# vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et ft=python: import collections import os, sys import subprocess import traceback class SDK(object): def __init__(self, sdk, ext, aDef, name, platform, dir): self.folder = 'hl2sdk-' + dir self.envvar = sdk self.ext = ext self.code = aDef self.define = name self.platform = platform self.name = dir self.path = None # Actual path self.platformSpec = platform # By default, nothing supports x64. if type(platform) is list: self.platformSpec = {p: ['x86'] for p in platform} else: self.platformSpec = platform def shouldBuild(self, targets): for cxx in targets: if cxx.target.platform in self.platformSpec: if cxx.target.arch in self.platformSpec[cxx.target.platform]: return True return False WinOnly = ['windows'] WinLinux = ['windows', 'linux'] WinLinuxMac = ['windows', 'linux', 'mac'] Blade = { 'windows': ['x86', 'x86_64'], 'linux': ['x86_64'], 'mac': ['x86_64'] } CSGO = { 'windows': ['x86'], 'linux': ['x86', 'x86_64'], 'mac': ['x86_64'] } MCV = { 'windows': ['x86_64'], 'linux': ['x86_64'], } Mock = { 'windows': ['x86', 'x86_64'], 'linux': ['x86', 'x86_64'], 'mac': ['x86_64'] } SDKMap = { 'episode1': SDK('HL2SDK', '2.ep1', '1', 'EPISODEONE', WinLinux, 'episode1'), 'ep2': SDK('HL2SDKOB', '2.ep2', '3', 'ORANGEBOX', WinLinux, 'orangebox'), 'css': SDK('HL2SDKCSS', '2.css', '6', 'CSS', WinLinuxMac, 'css'), 'hl2dm': SDK('HL2SDKHL2DM', '2.hl2dm', '7', 'HL2DM', WinLinuxMac, 'hl2dm'), 'dods': SDK('HL2SDKDODS', '2.dods', '8', 'DODS', WinLinuxMac, 'dods'), 'sdk2013': SDK('HL2SDK2013', '2.sdk2013', '9', 'SDK2013', WinLinuxMac, 'sdk2013'), 'tf2': SDK('HL2SDKTF2', '2.tf2', '12', 'TF2', WinLinuxMac, 'tf2'), 'l4d': SDK('HL2SDKL4D', '2.l4d', '13', 'LEFT4DEAD', WinLinuxMac, 'l4d'), 'nucleardawn': SDK('HL2SDKND', '2.nd', '14', 'NUCLEARDAWN', WinLinuxMac, 'nucleardawn'), 'l4d2': SDK('HL2SDKL4D2', '2.l4d2', '16', 'LEFT4DEAD2', WinLinuxMac, 'l4d2'), 'darkm': SDK('HL2SDK-DARKM', '2.darkm', '2', 'DARKMESSIAH', WinOnly, 'darkm'), 'swarm': SDK('HL2SDK-SWARM', '2.swarm', '17', 'ALIENSWARM', WinOnly, 'swarm'), 'bgt': SDK('HL2SDK-BGT', '2.bgt', '4', 'BLOODYGOODTIME', WinOnly, 'bgt'), 'eye': SDK('HL2SDK-EYE', '2.eye', '5', 'EYE', WinOnly, 'eye'), 'mcv': SDK('HL2SDKMCV', '2.mcv', '22', 'MCV', MCV, 'mcv'), 'csgo': SDK('HL2SDKCSGO', '2.csgo', '23', 'CSGO', CSGO, 'csgo'), 'portal2': SDK('HL2SDKPORTAL2', '2.portal2', '18', 'PORTAL2', [], 'portal2'), 'blade': SDK('HL2SDKBLADE', '2.blade', '21', 'BLADE', Blade, 'blade'), 'insurgency': SDK('HL2SDKINSURGENCY', '2.insurgency', '19', 'INSURGENCY', WinLinuxMac, 'insurgency'), 'contagion': SDK('HL2SDKCONTAGION', '2.contagion', '15', 'CONTAGION', WinOnly, 'contagion'), 'bms': SDK('HL2SDKBMS', '2.bms', '11', 'BMS', WinLinux, 'bms'), 'doi': SDK('HL2SDKDOI', '2.doi', '20', 'DOI', WinLinuxMac, 'doi'), 'mock': SDK('HL2SDK-MOCK', '2.mock', '999', 'MOCK', Mock, 'mock'), 'pvkii': SDK('HL2SDKPVKII', '2.pvkii', '10', 'PVKII', WinLinux, 'pvkii'), } # Stable sorting for command equivalence in AMBuild. PossibleSDKs = collections.OrderedDict() for key in sorted(SDKMap.keys()): PossibleSDKs[key] = SDKMap[key] def ResolveEnvPath(env, folder): if env in os.environ: path = os.environ[env] if os.path.isdir(path): return path return None head = os.getcwd() oldhead = None while head != None and head != oldhead: path = os.path.join(head, folder) if os.path.isdir(path): return path oldhead = head head, tail = os.path.split(head) return None def Normalize(path): return os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)) def SetArchFlags(compiler): if compiler.behavior == 'gcc': if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': compiler.cflags += ['-fPIC'] elif compiler.like('msvc'): if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': compiler.defines += ['WIN64'] class SMConfig(object): def __init__(self): self.sdks = {} self.binaries = [] self.spvm = [] self.extensions = [] self.generated_headers = None self.mms_root = None self.mysql_root = {} self.spcomp = None