/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 tw=99 et: */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "sc.h" #include "sctracker.h" memuse_list_t *heapusage = NULL; memuse_list_t *stackusage = NULL; funcenum_t *firstenum = NULL; funcenum_t *lastenum = NULL; pstruct_t *firststruct = NULL; pstruct_t *laststruct = NULL; methodmap_t *methodmap_first = NULL; methodmap_t *methodmap_last = NULL; structarg_t *pstructs_getarg(pstruct_t *pstruct, const char *member) { int i; for (i=0; i<pstruct->argcount; i++) { if (strcmp(pstruct->args[i]->name, member) == 0) return pstruct->args[i]; } return NULL; } pstruct_t *pstructs_add(const char *name) { pstruct_t *p = (pstruct_t *)malloc(sizeof(pstruct_t)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(pstruct_t)); strcpy(p->name, name); if (!firststruct) { firststruct = p; laststruct = p; } else { laststruct->next = p; laststruct = p; } return p; } void pstructs_free() { pstruct_t *p, *next; p = firststruct; while (p) { while (p->argcount--) free(p->args[p->argcount]); free(p->args); next = p->next; free(p); p = next; } firststruct = NULL; laststruct = NULL; } pstruct_t *pstructs_find(const char *name) { pstruct_t *p = firststruct; while (p) { if (strcmp(p->name, name) == 0) return p; p = p->next; } return NULL; } structarg_t *pstructs_addarg(pstruct_t *pstruct, const structarg_t *arg) { structarg_t *newarg; int i; for (i=0; i<pstruct->argcount; i++) { if (strcmp(pstruct->args[i]->name, arg->name) == 0) { /* Don't allow dup names */ return NULL; } } newarg = (structarg_t *)malloc(sizeof(structarg_t)); memcpy(newarg, arg, sizeof(structarg_t)); if (pstruct->argcount == 0) { pstruct->args = (structarg_t **)malloc(sizeof(structarg_t *) * 1); } else { pstruct->args = (structarg_t **)realloc( pstruct->args, sizeof(structarg_t *) * (pstruct->argcount + 1)); } newarg->offs = pstruct->argcount * sizeof(cell); newarg->index = pstruct->argcount; pstruct->args[pstruct->argcount++] = newarg; return newarg; } void funcenums_free() { funcenum_t *e, *next; e = firstenum; while (e) { functag_t *tag, *nexttag; tag = e->first; while (tag) { nexttag = tag->next; free(tag); tag = nexttag; } next = e->next; free(e); e = next; } firstenum = NULL; lastenum = NULL; } funcenum_t *funcenums_find_by_tag(int tag) { funcenum_t *e = firstenum; while (e) { if (e->tag == tag) return e; e = e->next; } return NULL; } funcenum_t *funcenums_add(const char *name) { funcenum_t *e = (funcenum_t *)malloc(sizeof(funcenum_t)); memset(e, 0, sizeof(funcenum_t)); if (!firstenum) { firstenum = e; lastenum = e; } else { lastenum->next = e; lastenum = e; } strcpy(e->name, name); e->tag = pc_addtag_flags((char *)name, FIXEDTAG|FUNCTAG); return e; } funcenum_t *funcenum_for_symbol(symbol *sym) { functag_t ft; memset(&ft, 0, sizeof(ft)); ft.ret_tag = sym->tag; ft.usage = uPUBLIC & (sym->usage & uRETVALUE); ft.argcount = 0; ft.ommittable = FALSE; for (arginfo *arg = sym->dim.arglist; arg->ident; arg++) { funcarg_t *dest = &ft.args[ft.argcount++]; dest->tagcount = arg->numtags; memcpy(dest->tags, arg->tags, arg->numtags * sizeof(int)); dest->dimcount = arg->numdim; memcpy(dest->dims, arg->dim, arg->numdim * sizeof(int)); dest->ident = arg->ident; dest->fconst = !!