/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #if defined _cstrike_included #endinput #endif #define _cstrike_included #define CS_TEAM_NONE 0 /**< No team yet. */ #define CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR 1 /**< Spectators. */ #define CS_TEAM_T 2 /**< Terrorists. */ #define CS_TEAM_CT 3 /**< Counter-Terrorists. */ #define CS_SLOT_PRIMARY 0 /**< Primary weapon slot. */ #define CS_SLOT_SECONDARY 1 /**< Secondary weapon slot. */ #define CS_SLOT_KNIFE 2 /**< Knife slot. */ #define CS_SLOT_GRENADE 3 /**< Grenade slot (will only return one grenade). */ #define CS_SLOT_C4 4 /**< C4 slot. */ #define CS_SLOT_BOOST 11 /**< Slot for healthshot and shield (will only return one weapon/item). */ #define CS_SLOT_UTILITY 12 /**< Slot for tablet. */ #define CS_DMG_HEADSHOT (1 << 30) /**< Headshot */ enum CSRoundEndReason { CSRoundEnd_TargetBombed = 0, /**< Target Successfully Bombed! */ CSRoundEnd_VIPEscaped, /**< The VIP has escaped! - Doesn't exist on CS:GO */ CSRoundEnd_VIPKilled, /**< VIP has been assassinated! - Doesn't exist on CS:GO */ CSRoundEnd_TerroristsEscaped, /**< The terrorists have escaped! */ CSRoundEnd_CTStoppedEscape, /**< The CTs have prevented most of the terrorists from escaping! */ CSRoundEnd_TerroristsStopped, /**< Escaping terrorists have all been neutralized! */ CSRoundEnd_BombDefused, /**< The bomb has been defused! */ CSRoundEnd_CTWin, /**< Counter-Terrorists Win! */ CSRoundEnd_TerroristWin, /**< Terrorists Win! */ CSRoundEnd_Draw, /**< Round Draw! */ CSRoundEnd_HostagesRescued, /**< All Hostages have been rescued! */ CSRoundEnd_TargetSaved, /**< Target has been saved! */ CSRoundEnd_HostagesNotRescued, /**< Hostages have not been rescued! */ CSRoundEnd_TerroristsNotEscaped, /**< Terrorists have not escaped! */ CSRoundEnd_VIPNotEscaped, /**< VIP has not escaped! - Doesn't exist on CS:GO */ CSRoundEnd_GameStart, /**< Game Commencing! */ // The below only exist on CS:GO CSRoundEnd_TerroristsSurrender, /**< Terrorists Surrender */ CSRoundEnd_CTSurrender, /**< CTs Surrender */ CSRoundEnd_TerroristsPlanted, /**< Terrorists Planted the bomb */ CSRoundEnd_CTsReachedHostage /**< CTs Reached the hostage */ }; enum CSWeaponID { CSWeapon_NONE = 0, CSWeapon_P228, CSWeapon_GLOCK, CSWeapon_SCOUT, CSWeapon_HEGRENADE, CSWeapon_XM1014, CSWeapon_C4, CSWeapon_MAC10, CSWeapon_AUG, CSWeapon_SMOKEGRENADE, CSWeapon_ELITE, CSWeapon_FIVESEVEN, CSWeapon_UMP45, CSWeapon_SG550, CSWeapon_GALIL, CSWeapon_FAMAS, CSWeapon_USP, CSWeapon_AWP, CSWeapon_MP5NAVY, CSWeapon_M249, CSWeapon_M3, CSWeapon_M4A1, CSWeapon_TMP, CSWeapon_G3SG1, CSWeapon_FLASHBANG, CSWeapon_DEAGLE, CSWeapon_SG552, CSWeapon_AK47, CSWeapon_KNIFE, CSWeapon_P90, CSWeapon_SHIELD, CSWeapon_KEVLAR, CSWeapon_ASSAULTSUIT, CSWeapon_NIGHTVISION, //Anything below is CS:GO ONLY CSWeapon_GALILAR, CSWeapon_BIZON, CSWeapon_MAG7, CSWeapon_NEGEV, CSWeapon_SAWEDOFF, CSWeapon_TEC9, CSWeapon_TASER, CSWeapon_HKP2000, CSWeapon_MP7, CSWeapon_MP9, CSWeapon_NOVA, CSWeapon_P250, CSWeapon_SCAR17, CSWeapon_SCAR20, CSWeapon_SG556, CSWeapon_SSG08, CSWeapon_KNIFE_GG, CSWeapon_MOLOTOV, CSWeapon_DECOY, CSWeapon_INCGRENADE, CSWeapon_DEFUSER, CSWeapon_HEAVYASSAULTSUIT, //The rest are actual item definition indexes for CS:GO CSWeapon_CUTTERS = 56, CSWeapon_HEALTHSHOT = 57, CSWeapon_KNIFE_T = 59, CSWeapon_M4A1_SILENCER = 60, CSWeapon_USP_SILENCER = 61, CSWeapon_CZ75A = 63, CSWeapon_REVOLVER = 64, CSWeapon_TAGGRENADE = 68, CSWeapon_FISTS = 69, CSWeapon_BREACHCHARGE = 70, CSWeapon_TABLET = 72, CSWeapon_MELEE = 74, CSWeapon_AXE = 75, CSWeapon_HAMMER = 76, CSWeapon_SPANNER = 78, CSWeapon_KNIFE_GHOST = 80, CSWeapon_FIREBOMB = 81, CSWeapon_DIVERSION = 82, CSWeapon_FRAGGRENADE = 83, CSWeapon_SNOWBALL = 84, CSWeapon_BUMPMINE = 85, CSWeapon_MAX_WEAPONS_NO_KNIFES, // Max without the knife item defs, useful when treating all knives as a regular knife. CSWeapon_BAYONET = 500, CSWeapon_KNIFE_CLASSIC = 503, CSWeapon_KNIFE_FLIP = 505, CSWeapon_KNIFE_GUT = 506, CSWeapon_KNIFE_KARAMBIT = 507, CSWeapon_KNIFE_M9_BAYONET = 508, CSWeapon_KNIFE_TATICAL = 509, CSWeapon_KNIFE_FALCHION = 512, CSWeapon_KNIFE_SURVIVAL_BOWIE = 514, CSWeapon_KNIFE_BUTTERFLY = 515, CSWeapon_KNIFE_PUSH = 516, CSWeapon_KNIFE_CORD = 517, CSWeapon_KNIFE_CANIS = 518, CSWeapon_KNIFE_URSUS = 519, CSWeapon_KNIFE_GYPSY_JACKKNIFE = 520, CSWeapon_KNIFE_OUTDOOR = 521, CSWeapon_KNIFE_STILETTO = 522, CSWeapon_KNIFE_WIDOWMAKER = 523, CSWeapon_KNIFE_SKELETON = 525, CSWeapon_MAX_WEAPONS //THIS MUST BE LAST, EASY WAY TO CREATE LOOPS. When looping, do CS_IsValidWeaponID(i), to check. }; /** * Called when a player attempts to purchase an item. * Return Plugin_Continue to allow the purchase or return a * higher action to deny. * * @param client Client index * @param weapon User input for weapon name */ forward Action CS_OnBuyCommand(int client, const char[] weapon); /** * Called when