self.spcomp_bins = None self.smx_files = {} self.versionlib = None self.all_targets = [] self.target_archs = set() self.enable_asan = getattr(builder.options, 'enable_asan', False) self.asan_libs = {} if builder.options.targets: target_archs = builder.options.targets.split(',') else: target_archs = ['x86'] if builder.backend != 'amb2': target_archs.append('x86_64') for arch in target_archs: try: cxx = builder.DetectCxx(target_arch = arch) self.target_archs.add(cxx.target.arch) except Exception as e: # Error if archs were manually overridden. if builder.options.targets: raise print('Skipping target {}: {}'.format(arch, e)) continue self.all_targets.append(cxx) if not self.all_targets: raise Exception('No suitable C/C++ compiler was found.') def use_auto_versioning(self): if builder.backend != 'amb2': return False return not getattr(builder.options, 'disable_auto_versioning', False) @property def tag(self): if builder.options.debug == '1': return 'Debug' return 'Release' def detectProductVersion(self): builder.AddConfigureFile('product.version') # For OS X dylib versioning import re with open(os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'product.version'), 'r') as fp: productContents = fp.read() m = re.match('(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*', productContents) if m == None: self.productVersion = '1.0.0' else: major, minor, release = m.groups() self.productVersion = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(major, minor, release) def detectSDKs(self): sdk_list = builder.options.sdks.split(',') use_none = sdk_list[0] == 'none' use_all = sdk_list[0] == 'all' use_present = sdk_list[0] == 'present' for sdk_name in PossibleSDKs: sdk = PossibleSDKs[sdk_name] if sdk.shouldBuild(self.all_targets): if builder.options.hl2sdk_root: sdk_path = os.path.join(builder.options.hl2sdk_root, sdk.folder) else: sdk_path = ResolveEnvPath(sdk.envvar, sdk.folder) if sdk_path is None or not os.path.isdir(sdk_path): if (use_all and sdk_name != 'mock') or sdk_name in sdk_list: raise Exception('Could not find a valid path for {0}'.format(sdk.envvar)) continue if use_all or use_present or sdk_name in sdk_list: sdk.path = Normalize(sdk_path) self.sdks[sdk_name] = sdk if len(self.sdks) < 1 and len(sdk_list) and not use_none: raise Exception('No applicable SDKs were found, nothing to do') if builder.options.mms_path: self.mms_root = builder.options.mms_path else: self.mms_root = ResolveEnvPath('MMSOURCE112', 'mmsource-1.12') if not self.mms_root: self.mms_root = ResolveEnvPath('MMSOURCE_DEV', 'metamod-source') if not self.mms_root: self.mms_root = ResolveEnvPath('MMSOURCE_DEV', 'mmsource-central') if not self.mms_root or not os.path.isdir(self.mms_root): raise Exception('Could not find a source copy of Metamod:Source') self.mms_root = Normalize(self.mms_root) if builder.options.hasMySql: if 'x86' in self.target_archs: if builder.options.mysql_path: self.mysql_root['x86'] = builder.options.mysql_path else: for i in range(10): self.mysql_root['x86'] = ResolveEnvPath('MYSQL55', 'mysql-5.' + str(i)) if self.mysql_root['x86']: break if not self.mysql_root['x86'] or not os.path.isdir(self.mysql_root['x86']): raise Exception('Could not find a path to MySQL. Configure with --no-mysql to disable it.') self.mysql_root['x86'] = Normalize(self.mysql_root['x86']) if 'x86_64' in self.target_archs: if builder.options.mysql64_path: self.mysql_root['x86_64'] = builder.options.mysql64_path else: for i in range(10): self.mysql_root['x86_64'] = ResolveEnvPath('MYSQL55_64', 'mysql-5.' + str(i) + '-x86_64') if self.mysql_root['x86_64']: break if not self.mysql_root['x86_64'] or not os.path.isdir(self.mysql_root['x86_64']): raise Exception('Could not find a path to 64-bit MySQL!') self.mysql_root['x86_64'] = Normalize(self.mysql_root['x86_64']) def configure(self): builder.AddConfigureFile('pushbuild.txt') if not set(self.target_archs).issubset(['x86', 'x86_64']): raise Exception('Unknown target architecture: {0}'.format(self.target_archs)) for cxx in self.all_targets: self.configure_cxx(cxx) def configure_cxx(self, cxx): if cxx.family == 'msvc': if cxx.version < 1914: raise Exception('Only MSVC 2017 15.7 and later are supported, full C++17 support is required.') elif cxx.family == 'gcc': if cxx.version < 'gcc-9': raise Exception('Only GCC versions 9 or later are supported, full C++17 support is required.') elif cxx.family == 'clang': if cxx.version < 'clang-5': raise Exception('Only clang versions 5 or later are supported, full C++17 support is required.') if cxx.like('gcc'): self.configure_gcc(cxx) elif cxx.family == 'msvc': self.configure_msvc(cxx) # Optimizaiton if builder.options.opt == '1': cxx.defines += ['NDEBUG'] # Debugging if builder.options.debug == '1': cxx.defines += ['DEBUG', '_DEBUG'] # Platform-specifics if cxx.target.platform == 'linux': self.configure_linux(cxx) elif cxx.target.platform == 'mac': self.configure_mac(cxx) elif cxx.target.platform == 'windows': self.configure_windows(cxx) # Finish up. cxx.defines += [ 'SOURCEMOD_BUILD', 'SM_USE_VERSIONLIB', ] cxx.includes += [ os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public'), ] if self.use_auto_versioning(): cxx.defines += ['SM_GENERATED_BUILD'] cxx.includes += [ os.path.join(builder.buildPath, 'includes'), os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'versionlib'), ] def configure_gcc(self, cxx): cxx.defines += [ 'stricmp=strcasecmp', '_stricmp=strcasecmp', '_snprintf=snprintf', '_vsnprintf=vsnprintf', 'HAVE_STDINT_H', 'GNUC', ] cxx.cflags += [ '-pipe', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-Wall', '-Werror', '-Wno-unused', '-Wno-switch', '-Wno-array-bounds', '-msse', '-fvisibility=hidden', ] cxx.cxxflags += ['-std=c++17'] cxx.cxxflags += [ '-fno-threadsafe-statics', '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor', '-Wno-overloaded-virtual', '-Wno-register', '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden', ] have_gcc = cxx.family == 'gcc' have_clang = cxx.family == 'clang' if cxx.version >= 'clang-3.9' or cxx.version == 'clang-3.4' or cxx.version > 'apple-clang-6.0': cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-expansion-to-defined'] if cxx.version == 'clang-3.9' or cxx.version == 'apple-clang-8.0': cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-varargs'] if cxx.version >= 'clang-3.4' or cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-7.0': cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override'] if cxx.version >= 'clang-2.9' or cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-3.0': cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-null-dereference'] if have_clang or (cxx.version >= 'gcc-4.6'): cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-narrowing'] if have_clang or (cxx.version >= 'gcc-4.7'): cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor'] if cxx.version >= 'gcc-4.8': cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-unused-result'] if cxx.version >= 'gcc-9.0': cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-class-memaccess', '-Wno-packed-not-aligned'] if have_clang: cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-implicit-exception-spec-mismatch'] if cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-5.1' or cxx.version >= 'clang-3.4': cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-deprecated-register'] else: cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-deprecated'] cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized'] if self.enable_asan: if not have_clang: raise Exception('--enable-asan only supported when using Clang') self.configure_asan(cxx) # Work around SDK warnings. if cxx.version >= 'clang-10.0' or cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-12.0': cxx.cflags += [ '-Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion', '-Wno-tautological-overlap-compare', ] if have_gcc: cxx.cflags += ['-mfpmath=sse'] cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-maybe-uninitialized'] if