(arg->usage & uCONST); dest->ommittable = FALSE; } char name[METHOD_NAMEMAX+1]; UTIL_Format(name, sizeof(name), "::ft:%s:%d:%d", sym->name, sym->addr, sym->codeaddr); funcenum_t *fe = funcenums_add(name); functags_add(fe, &ft); return fe; } // Finds a functag that was created intrinsically. functag_t *functag_find_intrinsic(int tag) { funcenum_t *fe = funcenums_find_by_tag(tag); if (!fe) return NULL; if (strncmp(fe->name, "::ft:", 5) != 0) return NULL; assert(fe->first && fe->first == fe->last); return fe->first; } functag_t *functags_add(funcenum_t *en, functag_t *src) { functag_t *t = (functag_t *)malloc(sizeof(functag_t)); memcpy(t, src, sizeof(functag_t)); t->next = NULL; if (en->first == NULL) { en->first = t; en->last = t; } else { en->last->next = t; en->last = t; } return t; } /** * Creates a new mem usage tracker entry */ void _push_memlist(memuse_list_t **head) { memuse_list_t *newlist = (memuse_list_t *)malloc(sizeof(memuse_list_t)); if (*head != NULL) { newlist->list_id = (*head)->list_id + 1; } else { newlist->list_id = 0; } newlist->prev = *head; newlist->head = NULL; *head = newlist; } /** * Pops a heap list but does not free it. */ memuse_list_t *_pop_save_memlist(memuse_list_t **head) { memuse_list_t *oldlist = *head; *head = (*head)->prev; return oldlist; } /** * Marks a memory usage on a memory list */ int _mark_memlist(memuse_list_t *head, int type, int size) { memuse_t *use; if (type==MEMUSE_STATIC && size==0) { return 0; } use=head->head; if (use && (type==MEMUSE_STATIC) && (use->type == type)) { use->size += size; } else { use=(memuse_t *)malloc(sizeof(memuse_t)); use->type=type; use->size=size; use->prev=head->head; head->head=use; } return size; } void _reset_memlist(memuse_list_t **head) { memuse_list_t *curlist = *head; memuse_list_t *tmplist; while (curlist) { memuse_t *curuse = curlist->head; memuse_t *tmpuse; while (curuse) { tmpuse = curuse->prev; free(curuse); curuse = tmpuse; } tmplist = curlist->prev; free(curlist); curlist = tmplist; } *head = NULL; } /** * Wrapper for pushing the heap list */ void pushheaplist() { _push_memlist(&heapusage); } /** * Wrapper for popping and saving the heap list */ memuse_list_t *popsaveheaplist() { return _pop_save_memlist(&heapusage); } /** * Wrapper for marking the heap */ int markheap(int type, int size) { return _mark_memlist(heapusage, type, size); } /** * Wrapper for pushing the stack list */ void pushstacklist() { _push_memlist(&stackusage); } /** * Wrapper for marking the stack */ int markstack(int type, int size) { return _mark_memlist(stackusage, type, size); } /** * Generates code to free all heap allocations on a tracker */ void _heap_freeusage(memuse_list_t *heap, int dofree) { memuse_t *cur=heap->head; memuse_t *tmp; while (cur) { if (cur->type == MEMUSE_STATIC) { modheap((-1)*cur->size*sizeof(cell)); } else { modheap_i(); } if (dofree) { tmp=cur->prev; free(cur); cur=tmp; } else { cur=cur->prev; } } if (dofree) heap->head=NULL; } void _stack_genusage(memuse_list_t *stack, int dofree) { memuse_t *cur = stack->head; memuse_t *tmp; while (cur) { if (cur->type == MEMUSE_DYNAMIC) { /* no idea yet */ assert(0); } else { modstk(cur->size * sizeof(cell)); } if (dofree) { tmp = cur->prev; free(cur); cur = tmp; } else { cur = cur->prev; } } if (dofree) { stack->head = NULL; } } /** * Pops a heap list and frees it. */ void popheaplist() { memuse_list_t *oldlist; assert(heapusage!