#if defined _tf2_included #endinput #endif #define _tf2_included enum TFClassType { TFClass_Unknown = 0, TFClass_Scout, TFClass_Sniper, TFClass_Soldier, TFClass_DemoMan, TFClass_Medic, TFClass_Heavy, TFClass_Pyro, TFClass_Spy, TFClass_Engineer } enum TFTeam { TFTeam_Unassigned = 0, TFTeam_Spectator = 1, TFTeam_Red = 2, TFTeam_Blue = 3 } /** * Set's a Clients invulnrability status (ubercharge effect) * * @param client Player's index. * @param enabled Enable/Disable invulnrability. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support. */ native TF2_SetPlayerInvuln(client, bool:enabled); /** * Sets a client on fire for 10 seconds. * * @param client Player's index. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support. */ native TF2_IgnitePlayer(client, target); /** * Respawns a client * * @param client Player's index. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support. */ native TF2_RespawnPlayer(client); /** * Disguises a client to the given model and team. Only has an effect on spies. * * Note: This only starts the disguise process and a delay occurs before the spy is fully disguised * * @param client Player's index. * @param team Team to disguise the player as (only TFTeam_Red and TFTeam_Blue have an effect) * @param class TFClassType class to disguise the player as * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support. */ native TF2_DisguisePlayer(client, TFTeam:team, TFClassType:class); /** * Removes the current disguise from a client. Only has an effect on spies. * * @param client Player's index. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support. */ native TF2_RemovePlayerDisguise(client); /** * Retrieves the entity index of the CPlayerResource entity * * @return The current resource entity index. */ native TF2_GetResourceEntity(); /** * Finds the TFClassType for a given class name. * * @param classname A classname string such as "sniper" or "demoman" * @return A TFClassType constant. */ native TFClassType:TF2_GetClass(const String:classname[]); /** * Do not edit below this line! */ public Extension:__ext_tf2 = { name = "TF2 Tools", file = "game.tf2.ext", autoload = 1, #if defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS required = 1, #else required = 0, #endif };