builder.options.opt == '1': if self.enable_asan: cxx.cflags += ['-O1'] else: cxx.cflags += ['-O3'] # Don't omit the frame pointer. cxx.cflags += ['-fno-omit-frame-pointer'] def configure_msvc(self, cxx): if self.enable_asan: raise Exception('--enable-asan only supported when using Clang') if builder.options.debug == '1': cxx.cflags += ['/MTd'] cxx.linkflags += ['/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt'] else: cxx.cflags += ['/MT'] cxx.defines += [ '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE', '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', '_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE', '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0', ] cxx.cflags += [ '/W3', ] cxx.cxxflags += [ '/EHsc', '/GR-', '/TP', '/std:c++17', ] cxx.linkflags += [ 'kernel32.lib', 'user32.lib', 'gdi32.lib', 'winspool.lib', 'comdlg32.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'ole32.lib', 'oleaut32.lib', 'uuid.lib', 'odbc32.lib', 'odbccp32.lib', ] if builder.options.opt == '1': cxx.cflags += ['/Ox', '/Zo'] cxx.linkflags += ['/OPT:ICF', '/OPT:REF'] if builder.options.debug == '1': cxx.cflags += ['/Od', '/RTC1'] # This needs to be after our optimization flags which could otherwise disable it. # Don't omit the frame pointer. cxx.cflags += ['/Oy-'] def configure_asan(self, cxx): if cxx.target.platform != 'linux': raise Exception('--enable-asan only supported on Linux') cxx.cflags += ['-fsanitize=address'] cxx.linkflags += ['-fsanitize=address'] if cxx.target.arch == 'x86': libclang_rt = 'libclang_rt.asan-i386.so' else: libclang_rt = 'libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.so' try: argv = cxx.cxx_argv + ['--print-file-name', libclang_rt] output = subprocess.check_output(argv) output = output.decode('utf-8') output = output.strip() except: raise Exception('Could not find {}'.format(libclang_rt)) print('ASAN library for {}: {}'.format(cxx.target.arch, output)) print('You will need to LD_PRELOAD this into srcds.') self.asan_libs[cxx.target.arch] = os.path.dirname(output) def configure_linux(self, cxx): cxx.defines += ['_LINUX', 'POSIX', '_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'] cxx.linkflags += ['-lm'] if cxx.family == 'gcc': cxx.linkflags += ['-static-libgcc'] elif cxx.family == 'clang': cxx.linkflags += ['-lgcc_eh'] cxx.linkflags += ['-static-libstdc++'] def configure_mac(self, cxx): cxx.defines += ['OSX', '_OSX', 'POSIX', 'KE_ABSOLUTELY_NO_STL'] cxx.cflags += ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.7'] cxx.linkflags += [ '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7', '-stdlib=libc++', '-lc++', ] cxx.cxxflags += ['-stdlib=libc++'] def configure_windows(self, cxx): cxx.defines += ['WIN32', '_WINDOWS'] def add_libamtl(self): # Add libamtl. self.libamtl = {} for cxx in self.all_targets: def get_configure_fn(cxx): return lambda builder, name: self.StaticLibrary(builder, cxx, name) extra_vars = {'Configure': get_configure_fn(cxx)} libamtl = builder.Build('public/amtl/amtl/AMBuilder', extra_vars) self.libamtl[cxx.target.arch] = libamtl.binary def AddVersioning(self, binary): if binary.compiler.target.platform == 'windows': binary.sources += ['version.rc'] binary.compiler.rcdefines += [ 'BINARY_NAME="{0}"'.format(binary.outputFile), 'RC_COMPILE', ] if self.use_auto_versioning(): binary.compiler.rcdefines += ['SM_GENERATED_BUILD'] elif binary.compiler.target.platform == 'mac': if binary.type == 'library': binary.compiler.postlink += [ '-compatibility_version', '1.0.0', '-current_version', self.productVersion ] if self.use_auto_versioning(): binary.compiler.postlink += [self.versionlib[binary.compiler.target.arch]] binary.compiler.sourcedeps += SM.generated_headers return binary def LibraryBuilder(self, compiler, name): binary = compiler.Library(name) self.AddVersioning(binary) if binary.compiler.like('msvc'): binary.compiler.linkflags += ['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS'] self.AddCxxCompat(binary) # Dumb