CSWeaponDrop is called * Return Plugin_Continue to allow the call or return a * higher action to block. * * @param client Client index * @param weaponIndex Weapon index * @param donated Was weapon donated (Bought from a buy menu while ctrl was pressed) * (Note: This param is for CS:GO only, will be false on other games) */ forward Action CS_OnCSWeaponDrop(int client, int weaponIndex, bool donated); /** * Called when game retrieves a weapon's price for a player. * Return Plugin_Continue to use default value or return a higher * action to use a newly-set price. * * @note This can be called multiple times per weapon purchase * * @param client Client index * @param weapon Weapon classname * @param price Buffer param for the price of the weapon * * @note Not all "weapons" call GetWeaponPrice. Example: c4, knife, vest, vest helmet, night vision. */ forward Action CS_OnGetWeaponPrice(int client, const char[] weapon, int &price); /** * Called when TerminateRound is called. * Return Plugin_Continue to ignore, return Plugin_Changed to continue, * using the given delay and reason, or return Plugin_Handled or a higher * action to block TerminateRound from firing. * * @param delay Time (in seconds) until new round starts * @param reason Reason for round end */ forward Action CS_OnTerminateRound(float &delay, CSRoundEndReason &reason); /** * Respawns a player. * * @param client Player's index. * @error Invalid client index, client not in game. */ native void CS_RespawnPlayer(int client); /** * Switches the player's team. * * @param client Player's index. * @param team Team index. * @error Invalid client index, client not in game. */ native void CS_SwitchTeam(int client, int team); /** * Forces a player to drop or toss their weapon * * @param client Player's index. * @param weaponIndex Index of weapon to drop. * @param toss True to toss weapon (with velocity) or false to just drop weapon * @param blockhook Set to true to stop the corresponding CS_OnCSWeaponDrop * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or invalid weapon index. */ native void CS_DropWeapon(int client, int weaponIndex, bool toss, bool blockhook = false); /** * Forces round to end with a reason * * @param delay Time (in seconds) to delay before new round starts * @param reason Reason for the round ending * @param blockhook Set to true to stop the corresponding CS_OnTerminateRound * forward from being called. */ native void CS_TerminateRound(float delay, CSRoundEndReason reason, bool blockhook = false); /** * Gets a weapon name from a weapon alias * * @param alias Weapons alias to get weapon name for. * @param weapon Buffer to store weapons name * @param size Size of buffer to store the weapons name. * * @note Will set the buffer to the original alias if it is not an alias to a weapon. */ native void CS_GetTranslatedWeaponAlias(const char[] alias, char[] weapon, int size); /** * Gets a weapon's price * * @param client Client to check weapon price for. * @param id Weapon id for the weapon to check * @param defaultprice Set to true to get defaultprice. * @return Returns price of the weapon (even if modified) * @error Invalid client, failing to get weapon info, or failing to get price offset. * * @note c4, knife and shield will always return 0. vest, vest helmet and night vision will always return default price. */ native int CS_GetWeaponPrice(int client, CSWeaponID id, bool defaultprice = false); /** * Gets a clients clan tag * * @param client Client index to get clan tag for. * @param buffer Buffer to store clients clan tag in. * @param size Size of the buffer. * @return Number of non-null bytes written. * @error Invalid client. */ native int CS_GetClientClanTag(int client, char[] buffer, int size); /** * Sets a clients clan tag * * @param client Client index to set clan tag for. * @param tag Tag to set clients clan tag as. * @error Invalid client. */ native void CS_SetClientClanTag(int client, const char[] tag); /** * Gets a team's score * * @param team Team index to get score for. * @return Returns the internal team score. * @error Invalid team index. */ native int CS_GetTeamScore(int team); /** * Sets a team's score * * @param team Team index to set score for. * @param value Value to set teams score as. * @error Invalid team index. * * @note This will update the scoreboard only after the scoreboard update function is called. * Use SetTeamScore plus this to update the scoreboard instantly and save values correctly. */ native void CS_SetTeamScore(int team, int value); /** * Gets a client's mvp count * * @param client Client index to get mvp count of. * @return Returns the client's internal MVP count. * @error Invalid client. */ native int CS_GetMVPCount(int client); /** * Sets a client's mvp count * * @param client Client index to set mvp count for. * @param value Value to set client's mvp