// vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et: // // Copyright (C) 2006-2015 AlliedModders LLC // // This file is part of SourcePawn. SourcePawn is free software: you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // SourcePawn. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. // #include #include #include #include #include "x86/jit_x86.h" #include "environment.h" #include "api.h" #include "zlib/zlib.h" #if defined __GNUC__ #include #endif #if defined WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #elif defined __GNUC__ #include #endif #if defined __linux__ #include #endif #include #include "code-stubs.h" #include "smx-v1-image.h" using namespace sp; using namespace SourcePawn; // ////// // // API v1 // ////// // SourcePawnEngine::SourcePawnEngine() { } const char * SourcePawnEngine::GetErrorString(int error) { return Environment::get()->GetErrorString(error); } void * SourcePawnEngine::ExecAlloc(size_t size) { #if defined WIN32 return VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); #elif defined __GNUC__ # if defined __APPLE__ void *base = valloc(size); # else void *base = memalign(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), size); # endif if (mprotect(base, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC) != 0) { free(base); return NULL; } return base; #endif } void * SourcePawnEngine::AllocatePageMemory(size_t size) { return Environment::get()->AllocateCode(size); } void SourcePawnEngine::SetReadExecute(void *ptr) { /* already re */ } void SourcePawnEngine::SetReadWrite(void *ptr) { /* already rw */ } void SourcePawnEngine::FreePageMemory(void *ptr) { Environment::get()->FreeCode(ptr); } void SourcePawnEngine::ExecFree(void *address) { #if defined WIN32 VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #elif defined __GNUC__ free(address); #endif } void SourcePawnEngine::SetReadWriteExecute(void *ptr) { //:TODO: g_ExeMemory.SetRWE(ptr); SetReadExecute(ptr); } void * SourcePawnEngine::BaseAlloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } void SourcePawnEngine::BaseFree(void *memory) { free(memory); } sp_plugin_t * SourcePawnEngine::LoadFromFilePointer(FILE *fp, int *err) { if (err != NULL) *err = SP_ERROR_ABORTED; return NULL; } sp_plugin_t * SourcePawnEngine::LoadFromMemory(void *base, sp_plugin_t *plugin, int *err) { if (err != NULL) *err = SP_ERROR_ABORTED; return NULL; } int SourcePawnEngine::FreeFromMemory(sp_plugin_t *plugin) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } IDebugListener * SourcePawnEngine::SetDebugListener(IDebugListener *pListener) { IDebugListener *old = Environment::get()->debugger(); Environment::get()->SetDebugger(pListener); return old; } unsigned int SourcePawnEngine::GetEngineAPIVersion() { return 4; } unsigned int SourcePawnEngine::GetContextCallCount() { return 0; } // ////// // // API v2 // ////// // SourcePawnEngine2::SourcePawnEngine2() { } static size_t UTIL_Format(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(buffer, maxlength, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len >= maxlength) { buffer[maxlength - 1] = '\0'; return maxlength - 1; } return len; } IPluginRuntime * SourcePawnEngine2::LoadPlugin(ICompilation *co, const char *file, int *err) { if (co) { if (err) *err = SP_ERROR_PARAM; return nullptr; } IPluginRuntime *rt = LoadBinaryFromFile(file, nullptr, 0); if (!rt) { if (err) { if (FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb")) { fclose(fp); *err = SP_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT; } else { *err = SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } return nullptr; } return rt; } IPluginRuntime * SourcePawnEngine2::LoadBinaryFromFile(const char *file, char *error, size_t maxlength) { FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb"); if (!fp) { UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "file not found"); return nullptr; } ke::AutoPtr image(new SmxV1Image(fp)); fclose(fp); if (!image->validate()) { const char *errorMessage = image->errorMessage(); if (!errorMessage) errorMessage = "file parse error"; UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "%s", errorMessage); return nullptr; } PluginRuntime *pRuntime = new PluginRuntime(image.take()); if (!pRuntime->Initialize()) { delete pRuntime; UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "out of memory"); return nullptr; } size_t len = strlen(file); for (size_t i = len - 1; i < len; i--) { if (file[i] == '/' # if defined WIN32 || file[i] == '\\' # endif ) { pRuntime->SetName(&file[i + 1]); break; } } if (!pRuntime->Name()) pRuntime->SetName(file); return pRuntime; } SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC SourcePawnEngine2::CreateFakeNative(SPVM_FAKENATIVE_FUNC callback, void *pData) { return Environment::get()->stubs()->CreateFakeNativeStub(callback, pData); } void SourcePawnEngine2::DestroyFakeNative(SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC func) { return Environment::get()->FreeCode((void *)func); } const char * SourcePawnEngine2::GetEngineName() { return "SourcePawn 1.7, jit-x86"; } const char * SourcePawnEngine2::GetVersionString() { return SOURCEMOD_VERSION; } IDebugListener * SourcePawnEngine2::SetDebugListener(IDebugListener *listener) { IDebugListener *old = Environment::get()->debugger(); Environment::get()->SetDebugger(listener); return old; } unsigned int SourcePawnEngine2::GetAPIVersion() { return SOURCEPAWN_ENGINE2_API_VERSION; } ICompilation * SourcePawnEngine2::StartCompilation() { return nullptr; } const char * SourcePawnEngine2::GetErrorString(int err) { return Environment::get()->GetErrorString(err); } bool SourcePawnEngine2::Initialize() { return true; } void SourcePawnEngine2::Shutdown() { } IPluginRuntime * SourcePawnEngine2::CreateEmptyRuntime(const char *name, uint32_t memory) { int err; ke::AutoPtr image(new EmptyImage(memory)); PluginRuntime *rt = new PluginRuntime(image.take()); if (!rt->Initialize()) { delete rt; return NULL; } rt->SetName(name != NULL ? name : ""); return rt; } bool SourcePawnEngine2::InstallWatchdogTimer(size_t timeout_ms) { return Environment::get()->InstallWatchdogTimer(timeout_ms); } bool SourcePawnEngine2::SetJitEnabled(bool enabled) { Environment::get()->SetJitEnabled(enabled); return Environment::get()->IsJitEnabled() == enabled; } bool SourcePawnEngine2::IsJitEnabled() { return Environment::get()->IsJitEnabled(); } void SourcePawnEngine2::SetProfiler(IProfiler *profiler) { // Deprecated. } void SourcePawnEngine2::EnableProfiling() { Environment::get()->EnableProfiling(); } void SourcePawnEngine2::DisableProfiling() { Environment::get()->DisableProfiling(); } void SourcePawnEngine2::SetProfilingTool(IProfilingTool *tool) { Environment::get()->SetProfiler(tool); }