clang behavior means we have to manually find libclang_rt. if self.enable_asan: binary.compiler.linkflags += [ '-shared-libsan', '-Wl,-rpath={}'.format(self.asan_libs[binary.compiler.target.arch]), ] return binary def ProgramBuilder(self, compiler, name): binary = compiler.Program(name) self.AddVersioning(binary) if '-static-libgcc' in binary.compiler.linkflags: binary.compiler.linkflags.remove('-static-libgcc') if self.enable_asan: binary.compiler.linkflags.append('-static-libsan') if '-lgcc_eh' in binary.compiler.linkflags: binary.compiler.linkflags.remove('-lgcc_eh') if binary.compiler.like('gcc'): binary.compiler.linkflags += ['-lstdc++', '-lpthread'] if binary.compiler.like('msvc'): binary.compiler.linkflags += ['/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'] return binary def StaticLibraryBuilder(self, compiler, name): return compiler.StaticLibrary(name) def Library(self, context, compiler, name): compiler = compiler.clone() SetArchFlags(compiler) return self.LibraryBuilder(compiler, name) def Program(self, context, compiler, name): compiler = compiler.clone() SetArchFlags(compiler) return self.ProgramBuilder(compiler, name) def StaticLibrary(self, context, compiler, name): compiler = compiler.clone() SetArchFlags(compiler) return self.StaticLibraryBuilder(compiler, name) def ConfigureForExtension(self, context, compiler): compiler.cxxincludes += [ os.path.join(context.currentSourcePath), os.path.join(context.currentSourcePath, 'sdk'), os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'extensions'), os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'sourcepawn', 'include'), os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl', 'amtl'), os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl'), ] return compiler def ExtLibrary(self, context, compiler, name): binary = self.Library(context, compiler, name) SetArchFlags(compiler) self.ConfigureForExtension(context, binary.compiler) return binary def AddCxxCompat(self, binary): if binary.compiler.target.platform == 'linux': binary.sources += [ os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl', 'compat', 'stdcxx.cpp'), ] def ConfigureForHL2(self, context, binary, sdk): compiler = binary.compiler SetArchFlags(compiler) compiler.cxxincludes += [ os.path.join(self.mms_root, 'core'), os.path.join(self.mms_root, 'core', 'sourcehook'), ] defines = ['SE_' + PossibleSDKs[i].define + '=' + PossibleSDKs[i].code for i in PossibleSDKs] compiler.defines += defines paths = [ ['public'], ['public', 'engine'], ['public', 'mathlib'], ['public', 'vstdlib'], ['public', 'tier0'], ['public', 'tier1'] ] if sdk.name == 'episode1' or sdk.name == 'darkm': paths.append(['public', 'dlls']) paths.append(['game_shared']) else: paths.append(['public', 'game', 'server']) paths.append(['public', 'toolframework']) paths.append(['game', 'shared']) paths.append(['common']) compiler.defines += ['SOURCE_ENGINE=' + sdk.code] if sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms', 'pvkii'] and compiler.like('gcc'): # The 2013 SDK already has these in public/tier0/basetypes.h compiler.defines.remove('stricmp=strcasecmp') compiler.defines.remove('_stricmp=strcasecmp') compiler.defines.remove('_snprintf=snprintf') compiler.defines.remove('_vsnprintf=vsnprintf') if compiler.like('msvc'): compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_MSVC'] if compiler.target.arch == 'x86': compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_MSVC32'] elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_MSVC64'] compiler.linkflags += ['legacy_stdio_definitions.lib'] else: compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_GCC'] if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': compiler.defines += ['X64BITS', 'PLATFORM_64BITS'] # For everything after Swarm, this needs to be defined for entity networking # to work properly with sendprop value changes. if sdk.name in ['blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'mcv', 'csgo']: