false connecting players are also counted.
 * @return				Client count in the server.
native int GetClientCount(bool inGameOnly=true);

 * Returns the client's name.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @param name			Buffer to store the client's name.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error				If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native bool GetClientName(int client, char[] name, int maxlen);

 * Retrieves a client's IP address.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @param ip			Buffer to store the client's ip address.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
 * @param remport		Remove client's port from the ip string (true by default).
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error				If the client is not connected or the index is invalid.
native bool GetClientIP(int client, char[] ip, int maxlen, bool remport=true);

 * Retrieves a client's authentication string (SteamID).
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @param auth			Buffer to store the client's auth string.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
 * @param validate		Check backend validation status.
 *			        You WILL KNOW if you need to use this, MOST WILL NOT.
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error				If the client is not connected or the index is invalid.
#pragma deprecated Use GetClientAuthId
native bool GetClientAuthString(int client, char[] auth, int maxlen, bool validate=true);

 * Retrieves a client's authentication string (SteamID).
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @param authType		Auth id type and format to use.
 * @param auth			Buffer to store the client's auth id.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
 * @param validate		Check backend validation status.
 *			        You WILL KNOW if you need to use this, MOST WILL NOT.
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error				If the client is not connected or the index is invalid.
native bool GetClientAuthId(int client, AuthIdType authType, char[] auth, int maxlen, bool validate=true);

 * Returns the client's Steam account ID, a number uniquely identifying a given Steam account.
 * This number is the basis for the various display SteamID forms, see the AuthIdType enum for examples.
 * @param client		Client Index.
 * @param validate		Check backend validation status.
 *			        You WILL KNOW if you need to use this, MOST WILL NOT.
 * @return				Steam account ID or 0 if not available.
 * @error				If the client is not connected or the index is invalid.
native int GetSteamAccountID(int client, bool validate=true);

 * Retrieves a client's user id, which is an index incremented for every client
 * that joins the server.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				User id of the client.
 * @error 				If the client is not connected or the index is invalid.
native int GetClientUserId(int client);

 * Returns if a certain player is connected.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				True if player is connected to the server, false otherwise.
native bool IsClientConnected(int client);

 * Returns if a certain player has entered the game.
 * @param client		Player index (index does not have to be connected).
 * @return				True if player has entered the game, false otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid client index.
native bool IsClientInGame(int client);

 * Returns if a client is in the "kick queue" (i.e. the client will be kicked 
 * shortly and thus they should not appear as valid).
 * @param client		Player index (must be connected).
 * @return				True if in the kick queue, false otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid client index.
native bool IsClientInKickQueue(int client);

 * Backwards compatibility stock - use IsClientInGame
 * @deprecated			Renamed to IsClientInGame
#pragma deprecated Use IsClientInGame() instead
stock bool IsPlayerInGame(int client)
	return IsClientInGame(client);

 * Returns if a certain player has been authenticated.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				True if player has been authenticated, false otherwise.
native bool IsClientAuthorized(int client);

 * Returns if a certain player is a fake client.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				True if player is a fake client, false otherwise.
native bool IsFakeClient(int client);

 * Returns if a certain player is the SourceTV bot.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				True if player is the SourceTV bot, false otherwise.
native bool IsClientSourceTV(int client);

 * Returns if a certain player is the Replay bot.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				True if player is the Replay bot, false otherwise.
native bool IsClientReplay(int client);

 * Returns if a certain player is an observer/spectator.
 * @param client		Player index.
 * @return				True if player is an observer, false otherwise.
native bool IsClientObserver(int client);

 * Returns if the client is alive or dead.
 * Note: This function was originally in SDKTools and was moved to core.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				True if the client is alive, false otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native bool IsPlayerAlive(int client);

 * Retrieves values from client replicated keys.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param key			Key string.
 * @param value			Buffer to store value.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of valve (UTF-8 safe).
 * @return 				True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native bool GetClientInfo(int client, const char[] key, char[] value, int maxlen);

 * Retrieves a client's team index.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Team index the client is on (mod specific).
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native int GetClientTeam(int client);
 * Sets a client's AdminId.  
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param id			AdminId to set.  INVALID_ADMIN_ID removes admin permissions.
 * @param temp			True if the id should be freed on disconnect.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or bogus AdminId.
native void SetUserAdmin(int client, AdminId id, bool temp=false);

 * Retrieves a client's AdminId.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				AdminId of the client, or INVALID_ADMIN_ID if none.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native AdminId GetUserAdmin(int client);

 * Sets access flags on a client.  If the client is not an admin,
 * a temporary, anonymous AdminId is given.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param ...			Flags to set on the client.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native void AddUserFlags(int client, AdminFlag ...);

 * Removes flags from a client.  If the client is not an admin,
 * this has no effect.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param ...			Flags to remove from the client.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native void RemoveUserFlags(int client, AdminFlag ...);

 * Sets access flags on a client using bits instead of flags.  If the
 * client is not an admin, and flags not 0, a temporary, anonymous AdminId is given.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flags			Bitstring of flags to set on client.
native void SetUserFlagBits(int client, int flags);

 * Returns client access flags.  If the client is not an admin,
 * the result is always 0.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Flags
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native int GetUserFlagBits(int client);

 * Returns whether a user can target another user.
 * This is a helper function for CanAdminTarget.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param target		Target player's index.
 * @return				True if target is targettable by the player, false otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid or unconnected player indexers.
native bool CanUserTarget(int client, int target);

