 * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
 * =============================================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2014 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * =============================================================================
 * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
 * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
 * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
 * by the Valve Corporation.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in
 * all respects for all other code used.  Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
 * this exception to all derivative works.  AlliedModders LLC defines further
 * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
 * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
 * Version: $Id$

#if defined _convars_included
#define _convars_included

 * Console variable bound values used with Get/SetConVarBounds()
enum ConVarBounds
	ConVarBound_Upper = 0,

 * Console variable query result values.
enum ConVarQueryResult
	ConVarQuery_Cancelled = -1,         //< Client disconnected during query */
	ConVarQuery_Okay = 0,               //< Retrieval of client convar value was successful. */
	ConVarQuery_NotFound,               //< Client convar was not found. */
	ConVarQuery_NotValid,               //< A console command with the same name was found, but there is no convar. */
	ConVarQuery_Protected               //< Client convar was found, but it is protected. The server cannot retrieve its value. */

 * Called when a console variable's value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar that was changed.
 * @param oldValue      String containing the value of the convar before it was changed.
 * @param newValue      String containing the new value of the convar.
typedef ConVarChanged = function void (ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue);

 * Creates a new console variable.
 * @param name          Name of new convar.
 * @param defaultValue  String containing the default value of new convar.
 * @param description   Optional description of the convar.
 * @param flags         Optional bitstring of flags determining how the convar should be handled. See FCVAR_* constants for more details.
 * @param hasMin        Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a minimum value.
 * @param min           Minimum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMin is true.
 * @param hasMax        Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a maximum value.
 * @param max           Maximum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMax is true.
 * @return              A handle to the newly created convar. If the convar already exists, a handle to it will still be returned.
 * @error               Convar name is blank or is the same as an existing console command.
native ConVar CreateConVar(
	const char[] name,
	const char[] defaultValue,
	const char[] description="",
	int flags=0,
	bool hasMin=false, float min=0.0,
	bool hasMax=false, float max=0.0);

 * Searches for a console variable.
 * @param name          Name of convar to find.
 * @return              A ConVar object if found; null otherwise.
native ConVar FindConVar(const char[] name);

// A ConVar is a configurable, named setting in the srcds console.
methodmap ConVar < Handle
	// Retrieves or sets a boolean value for the convar.
	property bool BoolValue {
		public native get();
		public native set(bool b);

	// Retrieves or sets an integer value for the convar.
	property int IntValue {
		public native get();
		public native set(int value);

	// Retrieves or sets a float value for the convar.
	property float FloatValue {
		public native get();
		public native set(float value);

	// Gets or sets the flag bits (FCVAR_*) on the convar.
	property int Flags {
		public native get();
		public native set(int flags);

	// Retrieves the plugin handle of the convar's creator
	property Handle Plugin {
		public native get();

	// Sets the boolean value of a console variable.
	// Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the
	// original, Dark Messiah, and Episode 1 engines. Newer engines
	// automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
	// @param value     New boolean value.
	// @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
	//                  This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
	//                  and actually exists on clients.
	// @param notify    If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
	//                  This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
	public native void SetBool(bool value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

	// Sets the integer value of a console variable.
	// Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the
	// original, Dark Messiah, and Episode 1 engines. Newer engines
	// automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
	// @param value     New integer value.
	// @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
	//                  This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
	//                  and actually exists on clients.
	// @param notify    If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
	//                  This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
	public native void SetInt(int value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

	// Sets the floating point value of a console variable.
	// Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the
	// original, Dark Messiah, and Episode 1 engines. Newer engines
	// automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
	// @param value     New floating point value.
	// @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
	//                  This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
	//                  and actually exists on clients.
	// @param notify    If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
	//                  This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
	public native void SetFloat(float value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

	// Retrieves the string value of a console variable.
	// @param value      Buffer to store the value of the convar.
	// @param maxlength  Maximum length of string buffer.
	public native void GetString(char[] value, int maxlength);

