// vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et: // ============================================================================= // SourcePawn // Copyright (C) 2004-2014 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. // ============================================================================= // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the // Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the // code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the // "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software // by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in // all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants // this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further // exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), // or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. #ifndef _INCLUDE_SPFILE_HEADERS_v1_opcodes_H #define _INCLUDE_SPFILE_HEADERS_v1_opcodes_H #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> namespace sp { // Opcodes labelled "UNGEN" cannot be generated by the compiler. Quite a few, // if they could, make little sense in the context of a JIT and could not // work anyway. Opcodes technically present in sc4.c/sc7.c (respectively, // the code emitter and peephole optimizer) are not necessarily ever generated. // For example, lref.pri and lref.alt would be used if a reference could be // stored in the global scope; but they can't, so they are unreachable. // // Most opcodes have been manually verified. A few have not, as they are only // produced by the peephole optimizer, or not produced at all, or eliminated // during optimization. We generate them anyway, just in case, but they have // not been tested. // lref.s.alt (phopt only) // stor.alt (never) // stor.s.alt (never) // sref.s.alt (never) // lidx.b (phopt only, probably impossible) // idxaddr.b (phopt only, looks difficult) // move.pri (eliminated in phopt) // shl.c.pri (eliminated in phopt) // shl.c.alt (eliminated in phopt) // shr.c.pri (eliminated in phopt) // shr.c.alt (eliminated in phopt) // eq.c.alt (never) // inc.alt (never) // dec.alt (never) // sdiv (never) // nop (never in function bodies) // // Additionally, some opcodes which were supported in the earlier JIT are no // longer supported because of the above: // lref.pri/alt // sref.pri/alt // sign.pri/alt #define OPCODE_LIST(_) \ _(NONE, "none") \ _(LOAD_PRI, "load.pri") \ _(LOAD_ALT, "load.alt") \ _(LOAD_S_PRI, "load.s.pri") \ _(LOAD_S_ALT, "load.s.alt") \ _(UNGEN_LREF_PRI, "lref.pri") \ _(UNGEN_LREF_ALT, "lref.alt") \ _(LREF_S_PRI, "lref.s.pri") \ _(LREF_S_ALT, "lref.s.alt") \ _(LOAD_I, "load.i") \ _(LODB_I, "lodb.i") \ _(CONST_PRI, "const.pri") \ _(CONST_ALT, "const.alt") \ _(ADDR_PRI, "addr.pri") \ _(ADDR_ALT, "addr.alt") \ _(STOR_PRI, "stor.pri") \ _(STOR_ALT, "stor.alt") \ _(STOR_S_PRI, "stor.s.pri") \ _(STOR_S_ALT, "stor.s.alt") \ _(UNGEN_SREF_PRI, "sref.pri") \ _(UNGEN_SREF_ALT, "sref.alt") \ _(SREF_S_PRI, "sref.s.pri") \ _(SREF_S_ALT, "sref.s.alt") \ _(STOR_I, "stor.i") \ _(STRB_I, "strb.i") \ _(LIDX, "lidx") \ _(LIDX_B, "lidx.b") \ _(IDXADDR, "idxaddr") \ _(IDXADDR_B, "idxaddr.b") \ _(UNGEN_ALIGN_PRI,"align.pri") \ _(UNGEN_ALIGN_ALT,"align.alt") \ _(UNGEN_LCTRL, "lctrl") \ _(UNGEN_SCTRL, "sctrl") \ _(MOVE_PRI, "move.pri") \ _(MOVE_ALT, "move.alt") \ _(XCHG, "xchg") \ _(PUSH_PRI, "push.pri") \ _(PUSH_ALT, "push.alt") \ _(UNGEN_PUSH_R, "push.r") \ _(PUSH_C, "push.c") \ _(PUSH, "push") \ _(PUSH_S, "push.s") \ _(POP_PRI, "pop.pri") \ _(POP_ALT, "pop.alt") \ _(STACK, "stack") \ _(HEAP, "heap") \ _(PROC, "proc") \ _(UNGEN_RET, "ret") \ _(RETN, "retn") \ _(CALL, "call") \ _(UNGEN_CALL_PRI, "call.pri") \ _(JUMP, "jump") \ _(UNGEN_JREL, "jrel") \ _(JZER, "jzer") \ _(JNZ, "jnz") \ _(JEQ, "jeq") \ _(JNEQ, "jneq") \ _(UNGEN_JLESS, "jsless") \ _(UNGEN_JLEQ, "jleq") \ _(UNGEN_JGRTR, "jgrtr") \ _(UNGEN_JGEQ, "jgeq") \ _(JSLESS, "jsless") \ _(JSLEQ, "jsleq") \ _(JSGRTR, "jsgrtr") \ _(JSGEQ, "jsgeq") \ _(SHL, "shl") \ _(SHR, "shr") \ _(SSHR, "sshr") \ _(SHL_C_PRI, "shl.c.pri") \ _(SHL_C_ALT, "shl.c.alt") \ _(SHR_C_PRI, "shr.c.pri") \ _(SHR_C_ALT, "shr.c.alt") \ _(SMUL, "smul") \ _(SDIV, "sdiv") \ _(SDIV_ALT, "sdiv.alt") \ _(UNGEN_UMUL, "umul") \ _(UNGEN_UDIV, "udiv") \ _(UNGEN_UDIV_ALT, "udiv.alt") \ _(ADD, "add") \ _(SUB, "sub") \ _(SUB_ALT, "sub.alt") \ _(AND, "and") \ _(OR, "or") \ _(XOR, "xor") \ _(NOT, "not") \ _(NEG, "neg") \ _(INVERT, "invert") \ _(ADD_C, "add.c") \ _(SMUL_C, "smul.c") \ _(ZERO_PRI, "zero.pri") \ _(ZERO_ALT, "zero.alt") \ _(ZERO, "zero") \ _(ZERO_S, "zero.s") \ _(UNGEN_SIGN_PRI, "sign.pri") \ _(UNGEN_SIGN_ALT, "sign.alt") \ _(EQ, "eq") \ _(NEQ, "neq") \ _(UNGEN_LESS, "less") \ _(UNGEN_LEQ, "leq") \ _(UNGEN_GRTR, "grtr") \ _(UNGEN_GEQ, "geq") \ _(SLESS, "sless") \ _(SLEQ, "sleq") \ _(SGRTR, "sgrtr") \ _(SGEQ, "sgeq") \ _(EQ_C_PRI, "eq.c.pri") \ _(EQ_C_ALT, "eq.c.alt") \ _(INC_PRI, "inc.pri") \ _(INC_ALT, "inc.alt") \ _(INC, "inc") \ _(INC_S, "inc.s") \ _(INC_I, "inc.i") \ _(DEC_PRI, "dec.pri") \ _(DEC_ALT, "dec.alt") \ _(DEC, "dec") \ _(DEC_S, "dec.s") \ _(DEC_I, "dec.i") \ _(MOVS, "movs") \ _(UNGEN_CMPS, "cmps") \ _(FILL, "fill") \ _(HALT, "halt") \ _(BOUNDS, "bounds") \ _(UNGEN_SYSREQ_PRI,"sysreq.pri") \ _(SYSREQ_C, "sysreq.c") \ _(UNGEN_FILE, "file") \ _(UNGEN_LINE, "line") \ _(UNGEN_SYMBOL, "symbol") \ _(UNGEN_SRANGE, "srange") \ _(UNGEN_JUMP_PRI, "jump.pri") \ _(SWITCH, "switch") \ _(CASETBL, "casetbl") \ _(SWAP_PRI, "swap.pri") \ _(SWAP_ALT, "swap.alt") \ _(PUSH_ADR, "push.adr") \ _(NOP, "nop") \ _(SYSREQ_N, "sysreq.n") \ _(UNGEN_SYMTAG, "symtag") \ _(BREAK, "break") \ _(PUSH2_C, "push2.c") \ _(PUSH2, "push2") \ _(PUSH2_S, "push2.s") \ _(PUSH2_ADR, "push2.adr") \ _(PUSH3_C, "push3.c") \ _(PUSH3, "push3") \ _(PUSH3_S, "push3.s") \ _(PUSH3_ADR, "push3.adr") \ _(PUSH4_C, "push4.c") \ _(PUSH4, "push4") \ _(PUSH4_S, "push4.s") \ _(PUSH4_ADR, "push4.adr") \ _(PUSH5_C, "push5.c") \ _(PUSH5, "push5") \ _(PUSH5_S, "push5.s") \ _(PUSH5_ADR, "push5.adr") \ _(LOAD_BOTH, "load.both") \ _(LOAD_S_BOTH, "load.s.both") \ _(CONST, "const") \ _(CONST_S, "const.s") \ _(UNGEN_SYSREQ_D, "sysreq.d") \ _(UNGEB_SYSREQ_ND,"sysreq.nd") \ _(TRACKER_PUSH_C, "trk.push.c") \ _(TRACKER_POP_SETHEAP,"trk.pop") \ _(GENARRAY, "genarray") \ _(GENARRAY_Z, "genarray.z") \ _(STRADJUST_PRI, "stradjust.pri") \ _(UNGEN_STKADJUST,"stackadjust") \ _(ENDPROC, "endproc") \ _(FABS, "fabs") \ _(FLOAT, "float") \ _(FLOATADD, "float.add") \ _(FLOATSUB, "float.sub") \ _(FLOATMUL, "float.mul") \ _(FLOATDIV, "float.div") \ _(RND_TO_NEAREST, "round") \ _(RND_TO_FLOOR, "floor") \ _(RND_TO_CEIL, "ceil") \ _(RND_TO_ZERO, "rndtozero") \ _(FLOATCMP, "float.cmp") \ _(FLOAT_GT, "float.gt") \ _(FLOAT_GE, "float.ge") \ _(FLOAT_LT, "float.lt") \ _(FLOAT_LE, "float.le") \ _(FLOAT_NE, "float.ne") \ _(FLOAT_EQ, "float.eq") \ _(FLOAT_NOT, "float.not") enum OPCODE { #define _(op, text) OP_##op, OPCODE_LIST(_) #undef _ OPCODES_TOTAL }; } // namespace sp #endif // _INCLUDE_SPFILE_HEADERS_v1_opcodes_H