=NULL); _heap_freeusage(heapusage, 1); assert(heapusage->head==NULL); oldlist=heapusage->prev; free(heapusage); heapusage=oldlist; } void genstackfree(int stop_id) { memuse_list_t *curlist = stackusage; while (curlist && curlist->list_id > stop_id) { _stack_genusage(curlist, 0); curlist = curlist->prev; } } void genheapfree(int stop_id) { memuse_list_t *curlist = heapusage; while (curlist && curlist->list_id > stop_id) { _heap_freeusage(curlist, 0); curlist = curlist->prev; } } void popstacklist(int codegen) { memuse_list_t *oldlist; assert(stackusage != NULL); if (codegen) { _stack_genusage(stackusage, 1); assert(stackusage->head==NULL); } else { memuse_t *use = stackusage->head; while (use) { memuse_t *temp = use->prev; free(use); use = temp; } } oldlist = stackusage->prev; free(stackusage); stackusage = oldlist; } void resetstacklist() { _reset_memlist(&stackusage); } void resetheaplist() { _reset_memlist(&heapusage); } void methodmap_add(methodmap_t *map) { if (!methodmap_first) { methodmap_first = map; methodmap_last = map; } else { methodmap_last->next = map; methodmap_last = map; } } methodmap_t *methodmap_find_by_tag(int tag) { methodmap_t *ptr = methodmap_first; for (; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { if (ptr->tag == tag) return ptr; } return NULL; } methodmap_t *methodmap_find_by_name(const char *name) { int tag = pc_findtag(name); if (tag == -1) return NULL; return methodmap_find_by_tag(tag); } methodmap_method_t *methodmap_find_method(methodmap_t *map, const char *name) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < map->nummethods; i++) { if (strcmp(map->methods[i]->name, name) == 0) return map->methods[i]; } if (map->parent) return methodmap_find_method(map->parent, name); return NULL; } void methodmaps_free() { methodmap_t *ptr = methodmap_first; while (ptr) { methodmap_t *next = ptr->next; for (size_t i = 0; i < ptr->nummethods; i++) free(ptr->methods[i]); free(ptr->methods); free(ptr); ptr = next; } methodmap_first = NULL; methodmap_last = NULL; } LayoutSpec deduce_layout_spec_by_tag(int tag) { symbol *sym; const char *name; methodmap_t *map; if ((map = methodmap_find_by_tag(tag)) != NULL) return map->spec; if (tag & FUNCTAG) return Layout_FuncTag; name = pc_tagname(tag); if (pstructs_find(name)) return Layout_PawnStruct; if ((sym = findglb(name, sGLOBAL)) != NULL) return Layout_Enum; return Layout_None; } LayoutSpec deduce_layout_spec_by_name(const char *name) { symbol *sym; methodmap_t *map; int tag = pc_findtag(name); if (tag != -1 && (tag & FUNCTAG)) return Layout_FuncTag; if (pstructs_find(name)) return Layout_PawnStruct; if ((map = methodmap_find_by_name(name)) != NULL) return map->spec; if ((sym = findglb(name, sGLOBAL)) != NULL) return Layout_Enum; return Layout_None; } const char *layout_spec_name(LayoutSpec spec) { switch (spec) { case Layout_None: return "<none>"; case Layout_Enum: return "enum"; case Layout_FuncTag: return "functag"; case Layout_PawnStruct: return "deprecated-struct"; case Layout_MethodMap: return "methodmap"; case Layout_Class: return "class"; } return "<unknown>"; } int can_redef_layout_spec(LayoutSpec def1, LayoutSpec def2) { // Normalize the ordering, since these checks are symmetrical. if (def1 > def2) { LayoutSpec temp = def2; def2 = def1; def1 = temp; } switch (def1) { case Layout_None: return TRUE; case Layout_Enum: if (def2 == Layout_Enum || def2 == Layout_FuncTag) return TRUE; return def2 == Layout_MethodMap; case Layout_FuncTag: return def2 == Layout_Enum || def2 == Layout_FuncTag; case Layout_PawnStruct: case Layout_MethodMap: return FALSE; case Layout_Class: return FALSE; } return FALSE; } size_t UTIL_Format(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(buffer, maxlength, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len >= maxlength) { buffer[maxlength - 1] = '\0'; return maxlength - 1; } return len; }