	// Sets the string value of a console variable.
	// Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the
	// original, Dark Messiah, and Episode 1 engines. Newer engines
	// automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
	// @param value      New string value.
	// @param replicate  If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
	//                   This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
	//                   and actually exists on clients.
	// @param notify     If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
	//                   This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
	public native void SetString(const char[] value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

	// Resets the console variable to its default value.
	// Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the
	// original, Dark Messiah, and Episode 1 engines. Newer engines
	// automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
	// @param replicate  If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
	//                   This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
	//                   and actually exists on clients.
	// @param notify     If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
	//                   This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
	public native void RestoreDefault(bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

	// Retrieves the default string value of a console variable.
	// @param value      Buffer to store the default value of the convar.
	// @param maxlength  Maximum length of string buffer.
	// @return           Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe).
	public native int GetDefault(char[] value, int maxlength);

	// Retrieves the specified bound of a console variable.
	// @param type       Type of bound to retrieve, ConVarBound_Lower or ConVarBound_Upper.
	// @param value      By-reference cell to store the specified floating point bound value.
	// @return           True if the convar has the specified bound set, false otherwise.
	public native bool GetBounds(ConVarBounds type, float &value);

	// Sets the specified bound of a console variable.
	// @param type       Type of bound to set, ConVarBound_Lower or ConVarBound_Upper
	// @param set        If set to true, convar will use specified bound. If false, bound will be removed.
	// @param value      Floating point value to use as the specified bound.
	public native void SetBounds(ConVarBounds type, bool set, float value=0.0);

	// Retrieves the name of a console variable.
	// @param name       Buffer to store the name of the convar.
	// @param maxlength  Maximum length of string buffer.
	public native void GetName(char[] name, int maxlength);

	// Retrieves the description of a console variable.
	// @param buffer     Buffer to store the description of the convar.
	// @param maxlength  Maximum length of string buffer.
	public native void GetDescription(char[] buffer, int maxlength);

	// Replicates a convar value to a specific client. This does not change the actual convar value.
	// @param client     Client index
	// @param value      String value to send
	// @return           True on success, false on failure
	// @error            Invalid client index, client not in game, or client is fake
	public native bool ReplicateToClient(int client, const char[] value);

	// Creates a hook for when a console variable's value is changed.
	// @param callback  An OnConVarChanged function pointer.
	public native void AddChangeHook(ConVarChanged callback);

	// Removes a hook for when a console variable's value is changed.
	// @param callback  An OnConVarChanged function pointer.
	// @error           No active hook on convar.
	public native void RemoveChangeHook(ConVarChanged callback);

 * Creates a hook for when a console variable's value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param callback      An OnConVarChanged function pointer.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle or invalid callback function.
native void HookConVarChange(Handle convar, ConVarChanged callback);

 * Removes a hook for when a console variable's value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param callback      An OnConVarChanged function pointer.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle, invalid callback function, or no active hook on convar.
native void UnhookConVarChange(Handle convar, ConVarChanged callback);

 * Returns the boolean value of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @return              The boolean value of the convar.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native bool GetConVarBool(Handle convar);

 * Sets the boolean value of a console variable.
 * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and
 * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param value         New boolean value.
 * @param replicate     If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
 *                      and actually exists on clients.
 * @param notify        If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void SetConVarBool(Handle convar, bool value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

 * Returns the integer value of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @return              The integer value of the convar.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native int GetConVarInt(Handle convar);

 * Sets the integer value of a console variable.
 * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and
 * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param value         New integer value.
 * @param replicate     If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
 *                      and actually exists on clients.
 * @param notify        If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void SetConVarInt(Handle convar, int value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

 * Returns the floating point value of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @return              The floating point value of the convar.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native float GetConVarFloat(Handle convar);

 * Sets the floating point value of a console variable.
 * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and
 * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param value         New floating point value.
 * @param replicate     If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
 *                      and actually exists on clients.
 * @param notify        If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void SetConVarFloat(Handle convar, float value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

 * Retrieves the string value of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param value         Buffer to store the value of the convar.
 * @param maxlength     Maximum length of string buffer.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.     
native void GetConVarString(Handle convar, char[] value, int maxlength);