compiler.defines += ['NETWORK_VARS_ENABLED'] if sdk.name in ['css', 'hl2dm', 'dods', 'sdk2013', 'bms', 'tf2', 'l4d', 'nucleardawn', 'l4d2', 'pvkii']: if compiler.target.platform in ['linux', 'mac']: compiler.defines += ['NO_HOOK_MALLOC', 'NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE'] if compiler.target.platform == 'linux': if sdk.name in ['csgo', 'blade']: compiler.linkflags.remove('-static-libstdc++') compiler.linkflags += ['-lstdc++'] compiler.defines += ['_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0'] elif compiler.target.platform == 'mac': if sdk.name in ['csgo']: # Switch libc++ to libstdc++ for protobuf linkage. compiler.cxxflags.remove('-stdlib=libc++') compiler.linkflags.remove('-stdlib=libc++') compiler.linkflags.remove('-lc++') compiler.cxxflags += ['-stdlib=libstdc++'] compiler.linkflags += ['-stdlib=libstdc++'] compiler.linkflags += ['-lstdc++'] if 'c++1y' in compiler.cxxflags: compiler.cxxflags.remove('-std=c++1y') compiler.cxxflags += ['-std=c++11'] elif 'c++14' in compiler.cxxflags: compiler.cxxflags.remove('-std=c++14') compiler.cxxflags += ['-std=c++11'] for path in paths: compiler.cxxincludes += [os.path.join(sdk.path, *path)] if compiler.target.platform == 'linux': if sdk.name == 'episode1': lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'linux_sdk') elif sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms', 'pvkii']: lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', 'linux32') elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'linux64') else: lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'linux') elif compiler.target.platform == 'mac': if sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms', 'pvkii']: lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', 'osx32') elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'osx64') else: lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'mac') if compiler.target.platform in ['linux', 'mac']: if sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms', 'pvkii'] or compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': compiler.postlink += [ os.path.join(lib_folder, 'tier1.a'), os.path.join(lib_folder, 'mathlib.a') ] else: compiler.postlink += [ os.path.join(lib_folder, 'tier1_i486.a'), os.path.join(lib_folder, 'mathlib_i486.a') ] if sdk.name in ['blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'mcv', 'csgo']: if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': compiler.postlink += [os.path.join(lib_folder, 'interfaces.a')] else: compiler.postlink += [os.path.join(lib_folder, 'interfaces_i486.a')] dynamic_libs = [] if compiler.target.platform == 'linux': if sdk.name in ['css', 'hl2dm', 'dods', 'tf2', 'sdk2013', 'bms', 'nucleardawn', 'l4d2', 'insurgency', 'doi']: dynamic_libs = ['libtier0_srv.so', 'libvstdlib_srv.so'] elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64' and sdk.name in ['csgo', 'mock']: dynamic_libs = ['libtier0_client.so', 'libvstdlib_client.so'] elif sdk.name in ['l4d', 'blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'csgo', 'pvkii', 'mcv']: dynamic_libs = ['libtier0.so', 'libvstdlib.so'] else: dynamic_libs = ['tier0_i486.so', 'vstdlib_i486.so'] elif compiler.target.platform == 'mac': compiler.linkflags.append('-liconv') dynamic_libs = ['libtier0.dylib', 'libvstdlib.dylib'] elif compiler.target.platform == 'windows': libs = ['tier0', 'tier1', 'vstdlib', 'mathlib'] if sdk.name in ['swarm', 'blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'mcv', 'csgo']: libs.append('interfaces') for lib in libs: if compiler.target.arch == 'x86': lib_path = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', lib) + '.lib' elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64': lib_path = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', 'win64', lib) + '.lib' compiler.linkflags.append(lib_path) for library in dynamic_libs: source_path = os.path.join(lib_folder, library) output_path = os.path.join(binary.localFolder, library) # Ensure