 * Runs through the Core-defined admin authorization checks on a player.
 * Has no effect if the player is already an admin.
 * Note: This function is based on the internal cache only.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @return				True if access was changed, false if it did not.
 * @error				Invalid client index or client not in-game AND authorized.
native bool RunAdminCacheChecks(int client);

 * Signals that a player has completed post-connection admin checks.
 * Has no effect if the player has already had this event signalled.
 * Note: This must be sent even if no admin id was assigned.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @error				Invalid client index or client not in-game AND authorized.
native void NotifyPostAdminCheck(int client);

 * Creates a fake client.
 * @param name			Name to use.
 * @return				Client index on success, 0 otherwise.
native int CreateFakeClient(const char[] name);

 * Sets a convar value on a fake client.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param cvar			ConVar name.
 * @param value			ConVar value.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected,
 *						or client not a fake client.
native void SetFakeClientConVar(int client, const char[] cvar, const char[] value);

 * Returns the client's health.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Health value.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native int GetClientHealth(int client);

 * Returns the client's model name.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param model			Buffer to store the client's model name.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void GetClientModel(int client, char[] model, int maxlen);

 * Returns the client's weapon name.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param weapon		Buffer to store the client's weapon name.
 * @param maxlen		Maximum length of string buffer (includes NULL terminator).
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void GetClientWeapon(int client, char[] weapon, int maxlen);

 * Returns the client's max size vector.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param vec			Destination vector to store the client's max size.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void GetClientMaxs(int client, float vec[3]);

 * Returns the client's min size vector.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param vec			Destination vector to store the client's min size.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void GetClientMins(int client, float vec[3]);

 * Returns the client's position angle.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param ang			Destination vector to store the client's position angle.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void GetClientAbsAngles(int client, float ang[3]);

 * Returns the client's origin vector.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param vec			Destination vector to store the client's origin vector.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void GetClientAbsOrigin(int client, float vec[3]);

 * Returns the client's armor.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Armor value.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native int GetClientArmor(int client);

 * Returns the client's death count.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Death count.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native int GetClientDeaths(int client);

 * Returns the client's frag count.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Frag count.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native int GetClientFrags(int client);

 * Returns the client's send data rate in bytes/sec.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Data rate.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native int GetClientDataRate(int client);

 * Returns if a client is timing out
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				True if client is timing out, false otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native bool IsClientTimingOut(int client);

 * Returns the client's connection time in seconds.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @return				Connection time.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientTime(int client);

 * Returns the client's current latency (RTT), more accurate than GetAvgLatency but jittering.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flow			Traffic flowing direction.
 * @return				Latency, or -1 if network info is not available.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientLatency(int client, NetFlow flow);

 * Returns the client's average packet latency in seconds.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flow			Traffic flowing direction.
 * @return				Latency, or -1 if network info is not available.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientAvgLatency(int client, NetFlow flow);

 * Returns the client's average packet loss, values go from 0 to 1 (for percentages).
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flow			Traffic flowing direction.
 * @return				Average packet loss, or -1 if network info is not available.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientAvgLoss(int client, NetFlow flow);

 * Returns the client's average packet choke, values go from 0 to 1 (for percentages).
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flow			Traffic flowing direction.
 * @return				Average packet loss, or -1 if network info is not available.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientAvgChoke(int client, NetFlow flow);

 * Returns the client's data flow in bytes/sec.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flow			Traffic flowing direction.
 * @return				Data flow.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientAvgData(int client, NetFlow flow);

 * Returns the client's average packet frequency in packets/sec.
 * @param client		Player's index.
 * @param flow			Traffic flowing direction.
 * @return				Packet frequency.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or fake client.
native float GetClientAvgPackets(int client, NetFlow flow);

 * Translates an userid index to the real player index.
 * @param userid		Userid value.
 * @return				Client value.
 * @error				Returns 0 if invalid userid.
native int GetClientOfUserId(int userid);

 * Disconnects a client from the server as soon as the next frame starts.
 * Note: Originally, KickClient() was immediate.  The delay was introduced 
 * because despite warnings, plugins were using it in ways that would crash. 
 * The new safe version can break cases that rely on immediate disconnects, 
 * but ensures that plugins do not accidentally cause crashes.
 * If you need immediate disconnects, use KickClientEx().
 * Note: IsClientInKickQueue() will return true before the kick occurs.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param format		Optional formatting rules for disconnect reason.
 *                      Note that a period is automatically appended to the string by the engine.
 * @param ...			Variable number of format parameters.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native void KickClient(int client, const char[] format="", any ...);

 * Immediately disconnects a client from the server.
 * Kicking clients from certain events or callbacks may cause crashes.  If in 
 * doubt, create a short (0.1 second) timer to kick the client in the next 
 * available frame.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param format		Optional formatting rules for disconnect reason.
 *                      Note that a period is automatically appended to the string by the engine.
 * @param ...			Variable number of format parameters.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native void KickClientEx(int client, const char[] format="", any ...);

 * Changes a client's team through the mod's generic team changing function.
 * On CS:S, this will kill the player.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param team			Mod-specific team index.
 * @error				Invalid client index, client not connected, or lack of 
 *						mod support.
native void ChangeClientTeam(int client, int team);

 * Returns the clients unique serial identifier.
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @return	Serial number.
 * @error				Invalid client index, or client not connected.
native int GetClientSerial(int client);

 * Returns the client index by its serial number.
 * @param serial		Serial number.
 * @return				Client index, or 0 for invalid serial.
native int GetClientFromSerial(int serial);