 * Sets the string value of a console variable.
 * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and
 * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param value         New string value.
 * @param replicate     If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
 *                      and actually exists on clients.
 * @param notify        If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void SetConVarString(Handle convar, const char[] value, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

 * Resets the console variable to its default value.
 * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and
 * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param replicate     If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag
 *                      and actually exists on clients.
 * @param notify        If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed.
 *                      This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void ResetConVar(Handle convar, bool replicate=false, bool notify=false);

 * Retrieves the default string value of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param value         Buffer to store the default value of the convar.
 * @param maxlength     Maximum length of string buffer.
 * @return              Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe).
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native int GetConVarDefault(Handle convar, char[] value, int maxlength);

 * Returns the bitstring of flags on a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @return              A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags that are enabled.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native int GetConVarFlags(Handle convar);

 * Sets the bitstring of flags on a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param flags         A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags to enable.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void SetConVarFlags(Handle convar, int flags);

 * Retrieves the specified bound of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param type          Type of bound to retrieve, ConVarBound_Lower or ConVarBound_Upper.
 * @param value         By-reference cell to store the specified floating point bound value.
 * @return              True if the convar has the specified bound set, false otherwise.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native bool GetConVarBounds(Handle convar, ConVarBounds type, float &value);

 * Sets the specified bound of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param type          Type of bound to set, ConVarBound_Lower or ConVarBound_Upper
 * @param set           If set to true, convar will use specified bound. If false, bound will be removed.
 * @param value         Floating point value to use as the specified bound.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.
native void SetConVarBounds(Handle convar, ConVarBounds type, bool set, float value=0.0);

 * Retrieves the name of a console variable.
 * @param convar        Handle to the convar.
 * @param name          Buffer to store the name of the convar.
 * @param maxlength     Maximum length of string buffer.
 * @error               Invalid or corrupt Handle.     
native void GetConVarName(Handle convar, char[] name, int maxlength);

 * Replicates a convar value to a specific client. This does not change the actual convar value.
 * @param client        Client index
 * @param convar        ConVar handle
 * @param value         String value to send
 * @return              True on success, false on failure
 * @error               Invalid client index, client not in game, or client is fake
native bool SendConVarValue(int client, Handle convar, const char[] value);

typeset ConVarQueryFinished
	// Called when a query to retrieve a client's console variable has finished.
	// @param cookie        Unique identifier of query.
	// @param client        Player index.
	// @param result        Result of query that tells one whether or not query was successful.
	//                      See ConVarQueryResult enum for more details.
	// @param convarName    Name of client convar that was queried.
	// @param convarValue   Value of client convar that was queried if successful. This will be "" if it was not.
	// @param value         Value that was passed when query was started.
	function void (QueryCookie cookie, int client, ConVarQueryResult result, const char[] cvarName, const char[] cvarValue, any value);
	// Called when a query to retrieve a client's console variable has finished.
	// @param cookie        Unique identifier of query.
	// @param client        Player index.
	// @param result        Result of query that tells one whether or not query was successful.
	//                      See ConVarQueryResult enum for more details.
	// @param convarName    Name of client convar that was queried.
	// @param convarValue   Value of client convar that was queried if successful. This will be "" if it was not.
	function void (QueryCookie cookie, int client, ConVarQueryResult result, const char[] cvarName, const char[] cvarValue);

 * Starts a query to retrieve the value of a client's console variable.
 * @param client        Player index.
 * @param cvarName      Name of client convar to query.
 * @param callback      A function to use as a callback when the query has finished.
 * @param value         Optional value to pass to the callback function.
 * @return              A cookie that uniquely identifies the query. 
 *                      Returns QUERYCOOKIE_FAILED on failure, such as when used on a bot.
native QueryCookie QueryClientConVar(int client, const char[] cvarName, ConVarQueryFinished callback, any value=0);

 * Returns true if the supplied character is valid in a ConVar name.
 * @param c             Character to validate.
 * @return              True is valid for ConVars, false otherwise
stock bool IsValidConVarChar(int c)
	return (c == '_' || IsCharAlpha(c) || IsCharNumeric(c));