count as. * @error Invalid client. */ native void CS_SetMVPCount(int client, int value); /** * Gets a client's contribution score (CS:GO only) * * @param client Client index to get score of. * @return Returns the client's score. * @error Invalid client. */ native int CS_GetClientContributionScore(int client); /** * Sets a client's contribution score (CS:GO only) * * @param client Client index to set score for. * @param value Value to set client's score as. * @error Invalid client. */ native void CS_SetClientContributionScore(int client, int value); /** * Gets a client's assists (CS:GO only) * * @param client Client index to get assists of. * @return Returns the client's assists. * @error Invalid client. */ native int CS_GetClientAssists(int client); /** * Sets a client's assists (CS:GO only) * * @param client Client index to set assists for. * @param value Value to set client's assists as. * @error Invalid client. */ native void CS_SetClientAssists(int client, int value); /** * Gets a weaponID from a alias * * @param alias Weapon alias to attempt to get an id for. * @return Returns a weapon id or 0 if failed to find a match. * * @note For best results use CS_GetTranslatedWeaponAlias on the weapon name before passing it. */ native CSWeaponID CS_AliasToWeaponID(const char[] alias); /** * Gets a alias from a weaponID * * @param weaponID WeaponID to get alias for. * @param destination Destination string to hold the weapon alias. * @param len Length of the destination array. * @return Returns number of cells written. */ native int CS_WeaponIDToAlias(CSWeaponID weaponID, char[] destination, int len); /** * Returns weather a WeaponID is valid on the current mod (css or csgo) * * @param weaponID WeaponID to check * @return Returns true if its a valid WeaponID false otherwise. * * @note This will return false always for CSWeapon_NONE. Should only be called after OnMapStart since weapon info isnt intialized before. */ native bool CS_IsValidWeaponID(CSWeaponID id); /** * Sets a player's model based on their current class * * @param client Player's index. * @error Invalid client index, client not in game. */ native void CS_UpdateClientModel(int client); /** * Returns a CSWeaponID equivalent based on the item definition index. * * @param iDefIndex Definition index to get the CSWeaponID value for. * @return Returns CSWeaponID value for the definition index. * @error Invalid definition index. * * @note In most cases the id will be the item definition index. Works for CS:GO ONLY. */ native CSWeaponID CS_ItemDefIndexToID(int iDefIndex); /** * Returns a item definition index equivalent based on the CSWeaponID. * * @param id CSWeaponID to get the item definition for. * @return Returns item definition index value for the weapon id. * @error Invalid weapon id. * * @note In most cases the item deinition index will be the id. Works for CS:GO ONLY. */ native int CS_WeaponIDToItemDefIndex(CSWeaponID id); /** * Do not edit below this line! */ public Extension __ext_cstrike = { name = "cstrike", file = "games/game.cstrike.ext", autoload = 0, #if defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS required = 1, #else required = 0, #endif }; #if !defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS public void __ext_cstrike_SetNTVOptional() { MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_RespawnPlayer"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_SwitchTeam"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_DropWeapon"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_TerminateRound"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetTranslatedWeaponAlias"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetWeaponPrice"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetClientClanTag"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_SetClientClanTag"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetTeamScore"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_SetTeamScore"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetMVPCount"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_SetMVPCount"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetClientContributionScore"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_SetClientContributionScore"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_GetClientAssists"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_SetClientAssists"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_AliasToWeaponID"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_WeaponIDToAlias"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_IsValidWeaponID"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_UpdateClientModel"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_ItemDefIndexToID"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CS_WeaponIDToItemDefIndex"); } #endif