the output path exists. context.AddFolder(binary.localFolder) output = context.AddSymlink(source_path, output_path) compiler.weaklinkdeps += [output] compiler.linkflags[0:0] = [library] return binary def HL2Library(self, context, compiler, name, sdk): binary = self.Library(context, compiler, name) self.ConfigureForExtension(context, binary.compiler) return self.ConfigureForHL2(context, binary, sdk) def HL2Config(self, project, context, compiler, name, sdk): binary = project.Configure(compiler, name, '{0} - {1} {2}'.format(self.tag, sdk.name, compiler.target.arch)) self.AddCxxCompat(binary) self.AddVersioning(binary) return self.ConfigureForHL2(context, binary, sdk) def HL2ExtConfig(self, project, context, compiler, name, sdk): binary = project.Configure(compiler, name, '{0} - {1} {2}'.format(self.tag, sdk.name, compiler.target.arch)) self.AddCxxCompat(binary) self.AddVersioning(binary) self.ConfigureForHL2(context, binary, sdk) self.ConfigureForExtension(context, binary.compiler) return binary if getattr(builder, 'target', None) is not None: sys.stderr.write("Your output folder was configured for AMBuild 2.1, and SourceMod is now\n") sys.stderr.write("configured to use AMBuild 2.2. Please remove your output folder and\n") sys.stderr.write("reconfigure to continue.\n") os._exit(1) SM = SMConfig() SM.detectProductVersion() if not getattr(builder.options, 'scripting_only', False): SM.detectSDKs() SM.configure() SM.add_libamtl() # This will clone the list and each cxx object as we recurse, preventing child # scripts from messing up global state. builder.targets = builder.CloneableList(SM.all_targets) if SM.use_auto_versioning(): SM.generated_headers = builder.Build( 'tools/buildbot/Versioning', { 'SM': SM } ) SM.versionlib = builder.Build( 'versionlib/AMBuilder', { 'SM': SM } ) class SPRoot(object): def __init__(self): self.generated_headers = SM.generated_headers # SourcePawn's build scripts are always one-offs, and attach the current target # to the builder, so we have to provide a shim to our StaticLibrary() method. def StaticLibrary(self, builder, name): return SM.StaticLibrary(builder, builder.cxx, name) def Program(self, builder, name): return SM.Program(builder, builder.cxx, name) def Library(self, builder, name): return SM.Library(builder, builder.cxx, name) @property def targets(self): return SM.all_targets @property def libamtl(self): return SM.libamtl SP_build_parts = ['core'] if getattr(builder.options, 'scripting_only', False): SP_build_parts = ['spcomp'] # Build SourcePawn externally. SP = builder.Build('sourcepawn/AMBuildScript', { 'external_root': SPRoot(), 'external_amtl': os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl'), 'external_build': SP_build_parts, }) if len(SP.spcomp) > 1: SM.spcomp = SP.spcomp['x86'] else: SM.spcomp = SP.spcomp[list(SP.spcomp.keys())[0]] SM.spcomp_bins = list(SP.spcomp.values()) if not getattr(builder.options, 'scripting_only', False): for cxx in SM.all_targets: SM.spvm += [ SP.libsourcepawn[cxx.target.arch] ] if getattr(builder.options, 'scripting_only', False): BuildScripts = [ 'tools/buildbot/PackageHelpers', 'tools/buildbot/ToolsPackageScript', ] else: BuildScripts = [ 'loader/AMBuilder', 'core/AMBuilder', 'core/logic/AMBuilder', 'extensions/bintools/AMBuilder', 'extensions/clientprefs/AMBuilder', 'extensions/curl/AMBuilder', 'extensions/cstrike/AMBuilder', 'extensions/dhooks/AMBuilder', 'extensions/geoip/AMBuilder', 'extensions/mysql/AMBuilder', 'extensions/pgsql/AMBuilder', 'extensions/regex/AMBuilder', 'extensions/sdkhooks/AMBuilder', 'extensions/sdktools/AMBuilder', 'extensions/sqlite/AMBuilder', 'extensions/tf2/AMBuilder', 'extensions/topmenus/AMBuilder', 'extensions/updater/AMBuilder', ] if builder.backend == 'amb2': BuildScripts += [ 'plugins/AMBuilder', 'tools/buildbot/PackageHelpers', 'tools/buildbot/PackageScript', ] builder.Build(BuildScripts, { 'SM': SM }) if builder.options.breakpad_dump: builder.Build('tools/buildbot/BreakpadSymbols', { 'SM': SM })