#ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_CONFIG_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_CONFIG_H_ #include <stdio.h> /** * @brief Acquires the interfaces enabled at the bottom of this header. * * @param error Buffer to store error message. * @param maxlength Maximum size of the error buffer. * @return True on success, false on failure. * On failure, a null-terminated string will be stored * in the error buffer, if the buffer is non-NULL and * greater than 0 bytes in size. */ bool SM_AcquireInterfaces(char *error, size_t maxlength); /** * @brief Sets each acquired interface to NULL. */ void SM_UnsetInterfaces(); /** * Enable interfaces you want to use here by uncommenting lines. * These interfaces are all part of SourceMod's core. */ //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_FORWARDSYS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_HANDLESYS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_PLAYERHELPERS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_DBMANAGER //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_GAMECONF //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_MEMUTILS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_GAMEHELPERS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_TIMERSYS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_THREADER //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_LIBSYS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_MENUS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_ADTFACTORY //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_PLUGINSYS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_ADMINSYS //#define SMEXT_ENABLE_TEXTPARSERS /** * There is no need to edit below. */ #include <IShareSys.h> #include <IExtensionSys.h> extern SourceMod::IExtension *myself; extern SourceMod::IExtensionManager *smexts; extern SourceMod::IShareSys *sharesys; #include <ISourceMod.h> extern SourceMod::ISourceMod *sm_main; #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_FORWARDSYS #include <IForwardSys.h> extern SourceMod::IForwardManager *sm_forwards; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_HANDLESYS #include <IHandleSys.h> extern SourceMod::IHandleSys *sm_handlesys; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_PLAYERHELPERS #include <IPlayerHelpers.h> extern SourceMod::IPlayerManager *sm_players; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_DBMANAGER #include <IDBDriver.h> extern SourceMod::IDBManager *sm_dbi; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_GAMECONF #include <IGameConfigs.h> extern SourceMod::IGameConfigManager *sm_gameconfs; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_MEMUTILS #include <IMemoryUtils.h> extern SourceMod::IMemoryUtils *sm_memutils; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_GAMEHELPERS #include <IGameHelpers.h> extern SourceMod::IGameHelpers *sm_gamehelpers; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_TIMERSYS #include <ITimerSystem.h> extern SourceMod::ITimerSystem *sm_timersys; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_THREADER #include <IThreader.h> extern SourceMod::IThreader *sm_threader; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_LIBSYS #include <ILibrarySys.h> extern SourceMod::ILibrarySys *sm_libsys; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_PLUGINSYS #include <IPluginSys.h> extern SourceMod::IPluginManager *sm_plsys; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_MENUS #include <IMenuManager.h> extern SourceMod::IMenuManager *sm_menus; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_ADMINSYS #include <IAdminSystem.h> extern SourceMod::IAdminSystem *sm_adminsys; #endif #if defined SMEXT_ENABLE_TEXTPARSERS #include <ITextParsers.h> extern SourceMod::ITextParsers *sm_text; #endif #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_CONFIG_H_