#ifndef _INCLUDE_SMUD_CONNECTION_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SMUD_CONNECTION_H_ #include "smud.h" #include <list> #include "poll.h" enum ConnectionState { ConnectionState_ReadQueryHeader, ConnectionState_ReadQueryData, ConnectionState_ReplyQuery, ConnectionState_SendingFiles, ConnectionState_SendUnknownList, ConnectionState_Complete, }; enum QueryResult { QueryResult_Continue, QueryResult_Complete, }; enum MD5Status { MD5Status_Unknown, MD5Status_Current, MD5Status_NeedsUpdate, }; enum UpdateStatus { Update_Unknown = 0, /* Version wasn't recognised or version querying is unsupported */ Update_Current = 1, /* Server is running latest version */ Update_NewBuild = 2, /* Server is on a svn release and a newer version is available */ Update_MinorAvailable = 3, /* Server is on a release and a minor release has superceeded it */ Update_MajorAvailable = 4, /* Server is on a release and a major release has superceeded it */ Update_CriticalAvailable = 5, /* A critical update has been released (security fixes etc) */ }; struct smud_connection { smud_connection(int fd) { shouldSend = NULL; fileLocation = NULL; headerSent = NULL; sentSums = 0; sendCount = 0; currentFile = 0; unknownCount = 0; pollData.events = POLLIN; start = time(NULL); state = ConnectionState_ReadQueryHeader; this->fd = fd; pollData.fd = fd; } ~smud_connection() { if (shouldSend != NULL) delete [] shouldSend; if (fileLocation != NULL) delete [] fileLocation; if (headerSent != NULL) delete [] headerSent; } int fd; /** Socket file descriptor */ time_t start; /** The time this connection was received (for timeouts) */ ConnectionState state; /** How far through processing the connection we are */ uint8_t sentSums; /** Number of MD5 Sums sent from the client */ MD5Status *shouldSend; /** Arrays of statuses for each sum */ int *fileLocation; /** Array of indexes into the global file list for each sum (only valid if shouldSend[i] == MD5Status_NeedsUpdate) */ bool *headerSent; /** Has the header been sent yet for each sum? Header == file index and size */ int sendCount; /** Number of files that need to be sent */ int unknownCount; /** Number of files that were unknown */ int currentFile; /** Current file being sent (index into the above 3 arrays) */ pollfd pollData; /** Data to be passed into poll() */ }; class ConnectionPool { public: ConnectionPool(); ~ConnectionPool(); public: void AddConnection(int fd); void Process(bool *terminate); private: QueryResult ProcessConnection(smud_connection *con); void ReadQueryHeader(smud_connection *con); void ReadQueryContent(smud_connection *con); void ReplyQuery(smud_connection *con); void SendFile(smud_connection *con); void SendUnknownList(smud_connection *con); MD5Status GetMD5UpdateStatus(const char *md5, smud_connection *con, int fileNum); private: std::list<smud_connection *> m_Links; std::list<smud_connection *> m_AddQueue; pthread_mutex_t m_AddLock; time_t m_timeOut; }; #endif //_INCLUDE_SMUD_CONNECTION_H_